#include "idl_types.h"
interface copychunk
	typedef [public] struct {
		uint8 resume_key[24];
		uint32 context_len;
		/* <56> Windows sends 4 bytes of zero for the context field. */
		uint8 context[4];
	} req_resume_key_rsp;

	typedef struct {
		hyper source_off;
		hyper target_off;
		uint32 length;
		uint32 reserved;
	} srv_copychunk;

	typedef [public] struct {
		uint8 source_key[24];
		uint32 chunk_count;
		uint32 reserved;
		srv_copychunk chunks[chunk_count];
	} srv_copychunk_copy;

	typedef [public] struct {
		uint32 chunks_written;
		uint32 chunk_bytes_written;
		uint32 total_bytes_written;
	} srv_copychunk_rsp;