  plug and play services

import "winreg.idl";

  helpstring("Plug and Play services")
interface ntsvcs
	/* Function: 0x00 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_Disconnect();

	/* Function: 0x01 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_Connect();

	/* Function: 0x02 */

	WERROR PNP_GetVersion(
		[out,ref] uint16 *version

	/* Function: 0x03 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetGlobalState();

	/* Function: 0x04 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_InitDetection();

	/* Function: 0x05 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_ReportLogOn();

	/* Function: 0x06 */

	WERROR PNP_ValidateDeviceInstance(
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *devicepath,
		[in] uint32 flags

	/* Function: 0x07 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetRootDeviceInstance();

	/* Function: 0x08 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetRelatedDeviceInstance();

	/* Function: 0x09 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_EnumerateSubKeys();

	/* Function: 0x0a */

	WERROR PNP_GetDeviceList(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *filter,
		[out,ref] [size_is(*length),length_is(*length)] uint16 *buffer,
		[in,out,ref] uint32 *length,
		[in] uint32 flags

	/* Function: 0x0b */

	WERROR PNP_GetDeviceListSize(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *devicename,
		[out,ref] uint32 *size,
		[in] uint32 flags

	/* Function: 0x0c */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetDepth();

	/* Function: 0x0d */

	const int DEV_REGPROP_DESC = 1;

	WERROR PNP_GetDeviceRegProp(
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *devicepath,
		[in] uint32 property,
		[in,out,ref] winreg_Type *reg_data_type,
		[out,ref] [size_is(*buffer_size)] [length_is(*buffer_size)] uint8 *buffer,
		[in,out,ref] uint32 *buffer_size,
		[in,out,ref] uint32 *needed,
		[in] uint32 flags

	/* Function: 0x0e */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_SetDeviceRegProp();

	/* Function: 0x0f */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetClassInstance();

	/* Function: 0x10 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_CreateKey();

	/* Function: 0x11 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_DeleteRegistryKey();

	/* Function: 0x12 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetClassCount();

	/* Function: 0x13 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetClassName();

	/* Function: 0x14 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_DeleteClassKey();

	/* Function: 0x15 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetInterfaceDeviceAlias();

	/* Function: 0x16 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetInterfaceDeviceList();

	/* Function: 0x17 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetInterfaceDeviceListSize();

	/* Function: 0x18 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_RegisterDeviceClassAssociation();

	/* Function: 0x19 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_UnregisterDeviceClassAssociation();

	/* Function: 0x1a */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetClassRegProp();

	/* Function: 0x1b */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_SetClassRegProp();

	/* Function: 0x1c */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_CreateDevInst();

	/* Function: 0x1d */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_DeviceInstanceAction();

	/* Function: 0x1e */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetDeviceStatus();

	/* Function: 0x1f */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_SetDeviceProblem();

	/* Function: 0x20 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_DisableDevInst();

	/* Function: 0x21 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_UninstallDevInst();

	/* Function: 0x22 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_AddID();

	/* Function: 0x23 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_RegisterDriver();

	/* Function: 0x24 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_QueryRemove();

	/* Function: 0x25 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_RequestDeviceEject();

	/* Function: 0x26 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_IsDockStationPresent();

	/* Function: 0x27 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_RequestEjectPC();

	/* Function: 0x28 */

	WERROR PNP_HwProfFlags(
		[in] uint32 action,
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *devicepath,
		[in] uint32 config,
		[in,out,ref] uint32 *profile_flags,
		[in,out,unique] uint16 *veto_type,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *unknown5,
		[out,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 **unknown5a,
		[in] uint32 name_length,
		[in] uint32 flags

	/* Function: 0x29 */

	typedef struct {
		uint32 profile_handle;
		uint16 friendly_name[80];
		uint32 flags;
	} PNP_HwProfInfo;

	WERROR PNP_GetHwProfInfo(
		[in] uint32 idx,
		[in,out,ref] PNP_HwProfInfo *info,
		[in] uint32 size,
		[in] uint32 flags

	/* Function: 0x2a */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_AddEmptyLogConf();

	/* Function: 0x2b */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_FreeLogConf();

	/* Function: 0x2c */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetFirstLogConf();

	/* Function: 0x2d */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetNextLogConf();

	/* Function: 0x2e */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetLogConfPriority();

	/* Function: 0x2f */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_AddResDes();

	/* Function: 0x30 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_FreeResDes();

	/* Function: 0x31 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetNextResDes();

	/* Function: 0x32 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetResDesData();

	/* Function: 0x33 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetResDesDataSize();

	/* Function: 0x34 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_ModifyResDes();

	/* Function: 0x35 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_DetectResourceLimit();

	/* Function: 0x36 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_QueryResConfList();

	/* Function: 0x37 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_SetHwProf();

	/* Function: 0x38 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_QueryArbitratorFreeData();

	/* Function: 0x39 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_QueryArbitratorFreeSize();

	/* Function: 0x3a */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_RunDetection();

	/* Function: 0x3b */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_RegisterNotification();

	/* Function: 0x3c */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_UnregisterNotification();

	/* Function: 0x3d */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetCustomDevProp();

	/* Function: 0x3e */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetVersionInternal();

	/* Function: 0x3f */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetBlockedDriverInfo();

	/* Function: 0x40 */

	[todo] WERROR PNP_GetServerSideDeviceInstallFlags();