   Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
   Portable SMB ACL interface
   Copyright (C) Jeremy Allison 2000
   Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett 2012
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * Allow the smb_acl interface to be pushed into an NDR blob and
 * read/written in python.
 * The exact layout of these stuctures is CRITICAL, as a SHA-256 hash is
 * taken over these after they are pushed as NDR blobs, and stored in an
 * xattr for ACL verification.
interface smb_acl

	const int SMB_ACL_READ 				= 4;
	const int SMB_ACL_WRITE 			= 2;
	const int SMB_ACL_EXECUTE			= 1;

	/* Types of ACLs. */
	typedef enum {
		SMB_ACL_USER        = 1,
		SMB_ACL_USER_OBJ    = 2,
		SMB_ACL_GROUP       = 3,
		SMB_ACL_OTHER       = 5,
		SMB_ACL_MASK        = 6
	} smb_acl_tag_t;

	typedef struct {
		uid_t uid;
	} smb_acl_user;

	typedef struct {
		gid_t gid;
	} smb_acl_group;

	typedef [switch_type(uint16)] union {
		[case (SMB_ACL_USER)] smb_acl_user user;
		[case (SMB_ACL_USER_OBJ)];
		[case (SMB_ACL_GROUP)] smb_acl_group group;
		[case (SMB_ACL_GROUP_OBJ)];
		[case (SMB_ACL_OTHER)];
		[case (SMB_ACL_MASK)];		
	} smb_acl_entry_info;

	typedef struct {
		smb_acl_tag_t a_type;
		[switch_is(a_type)] smb_acl_entry_info info;
		mode_t a_perm;
	} smb_acl_entry;
	[public] typedef struct {
		int	count;
		[value(0)] int	next;
		[size_is(count)] smb_acl_entry acl[*];
	} smb_acl_t;
	const int SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY		= 0;
	const int SMB_ACL_NEXT_ENTRY		= 1;
	const int SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS		= 0;
	const int SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT		= 1;

	/* A wrapper of all the information required to reproduce an
	 * ACL, so we can hash it for the acl_xattr and acl_tdb
	 * modules */
	[public] typedef struct {
		smb_acl_t *access_acl;
		smb_acl_t *default_acl; /* NULL on files */
		uid_t owner;
		gid_t group;
		mode_t mode;
	} smb_acl_wrapper;