#    Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
#    documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
#    this format, e.g. by running:
#         info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
#         info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
#    Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
#            /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
#         or http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/README-trans
#    Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: samba\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-13 17:05-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-05 12:04+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Miroslav Kure <kurem@debian.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <provoz@debian.cz>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:3
msgid "Character Set for Unix filesystem"
msgstr "Znakov� sada pro unixov� souborov� syst�m"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:3
msgid ""
"You currently have a \"character set\" configured in your smb.conf.  In "
"Samba 3.0, this option is replaced by a new option, \"unix charset\". Please "
"specify the character set you wish to use for theis new option, which "
"controls how Samba interprets filenames on the file system."
msgstr ""
"Moment�ln� m�te ve sv�m smb.conf nastavenou volbu \"character set\". V Samb� "
"3.0 je tato volba nahrazena volbou \"unix charset\". Zadejte, pros�m, "
"znakovou sadu, kterou chcete pou��t pro novou volbu. T�mto nastav�te, jak m� "
"Samba interpretovat n�zvy soubor� v souborov�m syst�mu."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:3
msgid "If you leave this option blank, your smb.conf will not be changed."
msgstr "Pokud nezad�te nic, v� smb.conf se nezm�n�."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:13
msgid "Character Set for DOS clients"
msgstr "Znakov� sada pro DOSov� klienty."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:13
msgid ""
"You currently have a \"client code page\" set in your smb.conf.  In Samba "
"3.0, this option is replaced by the option \"dos charset\".  Please specify "
"the character set you wish to use for this new option.  In most cases, the "
"default chosen for you will be sufficient.  Note that this option is not "
"needed to support Windows clients, it is only for DOS clients.  If you leave "
"this option blank, your smb.conf will not be changed."
msgstr ""
"Moment�ln� m�te ve sv�m smb.conf nastavenou volbu \"client code page\". V "
"Samb� 3.0 je tato volba nahrazena volbou \"dos charset\". Zadejte, pros�m, "
"znakovou sadu, kterou chcete pou��t pro novou volbu. Ve v�t�in� p��pad� "
"posta�uje implicitn� hodnota. Tato volba nen� pot�ebn� pro Windowsov� "
"klienty, pouze pro DOSov� klienty. Pokud nezad�te nic, v� smb.conf se "

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:24
msgid "Modify smb.conf to use WINS settings from DHCP?"
msgstr "Upravit smb.conf, aby pou��val WINS nastaven� z DHCP?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:24
msgid ""
"If your computer gets IP address information from a DHCP server on the "
"network, the DHCP server may also provide information about WINS servers "
"(\"NetBIOS name servers\") present on the network.  This requires a change "
"to your smb.conf file so that DHCP-provided WINS settings will automatically "
"be read from /etc/samba/dhcp.conf."
msgstr ""
"Pokud v� po��ta� z�sk�v� IP adresu z DHCP serveru, m��ete v�m tento server "
"nab�zet tak� informace o WINS serverech (jmenn�ch serverech NetBIOSu), kter� "
"jsou dostupn� ve va�� s�ti. To vy�aduje z�sah do souboru smb.conf, kde se "
"nastav�, aby se informace o WINS serverech na��taly ze souboru /etc/samba/"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:24
msgid ""
"You must have the dhcp3-client package installed to take advantage of this "
msgstr ""
"Pro vyu�it� t�to vlastnosti mus�te m�t nainstalovan� bal�k dhcp3-client."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:37
msgid "Configure smb.conf through debconf?"
msgstr "Konfigurovat smb.conf p�es debconf?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:37
msgid ""
"The rest of the configuration of Samba deals with questions that affect "
"parameters in /etc/samba/smb.conf, which is the file used to configure the "
"Samba programs (nmbd and smbd.) Your current smb.conf contains an 'include' "
"line or an option that spans multiple lines, which could confuse debconf and "
"require you to edit your smb.conf by hand to get it working again."
msgstr ""
"Zbytek konfigurace Samby se zab�v� ot�zkami, kter� m�n� parametry v /etc/"
"samba/smb.conf, co� je soubor pou��van� pro nastaven� program� nmbd a smbd "
"(dohromady tvo�� Sambu). V� st�vaj�c� smb.conf obsahuje ��dek 'include' "
"nebo volbu, kter� se t�hne p�es v�ce ��dk�, co� m��e zm�st debconf a m��e "
"zp�sobit, �e pro znovuzprovozn�n� Samby budete muset upravit smb.conf ru�n�."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:37
msgid ""
"If you don't use debconf to configure smb.conf, you will have to handle any "
"configuration changes yourself, and will not be able to take advantage of "
"periodic configuration enhancements.  Therefore, use of debconf is "
"recommended if possible."
msgstr ""
"Pokud pro konfiguraci smb.conf nepou��v�te debconf, budete muset zvl�dnout "
"v�echna nastaven� sami a nebudete moci vyu��vat v�hod pravideln�ch vylep�en� "
"tohoto souboru. Z tohoto pohledu je pou�it� debconf doporu�en� volba."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:52
msgid "Workgroup/Domain Name?"
msgstr "Skupina/Dom�nov� jm�no?"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:52
msgid ""
"This controls what workgroup your server will appear to be in when queried "
"by clients. Note that this parameter also controls the Domain name used with "
"the security=domain setting."
msgstr ""
"Zde m��ete zadat jm�no skupiny, do kter� m� server pat�it. T�mto parametrem "
"tak� nastav�te dom�nov� jm�no pou��van� s nastaven�m security=domain."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:60
msgid "Use password encryption?"
msgstr "Pou��t �ifrov�n� hesel?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba-common.templates:60
msgid ""
"Recent Windows clients communicate with SMB servers using encrypted "
"passwords. If you want to use clear text passwords you will need to change a "
"parameter in your Windows registry. It is recommended that you use encrypted "
"passwords. If you do, make sure you have a valid /etc/samba/smbpasswd file "
"and that you set passwords in there for each user using the smbpasswd "
msgstr ""
"Sou�asn� windowsov� klienti pou��vaj� p�i komunikaci se SMB servery "
"za�ifrovan� hesla. Pokud chcete pou��t hesla neza�ifrovan�, mus�te zm�nit "
"jeden parametr v registrech syst�mu Windows. Doporu�ujeme pou��vat "
"za�ifrovan� hesla. Hesla m��ete jednotliv�m u�ivatel�m p�idat p��kazem "

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:4
msgid "Create samba password database, /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb?"
msgstr "Vytvo�it datab�zi hesel /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:4
msgid ""
"To be compatible with the defaults in most versions of Windows, Samba must "
"be configured to use encrypted passwords.  This requires user passwords to "
"be stored in a file separate from /etc/passwd. This file can be created "
"automatically, but the passwords must be added manually (by you or the user) "
"by running smbpasswd, and you must arrange to keep it up-to-date in the "
"future.  If you do not create it, you will have to reconfigure samba (and "
"probably your client machines) to use plaintext passwords. See /usr/share/"
"doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/ENCRYPTION.html from the samba-doc package for more "
msgstr ""
"Pro dosa�en� co nejv�t�� kompatibility s v�t�inou verz� syst�mu Windows mus� "
"b�t Samba nastavena, aby pou��vala �ifrovan� hesla. To vy�aduje, aby byla "
"hesla uchov�na mimo souboru /etc/passwd. Po�adovan� soubor m��ete nechat "
"vytvo�it automaticky, ale hesla do n�j mus� b�t p�id�na ru�n� programem "
"smbpasswd (bu� v�mi, nebo u�ivatelem) a tak� jej mus�te udr�ovat "
"aktualizovan�. Pokud jej nevytvo��te, budete muset nastavit Sambu (a "
"pravd�podobn� tak� klienty), aby pou��vala ne�ifrovan� hesla. Podrobnosti "
"naleznete v /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/ENCRYPTION.html z bal�ku samba-"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:17
msgid "Samba's log files have moved."
msgstr "Logovac� soubory Samby se p�esunuly."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:17
msgid ""
"Starting with the first packages of Samba 2.2 for Debian the log files for "
"both Samba daemons (nmbd and smbd) are now stored in /var/log/samba/. The "
"names of the files are log.nmbd and log.smbd, for nmbd and smbd respectively."
msgstr ""
"Od prvn�ch debian�ch bal��k� Samby verze 2.2 jsou logovac� soubory obou "
"server� (nmbd a smbd) um�st�ny ve /var/log/samba/. N�zvy p��slu�n�ch soubor� "
"jsou log.nmbd a log.smbd."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:17
msgid ""
"The old log files that were in /var/log/ will be moved to the new location "
"for you."
msgstr ""
"Star� soubory z adres��e /var/log/ budou p�esunuty na nov� m�sto automaticky."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:28
msgid "Running nmbd from inetd is no longer supported"
msgstr "Spou�t�n� nmbd z inetd ji� nen� podporov�no"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:28
msgid ""
"Your system was previously configured to start nmbd and smbd from inetd.  As "
"of version 2.999+3.0.alpha20-4, nmbd will no longer be started from inetd.  "
"If you have modified your /etc/init.d/samba startup script, you may need to "
"adjust it by hand now so that nmbd will start."
msgstr ""
"V� syst�m byl p�vodn� nastaven, aby spou�t�l nmbd a smbd z inetd. Od verze "
"2.999+3.0.alpha20-4 ji� nelze nmbd spou�t�t z inetd. Pokud jste si upravili "
"startovac� skript /etc/init.d/samba, mo�n� jej nyn� budete muset upravit pro "
"korektn� start nmbd."

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../samba.templates:36
msgid "daemons, inetd"
msgstr "d�moni, inetd"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:38
msgid "How do you want to run Samba?"
msgstr "Jak chcete spou�t�t Sambu?"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:38
msgid ""
"The Samba daemon smbd can run as a normal daemon or from inetd. Running as a "
"daemon is the recommended approach."
msgstr ""
"Server Samby smbd m��e b�et jako oby�ejn� d�mon (doporu�eno), nebo se m��e "
"spou�t�t z inetd."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:45
msgid "Move /etc/samba/smbpasswd to /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb?"
msgstr "P�esunout /etc/samba/smbpasswd do /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../samba.templates:45
msgid ""
"Samba 3.0 introduces a newer, more complete SAM database interface which "
"supersedes the /etc/samba/smbpasswd file.  Would you like your existing "
"smbpasswd file to be migrated to /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb for you?  If you "
"plan to use another pdb backend (e.g., LDAP) instead, you should answer 'no' "
msgstr ""
"Samba 3.0 zavedla nov�, kompletn�j�� rozhran� k SAM datab�zi, je� p�ekon�v� "
"p�vodn� soubor /etc/samba/smbpasswd. Chcete p�ev�st st�vaj�c� soubor "
"smbpasswd na /var/lib/samba/passwd.tdb? Pokud pl�nujete pou��t jinou pdb "
"datab�zi (t�eba LDAP), m�li byste odpon�d�t 'ne'."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../swat.templates:3
msgid "Your smb.conf will be re-written!"
msgstr "V� smb.conf bude p�eps�n!"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../swat.templates:3
msgid ""
"SWAT will rewrite your smb.conf file. It will rearrange the entries and "
"delete all comments, include= and copy= options. If you have a carefully "
"crafted smb.conf then back it up or don't use SWAT!"
msgstr ""
"SWAT p�ep��e v� soubor smb.conf. Mj. p�eskl�d� polo�ky a sma�e v�echny "
"koment��e a volby include= a copy=. Pokud m�te pracn� odlad�n� smb.conf, tak "
"si jej zaz�lohujte, nebo nepou��vejte SWAT!"