
# Extract the skeleton directory structure into which samba will be installed.
tar xvf skeleton.tar

# Now link the skeleton directory structure into the final install tree.
( cd /usr/local;
	mv man man.orig;
	mv samba samba.orig;
		ln -sf $NOWDIR/usr/local/man man;
		ln -sf $NOWDIR/usr/local/samba samba; )

# Unpack the master source tarball
gunzip samba-X.X.X.tar.gz
tar xvf samba-X.X.X.tar

# Now build the binary files
cd samba-X.X.X/source
make install

# Install into the packaging tree that full reflects the final install tree
cd $NOWDIR/usr/local/samba
cp -pr man ../
rm -rf man

# Create the package tarball
tar cvf install.tar usr var

# Clean up original sources preserving all configured files
#        Note: This will allow installers to check build options
cd samba-X.X.X/source/bin
rm -f *
cd ..
make clean
cd ../..
tar cvf samba-X.X.X.tar samba-X.X.X
rm -rf samba-X.X.X
rm -rf usr var
cd ..
tar cvf samba-X.X.X-OS-Version-CPU.tar samba-X.X.X
gzip samba-X.X.X-OS-Version-CPU.tar

# We now have the distribution package, now restore our runtime system
cd samba-X.X.X
tar xcf install.tar

# Please test operation before shipping the binary distribution package
# to the samba-team.