#!/bin/sh # This file goes through all the necessary steps to build a release package. # You may specify a OS major version number (4, 5, or 6) to specify which # OS release to build. If no version number is given it will default to 6. # create the catman versions of the manual pages # echo Making manual pages ./mkman # build the sources # echo Making binaries ./makefile.pl $1 # create the Makefile for the specified OS ver cd ../../source # make -f ../packaging/SGI/Makefile clean make -f ../packaging/SGI/Makefile all cd ../packaging/SGI # generate the packages # echo Generating Inst Packages ./spec.pl # create the samba.spec file ./idb.pl # create the samba.idb file if [ ! -d bins ]; then mkdir bins fi # do the packaging /usr/sbin/gendist -rbase / -sbase ../.. -idb samba.idb -spec samba.spec -dist ./bins -all