# this creates prototype files
pkgproto * > prototype
nawk 'BEGIN { print "# d   directory"
	print "# e   a file to be edited upon installation or removal"
	print "# f   a standard executable or data file"
	print "# i   installation script or information file"
	print "# l   linked file"
	print "# s   symbolic link"
	print "# v   volatile file (one whose contents are expected to
	print "#" }
/ pkginfo /	{ print "i pkginfo" ; next }
/ postinstall /	{ print "i postinstall" ; next }
/ postremove /	{ print "i postremove" ; next }
/d none usr /	{ print "d none usr ? ? ?" ; next }
/d none usr\/local /	{ print "d none usr/local ? ? ?" ; next }
/d none etc /	{ print "d none etc ? ? ?" ; next }
/f none etc\//	{ $1 = "v" }
/d none opt /	{ print "d none opt ? ? ?" ; next }
/d none var /	{ print "d none var ? ? ?" ; next }
/none prototype / { next }
/none mkprototype / { next }
/ src[ \/]/ { next }
/^[dfv]/ { $5 = "bin"
	$6 = "bin"
	next }
{ print }' prototype >/tmp/prototype.$$
mv /tmp/prototype.$$ prototype