Template: samba4-server/setup-pdc Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Set up Samba 4 as a PDC? Do you want to set up Samba 4 as an Active Directory PDC? If you answer "no", Samba will be left unconfigured, and you will have to provision and make configuration files by hand. . Note that even if you answer "yes", you will need to set up DNS such that it serves the data from the zone file in that directory before you can use your Active Directory domain. Template: samba4-server/realm Type: string _Description: Realm What Kerberos realm will your server be in? In many cases, this will be the same as your DNS domain name (ie. YOUR.REALM). Template: samba4-server/domain Type: string _Description: Domain What will be the domain of your server? This is also known as the "workgroup" of your server, and is typically a short name without any dots (ie. DOMAIN). Template: samba4-server/password Type: password _Description: Administrator password You will need a password for the "Administrator" account. Note that in the current version of the packaging, this will be visible in "ps" for a short time for everybody on the system, so you might not want to use a very sensitive password here.