/* * Samba, configurable PMDA * * Copyright (c) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement * or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or * otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with * other software, or any other product whatsoever. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, * Mountain View, CA 94043, or: * * http://www.sgi.com * * For further information regarding this notice, see: * * http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/SGIGPLNoticeExplan/ */ typedef int BOOL; #define IRIX 1 #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <pcp/pmapi.h> #ifdef IRIX #include <pcp/impl.h> #endif #include <pcp/pmda.h> #include "domain.h" #include "profile.h" #include "metrics.h" static pmdaInstid *counttime = NULL; static pmdaInstid *bytes = NULL; /* * List of instance domains */ static pmdaIndom indomtab[] = { {COUNT_TIME_INDOM,0,NULL}, {BYTE_INDOM,0,NULL} }; /* * all metrics supported in this PMDA - one table entry for each */ static pmdaMetric metrictab[] = { /* smbd.smb_count */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* smbd.uid_changes */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(0,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* statcache.lookups */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(1,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* statcache.misses */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(1,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* statcache.hits */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(1,2), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.num_caches */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.allocated_caches */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.read_hits */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,2), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.total_writes */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,3), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.init_writes */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,4), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.abutted_writes */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,5), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.perfect_writes */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,6), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.direct_writes */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,7), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.non_oplock_writes */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,8), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.seek_flush */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,9), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.read_flush */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,10), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.write_flush */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,11), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.readraw_flush */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,12), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.oplock_rel_flush */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,13), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.close_flush */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,14), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.sync_flush */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,15), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* writecache.size_change_flush */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(2,16), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* counts instance domain */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(3,0), PM_TYPE_U32, COUNT_TIME_INDOM, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE} }, }, /* times instance domain */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(4,0), PM_TYPE_U32, COUNT_TIME_INDOM, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_USEC,0} }, }, /* bytes instance domain */ { NULL, { PMDA_PMID(5,0), PM_TYPE_U32, BYTE_INDOM, PM_SEM_COUNTER, { 1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0} }, } }; extern int errno; struct profile_stats *stats; struct profile_header *shmheader; int shmid = -1; int samba_fetchCallBack(pmdaMetric *mdesc, unsigned int inst, pmAtomValue *atom) { __pmID_int *idp = (__pmID_int *)&(mdesc->m_desc.pmid); if (inst != PM_IN_NULL && mdesc->m_desc.indom == PM_INDOM_NULL) return PM_ERR_INST; if (idp->cluster == 0) { switch (idp->item) { case 0: /* smbd.smb_count */ atom->ul = stats->smb_count; break; case 1: /* smb.uid_changes */ atom->ul = stats->uid_changes; break; default: return PM_ERR_PMID; } } else if (idp->cluster == 1) { /* statcache */ switch (idp->item) { case 0: /* statcache.lookups */ atom->ul = stats->statcache_lookups; break; case 1: /* statcache.misses */ atom->ul = stats->statcache_misses; break; case 2: /* statcache.hits */ atom->ul = stats->statcache_hits; break; default: return PM_ERR_PMID; } } else if (idp->cluster == 2) { /* writecache */ switch (idp->item) { case 0: /* writecache.num_caches */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_num_write_caches; break; case 1: /* writecache.allocated_caches */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_allocated_write_caches; break; case 2: /* writecache.read_hits */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_read_hits; break; case 3: /* writecache.total_writes */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_total_writes; break; case 4: /* writecache.init_writes */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_init_writes; break; case 5: /* writecache.abutted_writes */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_abutted_writes; break; case 6: /* writecache.perfect_writes */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_num_perfect_writes; break; case 7: /* writecache.direct_writes */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_direct_writes; break; case 8: /* writecache.non_oplock_writes */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_non_oplock_writes; break; case 9: /* writecache.seek_flush */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_flushed_writes[SEEK_FLUSH]; break; case 10: /* writecache.read_flush */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_flushed_writes[READ_FLUSH]; break; case 11: /* writecache.write_flush */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_flushed_writes[WRITE_FLUSH]; break; case 12: /* writecache.readraw_flush */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_flushed_writes[READRAW_FLUSH]; break; case 13: /* writecache.oplock_rel_flush */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_flushed_writes[OPLOCK_RELEASE_FLUSH]; break; case 14: /* writecache.close_flush */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_flushed_writes[CLOSE_FLUSH]; break; case 15: /* writecache.sync_flush */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_flushed_writes[SYNC_FLUSH]; break; case 16: /* writecache.size_change_flush */ atom->ul = stats->writecache_flushed_writes[SIZECHANGE_FLUSH]; break; default: return PM_ERR_PMID; } } else if (idp->cluster == 3) { /* counts */ if (idp->item == 0) { if (inst < indomtab[COUNT_TIME_INDOM].it_numinst) { unsigned *p; p = (unsigned *)((unsigned)stats + samba_counts[inst].offset); atom->ul = *p; } else return PM_ERR_INST; } else return PM_ERR_PMID; } else if (idp->cluster == 4) { /* times */ if (idp->item == 0) { if (inst < indomtab[COUNT_TIME_INDOM].it_numinst) { unsigned *p; p = (unsigned *)((unsigned)stats + samba_times[inst].offset); atom->ul = *p; } else return PM_ERR_INST; } else return PM_ERR_PMID; } else if (idp->cluster == 5) { /* bytes */ if (idp->item == 0) { if (inst < indomtab[BYTE_INDOM].it_numinst) { unsigned *p; p = (unsigned *)((unsigned)stats + samba_bytes[inst].offset); atom->ul = *p; } else return PM_ERR_INST; } else return PM_ERR_PMID; } else return PM_ERR_PMID; return 0; } void samba_init(pmdaInterface *dp) { int inst_count, i; if (dp->status != 0) return; if ((shmid = shmget(PROF_SHMEM_KEY, 0, 0)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "shmid: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(stderr, "samba not compiled with profile support or not running\n"); exit(1); } shmheader = (struct profile_header *)shmat(shmid, NULL, SHM_RDONLY); if ((int)shmheader == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "shmat: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /* * Initialize lists of instances */ inst_count = sizeof(samba_counts)/sizeof(samba_counts[0]); counttime = (pmdaInstid *)malloc(inst_count * sizeof(pmdaInstid)); if (counttime == NULL) { __pmNoMem("count&time",inst_count * sizeof(pmdaInstid),PM_FATAL_ERR); /* NOTREACHED*/ } for (i = 0; i < inst_count; i++) { counttime[i].i_inst = i; counttime[i].i_name = samba_counts[i].name; } indomtab[COUNT_TIME_INDOM].it_numinst = inst_count; indomtab[COUNT_TIME_INDOM].it_set = counttime; inst_count = sizeof(samba_bytes)/sizeof(samba_bytes[0]); bytes = (pmdaInstid *)malloc(inst_count * sizeof(pmdaInstid)); if (bytes == NULL) { __pmNoMem("bytes",inst_count * sizeof(pmdaInstid),PM_FATAL_ERR); /* NOTREACHED*/ } for (i = 0; i < inst_count; i++) { bytes[i].i_inst = i; bytes[i].i_name = samba_bytes[i].name; } indomtab[BYTE_INDOM].it_numinst = inst_count; indomtab[BYTE_INDOM].it_set = bytes; pmdaSetFetchCallBack(dp, samba_fetchCallBack); pmdaInit(dp, indomtab, sizeof(indomtab)/sizeof(indomtab[0]), metrictab, sizeof(metrictab)/sizeof(metrictab[0])); /* validate the data */ if (!shmheader) /* not mapped yet */ fprintf(stderr, "samba_init: shmem not mapped\n"); else if (shmheader->prof_shm_magic != PROF_SHM_MAGIC) fprintf(stderr, "samba_init: bad magic\n"); else if (shmheader->prof_shm_version != PROF_SHM_VERSION) fprintf(stderr, "samba_init: bad version %X\n", shmheader->prof_shm_version); else { stats = &shmheader->stats; return; /* looks OK */ } exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int err = 0; char *p; pmdaInterface dispatch; for (p = pmProgname = argv[0]; *p; p++) if (*p == '/') pmProgname = p+1; pmdaDaemon(&dispatch, PMDA_INTERFACE_2, pmProgname, SAMBA, "samba.log", "/var/pcp/pmdas/samba/help"); if (pmdaGetOpt(argc, argv, "D:d:l:?", &dispatch, &err) != EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options]\n\n\ Options:\n\ -d domain use domain (numeric) for metrics domain of PMDA\n\ -l logfile write log into logfile rather than using default log name\n", pmProgname); exit(1); } pmdaOpenLog(&dispatch); samba_init(&dispatch); pmdaConnect(&dispatch); pmdaMain(&dispatch); exit(0); /*NOTREACHED*/ }