#!/usr/bin/perl # (C) 2007 Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@samba.org> # Published under the GNU General Public License use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 27; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use lib "$RealBin"; use Util; use Parse::Pidl::Util qw(MyDumper); use Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Header qw( GenerateFunctionInEnv GenerateFunctionOutEnv GenerateStructEnv EnvSubstituteValue); use Parse::Pidl::IDL qw(parse_string); use Parse::Pidl::NDR; sub parse_idl($) { my $text = shift; my $idl = Parse::Pidl::IDL::parse_string($text, "nofile"); my $ndr = Parse::Pidl::NDR::Parse($idl); return Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Header::Parse($ndr); } like(parse_idl(""), qr/\/\* header auto-generated by pidl \*\/\n/sm, "includes work"); like(parse_idl("interface x {}"), qr/\/\* header auto-generated by pidl \*\/\n/sm, "simple empty interface doesn't cause overhead"); like(parse_idl("interface p { typedef struct { int y; } x; };"), qr/.*#ifndef _HEADER_p\n#define _HEADER_p\n.+\n#endif \/\* _HEADER_p \*\/.*/ms, "ifdefs are created"); like(parse_idl("interface p { typedef struct { int y; } x; };"), qr/struct x.*{.*int32_t y;.*}.*;/sm, "interface member generated properly"); like(parse_idl("interface x { void foo (void); };"), qr/struct foo.*{\s+int _dummy_element;\s+};/sm, "void fn contains dummy element"); like(parse_idl("interface x { void foo ([in] uint32 x); };"), qr/struct foo.*{\s+struct\s+{\s+uint32_t x;\s+} in;\s+};/sm, "fn in arg works"); like(parse_idl("interface x { void foo ([out] uint32 x); };"), qr/struct foo.*{.*struct\s+{\s+uint32_t x;\s+} out;.*};/sm, "fn out arg works"); like(parse_idl("interface x { void foo ([in,out] uint32 x); };"), qr/struct foo.*{.*struct\s+{\s+uint32_t x;\s+} in;\s+struct\s+{\s+uint32_t x;\s+} out;.*};/sm, "fn in,out arg works"); like(parse_idl("interface x { void foo (uint32 x); };"), qr/struct foo.*{.*struct\s+{\s+uint32_t x;\s+} in;\s+struct\s+{\s+uint32_t x;\s+} out;.*};/sm, "fn with no props implies in,out"); like(parse_idl("interface p { struct x { int y; }; };"), qr/struct x.*{.*int32_t y;.*}.*;/sm, "interface member generated properly"); like(parse_idl("interface p { struct x { struct y z; }; };"), qr/struct x.*{.*struct y z;.*}.*;/sm, "tagged type struct member"); like(parse_idl("interface p { struct x { union y z; }; };"), qr/struct x.*{.*union y z;.*}.*;/sm, "tagged type union member"); like(parse_idl("interface p { struct x { }; };"), qr/struct x.*{.*char _empty_;.*}.*;/sm, "empty struct"); like(parse_idl("interface p { struct x; };"), qr/struct x;/sm, "struct declaration"); like(parse_idl("interface p { typedef struct x { int p; } x; };"), qr/struct x.*{.*int32_t p;.*};/sm, "double struct declaration"); like(parse_idl("cpp_quote(\"some-foo\")"), qr/some-foo/sm, "cpp quote"); # Make sure GenerateFunctionInEnv and GenerateFunctionOutEnv work my $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { DIRECTION => ["in"], NAME => "foo" } ] }; is_deeply({ "foo" => "r->in.foo" }, GenerateFunctionInEnv($fn)); $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { DIRECTION => ["out"], NAME => "foo" } ] }; is_deeply({ "foo" => "r->out.foo" }, GenerateFunctionOutEnv($fn)); $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { DIRECTION => ["out", "in"], NAME => "foo" } ] }; is_deeply({ "foo" => "r->in.foo" }, GenerateFunctionInEnv($fn)); $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { DIRECTION => ["out", "in"], NAME => "foo" } ] }; is_deeply({ "foo" => "r->out.foo" }, GenerateFunctionOutEnv($fn)); $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { DIRECTION => ["in"], NAME => "foo" } ] }; is_deeply({ "foo" => "r->in.foo" }, GenerateFunctionOutEnv($fn)); $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { DIRECTION => ["out"], NAME => "foo" } ] }; is_deeply({ }, GenerateFunctionInEnv($fn)); $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { NAME => "foo" }, { NAME => "bar" } ] }; is_deeply({ foo => "r->foo", bar => "r->bar", this => "r" }, GenerateStructEnv($fn, "r")); $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { NAME => "foo" }, { NAME => "bar" } ] }; is_deeply({ foo => "some->complex.variable->foo", bar => "some->complex.variable->bar", this => "some->complex.variable" }, GenerateStructEnv($fn, "some->complex.variable")); $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { NAME => "foo", PROPERTIES => { value => 3 }} ] }; my $env = GenerateStructEnv($fn, "r"); EnvSubstituteValue($env, $fn); is_deeply($env, { foo => 3, this => "r" }); $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { NAME => "foo" }, { NAME => "bar" } ] }; $env = GenerateStructEnv($fn, "r"); EnvSubstituteValue($env, $fn); is_deeply($env, { foo => 'r->foo', bar => 'r->bar', this => "r" }); $fn = { ELEMENTS => [ { NAME => "foo", PROPERTIES => { value => 0 }} ] }; $env = GenerateStructEnv($fn, "r"); EnvSubstituteValue($env, $fn); is_deeply($env, { foo => 0, this => "r" });