#!/usr/bin/env python # run tests on all Samba subprojects and push to a git tree on success # Copyright Andrew Tridgell 2010 # released under GNU GPL v3 or later from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import os, signal, tarfile, sys, time from optparse import OptionParser cleanup_list = [] tasks = { "source3" : [ "./autogen.sh", "./configure.developer ${PREFIX}", "make basics", "make -j", "make test" ], "source4" : [ "./autogen.sh", "./configure.developer ${PREFIX}", "make -j", "make test" ], "source4/lib/ldb" : [ "./autogen-waf.sh", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "make -j", "make test" ], "lib/tdb" : [ "./autogen-waf.sh", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "make -j", "make test" ], "lib/talloc" : [ "./autogen-waf.sh", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "make -j", "make test" ], "lib/replace" : [ "./autogen-waf.sh", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "make -j", "make test" ], "lib/tevent" : [ "./autogen-waf.sh", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "make -j", "make test" ], } def run_cmd(cmd, dir=".", show=None): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dir) if show is None: show = options.verbose if show: print("Running: '%s' in '%s'" % (cmd, dir)) ret = os.system(cmd) os.chdir(cwd) if ret != 0: raise Exception("FAILED %s: %d" % (cmd, ret)) class builder: '''handle build of one directory''' def __init__(self, name, sequence): self.name = name self.tag = self.name.replace('/', '_') self.sequence = sequence self.next = 0 self.stdout_path = "%s/%s.stdout" % (options.testbase, self.tag) self.stderr_path = "%s/%s.stderr" % (options.testbase, self.tag) cleanup_list.append(self.stdout_path) cleanup_list.append(self.stderr_path) run_cmd("rm -f %s %s" % (self.stdout_path, self.stderr_path)) self.stdout = open(self.stdout_path, 'w') self.stderr = open(self.stderr_path, 'w') self.stdin = open("/dev/null", 'r') self.sdir = "%s/%s" % (options.testbase, self.tag) self.prefix = "%s/prefix/%s" % (options.testbase, self.tag) run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % self.sdir) os.makedirs(self.sdir) cleanup_list.append(self.sdir) cleanup_list.append(self.prefix) run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % self.sdir) run_cmd("git clone --shared %s %s" % (gitroot, self.sdir)) self.start_next() def start_next(self): if self.next == len(self.sequence): print '%s: Completed OK' % self.name self.done = True return self.cmd = self.sequence[self.next].replace("${PREFIX}", "--prefix=%s" % self.prefix) print '%s: Running %s' % (self.name, self.cmd) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir("%s/%s" % (self.sdir, self.name)) self.proc = Popen(self.cmd, shell=True, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr, stdin=self.stdin) os.chdir(cwd) self.next += 1 class buildlist: '''handle build of multiple directories''' def __init__(self, tasklist, tasknames): self.tlist = [] self.tail_proc = None if tasknames == []: tasknames = tasklist for n in tasknames: b = builder(n, tasks[n]) self.tlist.append(b) def kill_kids(self): for b in self.tlist: if b.proc is not None: b.proc.terminate() b.proc.wait() b.proc = None if self.tail_proc is not None: self.tail_proc.terminate() self.tail_proc.wait() self.tail_proc = None def wait_one(self): while True: none_running = True for b in self.tlist: if b.proc is None: continue none_running = False b.status = b.proc.poll() if b.status is None: continue b.proc = None return b if none_running: return None time.sleep(0.1) def run(self): while True: b = self.wait_one() if b is None: break if os.WIFSIGNALED(b.status) or os.WEXITSTATUS(b.status) != 0: self.kill_kids() return (b.status, "%s: failed '%s' with status %d" % (b.name, b.cmd, b.status)) b.start_next() self.kill_kids() return (0, "All OK") def tarlogs(self, fname): tar = tarfile.open(fname, "w:gz") for b in self.tlist: tar.add(b.stdout_path, arcname="%s.stdout" % b.tag) tar.add(b.stderr_path, arcname="%s.stderr" % b.tag) tar.close() def remove_logs(self): for b in self.tlist: os.unlink(b.stdout_path) os.unlink(b.stderr_path) def start_tail(self): cwd = os.getcwd() cmd = "tail -f " for b in self.tlist: cmd += "%s %s " % (b.stdout_path, b.stderr_path) os.chdir(options.testbase) self.tail_proc = Popen(cmd, shell=True) os.chdir(cwd) def cleanup(): print("Cleaning up ....") for d in cleanup_list: run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % d) def find_git_root(): '''get to the top of the git repo''' cwd=os.getcwd() while os.getcwd() != '/': try: os.stat(".git") ret = os.getcwd() os.chdir(cwd) return ret except: os.chdir("..") pass os.chdir(cwd) return None def_testbase = "/memdisk/%s/autobuild.%u" % (os.getenv('USER'), os.getpid()) def_passcmd = "git push %s/master-passed +HEAD:master" % os.getenv("HOME") parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("", "--tail", help="show output while running", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--keeplogs", help="keep logs", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--testbase", help="base directory to run tests in (default %s)" % def_testbase, default=def_testbase) parser.add_option("", "--passcmd", help="command to run on success (default %s)" % def_passcmd, default=def_passcmd) parser.add_option("", "--verbose", help="show all commands as they are run", default=False, action="store_true") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() test_master = "%s/master" % options.testbase gitroot = find_git_root() if gitroot is None: raise Exception("Failed to find git root") try: os.stat(options.testbase) except: try: os.makedirs(options.testbase) except Exception, reason: raise Exception("Unable to create %s : %s" % (options.testbase, reason)) cleanup_list.append(options.testbase) pass run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % test_master) run_cmd("git clone --shared %s %s" % (gitroot, test_master)) cleanup_list.append(test_master) try: blist = buildlist(tasks, args) if options.tail: blist.start_tail() (status, errstr) = blist.run() except: cleanup() raise blist.kill_kids() if options.tail: print("waiting for tail to flush") time.sleep(1) if status == 0: print errstr print("Running passcmd: %s" % options.passcmd) run_cmd(options.passcmd, dir=test_master) if options.keeplogs: blist.tarlogs("logs.tar.gz") print("Logs in logs.tar.gz") blist.remove_logs() cleanup() sys.exit(0) # something failed, gather a tar of the logs print(errstr) blist.tarlogs("logs.tar.gz") blist.remove_logs() cleanup() print("Logs in logs.tar.gz") sys.exit(os.WEXITSTATUS(status))