#!/usr/bin/env python # run tests on all Samba subprojects and push to a git tree on success # Copyright Andrew Tridgell 2010 # Copyright Jelmer Vernooij 2010 # released under GNU GPL v3 or later from subprocess import call, check_call,Popen, PIPE import os, tarfile, sys, time from optparse import OptionParser import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText samba_master = os.getenv('SAMBA_MASTER', 'git://git.samba.org/samba.git') samba_master_ssh = os.getenv('SAMBA_MASTER_SSH', 'git+ssh://git.samba.org/data/git/samba.git') cleanup_list = [] os.putenv('CC', "ccache gcc") tasks = { "source3" : [ ("autogen", "./autogen.sh", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make basics", "make basics", "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j 4 everything", "text/plain"), # don't use too many processes ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "TDB_NO_FSYNC=1 make subunit-test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1", "text/x-subunit") ], "source4" : [ ("configure", "./configure.developer ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "TDB_NO_FSYNC=1 make subunit-test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1", "text/x-subunit") ], "source4/lib/ldb" : [ ("configure", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain") ], "lib/tdb" : [ ("autogen", "./autogen-waf.sh", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain") ], "lib/talloc" : [ ("autogen", "./autogen-waf.sh", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain"), ], "lib/replace" : [ ("autogen", "./autogen-waf.sh", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain"), ], "lib/tevent" : [ ("configure", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain"), ], } retry_task = [ ( "retry", '''set -e git remote add -t master master %s git fetch master while :; do sleep 60 git describe master/master > old_master.desc git fetch master git describe master/master > master.desc diff old_master.desc master.desc done ''' % samba_master, "test/plain" ) ] def run_cmd(cmd, dir=".", show=None, output=False, checkfail=True): if show is None: show = options.verbose if show: print("Running: '%s' in '%s'" % (cmd, dir)) if output: return Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, cwd=dir).communicate()[0] elif checkfail: return check_call(cmd, cwd=dir) else: return call(cmd, cwd=dir) class builder(object): '''handle build of one directory''' def __init__(self, name, sequence): self.name = name if name in ['pass', 'fail', 'retry']: self.dir = "." else: self.dir = self.name self.tag = self.name.replace('/', '_') self.sequence = sequence self.next = 0 self.stdout_path = "%s/%s.stdout" % (gitroot, self.tag) self.stderr_path = "%s/%s.stderr" % (gitroot, self.tag) if options.verbose: print("stdout for %s in %s" % (self.name, self.stdout_path)) print("stderr for %s in %s" % (self.name, self.stderr_path)) run_cmd("rm -f %s %s" % (self.stdout_path, self.stderr_path)) self.stdout = open(self.stdout_path, 'w') self.stderr = open(self.stderr_path, 'w') self.stdin = open("/dev/null", 'r') self.sdir = "%s/%s" % (testbase, self.tag) self.prefix = "%s/prefix/%s" % (testbase, self.tag) run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % self.sdir) cleanup_list.append(self.sdir) cleanup_list.append(self.prefix) os.makedirs(self.sdir) run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % self.sdir) run_cmd("git clone --shared %s %s" % (gitroot, self.sdir)) self.start_next() def start_next(self): if self.next == len(self.sequence): print '%s: Completed OK' % self.name self.done = True return (self.stage, self.cmd, self.output_mime_type) = self.sequence[self.next] self.cmd = self.cmd.replace("${PREFIX}", "--prefix=%s" % self.prefix) if self.output_mime_type == "text/x-subunit": self.cmd += " | %s --immediate" % (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "selftest/format-subunit")) print '%s: [%s] Running %s' % (self.name, self.stage, self.cmd) self.proc = Popen(self.cmd, shell=True, cwd="%s/%s" % (self.sdir, self.dir), stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr, stdin=self.stdin) self.next += 1 def poll(self): self.status = self.proc.poll() return self.status def kill(self): if self.proc is not None: try: run_cmd(["killbysubdir", self.sdir], checkfail=False) except OSError: # killbysubdir doesn't exist ? pass self.proc.terminate() self.proc.wait() self.proc = None @property def failed(self): return (os.WIFSIGNALED(self.status) or os.WEXITSTATUS(self.status) != 0) @property def failure_reason(self): return "%s: [%s] failed '%s' with status %d" % (self.name, self.stage, self.cmd, self.status) class buildlist(object): '''handle build of multiple directories''' def __init__(self, tasklist, tasknames): global tasks self.tlist = [] self.tail_proc = None self.retry = None if tasknames == ['pass']: tasks = { 'pass' : [ ("pass", '/bin/true', "text/plain") ]} if tasknames == ['fail']: tasks = { 'fail' : [ ("fail", '/bin/false', "text/plain") ]} if tasknames == []: tasknames = tasklist for n in tasknames: b = builder(n, tasks[n]) self.tlist.append(b) if options.retry: self.retry = builder('retry', retry_task) self.need_retry = False def kill_kids(self): if self.tail_proc is not None: self.tail_proc.terminate() self.tail_proc.wait() self.tail_proc = None if self.retry is not None: self.retry.proc.terminate() self.retry.proc.wait() self.retry = None for b in self.tlist: b.kill() def wait_one(self): while True: none_running = True for b in self.tlist: if b.proc is None: continue none_running = False if b.poll() is None: continue b.proc = None return b if options.retry: ret = self.retry.proc.poll() if ret is not None: self.need_retry = True self.retry = None return None if none_running: return None time.sleep(0.1) def run(self): while True: b = self.wait_one() if options.retry and self.need_retry: self.kill_kids() print("retry needed") return (0, "retry") if b is None: break if b.failed: self.kill_kids() return (b.status, b.name, b.stage, b.tag, b.failure_reason) b.start_next() self.kill_kids() return (0, None, None, None, "All OK") def tarlogs(self, fname): tar = tarfile.open(fname, "w:gz") for b in self.tlist: tar.add(b.stdout_path, arcname="%s.stdout" % b.tag) tar.add(b.stderr_path, arcname="%s.stderr" % b.tag) tar.close() def remove_logs(self): for b in self.tlist: os.unlink(b.stdout_path) os.unlink(b.stderr_path) def start_tail(self): cmd = "tail -f *.stdout *.stderr" self.tail_proc = Popen(cmd, shell=True, cwd=gitroot) def cleanup(): if options.nocleanup: return print("Cleaning up ....") for d in cleanup_list: run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % d) def find_git_root(p): '''get to the top of the git repo''' while p != '/': if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(p, ".git")): return p p = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, '..')) return None def daemonize(logfile): pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: # Parent os.setsid() pid = os.fork() if pid != 0: # Actual daemon os._exit(0) else: # Grandparent os._exit(0) import resource # Resource usage information. maxfd = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1] if maxfd == resource.RLIM_INFINITY: maxfd = 1024 # Rough guess at maximum number of open file descriptors. for fd in range(0, maxfd): try: os.close(fd) except OSError: pass os.open(logfile, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) os.dup2(0, 1) os.dup2(0, 2) def rebase_tree(url): print("Rebasing on %s" % url) run_cmd("git remote add -t master master %s" % url, show=True, dir=test_master) run_cmd("git fetch master", show=True, dir=test_master) if options.fix_whitespace: run_cmd("git rebase --whitespace=fix master/master", show=True, dir=test_master) else: run_cmd("git rebase master/master", show=True, dir=test_master) diff = run_cmd("git --no-pager diff HEAD master/master", dir=test_master, output=True) if diff == '': print("No differences between HEAD and master/master - exiting") sys.exit(0) def push_to(url): print("Pushing to %s" % url) if options.mark: run_cmd("EDITOR=script/commit_mark.sh git commit --amend -c HEAD", dir=test_master) # the notes method doesn't work yet, as metze hasn't allowed refs/notes/* in master # run_cmd("EDITOR=script/commit_mark.sh git notes edit HEAD", dir=test_master) run_cmd("git remote add -t master pushto %s" % url, show=True, dir=test_master) run_cmd("git push pushto +HEAD:master", show=True, dir=test_master) def_testbase = os.getenv("AUTOBUILD_TESTBASE", "/memdisk/%s" % os.getenv('USER')) parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("", "--repository", help="repository to run tests for", default=None, type=str) parser.add_option("", "--tail", help="show output while running", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--keeplogs", help="keep logs", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--nocleanup", help="don't remove test tree", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--testbase", help="base directory to run tests in (default %s)" % def_testbase, default=def_testbase) parser.add_option("", "--passcmd", help="command to run on success", default=None) parser.add_option("", "--verbose", help="show all commands as they are run", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--rebase", help="rebase on the given tree before testing", default=None, type='str') parser.add_option("", "--rebase-master", help="rebase on %s before testing" % samba_master, default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option("", "--pushto", help="push to a git url on success", default=None, type='str') parser.add_option("", "--push-master", help="push to %s on success" % samba_master_ssh, default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option("", "--mark", help="add a Tested-By signoff before pushing", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--fix-whitespace", help="fix whitespace on rebase", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--retry", help="automatically retry if master changes", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--email", help="send email to the given address on failure", type='str', default=None) parser.add_option("", "--always-email", help="always send email, even on success", action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--daemon", help="daemonize after initial setup", action="store_true") def email_failure(status, failed_task, failed_stage, failed_tag, errstr): '''send an email to options.email about the failure''' user = os.getenv("USER") text = ''' Dear Developer, Your autobuild failed when trying to test %s with the following error: %s the autobuild has been abandoned. Please fix the error and resubmit. You can see logs of the failed task here: http://git.samba.org/%s/samba-autobuild/%s.stdout http://git.samba.org/%s/samba-autobuild/%s.stderr or you can get full logs of all tasks in this job here: http://git.samba.org/%s/samba-autobuild/logs.tar.gz ''' % (failed_task, errstr, user, failed_tag, user, failed_tag, user) msg = MIMEText(text) msg['Subject'] = 'autobuild failure for task %s during %s' % (failed_task, failed_stage) msg['From'] = 'autobuild@samba.org' msg['To'] = options.email s = smtplib.SMTP() s.connect() s.sendmail(msg['From'], [msg['To']], msg.as_string()) s.quit() def email_success(): '''send an email to options.email about a successful build''' user = os.getenv("USER") text = ''' Dear Developer, Your autobuild has succeeded. ''' if options.keeplogs: text += ''' you can get full logs of all tasks in this job here: http://git.samba.org/%s/samba-autobuild/logs.tar.gz ''' % (user,) msg = MIMEText(text) msg['Subject'] = 'autobuild success' msg['From'] = 'autobuild@samba.org' msg['To'] = options.email s = smtplib.SMTP() s.connect() s.sendmail(msg['From'], [msg['To']], msg.as_string()) s.quit() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.retry: if not options.rebase_master and options.rebase is None: raise Exception('You can only use --retry if you also rebase') testbase = "%s/b%u" % (options.testbase, os.getpid()) test_master = "%s/master" % testbase if options.repository is not None: repository = options.repository else: repository = os.getcwd() gitroot = find_git_root(repository) if gitroot is None: raise Exception("Failed to find git root under %s" % repository) try: os.makedirs(testbase) except Exception, reason: raise Exception("Unable to create %s : %s" % (testbase, reason)) cleanup_list.append(testbase) if options.daemon: logfile = os.path.join(testbase, "log") print "Forking into the background, writing progress to %s" % logfile daemonize(logfile) while True: try: run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % test_master) cleanup_list.append(test_master) run_cmd("git clone --shared %s %s" % (gitroot, test_master)) except: cleanup() raise try: if options.rebase is not None: rebase_tree(options.rebase) elif options.rebase_master: rebase_tree(samba_master) blist = buildlist(tasks, args) if options.tail: blist.start_tail() (status, failed_task, failed_stage, failed_tag, errstr) = blist.run() if status != 0 or errstr != "retry": break cleanup() except: cleanup() raise blist.kill_kids() if options.tail: print("waiting for tail to flush") time.sleep(1) if status == 0: print errstr if options.passcmd is not None: print("Running passcmd: %s" % options.passcmd) run_cmd(options.passcmd, dir=test_master) if options.pushto is not None: push_to(options.pushto) elif options.push_master: push_to(samba_master_ssh) if options.keeplogs: blist.tarlogs("logs.tar.gz") print("Logs in logs.tar.gz") if options.always_email: email_success() blist.remove_logs() cleanup() print(errstr) sys.exit(0) # something failed, gather a tar of the logs blist.tarlogs("logs.tar.gz") if options.email is not None: email_failure(status, failed_task, failed_stage, failed_tag, errstr) cleanup() print(errstr) print("Logs in logs.tar.gz") sys.exit(status)