# test_run.py -- Tests for selftest.run # Copyright (C) 2012 Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@samba.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 # of the License or (at your option) any later version of # the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. """Tests for selftest.run.""" import datetime import os import subunit import tempfile from selftest.run import ( expand_command_list, expand_environment_strings, expand_command_run, exported_envvars_str, now, run_testsuite_command, ) from selftest.tests import TestCase class ExpandEnvironmentStringsTests(TestCase): def test_no_vars(self): self.assertEquals("foo bar", expand_environment_strings("foo bar", {})) def test_simple(self): self.assertEquals("foo bar", expand_environment_strings("foo $BLA", {"BLA": "bar"})) def test_unknown(self): self.assertEquals("foo $BLA", expand_environment_strings("foo $BLA", {})) class ExpandCommandListTests(TestCase): def test_no_list(self): self.assertIs(None, expand_command_list("test bla")) def test_list(self): self.assertEquals("test --list", expand_command_list("test $LISTOPT")) class ExpandCommandRunTests(TestCase): def test_idlist(self): self.assertEquals(("test foo bar", None), expand_command_run("test", False, True, subtests=["foo", "bar"])) def test_idlist_all(self): self.assertEquals(("test", None), expand_command_run("test", False, True)) def test_loadlist(self): (cmd, tmpf) = expand_command_run("test $LOADLIST", True, False, subtests=["foo", "bar"]) self.addCleanup(os.remove, tmpf) f = open(tmpf, 'r') try: self.assertEquals(f.read(), "foo\nbar\n") finally: f.close() self.assertEquals("test --load-list=%s" % tmpf, cmd) def test_loadlist_all(self): self.assertEquals(("test ", None), expand_command_run("test $LOADLIST", True, False)) class ExportedEnvvarsStrTests(TestCase): def test_no_vars(self): self.assertEquals("", exported_envvars_str({}, ["foo", "bar"])) def test_vars(self): self.assertEquals("foo=1\n", exported_envvars_str({"foo": "1"}, ["foo", "bar"])) def test_vars_unknown(self): self.assertEquals("foo=1\n", exported_envvars_str({"foo": "1", "bla": "2"}, ["foo", "bar"])) class NowTests(TestCase): def test_basic(self): self.assertIsInstance(now(), datetime.datetime) self.assertIsNot(now().tzinfo, None) class MockSubunitOps(object): def __init__(self): self.calls = [] def start_testsuite(self, name): self.calls.append(("start-testsuite", name)) def progress(self, count, whence): self.calls.append(("progress", count, whence)) def time(self, t): self.calls.append(("time", )) def end_testsuite(self, name, result, details=None): self.calls.append(("end-testsuite", name, result, details)) class RunTestsuiteCommandTests(TestCase): def test_success_no_env(self): outf = tempfile.TemporaryFile() subunit_ops = MockSubunitOps() exit_code = run_testsuite_command("thetestsuitename", "echo doing something", subunit_ops, outf=outf) self.assertEquals([ ("start-testsuite", "thetestsuitename"), ("progress", None, subunit.PROGRESS_PUSH), ("time", ), ("time", ), ("progress", None, subunit.PROGRESS_POP), ("end-testsuite", "thetestsuitename", "success", None), ], subunit_ops.calls) self.assertEquals(0, exit_code) outf.seek(0) self.assertEquals("""\ doing something command: echo doing something expanded command: echo doing something """, outf.read()) def test_failure(self): outf = tempfile.TemporaryFile() subunit_ops = MockSubunitOps() exit_code = run_testsuite_command("thetestsuitename", "exit 3", subunit_ops, outf=outf) self.assertEquals([ ("start-testsuite", "thetestsuitename"), ("progress", None, subunit.PROGRESS_PUSH), ("time", ), ("time", ), ("progress", None, subunit.PROGRESS_POP), ("end-testsuite", "thetestsuitename", "failure", "Exit code was 3"), ], subunit_ops.calls) self.assertEquals(3, exit_code) outf.seek(0) self.assertEquals("""\ command: exit 3 expanded command: exit 3 """, outf.read()) def test_error(self): outf = tempfile.TemporaryFile() subunit_ops = MockSubunitOps() exit_code = run_testsuite_command("thetestsuitename", "thisisacommandthatdoesnotexist 2>/dev/null", subunit_ops, outf=outf) self.assertEquals([ ("start-testsuite", "thetestsuitename"), ("progress", None, subunit.PROGRESS_PUSH), ("time", ), ("time", ), ("progress", None, subunit.PROGRESS_POP), ("end-testsuite", "thetestsuitename", "failure", "Exit code was 127"), ], subunit_ops.calls) self.assertEquals(127, exit_code) outf.seek(0) self.assertEquals("""\ command: thisisacommandthatdoesnotexist 2>/dev/null expanded command: thisisacommandthatdoesnotexist 2>/dev/null """, outf.read())