# tokenise the input file function parse_error(msg) { printf("PARSE ERROR: %s\nLine "NR" : "$0"\n", msg); exit 1; } # ignore blank lines /^[ \t]*$/ { next; } /^\#define.*;/ { split($0,a,"[ \t;]*"); parse_define(a[2], a[3]); next; } # ignore comments /^[ \t]*\#/ { next; } # ignore C comments /^[ \t]*\/\*.*\*\// { next; } /^[ \t]*module/ { {if (module!="") parse_error("you can only specify one module name");} start_module($2); next; } {if (module=="") parse_error("you must specify the module name first");} /^[ \t]*typedef struct.*\{/ { {if (current_struct!="") parse_error("you cannot have nested structures");} start_struct($3); next; } /^[ \t]*struct.*\{/ { {if (current_struct!="") parse_error("you cannot have nested structures");} start_struct($2); next; } {if (current_struct=="") parse_error("this must appear inside a structure");} /^[ \t]*union.*\{/ { {if (current_union!="") parse_error("you cannot have nested unions");} start_union($2); next; } /^[ \t]*case.*;/ { {if (current_union=="") parse_error("this must appear inide a union");} split($0,a,"[ \t;]*"); parse_case(a[3],a[4],a[5]); next; } /^[ \t]*\}$/ { {if (current_union=="") parse_error("this must appear inside a union");} end_union(); next; } {if (current_union!="") parse_error("this cannot appear inside a union");} /^[ \t]*\};/ { end_struct(""); next; } /^[ \t]*\} .*;/ { split($2,a,"[ \t;]*"); end_struct(a[1]); next; } /^.*;/ { split($0,a,"[ \t;]*"); add_struct_elem(a[2], a[3]); next; } { parse_error("Unknown construct."); }