/* Unix SMB/Netbios implementation. Version 1.9. SMB transaction2 handling Copyright (C) Jeremy Allison 1994-1998 Extensively modified by Andrew Tridgell, 1995 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef _TRANS2_H_ #define _TRANS2_H_ /* Define the structures needed for the trans2 calls. */ /******************************************************* For DosFindFirst/DosFindNext - level 1 MAXFILENAMELEN = 255; FDATE == uint16 FTIME == uint16 ULONG == uint32 USHORT == uint16 typedef struct _FILEFINDBUF { Byte offset Type name description -------------+-------+-------------------+-------------- 0 FDATE fdateCreation; 2 FTIME ftimeCreation; 4 FDATE fdateLastAccess; 6 FTIME ftimeLastAccess; 8 FDATE fdateLastWrite; 10 FTIME ftimeLastWrite; 12 ULONG cbFile file length in bytes 16 ULONG cbFileAlloc size of file allocation unit 20 USHORT attrFile 22 UCHAR cchName length of name to follow (not including zero) 23 UCHAR achName[MAXFILENAMELEN]; Null terminated name } FILEFINDBUF; *********************************************************/ #define l1_fdateCreation 0 #define l1_fdateLastAccess 4 #define l1_fdateLastWrite 8 #define l1_cbFile 12 #define l1_cbFileAlloc 16 #define l1_attrFile 20 #define l1_cchName 22 #define l1_achName 23 /********************************************************** For DosFindFirst/DosFindNext - level 2 typedef struct _FILEFINDBUF2 { Byte offset Type name description -------------+-------+-------------------+-------------- 0 FDATE fdateCreation; 2 FTIME ftimeCreation; 4 FDATE fdateLastAccess; 6 FTIME ftimeLastAccess; 8 FDATE fdateLastWrite; 10 FTIME ftimeLastWrite; 12 ULONG cbFile file length in bytes 16 ULONG cbFileAlloc size of file allocation unit 20 USHORT attrFile 22 ULONG cbList Extended attribute list (always 0) 26 UCHAR cchName length of name to follow (not including zero) 27 UCHAR achName[MAXFILENAMELEN]; Null terminated name } FILEFINDBUF2; *************************************************************/ #define l2_fdateCreation 0 #define l2_fdateLastAccess 4 #define l2_fdateLastWrite 8 #define l2_cbFile 12 #define l2_cbFileAlloc 16 #define l2_attrFile 20 #define l2_cbList 22 #define l2_cchName 26 #define l2_achName 27 /********************************************************** For DosFindFirst/DosFindNext - level 260 typedef struct _FILEFINDBUF260 { Byte offset Type name description -------------+-------+-------------------+-------------- 0 ULONG NextEntryOffset; 4 ULONG FileIndex; 8 LARGE_INTEGER CreationTime; 16 LARGE_INTEGER LastAccessTime; 24 LARGE_INTEGER LastWriteTime; 32 LARGE_INTEGER ChangeTime; 40 LARGE_INTEGER EndOfFile; 48 LARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize; 56 ULONG FileAttributes; 60 ULONG FileNameLength; 64 ULONG EaSize; 68 CHAR ShortNameLength; 70 UNICODE ShortName[12]; 94 UNICODE FileName[]; *************************************************************/ #define l260_achName 94 /********************************************************** For DosQueryPathInfo/DosQueryFileInfo/DosSetPathInfo/ DosSetFileInfo - level 1 typedef struct _FILESTATUS { Byte offset Type name description -------------+-------+-------------------+-------------- 0 FDATE fdateCreation; 2 FTIME ftimeCreation; 4 FDATE fdateLastAccess; 6 FTIME ftimeLastAccess; 8 FDATE fdateLastWrite; 10 FTIME ftimeLastWrite; 12 ULONG cbFile file length in bytes 16 ULONG cbFileAlloc size of file allocation unit 20 USHORT attrFile } FILESTATUS; *************************************************************/ /* Use the l1_ defines from DosFindFirst */ /********************************************************** For DosQueryPathInfo/DosQueryFileInfo/DosSetPathInfo/ DosSetFileInfo - level 2 typedef struct _FILESTATUS2 { Byte offset Type name description -------------+-------+-------------------+-------------- 0 FDATE fdateCreation; 2 FTIME ftimeCreation; 4 FDATE fdateLastAccess; 6 FTIME ftimeLastAccess; 8 FDATE fdateLastWrite; 10 FTIME ftimeLastWrite; 12 ULONG cbFile file length in bytes 16 ULONG cbFileAlloc size of file allocation unit 20 USHORT attrFile 22 ULONG cbList Length of EA's (0) } FILESTATUS2; *************************************************************/ /* Use the l2_ #defines from DosFindFirst */ /********************************************************** For DosQFSInfo/DosSetFSInfo - level 1 typedef struct _FSALLOCATE { Byte offset Type name description -------------+-------+-------------------+-------------- 0 ULONG idFileSystem id of file system 4 ULONG cSectorUnit number of sectors per allocation unit 8 ULONG cUnit number of allocation units 12 ULONG cUnitAvail Available allocation units 16 USHORT cbSector bytes per sector } FSALLOCATE; *************************************************************/ #define l1_idFileSystem 0 #define l1_cSectorUnit 4 #define l1_cUnit 8 #define l1_cUnitAvail 12 #define l1_cbSector 16 /********************************************************** For DosQFSInfo/DosSetFSInfo - level 2 typedef struct _FSINFO { Byte offset Type name description -------------+-------+-------------------+-------------- 0 FDATE vol_fdateCreation 2 FTIME vol_ftimeCreation 4 UCHAR vol_cch length of volume name (excluding NULL) 5 UCHAR vol_szVolLabel[12] volume name } FSINFO; *************************************************************/ #define SMB_INFO_STANDARD 1 #define SMB_INFO_QUERY_EA_SIZE 2 #define SMB_INFO_QUERY_EAS_FROM_LIST 3 #define SMB_INFO_QUERY_ALL_EAS 4 #define SMB_INFO_IS_NAME_VALID 6 #define SMB_QUERY_FS_LABEL_INFO 0x101 #define SMB_QUERY_FS_VOLUME_INFO 0x102 #define SMB_QUERY_FS_SIZE_INFO 0x103 #define SMB_QUERY_FS_DEVICE_INFO 0x104 #define SMB_QUERY_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFO 0x105 #define l2_vol_fdateCreation 0 #define l2_vol_cch 4 #define l2_vol_szVolLabel 5 #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_BASIC_INFO 0x101 #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_STANDARD_INFO 0x102 #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_EA_INFO 0x103 #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_NAME_INFO 0x104 #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_ALLOCATION_INFO 0x105 #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_END_OF_FILEINFO 0x106 #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_ALL_INFO 0x107 #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_ALT_NAME_INFO 0x108 #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_STREAM_INFO 0x109 #define SMB_FIND_FILE_DIRECTORY_INFO 0x101 #define SMB_FIND_FILE_FULL_DIRECTORY_INFO 0x102 #define SMB_FIND_FILE_NAMES_INFO 0x103 #define SMB_FIND_FILE_BOTH_DIRECTORY_INFO 0x104 #define SMB_SET_FILE_BASIC_INFO 0x101 #define SMB_SET_FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO 0x102 #define SMB_SET_FILE_ALLOCATION_INFO 0x103 #define SMB_SET_FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO 0x104 /* * Thursby MAC extensions.... */ /* * MAC CIFS Extensions have the range 0x300 - 0x2FF reserved. * Supposedly Microsoft have agreed to this. */ #define MIN_MAC_INFO_LEVEL 0x300 #define MAX_MAC_INFO_LEVEL 0x3FF #define SMB_MAC_QUERY_FS_INFO 0x301 #define DIRLEN_GUESS (45+MAX(l1_achName,l2_achName)) /* * DeviceType and Characteristics returned in a * SMB_QUERY_FS_DEVICE_INFO call. */ #define DEVICETYPE_CD_ROM 0x2 #define DEVICETYPE_CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM 0x3 #define DEVICETYPE_DISK 0x7 #define DEVICETYPE_DISK_FILE_SYSTEM 0x8 #define DEVICETYPE_FILE_SYSTEM 0x9 /* Characteristics. */ #define TYPE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA 0x1 #define TYPE_READ_ONLY_DEVICE 0x2 #define TYPE_FLOPPY 0x4 #define TYPE_WORM 0x8 #define TYPE_REMOTE 0x10 #define TYPE_MOUNTED 0x20 #define TYPE_VIRTUAL 0x40 /* NT passthrough levels... */ #define SMB_FILE_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION 1001 #define SMB_FILE_FULL_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION 1002 #define SMB_FILE_BOTH_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION 1003 #define SMB_FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION 1004 #define SMB_FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION 1005 #define SMB_FILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION 1006 #define SMB_FILE_EA_INFORMATION 1007 #define SMB_FILE_ACCESS_INFORMATION 1008 #define SMB_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION 1009 #define SMB_FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION 1010 #define SMB_FILE_LINK_INFORMATION 1011 #define SMB_FILE_NAMES_INFORMATION 1012 #define SMB_FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION 1013 #define SMB_FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION 1014 #define SMB_FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION 1015 #define SMB_FILE_MODE_INFORMATION 1016 #define SMB_FILE_ALIGNMENT_INFORMATION 1017 #define SMB_FILE_ALL_INFORMATION 1018 #define SMB_FILE_ALLOCATION_INFORMATION 1019 #define SMB_FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION 1020 #define SMB_FILE_ALTERNATE_NAME_INFORMATION 1021 #define SMB_FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION 1022 #define SMB_FILE_PIPE_INFORMATION 1023 #define SMB_FILE_PIPE_LOCAL_INFORMATION 1024 #define SMB_FILE_PIPE_REMOTE_INFORMATION 1025 #define SMB_FILE_MAILSLOT_QUERY_INFORMATION 1026 #define SMB_FILE_MAILSLOT_SET_INFORMATION 1027 #define SMB_FILE_COMPRESSION_INFORMATION 1028 #define SMB_FILE_OBJECTID_INFORMATION 1029 #define SMB_FILE_COMPLETION_INFORMATION 1030 #define SMB_FILE_MOVE_CLUSTER_INFORMATION 1031 #define SMB_FILE_QUOTA_INFORMATION 1032 #define SMB_FILE_REPARSEPOINT_INFORMATION 1033 #define SMB_FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION 1034 #define SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFORMATION 1035 #define SMB_FILE_TRACKING_INFORMATION 1036 #define SMB_FILE_MAXIMUM_INFORMATION 1037 /* UNIX CIFS Extensions - created by HP */ /* * UNIX CIFS Extensions have the range 0x200 - 0x2FF reserved. * Supposedly Microsoft have agreed to this. */ #define MIN_UNIX_INFO_LEVEL 0x200 #define MAX_UNIX_INFO_LEVEL 0x2FF #define INFO_LEVEL_IS_UNIX(level) (((level) >= MIN_UNIX_INFO_LEVEL) && ((level) <= MAX_UNIX_INFO_LEVEL)) #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_UNIX_BASIC 0x200 /* UNIX File Info*/ #define SMB_SET_FILE_UNIX_BASIC 0x200 #define MODE_NO_CHANGE -1 /* file mode value which */ /* means "don't change it" */ #define UNIX_TYPE_FILE 0 #define UNIX_TYPE_DIR 1 #define UNIX_TYPE_SYMLINK 2 #define UNIX_TYPE_CHARDEV 3 #define UNIX_TYPE_BLKDEV 4 #define UNIX_TYPE_FIFO 5 #define UNIX_TYPE_SOCKET 6 #define UNIx_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0xFFFFFFFF /* LARGE_INTEGER EndOfFile File size LARGE_INTEGER Blocks Number of bytes used on disk (st_blocks). LARGE_INTEGER CreationTime Creation time LARGE_INTEGER LastAccessTime Last access time LARGE_INTEGER LastModificationTime Last modification time LARGE_INTEGER Uid Numeric user id for the owner LARGE_INTEGER Gid Numeric group id of owner ULONG Type Enumeration specifying the pathname type: 0 -- File 1 -- Directory 2 -- Symbolic link 3 -- Character device 4 -- Block device 5 -- FIFO (named pipe) 6 -- Unix domain socket LARGE_INTEGER devmajor Major device number if type is device LARGE_INTEGER devminor Minor device number if type is device LARGE_INTEGER uniqueid This is a server-assigned unique id for the file. The client will typically map this onto an inode number. The scope of uniqueness is the share. LARGE_INTEGER permissions Standard UNIX file permissions LARGE_INTEGER nlinks The number of directory entries that map to this entry (number of hard links) */ #define SMB_QUERY_FILE_UNIX_LINK 0x201 #define SMB_SET_FILE_UNIX_LINK 0x201 #define SMB_SET_FILE_UNIX_HLINK 0x203 #define SMB_FIND_FILE_UNIX 0x202 #endif