/* * Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. * Generic Abstract Data Types * Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2002. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "adt_tree.h" /************************************************************************** *************************************************************************/ static BOOL trim_tree_keypath( char *path, char **base, char **new_path ) { char *p; *new_path = *base = NULL; if ( !path ) return False; *base = path; p = strchr( path, '/' ); if ( p ) { *p = '\0'; *new_path = p+1; } return True; } /************************************************************************** Initialize the tree's root. The cmp_fn is a callback function used for comparision of two children *************************************************************************/ SORTED_TREE* pathtree_init( void *data_p, int (cmp_fn)(void*, void*) ) { SORTED_TREE *tree = NULL; if ( !(tree = TALLOC_ZERO_P(NULL, SORTED_TREE)) ) return NULL; tree->compare = cmp_fn; if ( !(tree->root = TALLOC_ZERO_P(tree, TREE_NODE)) ) { TALLOC_FREE( tree ); return NULL; } tree->root->data_p = data_p; return tree; } /************************************************************************** Find the next child given a key string *************************************************************************/ static TREE_NODE* pathtree_birth_child( TREE_NODE *node, char* key ) { TREE_NODE *infant = NULL; TREE_NODE **siblings; int i; if ( !(infant = TALLOC_ZERO_P( node, TREE_NODE)) ) return NULL; infant->key = talloc_strdup( infant, key ); infant->parent = node; siblings = TALLOC_REALLOC_ARRAY( node, node->children, TREE_NODE *, node->num_children+1 ); if ( siblings ) node->children = siblings; node->num_children++; /* first child */ if ( node->num_children == 1 ) { DEBUG(11,("pathtree_birth_child: First child of node [%s]! [%s]\n", node->key ? node->key : "NULL", infant->key )); node->children[0] = infant; } else { /* * multiple siblings .... (at least 2 children) * * work from the end of the list forward * The last child is not set at this point * Insert the new infanct in ascending order * from left to right */ for ( i = node->num_children-1; i>=1; i-- ) { DEBUG(11,("pathtree_birth_child: Looking for crib; infant -> [%s], child -> [%s]\n", infant->key, node->children[i-1]->key)); /* the strings should never match assuming that we have called pathtree_find_child() first */ if ( StrCaseCmp( infant->key, node->children[i-1]->key ) > 0 ) { DEBUG(11,("pathtree_birth_child: storing infant in i == [%d]\n", i)); node->children[i] = infant; break; } /* bump everything towards the end on slot */ node->children[i] = node->children[i-1]; } DEBUG(11,("pathtree_birth_child: Exiting loop (i == [%d])\n", i )); /* if we haven't found the correct slot yet, the child will be first in the list */ if ( i == 0 ) node->children[0] = infant; } return infant; } /************************************************************************** Find the next child given a key string *************************************************************************/ static TREE_NODE* pathtree_find_child( TREE_NODE *node, char* key ) { TREE_NODE *next = NULL; int i, result; if ( !node ) { DEBUG(0,("pathtree_find_child: NULL node passed into function!\n")); return NULL; } if ( !key ) { DEBUG(0,("pathtree_find_child: NULL key string passed into function!\n")); return NULL; } for ( i=0; i<node->num_children; i++ ) { DEBUG(11,("pathtree_find_child: child key => [%s]\n", node->children[i]->key)); result = StrCaseCmp( node->children[i]->key, key ); if ( result == 0 ) next = node->children[i]; /* if result > 0 then we've gone to far because the list of children is sorted by key name If result == 0, then we have a match */ if ( result > 0 ) break; } DEBUG(11,("pathtree_find_child: %s [%s]\n", next ? "Found" : "Did not find", key )); return next; } /************************************************************************** Add a new node into the tree given a key path and a blob of data *************************************************************************/ BOOL pathtree_add( SORTED_TREE *tree, const char *path, void *data_p ) { char *str, *base, *path2; TREE_NODE *current, *next; BOOL ret = True; DEBUG(8,("pathtree_add: Enter\n")); if ( !path || *path != '/' ) { DEBUG(0,("pathtree_add: Attempt to add a node with a bad path [%s]\n", path ? path : "NULL" )); return False; } if ( !tree ) { DEBUG(0,("pathtree_add: Attempt to add a node to an uninitialized tree!\n")); return False; } /* move past the first '/' */ path++; path2 = SMB_STRDUP( path ); if ( !path2 ) { DEBUG(0,("pathtree_add: strdup() failed on string [%s]!?!?!\n", path)); return False; } /* * this works sort of like a 'mkdir -p' call, possibly * creating an entire path to the new node at once * The path should be of the form /<key1>/<key2>/... */ base = path2; str = path2; current = tree->root; do { /* break off the remaining part of the path */ str = strchr( str, '/' ); if ( str ) *str = '\0'; /* iterate to the next child--birth it if necessary */ next = pathtree_find_child( current, base ); if ( !next ) { next = pathtree_birth_child( current, base ); if ( !next ) { DEBUG(0,("pathtree_add: Failed to create new child!\n")); ret = False; goto done; } } current = next; /* setup the next part of the path */ base = str; if ( base ) { *base = '/'; base++; str = base; } } while ( base != NULL ); current->data_p = data_p; DEBUG(10,("pathtree_add: Successfully added node [%s] to tree\n", path )); DEBUG(8,("pathtree_add: Exit\n")); done: SAFE_FREE( path2 ); return ret; } /************************************************************************** Recursive routine to print out all children of a TREE_NODE *************************************************************************/ static void pathtree_print_children(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, TREE_NODE *node, int debug, const char *path ) { int i; int num_children; char *path2 = NULL; if ( !node ) return; if ( node->key ) DEBUG(debug,("%s: [%s] (%s)\n", path ? path : "NULL", node->key, node->data_p ? "data" : "NULL" )); if ( path ) { path2 = talloc_strdup(ctx, path); if (!path2) { return; } } path2 = talloc_asprintf(ctx, "%s%s/", path ? path : "", node->key ? node->key : "NULL"); if (!path2) { return; } num_children = node->num_children; for ( i=0; i<num_children; i++ ) { pathtree_print_children(ctx, node->children[i], debug, path2 ); } } /************************************************************************** Dump the kys for a tree to the log file *************************************************************************/ void pathtree_print_keys( SORTED_TREE *tree, int debug ) { int i; int num_children = tree->root->num_children; if ( tree->root->key ) DEBUG(debug,("ROOT/: [%s] (%s)\n", tree->root->key, tree->root->data_p ? "data" : "NULL" )); for ( i=0; i<num_children; i++ ) { TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_stackframe(); pathtree_print_children(ctx, tree->root->children[i], debug, tree->root->key ? tree->root->key : "ROOT/" ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); } } /************************************************************************** return the data_p for for the node in tree matching the key string The key string is the full path. We must break it apart and walk the tree *************************************************************************/ void* pathtree_find( SORTED_TREE *tree, char *key ) { char *keystr, *base = NULL, *str = NULL, *p; TREE_NODE *current; void *result = NULL; DEBUG(10,("pathtree_find: Enter [%s]\n", key ? key : "NULL" )); /* sanity checks first */ if ( !key ) { DEBUG(0,("pathtree_find: Attempt to search tree using NULL search string!\n")); return NULL; } if ( !tree ) { DEBUG(0,("pathtree_find: Attempt to search an uninitialized tree using string [%s]!\n", key ? key : "NULL" )); return NULL; } if ( !tree->root ) return NULL; /* make a copy to play with */ if ( *key == '/' ) keystr = SMB_STRDUP( key+1 ); else keystr = SMB_STRDUP( key ); if ( !keystr ) { DEBUG(0,("pathtree_find: strdup() failed on string [%s]!?!?!\n", key)); return NULL; } /* start breaking the path apart */ p = keystr; current = tree->root; if ( tree->root->data_p ) result = tree->root->data_p; do { /* break off the remaining part of the path */ trim_tree_keypath( p, &base, &str ); DEBUG(11,("pathtree_find: [loop] base => [%s], new_path => [%s]\n", base ? base : "", str ? str : "")); /* iterate to the next child */ current = pathtree_find_child( current, base ); /* * the idea is that the data_p for a parent should * be inherited by all children, but allow it to be * overridden farther down */ if ( current && current->data_p ) result = current->data_p; /* reset the path pointer 'p' to the remaining part of the key string */ p = str; } while ( str && current ); /* result should be the data_p from the lowest match node in the tree */ if ( result ) DEBUG(11,("pathtree_find: Found data_p!\n")); SAFE_FREE( keystr ); DEBUG(10,("pathtree_find: Exit\n")); return result; }