/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. Privileges handling functions Copyright (C) Jean Fran�ois Micouleau 1998-2001 Copyright (C) Simo Sorce 2002-2003 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "includes.h" /* defines */ #define ALLOC_CHECK(ptr, err, label, str) do { if ((ptr) == NULL) { DEBUG(0, ("%s: out of memory!\n", str)); err = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto label; } } while(0) #define NTSTATUS_CHECK(err, label, str1, str2) do { if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(err)) { DEBUG(0, ("%s: %s failed!\n", str1, str2)); } } while(0) PRIVS privs[] = { {SE_NONE, "no_privs", "No privilege"}, /* this one MUST be first */ {SE_CREATE_TOKEN, "SeCreateTokenPrivilege", "Create Token"}, {SE_ASSIGN_PRIMARY_TOKEN, "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege", "Assign Primary Token"}, {SE_LOCK_MEMORY, "SeLockMemoryPrivilege", "Lock Memory"}, {SE_INCREASE_QUOTA, "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege", "Increase Quota"}, {SE_UNSOLICITED_INPUT, "eUnsolicitedInputPrivilege", "Unsolicited Input"}, {SE_MACHINE_ACCOUNT, "SeMachineAccountPrivilege", "Can add Machine Accounts to the Domain"}, {SE_TCB, "SeTcbPrivilege", "TCB"}, {SE_SECURITY, "SeSecurityPrivilege", "Security Privilege"}, {SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP, "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege", "Take Ownership Privilege"}, {SE_LOAD_DRIVER, "SeLocalDriverPrivilege", "Local Driver Privilege"}, {SE_SYSTEM_PROFILE, "SeSystemProfilePrivilege", "System Profile Privilege"}, {SE_SYSTEM_TIME, "SeSystemtimePrivilege", "System Time"}, {SE_PROF_SINGLE_PROCESS, "SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege", "Profile Single Process Privilege"}, {SE_INC_BASE_PRIORITY, "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege", "Increase Base Priority Privilege"}, {SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE, "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege", "Create Pagefile Privilege"}, {SE_CREATE_PERMANENT, "SeCreatePermanentPrivilege", "Create Permanent"}, {SE_BACKUP, "SeBackupPrivilege", "Backup Privilege"}, {SE_RESTORE, "SeRestorePrivilege", "Restore Privilege"}, {SE_SHUTDOWN, "SeShutdownPrivilege", "Shutdown Privilege"}, {SE_DEBUG, "SeDebugPrivilege", "Debug Privilege"}, {SE_AUDIT, "SeAuditPrivilege", "Audit"}, {SE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT, "SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege", "System Environment Privilege"}, {SE_CHANGE_NOTIFY, "SeChangeNotifyPrivilege", "Change Notify"}, {SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN, "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege", "Remote Shutdown Privilege"}, {SE_UNDOCK, "SeUndockPrivilege", "Undock"}, {SE_SYNC_AGENT, "SeSynchronizationAgentPrivilege", "Synchronization Agent"}, {SE_ENABLE_DELEGATION, "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege", "Enable Delegation"}, {SE_PRINT_OPERATOR, "SePrintOperatorPrivilege", "Printer Operator"}, {SE_ADD_USERS, "SeAddUsersPrivilege", "Add Users"}, {SE_ALL_PRIVS, "SeAllPrivileges", "All Privileges"} }; /**************************************************************************** Check if a user is a mapped group. This function will check if the group SID is mapped onto a system managed gid or onto a winbind manged sid. In the first case it will be threated like a mapped group and the backend should take the member list with a getgrgid and ignore any user that have been possibly set into the group object. In the second case, the group is a fully SAM managed group served back to the system through winbind. In this case the members of a Local group are "unrolled" to cope with the fact that unix cannot contain groups inside groups. The backend MUST never call any getgr* / getpw* function or loops with winbind may happen. ****************************************************************************/ #if 0 NTSTATUS is_mapped_group(BOOL *mapped, const DOM_SID *sid) { NTSTATUS result; gid_t id; /* look if mapping exist, do not make idmap alloc an uid if SID is not found */ result = idmap_get_gid_from_sid(&id, sid, False); if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { *mapped = gid_is_in_winbind_range(id); } else { *mapped = False; } return result; } #endif /**************************************************************************** duplicate alloc luid_attr ****************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS dupalloc_luid_attr(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, LUID_ATTR **new_la, LUID_ATTR *old_la) { NTSTATUS ret; /* don't crash if the source pointer is NULL (since we don't do priviledges now anyways) */ if ( !old_la ) return NT_STATUS_OK; *new_la = (LUID_ATTR *)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(LUID_ATTR)); ALLOC_CHECK(new_la, ret, done, "dupalloc_luid_attr"); (*new_la)->luid.high = old_la->luid.high; (*new_la)->luid.low = old_la->luid.low; (*new_la)->attr = old_la->attr; ret = NT_STATUS_OK; done: return ret; } /**************************************************************************** initialise a privilege list ****************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS init_privilege(PRIVILEGE_SET **priv_set) { NTSTATUS ret; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_init("privilege set"); ALLOC_CHECK(mem_ctx, ret, done, "init_privilege"); *priv_set = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET)); ALLOC_CHECK(*priv_set, ret, done, "init_privilege"); (*priv_set)->mem_ctx = mem_ctx; ret = NT_STATUS_OK; done: return ret; } NTSTATUS init_priv_with_ctx(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, PRIVILEGE_SET **priv_set) { NTSTATUS ret; *priv_set = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET)); ALLOC_CHECK(*priv_set, ret, done, "init_privilege"); (*priv_set)->mem_ctx = mem_ctx; (*priv_set)->ext_ctx = True; ret = NT_STATUS_OK; done: return ret; } void reset_privilege(PRIVILEGE_SET *priv_set) { priv_set->count = 0; priv_set->control = 0; priv_set->set = NULL; } void destroy_privilege(PRIVILEGE_SET **priv_set) { if (priv_set == NULL || *priv_set == NULL) return; reset_privilege(*priv_set); if (!((*priv_set)->ext_ctx)) /* mem_ctx is local, destroy it */ talloc_destroy((*priv_set)->mem_ctx); *priv_set = NULL; } /**************************************************************************** add a privilege to a privilege array ****************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS add_privilege(PRIVILEGE_SET *priv_set, LUID_ATTR set) { NTSTATUS ret; LUID_ATTR *new_set; /* check if the privilege is not already in the list */ if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(check_priv_in_privilege(priv_set, set))) return NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; /* we can allocate memory to add the new privilege */ new_set = (LUID_ATTR *)talloc_realloc(priv_set->mem_ctx, priv_set->set, (priv_set->count + 1) * (sizeof(LUID_ATTR))); ALLOC_CHECK(new_set, ret, done, "add_privilege"); new_set[priv_set->count].luid.high = set.luid.high; new_set[priv_set->count].luid.low = set.luid.low; new_set[priv_set->count].attr = set.attr; priv_set->count++; priv_set->set = new_set; ret = NT_STATUS_OK; done: return ret; } NTSTATUS add_privilege_by_name(PRIVILEGE_SET *priv_set, const char *name) { int e; for (e = 0; privs[e].se_priv != SE_ALL_PRIVS; e++) { if (StrCaseCmp(privs[e].priv, name) == 0) { LUID_ATTR la; la.attr = 0; la.luid.high = 0; la.luid.low = privs[e].se_priv; return add_privilege(priv_set, la); } } DEBUG(1, ("add_privilege_by_name: No Such Privilege Found (%s)\n", name)); return NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /**************************************************************************** add all the privileges to a privilege array ****************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS add_all_privilege(PRIVILEGE_SET *priv_set) { NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_OK; LUID_ATTR set; set.attr = 0; set.luid.high = 0; /* TODO: set a proper list of privileges */ set.luid.low = SE_ADD_USERS; result = add_privilege(priv_set, set); NTSTATUS_CHECK(result, done, "add_all_privilege", "add_privilege"); set.luid.low = SE_MACHINE_ACCOUNT; result = add_privilege(priv_set, set); NTSTATUS_CHECK(result, done, "add_all_privilege", "add_privilege"); set.luid.low = SE_PRINT_OPERATOR; result = add_privilege(priv_set, set); NTSTATUS_CHECK(result, done, "add_all_privilege", "add_privilege"); return result; } /**************************************************************************** check if the privilege list is empty ****************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS check_empty_privilege(PRIVILEGE_SET *priv_set) { if (!priv_set) return NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (priv_set->count == 0) return NT_STATUS_OK; return NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /**************************************************************************** check if the privilege is in the privilege list ****************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS check_priv_in_privilege(PRIVILEGE_SET *priv_set, LUID_ATTR set) { int i; if (!priv_set) return NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* if the list is empty, obviously we can't have it */ if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(check_empty_privilege(priv_set))) return NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; for (i = 0; i < priv_set->count; i++) { LUID_ATTR *cur_set; cur_set = &priv_set->set[i]; /* check only the low and high part. Checking the attr field has no meaning */ if ( (cur_set->luid.low == set.luid.low) && (cur_set->luid.high == set.luid.high) ) { return NT_STATUS_OK; } } return NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /**************************************************************************** remove a privilege from a privilege array ****************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS remove_privilege(PRIVILEGE_SET *priv_set, LUID_ATTR set) { NTSTATUS ret; LUID_ATTR *new_set; LUID_ATTR *old_set; int i,j; if (!priv_set) return NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* check if the privilege is in the list */ if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(check_priv_in_privilege(priv_set, set))) return NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; /* special case if it's the only privilege in the list */ if (priv_set->count == 1) { reset_privilege(priv_set); return NT_STATUS_OK; } /* * the privilege is there, create a new list, * and copy the other privileges */ old_set = priv_set->set; new_set = (LUID_ATTR *)talloc(priv_set->mem_ctx, (priv_set->count - 1) * (sizeof(LUID_ATTR))); ALLOC_CHECK(new_set, ret, done, "remove_privilege"); for (i=0, j=0; i < priv_set->count; i++) { if ( (old_set[i].luid.low == set.luid.low) && (old_set[i].luid.high == set.luid.high) ) { continue; } new_set[j].luid.low = old_set[i].luid.low; new_set[j].luid.high = old_set[i].luid.high; new_set[j].attr = old_set[i].attr; j++; } if (j != priv_set->count - 1) { DEBUG(0,("remove_privilege: mismatch ! difference is not -1\n")); DEBUGADD(0,("old count:%d, new count:%d\n", priv_set->count, j)); return NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } /* ok everything is fine */ priv_set->count--; priv_set->set = new_set; ret = NT_STATUS_OK; done: return ret; } /**************************************************************************** duplicates a privilege array the new privilege set must be passed inited (use init_privilege or init_priv_with_ctx) ****************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS dup_priv_set(PRIVILEGE_SET *new_priv_set, PRIVILEGE_SET *priv_set) { NTSTATUS ret; LUID_ATTR *new_set; LUID_ATTR *old_set; int i; if (new_priv_set == NULL || priv_set == NULL) return NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* special case if there are no privileges in the list */ if (priv_set->count == 0) { return NT_STATUS_OK; } /* * create a new list, * and copy the other privileges */ old_set = priv_set->set; new_set = (LUID_ATTR *)talloc(new_priv_set->mem_ctx, (priv_set->count) * (sizeof(LUID_ATTR))); ALLOC_CHECK(new_set, ret, done, "dup_priv_set"); for (i=0; i < priv_set->count; i++) { new_set[i].luid.low = old_set[i].luid.low; new_set[i].luid.high = old_set[i].luid.high; new_set[i].attr = old_set[i].attr; } new_priv_set->count = priv_set->count; new_priv_set->control = priv_set->control; new_priv_set->set = new_set; ret = NT_STATUS_OK; done: return ret; } NTSTATUS user_has_privilege(struct current_user *user, uint32 privilege) { LUID_ATTR set; set.attr = 0; set.luid.high = 0; set.luid.low = privilege; return check_priv_in_privilege(user->privs, set); }