/* Linux DNS client library implementation Copyright (C) 2006 Krishna Ganugapati Copyright (C) 2006 Gerald Carter ** NOTE! The following LGPL license applies to the libaddns ** library. This does NOT imply that all of Samba is released ** under the LGPL This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "dns.h" #include #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define STATE_BEGIN 0 #define STATE_LABEL 1 #define STATE_FINISH 2 #define TOKEN_LABEL 1 #define TOKEN_SEPARATOR 2 #define TOKEN_EOS 3 /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ static int32 getToken( char *pszString, char *pszToken, int32 * pdwToken, int32 * pdwPosition ) { int32 dwError = 0; char c = 0; int32 dwToken = 0; int32 i = 0; int32 dwState = 0; int32 dwPosition = 0; dwPosition = *pdwPosition; dwState = STATE_BEGIN; while ( dwState != STATE_FINISH ) { c = pszString[dwPosition]; if ( c == '\0' ) { if ( dwState == STATE_LABEL ) { dwToken = TOKEN_LABEL; dwState = STATE_FINISH; continue; } else if ( dwState == STATE_BEGIN ) { dwToken = TOKEN_EOS; dwState = STATE_FINISH; continue; } } else if ( isalnum( c ) || c == '-' ) { pszToken[i++] = c; dwPosition++; dwState = STATE_LABEL; continue; } else if ( c == '.' ) { if ( dwState == STATE_LABEL ) { dwToken = TOKEN_LABEL; dwState = STATE_FINISH; continue; } else if ( dwState == STATE_BEGIN ) { dwToken = TOKEN_SEPARATOR; dwPosition++; dwState = STATE_FINISH; continue; } } else { if ( dwState == STATE_LABEL ) { dwToken = TOKEN_LABEL; dwState = STATE_FINISH; } else if ( dwState == 0 ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; dwState = STATE_FINISH; } } } *pdwPosition = dwPosition; *pdwToken = dwToken; return dwError; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ static int32 DNSMakeLabel( char *szLabel, DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL ** ppLabel ) { DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL *pLabel = NULL; char *pszLabel = NULL; int32 dwError = 0; dwError = DNSAllocateMemory( sizeof( DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL ), ( void ** ) &pLabel ); BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); dwError = DNSAllocateString( szLabel, &pszLabel ); BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); pLabel->pszLabel = pszLabel; pLabel->dwLength = ( int32 ) strlen( pszLabel ); *ppLabel = pLabel; return dwError; error: if ( pLabel ) { DNSFreeMemory( pLabel ); } *ppLabel = NULL; return dwError; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ static void DNSFreeLabel( DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL * pLabel ) { if ( pLabel ) { DNSFreeMemory( pLabel ); } return; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ void DNSFreeLabelList(DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL *pLabelList) { DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL *pTemp = NULL; while(pLabelList) { pTemp = pLabelList; pLabelList = pLabelList->pNext; DNSFreeLabel(pTemp); } return; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ void DNSFreeDomainName(DNS_DOMAIN_NAME *pDomainName) { DNSFreeLabelList(pDomainName->pLabelList); DNSFreeMemory(pDomainName); return; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ static int32 LabelList( char *pszString, int32 * pdwPosition, DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL ** ppList ) { int32 dwError = 0; DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL *pList = NULL; DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL *pLabel = NULL; int32 dwToken = 0; char szToken[64]; memset( szToken, 0, 64 ); dwError = getToken( pszString, szToken, &dwToken, pdwPosition ); BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); if ( dwToken != TOKEN_LABEL ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); } dwError = DNSMakeLabel( szToken, &pLabel ); BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); memset( szToken, 0, 64 ); dwError = getToken( pszString, szToken, &dwToken, pdwPosition ); BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); if ( dwToken == TOKEN_EOS ) { *ppList = pLabel; return dwError; } else if ( dwToken == TOKEN_SEPARATOR ) { dwError = LabelList( pszString, pdwPosition, &pList ); BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); pLabel->pNext = pList; *ppList = pLabel; } return dwError; error: if ( pLabel ) { DNSFreeLabel( pLabel ); } return dwError; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ static int32 DNSGetDomainNameOffset( uint8 * pBuffer ) { uint8 uLen = 0; uint8 uLen1; int32 dwOffset = 0; uLen1 = *pBuffer; if ( uLen1 & 0xC0 ) { dwOffset += 2; } else { while ( 1 ) { uLen = *pBuffer; pBuffer++; dwOffset++; if ( uLen == 0 ) { break; } dwOffset += uLen; pBuffer += uLen; } } return ( dwOffset ); } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 DNSGenerateIdentifier( int16 * pwIdentifier ) { int32 dwError = 0; *pwIdentifier = random( ); return dwError; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 DNSGetDomainNameLength( DNS_DOMAIN_NAME * pDomainName, int32 * pdwLength ) { int32 dwError = 0; int32 dwLength = 0; DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL *pDomainLabel = NULL; if ( !pDomainName ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); } pDomainLabel = pDomainName->pLabelList; while ( pDomainLabel ) { dwLength += pDomainLabel->dwLength; dwLength += 1; pDomainLabel = pDomainLabel->pNext; } dwLength += 1; *pdwLength = dwLength; return dwError; error: *pdwLength = 0; return dwError; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 DNSCopyDomainName( uint8 * pBuffer, DNS_DOMAIN_NAME * pDomainName, int32 * pdwCopied ) { int32 dwError = 0; DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL *pDomainLabel = NULL; uint8 uChar = 0; int32 dwCopied = 0; if ( !pDomainName ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); } pDomainLabel = pDomainName->pLabelList; while ( pDomainLabel ) { uChar = ( uint8 ) pDomainLabel->dwLength; memcpy( pBuffer + dwCopied, &uChar, sizeof( uint8 ) ); dwCopied += sizeof( uint8 ); memcpy( pBuffer + dwCopied, pDomainLabel->pszLabel, pDomainLabel->dwLength ); dwCopied += pDomainLabel->dwLength; pDomainLabel = pDomainLabel->pNext; } uChar = 0; memcpy( pBuffer + dwCopied, &uChar, sizeof( uint8 ) ); dwCopied += sizeof( uint8 ); *pdwCopied = dwCopied; return dwError; error: *pdwCopied = 0; return dwError; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 DNSGenerateKeyName( char **ppszKeyName ) { int32 dwError = 0; char *pszKeyName = NULL; char szTemp[256]; char szBuffer[256]; unsigned char uuid[16]; memset( szTemp, 0, 256 ); memset( szBuffer, 0, 256 ); memset( uuid, 0, 16 ); uuid_generate( uuid ); uuid_unparse( uuid, szBuffer ); strcpy( szTemp, szBuffer ); dwError = DNSAllocateString( szTemp, &pszKeyName ); BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); *ppszKeyName = pszKeyName; return dwError; error: *ppszKeyName = NULL; return dwError; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 DNSDomainNameFromString( char *pszDomainName, DNS_DOMAIN_NAME ** ppDomainName ) { int32 dwError = 0; int32 dwPosition = 0; DNS_DOMAIN_NAME *pDomainName = NULL; DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL *pLabelList = NULL; if ( !pszDomainName || !*pszDomainName ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return dwError; } dwError = LabelList( pszDomainName, &dwPosition, &pLabelList ); BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); dwError = DNSAllocateMemory( sizeof( DNS_DOMAIN_NAME ), ( void ** ) &pDomainName ); BAIL_ON_ERROR( dwError ); pDomainName->pLabelList = pLabelList; *ppDomainName = pDomainName; return dwError; error: if ( pLabelList ) { DNSFreeLabelList( pLabelList ); } *ppDomainName = NULL; return dwError; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 DNSAppendLabel( DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL * pLabelList, DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL * pLabel, DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL ** ppNewLabelList ) { DNS_DOMAIN_LABEL **ppLabelList = NULL; int32 dwError = 0; if ( pLabelList == NULL ) { *ppNewLabelList = pLabel; return dwError; } ppLabelList = &pLabelList; while ( ( *ppLabelList )->pNext ) { ppLabelList = &( ( *ppLabelList )->pNext ); } ( *ppLabelList )->pNext = pLabel; *ppNewLabelList = pLabelList; return dwError; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 GetLastError( ) { return ( errno ); } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 WSAGetLastError( void ) { return ( errno ); } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ void DNSRecordGenerateOffsets( DNS_RR_RECORD * pDNSRecord ) { int32 dwOffset = 0; uint8 *pRData = NULL; int16 wKeySize, wnKeySize = 0; pRData = pDNSRecord->pRData; switch ( pDNSRecord->RRHeader.wType ) { case QTYPE_TKEY: pDNSRecord->Offsets.TKey.wAlgorithmOffset = ( int16 ) dwOffset; dwOffset += DNSGetDomainNameOffset( pRData ); pDNSRecord->Offsets.TKey.wInceptionOffset = ( int16 ) dwOffset; dwOffset += sizeof( int32 ); pDNSRecord->Offsets.TKey.wExpirationOffset = ( int16 ) dwOffset; dwOffset += sizeof( int32 ); pDNSRecord->Offsets.TKey.wModeOffset = ( int16 ) dwOffset; dwOffset += sizeof( int16 ); pDNSRecord->Offsets.TKey.wErrorOffset = ( int16 ) dwOffset; dwOffset += sizeof( int16 ); pDNSRecord->Offsets.TKey.wKeySizeOffset = ( int16 ) dwOffset; dwOffset += sizeof( int16 ); pDNSRecord->Offsets.TKey.wKeyDataOffset = ( int16 ) dwOffset; memcpy( &wnKeySize, pRData + pDNSRecord->Offsets.TKey.wKeySizeOffset, sizeof( int16 ) ); wKeySize = ntohs( wnKeySize ); dwOffset += wKeySize; pDNSRecord->Offsets.TKey.wOtherSizeOffset = ( int16 ) dwOffset; dwOffset += sizeof( int16 ); pDNSRecord->Offsets.TKey.wOtherDataOffset = ( int16 ) dwOffset; break; case QTYPE_TSIG: break; } return; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 MapDNSResponseCodes( int16 wResponseCode ) { int16 wnResponseCode = 0; uint8 *pByte = NULL; wnResponseCode = htons( wResponseCode ); pByte = ( uint8 * ) & wnResponseCode; #if 0 printf( "Byte 0 - %.2x\n", pByte[0] ); printf( "Byte 1 - %.2x\n", pByte[1] ); #endif /* Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 of Byte 2 represent the RCode */ return ( ( int32 ) pByte[1] ); } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 DNSAllocateMemory(int32 dwSize, void * * ppMemory) { int32 dwError = 0; void * pMemory = NULL; pMemory = malloc(dwSize); if (!pMemory){ dwError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; *ppMemory = NULL; }else { memset(pMemory,0, dwSize); *ppMemory = pMemory; } return (dwError); } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 DNSReallocMemory(void * pMemory, void * * ppNewMemory, int32 dwSize) { int32 dwError = 0; void * pNewMemory = NULL; if (pMemory == NULL) { pNewMemory = malloc(dwSize); memset(pNewMemory, 0, dwSize); }else { pNewMemory = realloc(pMemory, dwSize); } if (!pNewMemory){ dwError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; *ppNewMemory = NULL; }else { *ppNewMemory = pNewMemory; } return(dwError); } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ void DNSFreeMemory( void * pMemory ) { free(pMemory); return; } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ int32 DNSAllocateString(char *pszInputString, char **ppszOutputString) { int32 dwError = 0; int32 dwLen = 0; char * pszOutputString = NULL; if (!pszInputString || !*pszInputString){ dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_ERROR(dwError); } dwLen = (int32)strlen(pszInputString); dwError = DNSAllocateMemory(dwLen+1, (void * *)&pszOutputString); BAIL_ON_ERROR(dwError); strcpy(pszOutputString, pszInputString); *ppszOutputString = pszOutputString; return(dwError); error: *ppszOutputString = pszOutputString; return(dwError); } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ void DNSFreeString(char * pszString) { return; }