/* * Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. * MS-RPC client library implementation (LSA pipe) * Copyright (C) Chris Nicholls 2005. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "libmsrpc.h" #include "libsmb_internal.h" int cac_LsaOpenPolicy( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaOpenPolicy *op ) { SMBCSRV *srv = NULL; POLICY_HND *policy = NULL; struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !mem_ctx || !op ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.pol = NULL; srv = cac_GetServer( hnd ); if ( !srv ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; return CAC_FAILURE; } /*see if there is already an active session on this pipe, if not then open one */ if ( !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { pipe_hnd = cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth( srv->cli, PI_LSARPC, &hnd->status ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; return CAC_FAILURE; } hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] = True; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } policy = TALLOC_P( mem_ctx, POLICY_HND ); if ( !policy ) { errno = ENOMEM; hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return CAC_FAILURE; } /*need to make sure that our nt status is good otherwise check might fail below */ hnd->status = NT_STATUS_OK; if ( hnd->_internal.srv_level >= SRV_WIN_2K ) { /*try using open_policy2, if this fails try again in next block using open_policy, if that works then adjust hnd->_internal.srv_level */ /*we shouldn't need to modify the access mask to make it work here */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_open_policy2( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.security_qos, op->in.access, policy ); } if ( hnd->_internal.srv_level < SRV_WIN_2K || !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_open_policy( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.security_qos, op->in.access, policy ); if ( hnd->_internal.srv_level > SRV_WIN_NT4 && NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { /*change the server level to 1 */ hnd->_internal.srv_level = SRV_WIN_NT4; } } if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.pol = policy; return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaClosePolicy( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, POLICY_HND * pol ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !pol ) return CAC_SUCCESS; /*if the policy handle doesnt exist then it's already closed */ if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_Close( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, pol ); TALLOC_FREE( pol ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) return CAC_FAILURE; return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaGetNamesFromSids( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaGetNamesFromSids *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; int result = -1; int i; /*buffers for outputs */ char **domains = NULL; char **names = NULL; enum lsa_SidType *types = NULL; CacSidInfo *sids_out = NULL; DOM_SID *unknown_out = NULL; int num_unknown = 0; int num_sids; int found_idx; int unknown_idx; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !mem_ctx || !op || !op->in.pol || !op->in.sids ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } num_sids = op->in.num_sids; pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } /*now actually lookup the names */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_lookup_sids( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, op->in.num_sids, op->in.sids, &domains, &names, &types ); if ( NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { /*this is the easy part, just make the out.sids array */ if (num_sids) { sids_out = TALLOC_ARRAY( mem_ctx, CacSidInfo, num_sids ); if ( !sids_out ) { errno = ENOMEM; hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return CAC_FAILURE; } } else { sids_out = NULL; } for ( i = 0; i < num_sids; i++ ) { sids_out[i].sid = op->in.sids[i]; sids_out[i].name = names[i]; sids_out[i].domain = domains[i]; } result = CAC_SUCCESS; } else if ( NT_STATUS_V( hnd->status ) == NT_STATUS_V( STATUS_SOME_UNMAPPED ) ) { /*first find out how many couldn't be looked up */ for ( i = 0; i < num_sids; i++ ) { if ( names[i] == NULL ) { num_unknown++; } } if ( num_unknown >= num_sids ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( num_sids - num_unknown) { sids_out = TALLOC_ARRAY( mem_ctx, CacSidInfo, ( num_sids - num_unknown ) ); if ( !sids_out ) { errno = ENOMEM; hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return CAC_FAILURE; } } else { sids_out = NULL; } if (num_unknown) { unknown_out = TALLOC_ARRAY( mem_ctx, DOM_SID, num_unknown ); if ( !unknown_out ) { errno = ENOMEM; hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return CAC_FAILURE; } } else { unknown_out = NULL; } found_idx = unknown_idx = 0; /*now we can actually do the real work */ for ( i = 0; i < num_sids; i++ ) { if ( names[i] != NULL ) { sids_out[found_idx].sid = op->in.sids[i]; sids_out[found_idx].name = names[i]; sids_out[found_idx].domain = domains[i]; found_idx++; } else { /*then this one didnt work out */ unknown_out[unknown_idx] = op->in.sids[i]; unknown_idx++; } } result = CAC_PARTIAL_SUCCESS; } else { /*then it failed for some reason */ return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.num_found = num_sids - num_unknown; op->out.sids = sids_out; op->out.unknown = unknown_out; return result; } int cac_LsaGetSidsFromNames( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaGetSidsFromNames *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; int result = -1; int i; /*buffers for outputs */ DOM_SID *sids = NULL; enum lsa_SidType *types = NULL; CacSidInfo *sids_out = NULL; char **unknown_out = NULL; int num_unknown = 0; int num_names; int found_idx = 0; int unknown_idx = 0; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !mem_ctx || !op || !op->in.pol || !op->in.names ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } num_names = op->in.num_names; pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } /*now actually lookup the names */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_lookup_names( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, num_names, ( const char ** ) op->in.names, NULL, 1, &sids, &types ); if ( NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { /*this is the easy part, just make the out.sids array */ if (num_names) { sids_out = TALLOC_ARRAY( mem_ctx, CacSidInfo, num_names ); if ( !sids_out ) { errno = ENOMEM; hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return CAC_FAILURE; } } else { sids_out = NULL; } for ( i = 0; i < num_names; i++ ) { sids_out[i].sid = sids[i]; sids_out[i].name = talloc_strdup( mem_ctx, op->in.names[i] ); sids_out[i].domain = NULL; } result = CAC_SUCCESS; } else if ( NT_STATUS_V( hnd->status ) == NT_STATUS_V( STATUS_SOME_UNMAPPED ) ) { /*first find out how many couldn't be looked up */ for ( i = 0; i < num_names; i++ ) { if ( types[i] == SID_NAME_UNKNOWN ) { num_unknown++; } } if ( num_unknown >= num_names ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; return CAC_FAILURE; } if (num_names - num_unknown) { sids_out = TALLOC_ARRAY( mem_ctx, CacSidInfo, ( num_names - num_unknown ) ); if ( !sids_out ) { errno = ENOMEM; hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return CAC_FAILURE; } } else { sids_out = NULL; } if (num_unknown) { unknown_out = TALLOC_ARRAY( mem_ctx, char *, num_unknown ); if ( !unknown_out ) { errno = ENOMEM; hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return CAC_FAILURE; } } else { unknown_out = NULL; } unknown_idx = found_idx = 0; /*now we can actually do the real work */ for ( i = 0; i < num_names; i++ ) { if ( types[i] != SID_NAME_UNKNOWN ) { sids_out[found_idx].sid = sids[i]; sids_out[found_idx].name = talloc_strdup( mem_ctx, op->in.names[i] ); sids_out[found_idx].domain = NULL; found_idx++; } else { /*then this one didnt work out */ unknown_out[unknown_idx] = talloc_strdup( mem_ctx, op->in.names[i] ); unknown_idx++; } } result = CAC_PARTIAL_SUCCESS; } else { /*then it failed for some reason */ return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.num_found = num_names - num_unknown; op->out.sids = sids_out; op->out.unknown = unknown_out; return result; } int cac_LsaFetchSid( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaFetchSid *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; int result = -1; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !mem_ctx || !op || !op->in.pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.local_sid = NULL; op->out.domain_sid = NULL; if ( ( op->in.info_class & CAC_LOCAL_INFO ) == CAC_LOCAL_INFO ) { DOM_SID *local_sid = NULL; char *dom_name = NULL; hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_query_info_policy( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, CAC_LOCAL_INFO, &dom_name, &local_sid ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { result = CAC_FAILURE; goto domain; } op->out.local_sid = talloc( mem_ctx, CacSidInfo ); if ( !op->out.local_sid ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; result = CAC_FAILURE; goto domain; } op->out.local_sid->domain = dom_name; sid_copy( &op->out.local_sid->sid, local_sid ); TALLOC_FREE( local_sid ); } domain: if ( ( op->in.info_class & CAC_DOMAIN_INFO ) == CAC_DOMAIN_INFO ) { DOM_SID *domain_sid; char *dom_name; hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_query_info_policy( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, CAC_DOMAIN_INFO, &dom_name, &domain_sid ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { /*if we succeeded above, report partial success */ result = CAC_FAILURE; goto done; } else if ( result == CAC_FAILURE ) { /*if we failed above but succeded here then report partial success */ result = CAC_PARTIAL_SUCCESS; } op->out.domain_sid = talloc( mem_ctx, CacSidInfo ); if ( !op->out.domain_sid ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; result = CAC_FAILURE; goto done; } op->out.domain_sid->domain = dom_name; sid_copy( &op->out.domain_sid->sid, domain_sid ); TALLOC_FREE( domain_sid ); } done: return result; } int cac_LsaQueryInfoPolicy( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaQueryInfoPolicy *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; char *domain_name = NULL; char *dns_name = NULL; char *forest_name = NULL; struct GUID *domain_guid = NULL; DOM_SID *domain_sid = NULL; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op || !op->in.pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } /*only works if info_class parm is 12 */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_query_info_policy2( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, 12, &domain_name, &dns_name, &forest_name, &domain_guid, &domain_sid ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.domain_name = domain_name; op->out.dns_name = dns_name; op->out.forest_name = forest_name; op->out.domain_guid = domain_guid; op->out.domain_sid = domain_sid; return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaEnumSids( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaEnumSids *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; uint32 num_sids; DOM_SID *sids; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op || !op->in.pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_enum_sids( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, &( op->out.resume_idx ), op->in.pref_max_sids, &num_sids, &sids ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.num_sids = num_sids; op->out.sids = sids; return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaEnumAccountRights( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaEnumAccountRights *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; uint32 count = 0; char **privs = NULL; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.name && !op->in.sid ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( op->in.name && !op->in.sid ) { DOM_SID *user_sid = NULL; enum lsa_SidType *type; /*lookup the SID */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_lookup_names( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, 1, ( const char ** ) &( op->in. name ), NULL, 1, &user_sid, &type ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) return CAC_FAILURE; op->in.sid = user_sid; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_enum_account_rights( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, op->in.sid, &count, &privs ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.num_privs = count; op->out.priv_names = privs; return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaEnumTrustedDomains( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaEnumTrustedDomains *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd; uint32 num_domains; char **domain_names; DOM_SID *domain_sids; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_enum_trust_dom( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, &( op->out.resume_idx ), &num_domains, &domain_names, &domain_sids ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.num_domains = num_domains; op->out.domain_names = domain_names; op->out.domain_sids = domain_sids; return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaOpenTrustedDomain( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaOpenTrustedDomain *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; POLICY_HND *dom_pol = NULL; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.pol || !op->in.access || !op->in.domain_sid ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } dom_pol = talloc( mem_ctx, POLICY_HND ); if ( !dom_pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; errno = ENOMEM; return CAC_FAILURE; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_open_trusted_domain( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, op->in.domain_sid, op->in.access, dom_pol ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.domain_pol = dom_pol; return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO *dom_info; if ( !hnd ) return CAC_FAILURE; if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.pol || !op->in.info_class ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.domain_sid && !op->in.domain_name ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( op->in.domain_sid ) { hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_query_trusted_domain_info_by_sid( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in. pol, op->in. info_class, op->in. domain_sid, &dom_info ); } else if ( op->in.domain_name ) { hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_query_trusted_domain_info_by_name ( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, op->in.info_class, op->in.domain_name, &dom_info ); } if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.info = dom_info; return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaEnumPrivileges( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaEnumPrivileges *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; uint32 num_privs; char **priv_names; uint32 *high_bits; uint32 *low_bits; if ( !hnd ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op || !op->in.pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_enum_privilege( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, &( op->out.resume_idx ), op->in.pref_max_privs, &num_privs, &priv_names, &high_bits, &low_bits ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.num_privs = num_privs; op->out.priv_names = priv_names; op->out.high_bits = high_bits; op->out.low_bits = low_bits; return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaOpenAccount( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaOpenAccount *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; POLICY_HND *user_pol = NULL; if ( !hnd ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op || !op->in.pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.sid && !op->in.name ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } /*look up the user's SID if we have to */ if ( op->in.name && !op->in.sid ) { DOM_SID *user_sid = NULL; enum lsa_SidType *type; /*lookup the SID */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_lookup_names( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, 1, ( const char ** ) &( op->in. name ), NULL, 1, &user_sid, &type ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) return CAC_FAILURE; op->in.sid = user_sid; } user_pol = talloc( mem_ctx, POLICY_HND ); if ( !user_pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return CAC_FAILURE; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_open_account( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, op->in.sid, op->in.access, user_pol ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { TALLOC_FREE( user_pol ); return CAC_FAILURE; } op->out.user = user_pol; return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaAddPrivileges( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaAddPrivileges *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; DOM_SID *user_sid = NULL; enum lsa_SidType *type = NULL; if ( !hnd ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op || !op->in.pol || !op->in.priv_names ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.sid && !op->in.name ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( op->in.name && !op->in.sid ) { /*lookup the SID */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_lookup_names( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, 1, ( const char ** ) &( op->in. name ), NULL, 1, &user_sid, &type ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) return CAC_FAILURE; op->in.sid = user_sid; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_add_account_rights( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, *( op->in.sid ), op->in.num_privs, ( const char ** ) op->in. priv_names ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaRemovePrivileges( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaRemovePrivileges *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; DOM_SID *user_sid = NULL; enum lsa_SidType *type = NULL; if ( !hnd ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op || !op->in.pol || !op->in.priv_names ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.sid && !op->in.name ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( op->in.name && !op->in.sid ) { /*lookup the SID */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_lookup_names( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, 1, ( const char ** ) &( op->in. name ), NULL, 1, &user_sid, &type ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) return CAC_FAILURE; op->in.sid = user_sid; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_remove_account_rights( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, *( op->in.sid ), False, op->in.num_privs, ( const char ** ) op->in. priv_names ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaClearPrivileges( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaClearPrivileges *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; DOM_SID *user_sid = NULL; enum lsa_SidType *type = NULL; if ( !hnd ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op || !op->in.pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.sid && !op->in.name ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( op->in.name && !op->in.sid ) { /*lookup the SID */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_lookup_names( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, 1, ( const char ** ) &( op->in. name ), NULL, 1, &user_sid, &type ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) return CAC_FAILURE; op->in.sid = user_sid; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_remove_account_rights( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, *( op->in.sid ), True, 0, NULL ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaSetPrivileges( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaAddPrivileges *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; DOM_SID *user_sid = NULL; enum lsa_SidType *type = NULL; if ( !hnd ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op || !op->in.pol || !op->in.priv_names ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op->in.sid && !op->in.name ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( op->in.name && !op->in.sid ) { /*lookup the SID */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_lookup_names( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, 1, ( const char ** ) &( op->in. name ), NULL, 1, &user_sid, &type ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) return CAC_FAILURE; op->in.sid = user_sid; } /*first remove all privileges */ hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_remove_account_rights( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, *( op->in.sid ), True, 0, NULL ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_add_account_rights( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, *( op->in.sid ), op->in.num_privs, ( const char ** ) op->in. priv_names ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } return CAC_SUCCESS; } int cac_LsaGetSecurityObject( CacServerHandle * hnd, TALLOC_CTX * mem_ctx, struct LsaGetSecurityObject *op ) { struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd = NULL; /*this is taken from rpcclient/cmd_lsarpc.c */ uint16 info_level = 4; SEC_DESC_BUF *sec_out = NULL; if ( !hnd ) { return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !hnd->_internal.ctx || !hnd->_internal.pipes[PI_LSARPC] ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } if ( !op || !op->in.pol ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return CAC_FAILURE; } pipe_hnd = cac_GetPipe( hnd, PI_LSARPC ); if ( !pipe_hnd ) { hnd->status = NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return CAC_FAILURE; } hnd->status = rpccli_lsa_query_secobj( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, op->in.pol, info_level, &sec_out ); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK( hnd->status ) ) return CAC_FAILURE; op->out.sec = sec_out; return CAC_FAILURE; }