#include "idl_types.h"

  wkssvc interface definitions

import "srvsvc.idl", "lsa.idl";

[ uuid("6bffd098-a112-3610-9833-46c3f87e345a"),
  helpstring("Workstation Service"),
] interface wkssvc
	typedef [v1_enum] enum srvsvc_PlatformId srvsvc_PlatformId;

#define BOOL uint32

	/* Function: 0x00 */

	typedef struct {
		srvsvc_PlatformId platform_id;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *domain_name;
		uint32 version_major;
		uint32 version_minor;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo100;

	typedef struct {
		srvsvc_PlatformId platform_id;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *domain_name;
		uint32 version_major;
		uint32 version_minor;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *lan_root;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo101;

	typedef struct {
		srvsvc_PlatformId platform_id;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *domain_name;
		uint32 version_major;
		uint32 version_minor;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *lan_root;
		uint32 logged_on_users;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo102;

	/* FIXME: 302, 402 */

	typedef struct {
		uint32 char_wait;
		uint32 collection_time;
		uint32 maximum_collection_count;
		uint32 keep_connection;
		uint32 max_commands;
		uint32 session_timeout;
		uint32 size_char_buf;
		uint32 max_threads;
		uint32 lock_quota;
		uint32 lock_increment;
		uint32 lock_maximum;
		uint32 pipe_increment;
		uint32 pipe_maximum;
		uint32 cache_file_timeout;
		uint32 dormant_file_limit;
		uint32 read_ahead_throughput;
		uint32 num_mailslot_buffers;
		uint32 num_srv_announce_buffers;
		uint32 max_illegal_dgram_events;
		uint32 dgram_event_reset_freq;
		BOOL log_election_packets;
		BOOL use_opportunistic_locking;
		BOOL use_unlock_behind;
		BOOL use_close_behind;
		BOOL buf_named_pipes;
		BOOL use_lock_read_unlock;
		BOOL utilize_nt_caching;
		BOOL use_raw_read;
		BOOL use_raw_write;
		BOOL use_write_raw_data;
		BOOL use_encryption;
		BOOL buf_files_deny_write;
		BOOL buf_read_only_files;
		BOOL force_core_create_mode;
		BOOL use_512_byte_max_transfer;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo502;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 char_wait;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1010;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 collection_time;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1011;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 maximum_collection_count;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1012;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 keep_connection;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1013;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 session_timeout;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1018;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 size_char_buf;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1023;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 errorlog_sz;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1027;

	/* downlevel */
	typedef struct {
		uint32 print_buf_time;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1028;

	/* downlevel */
	typedef struct {
		uint32 wrk_heuristics;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1032;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 max_threads;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1033;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 lock_quota;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1041;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 lock_increment;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1042;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 lock_maximum;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1043;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 pipe_increment;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1044;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 pipe_maximum;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1045;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 dormant_file_limit;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1046;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 cache_file_timeout;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1047;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 use_opportunistic_locking;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1048;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 use_unlock_behind;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1049;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 use_close_behind;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1050;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 buf_named_pipes;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1051;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 use_lock_read_unlock;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1052;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 utilize_nt_caching;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1053;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 use_raw_read;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1054;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 use_raw_write;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1055;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 use_write_raw_data;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1056;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 use_encryption;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1057;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 buf_files_deny_write;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1058;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 buf_read_only_files;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1059;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 force_core_create_mode;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1060;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 use_512_byte_max_transfer;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1061;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 read_ahead_throughput;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1062;

	typedef union {
		[case(100)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo100 *info100;
		[case(101)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo101 *info101;
		[case(102)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo102 *info102;
		[case(502)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo502 *info502;
		[case(1010)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1010 *info1010;
		[case(1011)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1011 *info1011;
		[case(1012)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1012 *info1012;
		[case(1013)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1013 *info1013;
		[case(1018)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1018 *info1018;
		[case(1023)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1023 *info1023;
		[case(1027)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1027 *info1027;
		[case(1028)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1028 *info1028;
		[case(1032)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1032 *info1032;
		[case(1033)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1033 *info1033;
		[case(1041)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1041 *info1041;
		[case(1042)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1042 *info1042;
		[case(1043)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1043 *info1043;
		[case(1044)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1044 *info1044;
		[case(1045)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1045 *info1045;
		[case(1046)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1046 *info1046;
		[case(1047)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1047 *info1047;
		[case(1048)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1048 *info1048;
		[case(1049)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1049 *info1049;
		[case(1050)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1050 *info1050;
		[case(1051)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1051 *info1051;
		[case(1052)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1052 *info1052;
		[case(1053)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1053 *info1053;
		[case(1054)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1054 *info1054;
		[case(1055)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1055 *info1055;
		[case(1056)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1056 *info1056;
		[case(1057)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1057 *info1057;
		[case(1058)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1058 *info1058;
		[case(1059)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1059 *info1059;
		[case(1060)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1060 *info1060;
		[case(1061)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1061 *info1061;
		[case(1062)] wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo1062 *info1062;
		[default] ;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetWkstaGetInfo(
		[in,unique]   [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in]   uint32 level,
		[out,switch_is(level),ref]  wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo *info

	/* Function: 0x01 */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetWkstaSetInfo(
		[in,unique]   [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in]   uint32 level,
		[in,switch_is(level),ref]  wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo *info,
		[in,out,ref]   uint32 *parm_error

	/* Function        0x02      */
	typedef struct {
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *user_name;
	} wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo0;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 entries_read;
		[size_is(entries_read)] wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo0 *user0;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersCtr0;

	typedef struct {
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *user_name;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *logon_domain;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *other_domains;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *logon_server;
	} wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo1;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 entries_read;
		[size_is(entries_read)] wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo1 *user1;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersCtr1;

	typedef [switch_type(uint32)] union {
		[case(0)] wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersCtr0 *user0;
		[case(1)] wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersCtr1 *user1;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersCtr;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 level;
		[switch_is(level)] wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersCtr ctr;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersInfo;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsers(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,out,ref] wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersInfo *info,
		[in] uint32 prefmaxlen,
		[out,ref] uint32 *entries_read,
		[in,out,unique] uint32 *resume_handle

	/* Function        0x03      */
	typedef struct {
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *other_domains;
	} wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo1101;

	typedef [switch_type(uint32)] union {
		[case(0)] wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo0 *info0;
		[case(1)] wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo1 *info1;
		[case(1101)] wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo1101 *info1101;
	} wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserGetInfo(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *unknown,
		[in] uint32 level,
		[out,ref] [switch_is(level)] wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo *info

	/* Function        0x04      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserSetInfo(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *unknown,
		[in] uint32 level,
		[in,ref] [switch_is(level)] wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo *info,
		[in,out,unique] uint32 *parm_err

	/* Function        0x05      */

	typedef struct {
		uint32 quality_of_service;
		uint32 vc_count;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *name;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *address;
		uint32 wan_link;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportInfo0;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 count;
		[size_is(count)] wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportInfo0 *array;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportCtr0;

	typedef union {
		[case(0)] wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportCtr0 *ctr0;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportCtr;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 level;
		[switch_is(level)] wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportCtr ctr;
	} wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportInfo;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportEnum (
		[in,unique]         [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,out,ref] wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportInfo *info,
		[in]         uint32 max_buffer,
		[out,ref]    uint32 *total_entries,
		[in,out,unique]     uint32 *resume_handle

	/* Function        0x06      */
	/* only supported on NT */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrWkstaTransportAdd(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in] uint32 level, /* must be 0 */
		[in,ref] wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportInfo0 *info0,
		[in,out,unique] uint32 *parm_err

	/* Function        0x07      */
	/* only supported on NT */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrWkstaTransportDel(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *transport_name,
		[in] uint32 unknown3

	/* Function        0x08      */
	typedef struct {
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *unknown1;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *unknown2;
	} wkssvc_NetrUseInfo3;

	typedef struct {
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *local;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *remote;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *password;
		uint32 status;
		uint32 asg_type;
		uint32 ref_count;
		uint32 use_count;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *user_name;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *domain_name;
	} wkssvc_NetrUseInfo2;

	typedef struct {
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *local;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *remote;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *password;
		uint32 status;
		uint32 asg_type;
		uint32 ref_count;
		uint32 use_count;
	} wkssvc_NetrUseInfo1;

	typedef struct {
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *local;
		[string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *remote;
	} wkssvc_NetrUseInfo0;

	typedef [switch_type(uint32)] union {
		[case(0)] wkssvc_NetrUseInfo0 *info0;
		[case(1)] wkssvc_NetrUseInfo1 *info1;
		[case(2)] wkssvc_NetrUseInfo2 *info2;
		[case(3)] wkssvc_NetrUseInfo3 *info3;
	} wkssvc_NetrUseGetInfoCtr;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetrUseAdd(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in] uint32 level,
		[in,ref] [switch_is(level)] wkssvc_NetrUseGetInfoCtr *ctr,
		[in,out,unique] uint32 *parm_err

	/* Function        0x09      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrUseGetInfo(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *use_name,
		[in] uint32 level,
		[out,ref] [switch_is(level)] wkssvc_NetrUseGetInfoCtr *ctr

	/* Function        0x0a      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrUseDel(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *use_name,
		[in] uint32 force_cond

	/* Function        0x0b      */
	typedef struct {
		uint32 count;
		[size_is(count)] wkssvc_NetrUseInfo2 *array;
	} wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr2;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 count;
		[size_is(count)] wkssvc_NetrUseInfo1 *array;
	} wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr1;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 count;
		[size_is(count)] wkssvc_NetrUseInfo0 *array;
	} wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr0;

	typedef [switch_type(uint32)] union {
		[case(0)] wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr0 *ctr0;
		[case(1)] wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr1 *ctr1;
		[case(2)] wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr2 *ctr2;
	} wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 level;
		[switch_is(level)] wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr ctr;
	} wkssvc_NetrUseEnumInfo;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetrUseEnum(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,out,ref] wkssvc_NetrUseEnumInfo *info,
		[in] uint32 prefmaxlen,
		[out,ref] uint32 *entries_read,
		[in,out,unique] uint32 *resume_handle

	/* Function        0x0c      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrMessageBufferSend(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *message_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *message_sender_name,
		[in,ref] [size_is(message_size)] uint8 *message_buffer,
		[in] uint32 message_size

	/* Function        0x0d      */
	typedef struct {
		hyper unknown1;
		hyper unknown2;
		hyper unknown3;
		hyper unknown4;
		hyper unknown5;
		hyper unknown6;
		hyper unknown7;
		hyper unknown8;
		hyper unknown9;
		hyper unknown10;
		hyper unknown11;
		hyper unknown12;
		hyper unknown13;
		uint32 unknown14;
		uint32 unknown15;
		uint32 unknown16;
		uint32 unknown17;
		uint32 unknown18;
		uint32 unknown19;
		uint32 unknown20;
		uint32 unknown21;
		uint32 unknown22;
		uint32 unknown23;
		uint32 unknown24;
		uint32 unknown25;
		uint32 unknown26;
		uint32 unknown27;
		uint32 unknown28;
		uint32 unknown29;
		uint32 unknown30;
		uint32 unknown31;
		uint32 unknown32;
		uint32 unknown33;
		uint32 unknown34;
		uint32 unknown35;
		uint32 unknown36;
		uint32 unknown37;
		uint32 unknown38;
		uint32 unknown39;
		uint32 unknown40;
	} wkssvc_NetrWorkstationStatistics;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetrWorkstationStatisticsGet(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *unknown2,
		[in] uint32 unknown3,
		[in] uint32 unknown4,
		[out,ref] wkssvc_NetrWorkstationStatistics **info

	/* Function        0x0e      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrLogonDomainNameAdd(
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *domain_name

	/* Function        0x0f      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrLogonDomainNameDel(
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *domain_name

	/* Function        0x10      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrJoinDomain(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *domain_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *account_ou,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *password,
		[in] wkssvc_joinflags join_flags

	/* Function        0x11      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrUnjoinDomain(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *password,
		[in] wkssvc_joinflags unjoin_flags

	/* Function        0x12      */
	typedef [bitmap32bit] bitmap {
		/* TRUE: create the account in the domain */
	} wkssvc_renameflags;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetrRenameMachineInDomain(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *NewMachineName,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *password,
		[in] wkssvc_renameflags RenameOptions

	/* Function        0x13      */
	typedef enum {
		NetSetupUnknown = 0,
		NetSetupMachine = 1,
		NetSetupWorkgroup = 2,
		NetSetupDomain = 3,
		NetSetupNonExistentDomain = 4,
		NetSetupDnsMachine = 5
	} wkssvc_NetValidateNameType;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetrValidateName(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Password,
		[in] wkssvc_NetValidateNameType name_type

	/* Function        0x14      */
	typedef enum {
		NetSetupUnknownStatus = 0,
		NetSetupUnjoined = 1,
		NetSetupWorkgroupName = 2,
		NetSetupDomainName = 3
	} wkssvc_NetJoinStatus;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetrGetJoinInformation(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,out,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 **name_buffer,
		[out,ref] wkssvc_NetJoinStatus *name_type

	/* Function        0x15      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrGetJoinableOus(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *domain_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *unknown,
		[in,out,ref] uint32 *num_ous,
		 * this is a [ref] pointer to a [unique] pointer to an
		 * array of [unique] pointers to a string array
		[out,ref] [size_is(,*num_ous)] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 ***ous

	typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct {
		uint8 data[524];
	} wkssvc_PasswordBuffer;

	typedef [bitmap32bit] bitmap {
		/* TRUE: defer setting the SPN and dNSHostName until a rename operation */

		/* TRUE: set the machine password to the provided one after the join completes */

		/* TRUE: perform an unsecured join */

		/* TRUE: allow the join to complete even if the account already exists */

		/* TRUE: this join is part of a w9x upgrade */

		/* TRUE: delete the account when the domain is left */

		/* TRUE: create the account in the domain */

		/* TRUE: join domain    FALSE: join workgroup */

	} wkssvc_joinflags;

	/* Function        0x16      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrJoinDomain2 (
		[in,unique]  [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,ref]     [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *domain_name,
		[in,unique]  [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *account_ou,
		[in,unique]  [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *admin_account,
		[in,unique]  wkssvc_PasswordBuffer *encrypted_password,
		[in]         wkssvc_joinflags join_flags

	/* Function        0x17      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrUnjoinDomain2 (
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *account,
		[in,unique] wkssvc_PasswordBuffer *encrypted_password,
		[in] wkssvc_joinflags unjoin_flags

	/* Function        0x18      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *NewMachineName,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] wkssvc_PasswordBuffer *EncryptedPassword,
		[in] wkssvc_renameflags RenameOptions

	/* Function        0x19      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrValidateName2(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] wkssvc_PasswordBuffer *EncryptedPassword,
		[in] wkssvc_NetValidateNameType name_type

	/* Function        0x1a      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrGetJoinableOus2(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,ref] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *domain_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] wkssvc_PasswordBuffer *EncryptedPassword,
		[in,out,ref] uint32 *num_ous,
		 * this is a [ref] pointer to a [unique] pointer to an
		 * array of [unique] pointers to a string array
		[out,ref] [size_is(,*num_ous)] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 ***ous

	/* Function        0x1b      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrAddAlternateComputerName(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *NewAlternateMachineName,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] wkssvc_PasswordBuffer *EncryptedPassword,
		[in] uint32 Reserved

	/* Function        0x1c      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *AlternateMachineNameToRemove,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] wkssvc_PasswordBuffer *EncryptedPassword,
		[in] uint32 Reserved

	/* Function        0x1d      */
	WERROR wkssvc_NetrSetPrimaryComputername(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *primary_name,
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *Account,
		[in,unique] wkssvc_PasswordBuffer *EncryptedPassword,
		[in] uint32 Reserved

	/* Function        0x1e      */
	typedef enum {
		NetPrimaryComputerName = 0,
		NetAlternateComputerNames = 1,
		NetAllComputerNames = 2,
		NetComputerNameTypeMax = 3
	} wkssvc_ComputerNameType;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 count;
		[size_is(count)] lsa_String *computer_name;
        } wkssvc_ComputerNamesCtr;

	WERROR wkssvc_NetrEnumerateComputerNames(
		[in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *server_name,
		[in] wkssvc_ComputerNameType name_type,
		[in] uint32 Reserved,
		[out,ref] wkssvc_ComputerNamesCtr **ctr