#ifndef __LIBRPC_NDR_NDR_SEC_H__
#define __LIBRPC_NDR_NDR_SEC_H__

/* This file was automatically generated by mkproto.pl. DO NOT EDIT */

#ifndef _PUBLIC_
#define _PUBLIC_

/* The following definitions come from librpc/ndr/ndr_sec_helper.c  */

size_t ndr_size_dom_sid(const struct dom_sid *sid);
size_t ndr_length_dom_sid(const struct dom_sid *sid);
size_t ndr_size_security_ace(const struct security_ace *ace);
size_t ndr_size_security_acl(const struct security_acl *acl);
size_t ndr_size_security_descriptor(const struct security_descriptor *sd);
void ndr_print_dom_sid(struct ndr_print *ndr, const char *name, const struct dom_sid *sid);
void ndr_print_dom_sid2(struct ndr_print *ndr, const char *name, const struct dom_sid *sid);
void ndr_print_dom_sid28(struct ndr_print *ndr, const char *name, const struct dom_sid *sid);
char *dom_sid_string(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct dom_sid *sid);

/* The following definitions come from librpc/ndr/ndr_sec.c  */

NTSTATUS ndr_pull_dom_sid2(struct ndr_pull *ndr, int ndr_flags, struct dom_sid *sid);
NTSTATUS ndr_push_dom_sid2(struct ndr_push *ndr, int ndr_flags, const struct dom_sid *sid);
NTSTATUS ndr_pull_dom_sid28(struct ndr_pull *ndr, int ndr_flags, struct dom_sid *sid);
NTSTATUS ndr_push_dom_sid28(struct ndr_push *ndr, int ndr_flags, const struct dom_sid *sid);
#define _PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(a1, a2)

#endif /* __LIBRPC_NDR_NDR_SEC_H__ */