   Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
   code to manipulate domain credentials
   Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1997-1998
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "includes.h"

represent a credential as a string
char *credstr(const uchar *cred)
	static fstring buf;
	slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",
		cred[0], cred[1], cred[2], cred[3], 
		cred[4], cred[5], cred[6], cred[7]);
	return buf;

  setup the session key. 
Input: 8 byte challenge block
       8 byte server challenge block
      16 byte md4 encrypted password
      8 byte session key
void cred_session_key(const DOM_CHAL *clnt_chal, const DOM_CHAL *srv_chal, const uchar *pass, 
		      uchar session_key[8])
	uint32 sum[2];
	unsigned char sum2[8];

	sum[0] = IVAL(clnt_chal->data, 0) + IVAL(srv_chal->data, 0);
	sum[1] = IVAL(clnt_chal->data, 4) + IVAL(srv_chal->data, 4);


	cred_hash1(session_key, sum2, pass);

	/* debug output */

	DEBUG(5,("	clnt_chal: %s\n", credstr(clnt_chal->data)));
	DEBUG(5,("	srv_chal : %s\n", credstr(srv_chal->data)));
	DEBUG(5,("	clnt+srv : %s\n", credstr(sum2)));
	DEBUG(5,("	sess_key : %s\n", credstr(session_key)));

create a credential

      8 byte sesssion key
      8 byte stored credential
      4 byte timestamp

      8 byte credential
void cred_create(uchar session_key[8], DOM_CHAL *stor_cred, UTIME timestamp, 
		 DOM_CHAL *cred)
	DOM_CHAL time_cred;

	SIVAL(time_cred.data, 0, IVAL(stor_cred->data, 0) + timestamp.time);
	SIVAL(time_cred.data, 4, IVAL(stor_cred->data, 4));

	cred_hash2(cred->data, time_cred.data, session_key);

	/* debug output*/

	DEBUG(5,("	sess_key : %s\n", credstr(session_key)));
	DEBUG(5,("	stor_cred: %s\n", credstr(stor_cred->data)));
	DEBUG(5,("	timestamp: %x\n"    , timestamp.time));
	DEBUG(5,("	timecred : %s\n", credstr(time_cred.data)));
	DEBUG(5,("	calc_cred: %s\n", credstr(cred->data)));

  check a supplied credential

      8 byte received credential
      8 byte sesssion key
      8 byte stored credential
      4 byte timestamp

      returns 1 if computed credential matches received credential
      returns 0 otherwise
int cred_assert(DOM_CHAL *cred, uchar session_key[8], DOM_CHAL *stored_cred,
		UTIME timestamp)
	DOM_CHAL cred2;

	cred_create(session_key, stored_cred, timestamp, &cred2);

	/* debug output*/

	DEBUG(5,("	challenge : %s\n", credstr(cred->data)));
	DEBUG(5,("	calculated: %s\n", credstr(cred2.data)));

	if (memcmp(cred->data, cred2.data, 8) == 0)
		DEBUG(5, ("credentials check ok\n"));
		return True;
		DEBUG(5, ("credentials check wrong\n"));
		return False;

  checks credentials; generates next step in the credential chain
BOOL clnt_deal_with_creds(uchar sess_key[8],
			  DOM_CRED *sto_clnt_cred, DOM_CRED *rcv_srv_cred)
	UTIME new_clnt_time;
	uint32 new_cred;

	DEBUG(5,("clnt_deal_with_creds: %d\n", __LINE__));

	/* increment client time by one second */
	new_clnt_time.time = sto_clnt_cred->timestamp.time + 1;

	/* check that the received server credentials are valid */
	if (!cred_assert(&rcv_srv_cred->challenge, sess_key,
			 &sto_clnt_cred->challenge, new_clnt_time))
		return False;

	/* first 4 bytes of the new seed is old client 4 bytes + clnt time + 1 */
	new_cred = IVAL(sto_clnt_cred->challenge.data, 0);
	new_cred += new_clnt_time.time;

	/* store new seed in client credentials */
	SIVAL(sto_clnt_cred->challenge.data, 0, new_cred);

	DEBUG(5,("	new clnt cred: %s\n", credstr(sto_clnt_cred->challenge.data)));
	return True;

  checks credentials; generates next step in the credential chain
BOOL deal_with_creds(uchar sess_key[8],
		     DOM_CRED *sto_clnt_cred, 
		     DOM_CRED *rcv_clnt_cred, DOM_CRED *rtn_srv_cred)
	UTIME new_clnt_time;
	uint32 new_cred;

	DEBUG(5,("deal_with_creds: %d\n", __LINE__));

	/* check that the received client credentials are valid */
	if (!cred_assert(&rcv_clnt_cred->challenge, sess_key,
                    &sto_clnt_cred->challenge, rcv_clnt_cred->timestamp))
		return False;

	/* increment client time by one second */
	new_clnt_time.time = rcv_clnt_cred->timestamp.time + 1;

	/* first 4 bytes of the new seed is old client 4 bytes + clnt time + 1 */
	new_cred = IVAL(sto_clnt_cred->challenge.data, 0);
	new_cred += new_clnt_time.time;

	DEBUG(5,("deal_with_creds: new_cred[0]=%x\n", new_cred));

	/* doesn't matter that server time is 0 */
	rtn_srv_cred->timestamp.time = 0;

	DEBUG(5,("deal_with_creds: new_clnt_time=%x\n", new_clnt_time.time));

	/* create return credentials for inclusion in the reply */
	cred_create(sess_key, &sto_clnt_cred->challenge, new_clnt_time,
	DEBUG(5,("deal_with_creds: clnt_cred=%s\n", credstr(sto_clnt_cred->challenge.data)));

	/* Bug #2953 - don't store new seed in client credentials 
	   here, because we need to make sure we're moving forward first

	return True;

  stores new seed in client credentials
  jmcd - Bug #2953 - moved this functionality out of deal_with_creds, because we're
  not supposed to move to the next step in the chain if a nonexistent user tries to logon
void reseed_client_creds(DOM_CRED *sto_clnt_cred, DOM_CRED *rcv_clnt_cred)
	UTIME new_clnt_time;
	uint32 new_cred;

	/* increment client time by one second */
	new_clnt_time.time = rcv_clnt_cred->timestamp.time + 1;

	/* first 4 bytes of the new seed is old client 4 bytes + clnt time + 1 */
	new_cred = IVAL(sto_clnt_cred->challenge.data, 0);
	new_cred += new_clnt_time.time;

	DEBUG(5,("reseed_client_creds: new_cred[0]=%x\n", new_cred));
	DEBUG(5,("reseed_client_creds: new_clnt_time=%x\n", 
	DEBUG(5,("reseed_client_creds: clnt_cred=%s\n", 

	/* store new seed in client credentials */
	SIVAL(sto_clnt_cred->challenge.data, 0, new_cred);