/* Unix SMB/Netbios implementation. Version 3.0 byte range locking code Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1992-1998 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* this module implements a tdb based byte range locking service, replacing the fcntl() based byte range locking previously used. This allows us to provide the same semantics as NT */ #include "includes.h" extern int DEBUGLEVEL; /* this contains elements that differentiate locks. The smbpid is a client supplied pid, and is essentially the locking context for this client */ struct lock_context { uint16 smbpid; uint16 tid; pid_t pid; }; /* the data in brlock records is an unsorted linear array of these records. It is unnecessary to store the count as tdb provides the size of the record */ struct lock_struct { struct lock_context context; br_off start; br_off size; int fnum; enum brl_type lock_type; }; /* the key used in the brlock database */ struct lock_key { SMB_DEV_T device; SMB_INO_T inode; }; /* the open brlock.tdb database */ static TDB_CONTEXT *tdb; /**************************************************************************** see if two locking contexts are equal ****************************************************************************/ static BOOL brl_same_context(struct lock_context *ctx1, struct lock_context *ctx2) { return (ctx1->pid == ctx2->pid) && (ctx1->smbpid == ctx2->smbpid) && (ctx1->tid == ctx2->tid); } /**************************************************************************** see if lock2 can be added when lock1 is in place ****************************************************************************/ static BOOL brl_conflict(struct lock_struct *lck1, struct lock_struct *lck2) { if (lck1->lock_type == READ_LOCK && lck2->lock_type == READ_LOCK) return False; if (brl_same_context(&lck1->context, &lck2->context) && lck2->lock_type == READ_LOCK) return False; if (lck1->start >= (lck2->start + lck2->size) || lck2->start >= (lck1->start + lck1->size)) return False; return True; } /**************************************************************************** open up the brlock.tdb database ****************************************************************************/ void brl_init(int read_only) { if (tdb) return; tdb = tdb_open(lock_path("brlock.tdb"), 0, TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST, read_only?O_RDONLY:O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644); if (!tdb) { DEBUG(0,("Failed to open byte range locking database\n")); } } /**************************************************************************** lock a range of bytes ****************************************************************************/ BOOL brl_lock(SMB_DEV_T dev, SMB_INO_T ino, int fnum, uint16 smbpid, pid_t pid, uint16 tid, br_off start, br_off size, enum brl_type lock_type) { struct lock_key key; TDB_DATA kbuf, dbuf; int count, i; struct lock_struct lock, *locks; key.device = dev; key.inode = ino; kbuf.dptr = (char *)&key; kbuf.dsize = sizeof(key); dbuf.dptr = NULL; tdb_lockchain(tdb, kbuf); dbuf = tdb_fetch(tdb, kbuf); lock.context.smbpid = smbpid; lock.context.pid = pid; lock.context.tid = tid; lock.start = start; lock.size = size; lock.fnum = fnum; lock.lock_type = lock_type; if (dbuf.dptr) { /* there are existing locks - make sure they don't conflict */ locks = (struct lock_struct *)dbuf.dptr; count = dbuf.dsize / sizeof(*locks); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { if (brl_conflict(&locks[i], &lock)) { goto fail; } } } /* no conflicts - add it to the list of locks */ dbuf.dptr = Realloc(dbuf.dptr, dbuf.dsize + sizeof(*locks)); if (!dbuf.dptr) goto fail; memcpy(dbuf.dptr + dbuf.dsize, &lock, sizeof(lock)); dbuf.dsize += sizeof(lock); tdb_store(tdb, kbuf, dbuf, TDB_REPLACE); free(dbuf.dptr); tdb_unlockchain(tdb, kbuf); return True; fail: if (dbuf.dptr) free(dbuf.dptr); tdb_unlockchain(tdb, kbuf); return False; } /**************************************************************************** unlock a range of bytes ****************************************************************************/ BOOL brl_unlock(SMB_DEV_T dev, SMB_INO_T ino, int fnum, uint16 smbpid, pid_t pid, uint16 tid, br_off start, br_off size) { struct lock_key key; TDB_DATA kbuf, dbuf; int count, i; struct lock_struct *locks; struct lock_context context; key.device = dev; key.inode = ino; kbuf.dptr = (char *)&key; kbuf.dsize = sizeof(key); dbuf.dptr = NULL; tdb_lockchain(tdb, kbuf); dbuf = tdb_fetch(tdb, kbuf); if (!dbuf.dptr) goto fail; context.smbpid = smbpid; context.pid = pid; context.tid = tid; /* there are existing locks - find a match */ locks = (struct lock_struct *)dbuf.dptr; count = dbuf.dsize / sizeof(*locks); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { if (brl_same_context(&locks[i].context, &context) && locks[i].fnum == fnum && locks[i].start == start && locks[i].size == size) { /* found it - delete it */ if (count == 1) { tdb_delete(tdb, kbuf); } else { if (i < count-1) { memmove(&locks[i], &locks[i+1], sizeof(*locks)*((count-1) - i)); } dbuf.dsize -= sizeof(*locks); tdb_store(tdb, kbuf, dbuf, TDB_REPLACE); } free(dbuf.dptr); tdb_unlockchain(tdb, kbuf); return True; } } /* we didn't find it */ fail: if (dbuf.dptr) free(dbuf.dptr); tdb_unlockchain(tdb, kbuf); return False; } /**************************************************************************** test if we could add a lock if we wanted to ****************************************************************************/ BOOL brl_locktest(SMB_DEV_T dev, SMB_INO_T ino, uint16 smbpid, pid_t pid, uint16 tid, br_off start, br_off size, enum brl_type lock_type) { struct lock_key key; TDB_DATA kbuf, dbuf; int count, i; struct lock_struct lock, *locks; key.device = dev; key.inode = ino; kbuf.dptr = (char *)&key; kbuf.dsize = sizeof(key); dbuf.dptr = NULL; tdb_lockchain(tdb, kbuf); dbuf = tdb_fetch(tdb, kbuf); lock.context.smbpid = smbpid; lock.context.pid = pid; lock.context.tid = tid; lock.start = start; lock.size = size; lock.lock_type = lock_type; if (dbuf.dptr) { /* there are existing locks - make sure they don't conflict */ locks = (struct lock_struct *)dbuf.dptr; count = dbuf.dsize / sizeof(*locks); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { if (brl_conflict(&locks[i], &lock)) { goto fail; } } } /* no conflicts - we could have added it */ free(dbuf.dptr); tdb_unlockchain(tdb, kbuf); return True; fail: if (dbuf.dptr) free(dbuf.dptr); tdb_unlockchain(tdb, kbuf); return False; } /**************************************************************************** remove any locks associated with a open file ****************************************************************************/ void brl_close(SMB_DEV_T dev, SMB_INO_T ino, pid_t pid, int tid, int fnum) { struct lock_key key; TDB_DATA kbuf, dbuf; int count, i; struct lock_struct *locks; key.device = dev; key.inode = ino; kbuf.dptr = (char *)&key; kbuf.dsize = sizeof(key); dbuf.dptr = NULL; tdb_lockchain(tdb, kbuf); dbuf = tdb_fetch(tdb, kbuf); if (!dbuf.dptr) goto fail; /* there are existing locks - remove any for this fnum */ locks = (struct lock_struct *)dbuf.dptr; count = dbuf.dsize / sizeof(*locks); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { if (locks[i].context.tid == tid && locks[i].context.pid == pid && locks[i].fnum == fnum) { /* found it - delete it */ if (count > 1 && i < count-1) { memmove(&locks[i], &locks[i+1], sizeof(*locks)*((count-1) - i)); } count--; i--; } } if (count == 0) { tdb_delete(tdb, kbuf); } else if (count < (dbuf.dsize / sizeof(*locks))) { tdb_store(tdb, kbuf, dbuf, TDB_REPLACE); } /* we didn't find it */ fail: if (dbuf.dptr) free(dbuf.dptr); tdb_unlockchain(tdb, kbuf); } /**************************************************************************** traverse the whole database with this function, calling traverse_callback on each lock ****************************************************************************/ static int traverse_fn(TDB_CONTEXT *ttdb, TDB_DATA kbuf, TDB_DATA dbuf, void *state) { struct lock_struct *locks; struct lock_key *key; int i; BRLOCK_FN(traverse_callback) = (BRLOCK_FN_CAST())state; locks = (struct lock_struct *)dbuf.dptr; key = (struct lock_key *)kbuf.dptr; for (i=0;i<dbuf.dsize/sizeof(*locks);i++) { traverse_callback(key->device, key->inode, locks[i].context.pid, locks[i].lock_type, locks[i].start, locks[i].size); } return 0; } /******************************************************************* Call the specified function on each lock in the database ********************************************************************/ int brl_forall(BRLOCK_FN(fn)) { if (!tdb) return 0; return tdb_traverse(tdb, traverse_fn, (BRLOCK_FN_CAST())fn); }