this module deals with queueing servers that samba must sync browse lists with. it will always issue a name query immediately before actually carrying out the NetServerEnum call, to ensure that time is not wasted by a remote server's failure. this module was created to minimise the amount of NetServerEnum calls that samba may be asked to perform, by maintaining the name of a server for up to a minute after the NetServerEnum call was issued, and disallowing further NetServerEnum calls to this remote server until the entry is removed. samba can ask for a NetServerEnum call to be issued to grab a remote server's list of servers and workgroups either in its capacity as a primary domain controller (domain master browser), as a local master browser. samba does not deal with becoming a backup master browser properly at present. ------------- NOTE FROM TRIDGE: Yes, samba can send these either in its capacity as a DMB or as a MB. There are only two situations: - If samba is a DMB then it should sync with the "local only" bit set with any master browser that has sent it a "master announce". - if samba is not a DMB then it can only sync with the DMB, and should not set the "local only" bit. Note that samba should never sync with other non-DMB servers when it is not a DMB. Try to do a sync under any other circumstances is dangerous without a multi-threaded nmbd. I have a print server at home that knows some SMB and NBT, but if you try to sync browse lists with it then it clogs up, and also clogs up nmbd while it times out the connection. If we follow the above two rules then we can't get into this sort of trouble as: - if we are a DMB and a master browser sends us a "master announce" then it is expecting to receive a NetServerEnum SMB connection soon, and must be capabable of handling it. - if we are not a DMB then we will only sync with the DMB, which must be capable of doing this stuff or things are really in a mess :-) -------------- /************************************************************************* do_browser_lists() *************************************************************************/ this function is responsible for finding an appropriate entry in the sync browser cache, initiating a name query (which results in a NetServerEnum call if there is a positive response), and then removing all entries that have been actioned and have been around for over a minute. /************************************************************************* start_sync_browse_entry() *************************************************************************/ this function is responsible for initiating a name query. if a positive response is received, then this will result in a NetServerEnum api call. samba will only initiate this process if it is a master browser for this workgroup. ----------- NOTE FROM TRIDGE: I'd actually prefer to skip the name query completely if we can resolve the DMBs name via gethostbyname(). For the name query to work we either have to have WINS working, or we need to know the broadcast address of the network that the DMB is on. This makes us too dependent on too many thing being right. If the gethostbyname() fails then sure, go for a normal name query, but if it works then we have saved ourselves a lot of trouble and gained a lot of robustness. This is best handled by a generic "resolve netbios name" routine that tries DNS first then resorts to WINS or bcast if that fails. It also needs to cache the results. ------------- /************************************************************************* add_browser_entry() *************************************************************************/ this function is responsible for adding a browser into the list of servers to sync browse lists with. if the server entry has already been added and syncing browse lists has already been initiated, it will not be added again. /************************************************************************* expire_browse_cache() *************************************************************************/ this function is responsible for removing entries that have had the sync browse list initiated (whether that succeeded or not is beyond this function's scope) and have been in the cache for a while. /************************************************************************* add_browse_entry() *************************************************************************/ this function is responsible for adding a new entry into the list of servers to sync browse lists with at some point in the near future.