module namedbresp deals with the maintenance of the list of expected responses - creating, finding and removal. module nameresp deals with the initial transmission, re-transmission and time-out of netbios response records. /************************************************************************* find_response_record() *************************************************************************/ this function is responsible for matching the unique response transaction id with an expected response record. as a side-effect of this search, it will find the subnet (or the WINS pseudo-subnet) that samba expected the response to come from. /************************************************************************* make_response_queue_record() *************************************************************************/ this function is responsible for creating a response record, which will be queued awaiting a response. the number of retries is set to 3, and the retry period set to 1 second. if no response is received, then the packet is re-transmitted, which is why so much information is stored in the response record. the number of expected responses queued is kept, so listen_for_packets() knows it must time-out after 1 second if one or more responses are expected. /************************************************************************* remove_response_record() *************************************************************************/ this function is responsible for removing a response record from the expected response queue. the number of expected responses is decreased. /************************************************************************* add_response_record() *************************************************************************/ this function is responsible for adding the response record created by make_response_queue_record() into the appropriate response record queue. ----------------- NOTE FROM TRIDGE: namedbresp.c is interesting because it implements a novel way of getting most of the advantages of a multi-threaded nmbd daemon without the portability problems. The NBT specs (rfc1001/1002) talk about the 16 bit IDs in the packets as being used to ensure that packets are unique, and to stop packets from being confused. It suggests incrementing the ID by 1 each time. Instead Luke uses these IDs to identify individual threads of control in nmbd. So when nmbd sends out a NBT packet as part of some complex processing, it adds to a linked list the information required to continue the processing when the reply comes in (or it times out). When a reply arrives this list can be searched to find the matching query and the next step in the processing can be carried out. This is really good stuff, and allows for much more complex behaviour than was possible with the old nmbd. ----------------