   Unix SMB/Netbios implementation.
   Version 1.9.
   NBT netbios routines and daemon - version 2
   Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1994-1998
   Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1994-1998
   Copyright (C) Jeremy Allison 1994-1998
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
   Revision History:


#include "includes.h"
#include "smb.h"

extern int ClientNMB;
extern int ClientDGRAM;
extern int global_nmb_port;

extern int DEBUGLEVEL;

extern fstring myworkgroup;
extern char **my_netbios_names;
extern struct in_addr ipzero;

/* This is the broadcast subnets database. */
struct subnet_record *subnetlist = NULL;

/* Extra subnets - keep these separate so enumeration code doesn't
   run onto it by mistake. */

struct subnet_record *unicast_subnet = NULL;
struct subnet_record *remote_broadcast_subnet = NULL;
struct subnet_record *wins_server_subnet = NULL;

extern uint16 samba_nb_type; /* Samba's NetBIOS name type. */

  Add a subnet into the list.

static void add_subnet(struct subnet_record *subrec)
	DLIST_ADD(subnetlist, subrec);

/* ************************************************************************** **
 * Comparison routine for ordering the splay-tree based namelists assoicated
 * with each subnet record.
 *  Input:  Item  - Pointer to the comparison key.
 *          Node  - Pointer to a node the splay tree.
 *  Output: The return value will be <0 , ==0, or >0 depending upon the
 *          ordinal relationship of the two keys.
 * ************************************************************************** **
static int namelist_entry_compare( ubi_trItemPtr Item, ubi_trNodePtr Node )
  struct name_record *NR = (struct name_record *)Node;

  if( DEBUGLVL( 10 ) )
    struct nmb_name *Iname = (struct nmb_name *)Item;

    Debug1( "nmbd_subnetdb:namelist_entry_compare()\n" );
    Debug1( "%d == memcmp( \"%s\", \"%s\", %d )\n",
            memcmp( Item, &(NR->name), sizeof(struct nmb_name) ),
            nmb_namestr(Iname), nmb_namestr(&NR->name), (int)sizeof(struct nmb_name) );

  return( memcmp( Item, &(NR->name), sizeof(struct nmb_name) ) ); 
  } /* namelist_entry_compare */

stop listening on a subnet
we don't free the record as we don't have proper reference counting for it
yet and it may be in use by a response record
void close_subnet(struct subnet_record *subrec)
	DLIST_REMOVE(subnetlist, subrec);

	if (subrec->dgram_sock != -1) {
		subrec->dgram_sock = -1;
	if (subrec->nmb_sock != -1) {
		subrec->nmb_sock = -1;

  Create a subnet entry.

static struct subnet_record *make_subnet(char *name, enum subnet_type type,
					 struct in_addr myip, struct in_addr bcast_ip, 
					 struct in_addr mask_ip)
  struct subnet_record *subrec = NULL;
  int nmb_sock, dgram_sock;

  /* Check if we are creating a non broadcast subnet - if so don't create

  if(type != NORMAL_SUBNET)
    nmb_sock = -1;
    dgram_sock = -1;
     * Attempt to open the sockets on port 137/138 for this interface
     * and bind them.
     * Fail the subnet creation if this fails.

    if((nmb_sock = open_socket_in(SOCK_DGRAM, global_nmb_port,0, myip.s_addr,True)) == -1)
      if( DEBUGLVL( 0 ) )
        Debug1( "nmbd_subnetdb:make_subnet()\n" );
        Debug1( "  Failed to open nmb socket on interface %s ", inet_ntoa(myip) );
        Debug1( "for port %d.  ", global_nmb_port );
        Debug1( "Error was %s\n", strerror(errno) );
      return NULL;

    if((dgram_sock = open_socket_in(SOCK_DGRAM,DGRAM_PORT,3, myip.s_addr,True)) == -1)
      if( DEBUGLVL( 0 ) )
        Debug1( "nmbd_subnetdb:make_subnet()\n" );
        Debug1( "  Failed to open dgram socket on interface %s ", inet_ntoa(myip) );
        Debug1( "for port %d.  ", DGRAM_PORT );
        Debug1( "Error was %s\n", strerror(errno) );
      return NULL;

    /* Make sure we can broadcast from these sockets. */


  subrec = (struct subnet_record *)malloc(sizeof(*subrec));
  if (!subrec) 
    DEBUG(0,("make_subnet: malloc fail !\n"));
  memset( (char *)subrec, '\0', sizeof(*subrec) );
  (void)ubi_trInitTree( subrec->namelist,
                        ubi_trOVERWRITE );

  if((subrec->subnet_name = strdup(name)) == NULL)
    DEBUG(0,("make_subnet: malloc fail for subnet name !\n"));
    free((char *)subrec);

  DEBUG(2, ("making subnet name:%s ", name ));
  DEBUG(2, ("Broadcast address:%s ", inet_ntoa(bcast_ip)));
  DEBUG(2, ("Subnet mask:%s\n", inet_ntoa(mask_ip)));
  subrec->namelist_changed = False;
  subrec->work_changed = False;
  subrec->bcast_ip = bcast_ip;
  subrec->mask_ip  = mask_ip;
  subrec->myip = myip;
  subrec->type = type;
  subrec->nmb_sock = nmb_sock;
  subrec->dgram_sock = dgram_sock;
  return subrec;

  Create a normal subnet
struct subnet_record *make_normal_subnet(struct interface *iface)
	struct subnet_record *subrec;

	subrec = make_subnet(inet_ntoa(iface->ip), NORMAL_SUBNET,
			     iface->ip, iface->bcast, iface->nmask);
	if (subrec) {
	return subrec;

  Create subnet entries.

BOOL create_subnets(void)
  int num_interfaces = iface_count();
  int i;
  struct in_addr unicast_ip;

  if(num_interfaces == 0)
    DEBUG(0,("create_subnets: No local interfaces !\n"));
    return False;

   * Create subnets from all the local interfaces and thread them onto
   * the linked list. 

  for (i = 0 ; i < num_interfaces; i++)
    struct interface *iface = get_interface(i);

    if (!make_normal_subnet(iface)) return False;

   * If we have been configured to use a WINS server, then try and
   * get the ip address of it here. If we are the WINS server then
   * set the unicast subnet address to be the first of our own real
   * addresses.

    struct in_addr real_wins_ip;
    real_wins_ip = *interpret_addr2(lp_wins_server());

    if (!zero_ip(real_wins_ip))
      unicast_ip = real_wins_ip;
      /* The smb.conf's wins server parameter MUST be a host_name
         or an ip_address. */
      DEBUG(0,("invalid smb.conf parameter 'wins server'\n"));
      return False;
  else if(lp_we_are_a_wins_server())
    /* Pick the first interface ip address as the WINS server ip. */
    unicast_ip = *iface_n_ip(0);
    /* We should not be using a WINS server at all. Set the
      ip address of the subnet to be zero. */
    unicast_ip = ipzero;

   * Create the unicast and remote broadcast subnets.
   * Don't put these onto the linked list.
   * The ip address of the unicast subnet is set to be
   * the WINS server address, if it exists, or ipzero if not.

  unicast_subnet = make_subnet( "UNICAST_SUBNET", UNICAST_SUBNET, 
                                 unicast_ip, unicast_ip, unicast_ip);

  remote_broadcast_subnet = make_subnet( "REMOTE_BROADCAST_SUBNET",
                                         ipzero, ipzero, ipzero);

  if((unicast_subnet == NULL) || (remote_broadcast_subnet == NULL))
    return False;

   * If we are WINS server, create the WINS_SERVER_SUBNET - don't put on
   * the linked list.

  if (lp_we_are_a_wins_server())
    if((wins_server_subnet = make_subnet("WINS_SERVER_SUBNET",
                                       ipzero, ipzero, ipzero)) == NULL)
      return False;

  return True;

Function to tell us if we can use the unicast subnet.

BOOL we_are_a_wins_client(void)
  static int cache_we_are_a_wins_client = -1;

  if(cache_we_are_a_wins_client == -1)
    cache_we_are_a_wins_client = (ip_equal(ipzero, unicast_subnet->myip) ? 
                                  False : True);

  return cache_we_are_a_wins_client;


struct subnet_record *get_next_subnet_maybe_unicast(struct subnet_record *subrec)
  if(subrec == unicast_subnet)
    return NULL;
  else if((subrec->next == NULL) && we_are_a_wins_client())
    return unicast_subnet;
    return subrec->next;

 Access function used by retransmit_or_expire_response_records() in
 nmbd_packets.c. Patch from Andrey Alekseyev <fetch@muffin.arcadia.spb.ru>
 Needed when we need to enumerate all the broadcast, unicast and
 WINS subnets.

struct subnet_record *get_next_subnet_maybe_unicast_or_wins_server(struct subnet_record *subrec)
  if(subrec == unicast_subnet)
      return wins_server_subnet;
      return NULL;

  if(wins_server_subnet && subrec == wins_server_subnet)
    return NULL;

  if((subrec->next == NULL) && we_are_a_wins_client())
    return unicast_subnet;
    return subrec->next;