   Unix SMB/Netbios implementation.
   Version 2.0

   Winbind daemon for ntdom nss module

   Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2000
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "winbindd.h"
#include "sids.h"

/* Add a trusted domain to our list of domains */

static struct winbindd_domain *add_trusted_domain(char *domain_name,
                                                  DOM_SID *domain_sid)
        struct winbindd_domain *domain, *tmp;
        for (tmp = domain_list; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
                if (strcmp(domain_name, tmp->name) == 0) {
                        DEBUG(3, ("domain %s already in domain list\n",
                        return tmp;
        DEBUG(1, ("adding domain %s\n", domain_name));
        /* Create new domain entry */
        if ((domain = (struct winbindd_domain *)
             malloc(sizeof(*domain))) == NULL)
                return NULL;

        /* Fill in fields */
        fstrcpy(domain->name, domain_name);
        sid_copy(&domain->sid, domain_sid);
        /* Link to domain list */
        DLIST_ADD(domain_list, domain);
        return domain;

/* Look up global info for the winbind daemon */

BOOL get_domain_info(void)
	uint32 enum_ctx = 0, num_doms = 0;
	char **domains = NULL;
	DOM_SID *sids = NULL, domain_sid;
        NTSTATUS result;
        CLI_POLICY_HND *hnd;
	int i;
        fstring level5_dom;
        BOOL rv = False;
        TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx;
	DEBUG(1, ("getting trusted domain list\n"));

        if (!(mem_ctx = talloc_init()))
                return False;

	/* Add our workgroup - keep handle to look up trusted domains */

        if (!(hnd = cm_get_lsa_handle(lp_workgroup())))
                goto done;

        result = cli_lsa_query_info_policy(hnd->cli, mem_ctx,
                                           &hnd->pol, 0x05, level5_dom,

        if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result))
                goto done;

	add_trusted_domain(lp_workgroup(), &domain_sid);
	/* Enumerate list of trusted domains */	

        if (!(hnd = cm_get_lsa_handle(lp_workgroup())))
                goto done;

        result = cli_lsa_enum_trust_dom(hnd->cli, mem_ctx,
                                        &hnd->pol, &enum_ctx, &num_doms, 
                                        &domains, &sids);
        if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result))
                goto done;
        /* Add each domain to the trusted domain list */

	for(i = 0; i < num_doms; i++)
		add_trusted_domain(domains[i], &sids[i]);

        rv = True;	


        return rv;

/* Connect to a domain controller using get_any_dc_name() to discover 
   the domain name and sid */

BOOL lookup_domain_sid(char *domain_name, struct winbindd_domain *domain)
        fstring level5_dom;
        uint32 enum_ctx = 0, num_doms = 0;
        char **domains = NULL;
        DOM_SID *sids = NULL;
        CLI_POLICY_HND *hnd;
        NTSTATUS result;
        BOOL rv = False;
        TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx;
        DEBUG(1, ("looking up sid for domain %s\n", domain_name));
        if (!(mem_ctx = talloc_init()))
                return False;
        if (!(hnd = cm_get_lsa_handle(domain_name)))
                goto done;
        /* Do a level 5 query info policy if we are looking up the SID for
           our own domain. */
        if (strequal(domain_name, lp_workgroup())) {
                result = cli_lsa_query_info_policy(hnd->cli, mem_ctx,
                                                   &hnd->pol, 0x05, level5_dom,
                rv = NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result);
                goto done;
        /* Use lsaenumdomains to get sid for this domain */
        result = cli_lsa_enum_trust_dom(hnd->cli, mem_ctx, &hnd->pol,
                                        &enum_ctx, &num_doms, &domains, &sids);
        /* Look for domain name */
        if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) && domains && sids) {
                BOOL found = False;
                int i;
                for(i = 0; i < num_doms; i++) {
                        if (strequal(domain_name, domains[i])) {
                                sid_copy(&domain->sid, &sids[i]);
                                found = True;
                rv = found;
                goto done;
        rv = False;             /* An error occured with a trusted domain */


        return rv;

/* Lookup a sid in a domain from a name */

BOOL winbindd_lookup_sid_by_name(char *name, DOM_SID *sid,
                                 enum SID_NAME_USE *type)
        int num_sids = 0, num_names = 1;
        DOM_SID *sids = NULL;
        uint32 *types = NULL;
        CLI_POLICY_HND *hnd;
        NTSTATUS result;
        TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx;
        BOOL rv = False;
        /* Don't bother with machine accounts */
        if (name[strlen(name) - 1] == '$')
                return False;

        /* Lookup name */
        if (!(mem_ctx = talloc_init()))
                return False;
        if (!(hnd = cm_get_lsa_handle(lp_workgroup())))
                goto done;
        result = cli_lsa_lookup_names(hnd->cli, mem_ctx, &hnd->pol, 
                                      num_names, (char **)&name, &sids, 
                                      &types, &num_sids);
        /* Return rid and type if lookup successful */
        if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) {
                /* Return sid */
                if ((sid != NULL) && (sids != NULL))
                        sid_copy(sid, &sids[0]);
                /* Return name type */
                if ((type != NULL) && (types != NULL))
                        *type = types[0];

        rv = NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result);

        return rv;

/* Lookup a name in a domain from a sid */

BOOL winbindd_lookup_name_by_sid(DOM_SID *sid, fstring name,
                                 enum SID_NAME_USE *type)
        int num_sids = 1, num_names = 0;
        uint32 *types = NULL;
        char **names;
        CLI_POLICY_HND *hnd;
        NTSTATUS result;
        TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx;
        BOOL rv = False;
        /* Lookup name */

        if (!(mem_ctx = talloc_init()))
                return False;
        if (!(hnd = cm_get_lsa_handle(lp_workgroup())))
                goto done;
        result = cli_lsa_lookup_sids(hnd->cli, mem_ctx, &hnd->pol,
                                     num_sids, sid, &names, &types, 

        /* Return name and type if successful */
        if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) {
                /* Return name */
                if ((names != NULL) && (name != NULL))
                        fstrcpy(name, names[0]);
                /* Return name type */

                if ((type != NULL) && (types != NULL))
                        *type = types[0];

        rv = NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result);

        return rv;

/* Lookup user information from a rid */

BOOL winbindd_lookup_userinfo(struct winbindd_domain *domain, 
                              TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint32 user_rid, 
                              SAM_USERINFO_CTR **user_info)
        CLI_POLICY_HND *hnd;
        uint16 info_level = 0x15;

        if (!(hnd = cm_get_sam_user_handle(domain->name, &domain->sid, 
                goto done;

        result = cli_samr_query_userinfo(hnd->cli, mem_ctx, &hnd->pol, 
                                         info_level, user_info);

        return NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result);

/* Lookup groups a user is a member of.  I wish Unix had a call like this! */

BOOL winbindd_lookup_usergroups(struct winbindd_domain *domain,
				uint32 user_rid, uint32 *num_groups,
				DOM_GID **user_groups)
        TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx;

        if (!(mem_ctx = talloc_init()))
                return False;

        if (!(hnd = cm_get_sam_user_handle(domain->name, &domain->sid,
                goto done;

        result = cli_samr_query_usergroups(hnd->cli, mem_ctx, &hnd->pol, 
                                           num_groups, user_groups);


        return NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result);

/* Lookup group membership given a rid.   */

BOOL winbindd_lookup_groupmem(struct winbindd_domain *domain,
                              TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
                              uint32 group_rid, uint32 *num_names, 
                              uint32 **rid_mem, char ***names, 
                              uint32 **name_types)
        CLI_POLICY_HND *group_hnd, *dom_hnd;
        uint32 i, total_names = 0;

        /* Step #1: Get a list of user rids that are the members of the
           group. */

        if (!(group_hnd = cm_get_sam_group_handle(domain->name, &domain->sid,
                goto done;

        /* Get group membership.  This is a list of rids. */

        result = cli_samr_query_groupmem(group_hnd->cli, mem_ctx,
                                         &group_hnd->pol, num_names, rid_mem,

        if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result))
                goto done;

        /* Step #2: Convert list of rids into list of usernames.  Do this
           in bunches of ~1000 to avoid crashing NT4.  It looks like there
           is a buffer overflow or something like that lurking around
           somewhere. */

        if (!(dom_hnd = cm_get_sam_dom_handle(domain->name, &domain->sid)))
                goto done;

#define MAX_LOOKUP_RIDS 900

        *names = talloc(mem_ctx, *num_names * sizeof(char *));
        *name_types = talloc(mem_ctx, *num_names * sizeof(uint32));

        for (i = 0; i < *num_names; i += MAX_LOOKUP_RIDS) {
                int num_lookup_rids = MIN(*num_names - i, MAX_LOOKUP_RIDS);
                uint32 tmp_num_names = 0;
                char **tmp_names = NULL;
                uint32 *tmp_types = NULL;

                /* Lookup a chunk of rids */

                result = cli_samr_lookup_rids(dom_hnd->cli, mem_ctx,
                                              &dom_hnd->pol, 1000, /* flags */
                                              &tmp_names, &tmp_types);

                if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result))
                        goto done;

                /* Copy result into array.  The talloc system will take
                   care of freeing the temporary arrays later on. */

                memcpy(&(*names)[i], tmp_names, sizeof(char *) * 

                memcpy(&(*name_types)[i], tmp_types, sizeof(uint32) *

                total_names += tmp_num_names;

        *num_names = total_names;

        return NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result);

/* Globals for domain list stuff */

struct winbindd_domain *domain_list = NULL;

/* Given a domain name, return the struct winbindd domain info for it 
   if it is actually working. */

struct winbindd_domain *find_domain_from_name(char *domain_name)
	struct winbindd_domain *tmp;

	/* Search through list */

	for (tmp = domain_list; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
		if (strcmp(domain_name, tmp->name) == 0)
                        return tmp;

	/* Not found */

	return NULL;

/* Given a domain name, return the struct winbindd domain info for it */

struct winbindd_domain *find_domain_from_sid(DOM_SID *sid)
	struct winbindd_domain *tmp;

	/* Search through list */

	for (tmp = domain_list; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
		if (sid_equal(sid, &tmp->sid))
                        return tmp;

	/* Not found */

	return NULL;

/* Free state information held for {set,get,end}{pw,gr}ent() functions */

void free_getent_state(struct getent_state *state)
    struct getent_state *temp;

    /* Iterate over state list */

    temp = state;

    while(temp != NULL) {
        struct getent_state *next;

        /* Free sam entries then list entry */

        DLIST_REMOVE(state, state);
        next = temp->next;

        temp = next;

/* Parse list of arguments to winbind uid or winbind gid parameters */

static BOOL parse_id_list(char *paramstr, BOOL is_user)
    uid_t id_low, id_high = 0;

    /* Give a nicer error message if no parameters specified */

    if (strequal(paramstr, "")) {
        DEBUG(0, ("winbind %s parameter missing\n", is_user ? "uid" : "gid"));
        return False;
    /* Parse entry */

    if (sscanf(paramstr, "%u-%u", &id_low, &id_high) != 2) {
        DEBUG(0, ("winbind %s parameter invalid\n", 
                  is_user ? "uid" : "gid"));
        return False;
    /* Store id info */
    if (is_user) {
        server_state.uid_low = id_low;
        server_state.uid_high = id_high;
    } else {
        server_state.gid_low = id_low;
        server_state.gid_high = id_high;

    return True;

/* Initialise trusted domain info */

BOOL winbindd_param_init(void)
    /* Parse winbind uid and winbind_gid parameters */

    if (!(parse_id_list(lp_winbind_uid(), True) &&
          parse_id_list(lp_winbind_gid(), False)))
        return False;

    /* Check for reversed uid and gid ranges */
    if (server_state.uid_low > server_state.uid_high) {
        DEBUG(0, ("uid range invalid\n"));
        return False;
    if (server_state.gid_low > server_state.gid_high) {
        DEBUG(0, ("gid range invalid\n"));
        return False;
    return True;

/* Query display info for a domain.  This returns enough information plus a
   bit extra to give an overview of domain users for the User Manager
   application. */

NTSTATUS winbindd_query_dispinfo(struct winbindd_domain *domain,
                                 TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
				 uint32 *start_ndx, uint16 info_level, 
				 uint32 *num_entries, SAM_DISPINFO_CTR *ctr)
        CLI_POLICY_HND *hnd;

        if (!(hnd = cm_get_sam_dom_handle(domain->name, &domain->sid)))
                goto done;

        result = cli_samr_query_dispinfo(hnd->cli, mem_ctx,
                                         &hnd->pol, start_ndx, info_level,
                                         num_entries, 0xffff, ctr);

        return result;

/* Check if a domain is present in a comma-separated list of domains */

BOOL check_domain_env(char *domain_env, char *domain)
	fstring name;
	char *tmp = domain_env;

	while(next_token(&tmp, name, ",", sizeof(fstring))) {
		if (strequal(name, domain))
			return True;

	return False;

/* Parse a string of the form DOMAIN/user into a domain and a user */

void parse_domain_user(char *domuser, fstring domain, fstring user)
	char *p;
	char *sep = lp_winbind_separator();

	if (!sep) 
                sep = "\\";

	p = strchr(domuser,*sep);

	if (!p) 
                p = strchr(domuser,'\\');

	if (!p) {
		fstrcpy(user, domuser);
	fstrcpy(user, p+1);
	fstrcpy(domain, domuser);
	domain[PTR_DIFF(p, domuser)] = 0;