 * PostgresSQL password backend for samba
 * Copyright (C) Hamish Friedlander 2003
 * Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij 2004
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675
 * Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "includes.h"
#include <libpq-fe.h>

#define CONFIG_HOST_DEFAULT				"localhost"
#define CONFIG_USER_DEFAULT				"samba"
#define CONFIG_PORT_DEFAULT				"5432"
#define CONFIG_DB_DEFAULT				"samba"

/* handles for doing db transactions */
typedef struct pdb_pgsql_data {
  PGconn     *master_handle ;
  PGconn     *handle ;

  PGresult   *pwent  ;
  long        currow ;
  const char *db     ;
  const char *host   ;
  const char *port   ;
  const char *user   ;
  const char *pass   ;

  const char *location ;
} pdb_pgsql_data ;

struct pdb_context *the_pdb_context;

#define SET_DATA(data,methods) { \
	if(!methods){ \
		DEBUG(0, ("invalid methods!\n")); \
	} \
	data = (struct pdb_pgsql_data *)methods->private_data; \

#define SET_DATA_QUIET(data,methods) { \
	if(!methods){ \
		DEBUG(0, ("invalid methods!\n")); \
			return ; \
	} \
	data = (struct pdb_pgsql_data *)methods->private_data; \

#define config_value( data, name, default_value ) \
  lp_parm_const_string( GLOBAL_SECTION_SNUM, (data)->location, name, default_value )

static PGconn *pgsqlsam_connect( struct pdb_pgsql_data *data )
  PGconn *handle;
      "Connecting to database server, host: %s, user: %s, password: XXXXXX, database: %s, port: %s\n",
      data->host, data->user, data->db, data->port
  ) ;
  /* Do the pgsql initialization */
  handle = PQsetdbLogin( 
                       ) ;
  if ( handle != NULL && PQstatus( handle ) != CONNECTION_OK )
    DEBUG( 0, ("Failed to connect to pgsql database: error: %s\n",
		(handle != NULL ? PQerrorMessage( handle ) : "")) ) ;
    return NULL;
  DEBUG( 5, ("Connected to pgsql database\n") ) ;
  return handle;

/* The assumption here is that the master process will get connection 0,
 * and all the renaining ones just one connection for their etire life span.
static PGconn *choose_connection( struct pdb_pgsql_data *data )
  if ( data->master_handle == NULL )
    data->master_handle = pgsqlsam_connect( data );
    return data->master_handle ;

  /* Master connection != NULL, so we are just another process. */

  /* If we didn't connect yet, do it now. */
  if ( data->handle == NULL )
    data->handle = pgsqlsam_connect( data );

  return data->handle ;

static long PQgetlong( PGresult *r, long row, long col )
  if ( PQgetisnull( r, row, col ) ) return 0 ;
  return atol( PQgetvalue( r, row,  col ) ) ;

static NTSTATUS row_to_sam_account ( PGresult *r, long row, SAM_ACCOUNT *u )
  pstring temp ;
  DOM_SID sid ;
  unsigned char *hours ;
  size_t hours_len = 0 ;
  if ( row >= PQntuples( r ) ) return NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ;

  pdb_set_logon_time           ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row,  0 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_logoff_time          ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row,  1 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_kickoff_time         ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row,  2 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_pass_last_set_time   ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row,  3 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_pass_can_change_time ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row,  4 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_pass_must_change_time( u, PQgetlong ( r, row,  5 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_username             ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row,  6 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_domain               ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row,  7 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_nt_username          ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row,  8 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_fullname             ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row,  9 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_homedir              ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row, 10 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_dir_drive            ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row, 11 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_logon_script         ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row, 12 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_profile_path         ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row, 13 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_acct_desc            ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row, 14 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_workstations         ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row, 15 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_unknown_str          ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row, 16 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_munged_dial          ( u, PQgetvalue( r, row, 17 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_acct_ctrl            ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row, 23 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_logon_divs           ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row, 24 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_hours_len            ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row, 25 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_bad_password_count   ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row, 26 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_logon_count          ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row, 27 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  pdb_set_unknown_6            ( u, PQgetlong ( r, row, 28 ), PDB_SET ) ;
  hours = PQgetvalue ( r, row,  29 );
  if ( hours != NULL ) {
    hours = PQunescapeBytea ( hours, &hours_len ) ;
    if ( hours_len > 0 )
       pdb_set_hours            ( u, hours, PDB_SET ) ;
    free ( hours );
  if ( !PQgetisnull( r, row, 18 ) ) {
    string_to_sid( &sid, PQgetvalue( r, row, 18 ) ) ;
    pdb_set_user_sid ( u, &sid, PDB_SET ) ;

  if ( !PQgetisnull( r, row, 19 ) ) {
    string_to_sid( &sid, PQgetvalue( r, row, 19 ) ) ;
    pdb_set_group_sid( u, &sid, PDB_SET ) ;
  if ( pdb_gethexpwd( PQgetvalue( r, row, 20 ), temp ), PDB_SET ) pdb_set_lanman_passwd( u, temp, PDB_SET ) ;
  if ( pdb_gethexpwd( PQgetvalue( r, row, 21 ), temp ), PDB_SET ) pdb_set_nt_passwd    ( u, temp, PDB_SET ) ;
  /* Only use plaintext password storage when lanman and nt are NOT used */
  if ( PQgetisnull( r, row, 20 ) || PQgetisnull( r, row, 21 ) ) pdb_set_plaintext_passwd( u, PQgetvalue( r, row, 22 ) ) ;
  return NT_STATUS_OK ;

static NTSTATUS pgsqlsam_setsampwent(struct pdb_methods *methods, BOOL update, uint16 acb_mask)
  struct pdb_pgsql_data *data ;
  PGconn *handle ;
  char *query ;
  NTSTATUS retval ;
  SET_DATA( data, methods ) ;

  /* Connect to the DB. */
  handle = choose_connection( data );
  if ( handle == NULL )
  DEBUG( 5, ("CONNECTING pgsqlsam_setsampwent\n") ) ;
  query = sql_account_query_select(NULL, data->location, update, SQL_SEARCH_NONE, NULL);
  /* Do it */
  DEBUG( 5, ("Executing query %s\n", query) ) ;
  data->pwent  = PQexec( handle, query ) ;
  data->currow = 0 ;
  /* Result? */
  if ( data->pwent == NULL )
    DEBUG( 0, ("Error executing %s, %s\n", query, PQerrorMessage( handle ) ) ) ;
  else if ( PQresultStatus( data->pwent ) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK )
    DEBUG( 0, ("Error executing %s, %s\n", query, PQresultErrorMessage( data->pwent ) ) ) ;
    DEBUG( 5, ("pgsqlsam_setsampwent succeeded(%d results)!\n", PQntuples(data->pwent)) ) ;
    retval = NT_STATUS_OK ;

  if ( data->pwent != NULL )
    PQclear( data->pwent ) ;
  return retval ;

  End enumeration of the passwd list.

static void pgsqlsam_endsampwent(struct pdb_methods *methods)
  struct pdb_pgsql_data *data ; 
  SET_DATA_QUIET( data, methods ) ;
  if (data->pwent != NULL)
    PQclear( data->pwent ) ;
  data->pwent  = NULL ;
  data->currow = 0 ;
  DEBUG( 5, ("pgsql_endsampwent called\n") ) ;

  Get one SAM_ACCOUNT from the list (next in line)

static NTSTATUS pgsqlsam_getsampwent( struct pdb_methods *methods, SAM_ACCOUNT *user )
  struct pdb_pgsql_data *data;
  NTSTATUS retval ;
  SET_DATA( data, methods ) ;
  if ( data->pwent == NULL )
    DEBUG( 0, ("invalid pwent\n") ) ;
  retval = row_to_sam_account( data->pwent, data->currow, user ) ;
  data->currow++ ;
  return retval ;

static NTSTATUS pgsqlsam_select_by_field ( struct pdb_methods *methods, SAM_ACCOUNT *user, enum sql_search_field field, const char *sname )
  struct pdb_pgsql_data *data ;
  PGconn *handle ;
  char *esc ;
  char *query ;
  PGresult *result ;
  NTSTATUS retval ;

  SET_DATA(data, methods);

  if ( user == NULL )
    DEBUG( 0, ("pdb_getsampwnam: SAM_ACCOUNT is NULL.\n") ) ;
  DEBUG( 5, ("pgsqlsam_select_by_field: getting data where %d = %s(nonescaped)\n", field, sname) ) ;
  /* Escape sname */
  esc = talloc_array(NULL, char, strlen(sname) * 2 + 1);
  if ( !esc )
    DEBUG(0, ("Can't allocate memory to store escaped name\n"));
    return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; 
  //tmp_sname = smb_xstrdup(sname);
  PQescapeString( esc, sname, strlen(sname) ) ;

  /* Connect to the DB. */
  handle = choose_connection( data );
  if ( handle == NULL )
  query = sql_account_query_select(NULL, data->location, True, field, esc);
  /* Do it */
  DEBUG( 5, ("Executing query %s\n", query) ) ;
  result = PQexec( handle, query ) ;
  /* Result? */
  if ( result == NULL )
    DEBUG( 0, ("Error executing %s, %s\n", query, PQerrorMessage( handle ) ) ) ;
  else if ( PQresultStatus( result ) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK )
    DEBUG( 0, ("Error executing %s, %s\n", query, PQresultErrorMessage( result ) ) ) ;
    retval = row_to_sam_account( result, 0, user ) ;
  talloc_free( esc   ) ;
  talloc_free( query ) ;
  if ( result != NULL )
    PQclear( result ) ;
  return retval ;

  Lookup a name in the SAM database

static NTSTATUS pgsqlsam_getsampwnam ( struct pdb_methods *methods, SAM_ACCOUNT *user, const char *sname )
  struct pdb_pgsql_data *data;
  size_t i, l;
  char *lowercasename;
  NTSTATUS result;
  SET_DATA(data, methods);
  if ( !sname )
    DEBUG( 0, ("invalid name specified") ) ;

  lowercasename = smb_xstrdup(sname);
  l = strlen(lowercasename);
  for(i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    lowercasename[i] = tolower(lowercasename[i]);
  result = pgsqlsam_select_by_field( methods, user, SQL_SEARCH_USER_NAME, lowercasename ) ;

  SAFE_FREE( lowercasename ) ;

  return result;

  Search by sid

static NTSTATUS pgsqlsam_getsampwsid ( struct pdb_methods *methods, SAM_ACCOUNT *user, const DOM_SID *sid )
  struct pdb_pgsql_data *data;
  fstring sid_str;
  SET_DATA( data, methods ) ;
  sid_to_string( sid_str, sid ) ;
  return pgsqlsam_select_by_field( methods, user, SQL_SEARCH_USER_SID, sid_str ) ;

  Delete a SAM_ACCOUNT

static NTSTATUS pgsqlsam_delete_sam_account( struct pdb_methods *methods, SAM_ACCOUNT *sam_pass )
  struct pdb_pgsql_data *data ;
  PGconn *handle ;
  const char *sname = pdb_get_username( sam_pass ) ;
  char *esc ;
  char *query ;
  PGresult *result ;
  NTSTATUS retval ;
  SET_DATA(data, methods);
  if ( !sname )
    DEBUG( 0, ("invalid name specified\n") ) ;
  /* Escape sname */
  esc = talloc_array(NULL, char, strlen(sname) * 2 + 1);
  if ( !esc )
    DEBUG(0, ("Can't allocate memory to store escaped name\n"));
  PQescapeString( esc, sname, strlen(sname) ) ;

  /* Connect to the DB. */
  handle = choose_connection( data );
  if ( handle == NULL )
  query = sql_account_query_delete(NULL, data->location, esc);
  /* Do it */
  result = PQexec( handle, query ) ;
  if ( result == NULL )
    DEBUG( 0, ("Error executing %s, %s\n", query, PQerrorMessage( handle ) ) ) ;
  else if ( PQresultStatus( result ) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK )
    DEBUG( 0, ("Error executing %s, %s\n", query, PQresultErrorMessage( result ) ) ) ;
    DEBUG( 5, ("User '%s' deleted\n", sname) ) ;
    retval = NT_STATUS_OK ;
  if ( result != NULL )
    PQclear( result ) ;
  talloc_free( esc ) ;
  talloc_free( query ) ;
  return retval ;

static NTSTATUS pgsqlsam_replace_sam_account( struct pdb_methods *methods, const SAM_ACCOUNT *newpwd, char isupdate )
  struct pdb_pgsql_data *data ;
  PGconn *handle ;
  char *query;
  PGresult *result ;
  NTSTATUS retval ;
  if ( !methods )
    DEBUG( 0, ("invalid methods!\n") ) ;
  data = (struct pdb_pgsql_data *) methods->private_data ;
  if ( data == NULL || handle == NULL )
    DEBUG( 0, ("invalid handle!\n") ) ;

  query = sql_account_query_update(NULL, data->location, newpwd, isupdate);
  if ( query == NULL ) /* Nothing to update. */
    return NT_STATUS_OK;

  /* Connect to the DB. */
  handle = choose_connection( data );
  if ( handle == NULL )

  result = PQexec( handle, query ) ;
  /* Execute the query */
  if ( result == NULL )
    DEBUG( 0, ("Error executing %s, %s\n", query, PQerrorMessage( handle ) ) ) ;
  else if ( PQresultStatus( result ) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK )
    DEBUG( 0, ("Error executing %s, %s\n", query, PQresultErrorMessage( result ) ) ) ;
    retval = NT_STATUS_OK;
  if ( result != NULL )
    PQclear( result ) ;
  return retval;

static NTSTATUS pgsqlsam_add_sam_account ( struct pdb_methods *methods, SAM_ACCOUNT *newpwd )
  return pgsqlsam_replace_sam_account( methods, newpwd, 0 ) ;

static NTSTATUS pgsqlsam_update_sam_account ( struct pdb_methods *methods, SAM_ACCOUNT *newpwd )
  return pgsqlsam_replace_sam_account( methods, newpwd, 1 ) ;

static NTSTATUS pgsqlsam_init ( struct pdb_context *pdb_context, struct pdb_methods **pdb_method, const char *location )
  NTSTATUS nt_status ;
  struct pdb_pgsql_data *data ;
  if ( !pdb_context )
    DEBUG( 0, ("invalid pdb_methods specified\n") ) ;
  the_pdb_context = pdb_context;

    (nt_status = make_pdb_methods(pdb_context->mem_ctx, pdb_method))) {
    return nt_status;
  (*pdb_method)->name               = "pgsqlsam" ;
  (*pdb_method)->setsampwent        = pgsqlsam_setsampwent ;
  (*pdb_method)->endsampwent        = pgsqlsam_endsampwent ;
  (*pdb_method)->getsampwent        = pgsqlsam_getsampwent ;
  (*pdb_method)->getsampwnam        = pgsqlsam_getsampwnam ;
  (*pdb_method)->getsampwsid        = pgsqlsam_getsampwsid ;
  (*pdb_method)->add_sam_account    = pgsqlsam_add_sam_account ;
  (*pdb_method)->update_sam_account = pgsqlsam_update_sam_account ;
  (*pdb_method)->delete_sam_account = pgsqlsam_delete_sam_account ;
  data = talloc( pdb_context->mem_ctx, struct pdb_pgsql_data ) ;
  (*pdb_method)->private_data = data ;

  data->master_handle = NULL;
  data->handle = NULL;
  data->pwent  = NULL ;

  if ( !location )
    DEBUG( 0, ("No identifier specified. Check the Samba HOWTO Collection for details\n") ) ;

  data->location = smb_xstrdup( location ) ;

  if(!sql_account_config_valid(data->location)) {

	"Database server parameters: host: %s, user: %s, password: XXXX, database: %s, port: %s\n",
	config_value( data, "pgsql host"    , CONFIG_HOST_DEFAULT ),
	config_value( data, "pgsql user"    , CONFIG_USER_DEFAULT ),
	config_value( data, "pgsql database", CONFIG_DB_DEFAULT   ),
	config_value( data, "pgsql port"    , CONFIG_PORT_DEFAULT )
  ) ;

  /* Save the parameters. */
  data->db   = config_value( data, "pgsql database", CONFIG_DB_DEFAULT   );
  data->host = config_value( data, "pgsql host"    , CONFIG_HOST_DEFAULT );
  data->port = config_value( data, "pgsql port"    , CONFIG_PORT_DEFAULT );
  data->user = config_value( data, "pgsql user"    , CONFIG_USER_DEFAULT );
  data->pass = config_value( data, "pgsql password", CONFIG_PASS_DEFAULT );

  DEBUG( 5, ("Pgsql module intialized\n") ) ;
  return NT_STATUS_OK;

NTSTATUS pdb_pgsql_init(void) 
  return smb_register_passdb( PASSDB_INTERFACE_VERSION, "pgsql", pgsqlsam_init ) ;