/* Unix SMB/Netbios implementation. Version 1.9. Pipe SMB utility routines Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1992-1997, Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-1997. Copyright (C) Paul Ashton 1997. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* This file handles reply_ calls on named pipes that the server makes to handle specific protocols */ #include "includes.h" #include "trans2.h" extern int DEBUGLEVEL; /* this function is due to be replaced */ void initrpcreply(char *inbuf, char *q) { uint32 callid; SCVAL(q, 0, 5); q++; /* RPC version 5 */ SCVAL(q, 0, 0); q++; /* minor version 0 */ SCVAL(q, 0, 2); q++; /* RPC response packet */ SCVAL(q, 0, 3); q++; /* first frag + last frag */ RSIVAL(q, 0, 0x10000000); q += 4; /* packed data representation */ RSSVAL(q, 0, 0); q += 2; /* fragment length, fill in later */ SSVAL(q, 0, 0); q += 2; /* authentication length */ callid = RIVAL(inbuf, 12); RSIVAL(q, 0, callid); q += 4; /* call identifier - match incoming RPC */ SIVAL(q, 0, 0x18); q += 4; /* allocation hint (no idea) */ SSVAL(q, 0, 0); q += 2; /* presentation context identifier */ SCVAL(q, 0, 0); q++; /* cancel count */ SCVAL(q, 0, 0); q++; /* reserved */ } /* this function is due to be replaced */ void endrpcreply(char *inbuf, char *q, int datalen, int rtnval, int *rlen) { SSVAL(q, 8, datalen + 4); SIVAL(q,0x10,datalen+4-0x18); /* allocation hint */ SIVAL(q, datalen, rtnval); *rlen = datalen + 4; { int fd; fd = open("/tmp/rpc", O_RDWR); write(fd, q, datalen + 4); } } /* RID username mapping function. just for fun, it maps to the unix uid */ uint32 name_to_rid(char *user_name) { struct passwd *pw = Get_Pwnam(user_name, False); if (!pw) { DEBUG(1,("Username %s is invalid on this system\n", user_name)); return (uint32)(-1); } return (uint32)(pw->pw_uid); } /* BIG NOTE: this function only does SIDS where the identauth is not >= 2^32 */ char *dom_sid_to_string(DOM_SID *sid) { static pstring sidstr; char subauth[16]; int i; uint32 ia = (sid->id_auth[0]) + (sid->id_auth[1] << 8 ) + (sid->id_auth[2] << 16) + (sid->id_auth[3] << 24); sprintf(sidstr, "S-%d-%d", sid->sid_no, ia); for (i = 0; i < sid->num_auths; i++) { sprintf(subauth, "-%d", sid->sub_auths[i]); strcat(sidstr, subauth); } DEBUG(5,("dom_sid_to_string returning %s\n", sidstr)); return sidstr; } /* BIG NOTE: this function only does SIDS where the identauth is not >= 2^32 */ /* identauth >= 2^32 can be detected because it will be specified in hex */ void make_dom_sid(DOM_SID *sid, char *domsid) { int identauth; char *p; DEBUG(4,("netlogon domain SID: %s\n", domsid)); /* assume, but should check, that domsid starts "S-" */ p = strtok(domsid+2,"-"); sid->sid_no = atoi(p); /* identauth in decimal should be < 2^32 */ /* identauth in hex should be >= 2^32 */ identauth = atoi(strtok(0,"-")); DEBUG(4,("netlogon rev %d\n", sid->sid_no)); DEBUG(4,("netlogon %s ia %d\n", p, identauth)); sid->id_auth[0] = 0; sid->id_auth[1] = 0; sid->id_auth[2] = (identauth & 0xff000000) >> 24; sid->id_auth[3] = (identauth & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; sid->id_auth[4] = (identauth & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; sid->id_auth[5] = (identauth & 0x000000ff); sid->num_auths = 0; while ((p = strtok(0, "-")) != NULL) { sid->sub_auths[sid->num_auths++] = atoi(p); } } void create_rpc_reply(RPC_HDR *hdr, uint32 call_id, int data_len) { if (hdr == NULL) return; hdr->major = 5; /* RPC version 5 */ hdr->minor = 0; /* minor version 0 */ hdr->pkt_type = 2; /* RPC response packet */ hdr->frag = 3; /* first frag + last frag */ hdr->pack_type = 1; /* packed data representation */ hdr->frag_len = data_len; /* fragment length, fill in later */ hdr->auth_len = 0; /* authentication length */ hdr->call_id = call_id; /* call identifier - match incoming RPC */ hdr->alloc_hint = data_len - 0x18; /* allocation hint (no idea) */ hdr->context_id = 0; /* presentation context identifier */ hdr->cancel_count = 0; /* cancel count */ hdr->reserved = 0; /* reserved */ } int make_rpc_reply(char *inbuf, char *q, int data_len) { uint32 callid = RIVAL(inbuf, 12); RPC_HDR hdr; create_rpc_reply(&hdr, callid, data_len); return smb_io_rpc_hdr(False, &hdr, q, q, 4, 0) - q; } void make_uni_hdr(UNIHDR *hdr, int max_len, int len, uint16 terminate) { hdr->uni_max_len = max_len; hdr->uni_str_len = len; hdr->undoc = terminate; } void make_uni_hdr2(UNIHDR2 *hdr, int max_len, int len, uint16 terminate) { make_uni_hdr(&(hdr->unihdr), max_len, len, terminate); hdr->undoc_buffer = len > 0 ? 1 : 0; } void make_unistr(UNISTR *str, char *buf) { /* store the string (null-terminated copy) */ PutUniCode((char *)(str->buffer), buf); } void make_unistr2(UNISTR2 *str, char *buf, int len, char terminate) { /* set up string lengths. add one if string is not null-terminated */ str->uni_max_len = len + (terminate != 0 ? 1 : 0); str->undoc = 0; str->uni_str_len = len; /* store the string (null-terminated copy) */ PutUniCode((char *)str->buffer, buf); /* overwrite the last character: some strings are terminated with 4 not 0 */ str->buffer[len] = (uint16)terminate; } void make_dom_rid2(DOM_RID2 *rid2, uint32 rid) { rid2->type = 0x5; rid2->undoc = 0x5; rid2->rid = rid; rid2->rid_idx = 0; } void make_dom_sid2(DOM_SID2 *sid2, char *sid_str) { int len_sid_str = strlen(sid_str); sid2->type = 0x5; sid2->undoc = 0; make_uni_hdr2(&(sid2->hdr), len_sid_str, len_sid_str, 0); make_unistr (&(sid2->str), sid_str); }