/* * Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. * RPC Pipe client / server routines * Copyright (C) Gerald (Jerry) Carter 2005. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #undef DBGC_CLASS #define DBGC_CLASS DBGC_RPC_PARSE /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ static bool svcctl_io_service_status( const char *desc, SERVICE_STATUS *status, prs_struct *ps, int depth ) { prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_service_status"); depth++; if(!prs_uint32("type", ps, depth, &status->type)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("state", ps, depth, &status->state)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("controls_accepted", ps, depth, &status->controls_accepted)) return False; if(!prs_werror("win32_exit_code", ps, depth, &status->win32_exit_code)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("service_exit_code", ps, depth, &status->service_exit_code)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("check_point", ps, depth, &status->check_point)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("wait_hint", ps, depth, &status->wait_hint)) return False; return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ bool svcctl_io_enum_services_status( const char *desc, ENUM_SERVICES_STATUS *enum_status, RPC_BUFFER *buffer, int depth ) { prs_struct *ps=&buffer->prs; prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_enum_services_status"); depth++; if ( !smb_io_relstr("servicename", buffer, depth, &enum_status->servicename) ) return False; if ( !smb_io_relstr("displayname", buffer, depth, &enum_status->displayname) ) return False; if ( !svcctl_io_service_status("svc_status", &enum_status->status, ps, depth) ) return False; return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ bool svcctl_io_service_status_process( const char *desc, SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS *status, RPC_BUFFER *buffer, int depth ) { prs_struct *ps=&buffer->prs; prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_service_status_process"); depth++; if ( !svcctl_io_service_status("status", &status->status, ps, depth) ) return False; if(!prs_align(ps)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("process_id", ps, depth, &status->process_id)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("service_flags", ps, depth, &status->service_flags)) return False; return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ uint32 svcctl_sizeof_enum_services_status( ENUM_SERVICES_STATUS *status ) { uint32 size = 0; size += size_of_relative_string( &status->servicename ); size += size_of_relative_string( &status->displayname ); size += sizeof(SERVICE_STATUS); return size; } /******************************************************************** ********************************************************************/ static uint32 sizeof_unistr2( UNISTR2 *string ) { uint32 size = 0; if ( !string ) return 0; size = sizeof(uint32) * 3; /* length fields */ size += 2 * string->uni_max_len; /* string data */ size += size % 4; /* alignment */ return size; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ bool svcctl_io_q_enum_services_status(const char *desc, SVCCTL_Q_ENUM_SERVICES_STATUS *q_u, prs_struct *ps, int depth) { if (q_u == NULL) return False; prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_q_enum_services_status"); depth++; if(!prs_align(ps)) return False; if(!smb_io_pol_hnd("scm_pol", &q_u->handle, ps, depth)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("type", ps, depth, &q_u->type)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("state", ps, depth, &q_u->state)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("buffer_size", ps, depth, &q_u->buffer_size)) return False; if(!prs_pointer("resume", ps, depth, (void*)&q_u->resume, sizeof(uint32), (PRS_POINTER_CAST)prs_uint32)) return False; return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ bool svcctl_io_r_enum_services_status(const char *desc, SVCCTL_R_ENUM_SERVICES_STATUS *r_u, prs_struct *ps, int depth) { if (r_u == NULL) return False; prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_r_enum_services_status"); depth++; if(!prs_align(ps)) return False; if (!prs_rpcbuffer("", ps, depth, &r_u->buffer)) return False; if(!prs_align(ps)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("needed", ps, depth, &r_u->needed)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("returned", ps, depth, &r_u->returned)) return False; if(!prs_pointer("resume", ps, depth, (void*)&r_u->resume, sizeof(uint32), (PRS_POINTER_CAST)prs_uint32)) return False; if(!prs_werror("status", ps, depth, &r_u->status)) return False; return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ bool svcctl_io_q_query_service_config2(const char *desc, SVCCTL_Q_QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG2 *q_u, prs_struct *ps, int depth) { if (q_u == NULL) return False; prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_q_query_service_config2"); depth++; if(!prs_align(ps)) return False; if(!smb_io_pol_hnd("service_pol", &q_u->handle, ps, depth)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("level", ps, depth, &q_u->level)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("buffer_size", ps, depth, &q_u->buffer_size)) return False; return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ void init_service_description_buffer(SERVICE_DESCRIPTION *desc, const char *service_desc ) { desc->unknown = 0x04; /* always 0x0000 0004 (no idea what this is) */ init_unistr( &desc->description, service_desc ); } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ bool svcctl_io_service_description( const char *desc, SERVICE_DESCRIPTION *description, RPC_BUFFER *buffer, int depth ) { prs_struct *ps = &buffer->prs; prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_service_description"); depth++; if ( !prs_uint32("unknown", ps, depth, &description->unknown) ) return False; if ( !prs_unistr("description", ps, depth, &description->description) ) return False; return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ uint32 svcctl_sizeof_service_description( SERVICE_DESCRIPTION *desc ) { if ( !desc ) return 0; /* make sure to include the terminating NULL */ return ( sizeof(uint32) + (2*(str_len_uni(&desc->description)+1)) ); } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ static bool svcctl_io_action( const char *desc, SC_ACTION *action, prs_struct *ps, int depth ) { prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_action"); depth++; if ( !prs_uint32("type", ps, depth, &action->type) ) return False; if ( !prs_uint32("delay", ps, depth, &action->delay) ) return False; return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ bool svcctl_io_service_fa( const char *desc, SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS *fa, RPC_BUFFER *buffer, int depth ) { prs_struct *ps = &buffer->prs; int i; prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_service_description"); depth++; if ( !prs_uint32("reset_period", ps, depth, &fa->reset_period) ) return False; if ( !prs_pointer( desc, ps, depth, (void*)&fa->rebootmsg, sizeof(UNISTR2), (PRS_POINTER_CAST)prs_io_unistr2 ) ) return False; if ( !prs_pointer( desc, ps, depth, (void*)&fa->command, sizeof(UNISTR2), (PRS_POINTER_CAST)prs_io_unistr2 ) ) return False; if ( !prs_uint32("num_actions", ps, depth, &fa->num_actions) ) return False; if ( UNMARSHALLING(ps)) { if (fa->num_actions) { if ( !(fa->actions = TALLOC_ARRAY( talloc_tos(), SC_ACTION, fa->num_actions )) ) { DEBUG(0,("svcctl_io_service_fa: talloc() failure!\n")); return False; } } else { fa->actions = NULL; } } for ( i=0; i<fa->num_actions; i++ ) { if ( !svcctl_io_action( "actions", &fa->actions[i], ps, depth ) ) return False; } return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ uint32 svcctl_sizeof_service_fa( SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS *fa) { uint32 size = 0; if ( !fa ) return 0; size = sizeof(uint32) * 2; size += sizeof_unistr2( fa->rebootmsg ); size += sizeof_unistr2( fa->command ); size += sizeof(SC_ACTION) * fa->num_actions; return size; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ bool svcctl_io_r_query_service_config2(const char *desc, SVCCTL_R_QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG2 *r_u, prs_struct *ps, int depth) { if ( !r_u ) return False; prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_r_query_service_config2"); depth++; if ( !prs_align(ps) ) return False; if (!prs_rpcbuffer("", ps, depth, &r_u->buffer)) return False; if(!prs_align(ps)) return False; if (!prs_uint32("needed", ps, depth, &r_u->needed)) return False; if(!prs_werror("status", ps, depth, &r_u->status)) return False; return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ bool svcctl_io_q_query_service_status_ex(const char *desc, SVCCTL_Q_QUERY_SERVICE_STATUSEX *q_u, prs_struct *ps, int depth) { if (q_u == NULL) return False; prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_q_query_service_status_ex"); depth++; if(!prs_align(ps)) return False; if(!smb_io_pol_hnd("service_pol", &q_u->handle, ps, depth)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("level", ps, depth, &q_u->level)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("buffer_size", ps, depth, &q_u->buffer_size)) return False; return True; } /******************************************************************* ********************************************************************/ bool svcctl_io_r_query_service_status_ex(const char *desc, SVCCTL_R_QUERY_SERVICE_STATUSEX *r_u, prs_struct *ps, int depth) { if ( !r_u ) return False; prs_debug(ps, depth, desc, "svcctl_io_r_query_service_status_ex"); depth++; if (!prs_rpcbuffer("", ps, depth, &r_u->buffer)) return False; if(!prs_align(ps)) return False; if(!prs_uint32("needed", ps, depth, &r_u->needed)) return False; if(!prs_werror("status", ps, depth, &r_u->status)) return False; return True; }