/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. Core SMB2 server Copyright (C) Stefan Metzmacher 2009 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "smbd/globals.h" #include "../libcli/smb/smb_common.h" static struct tevent_req *smbd_smb2_create_send(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct tevent_context *ev, struct smbd_smb2_request *smb2req, uint8_t in_oplock_level, uint32_t in_impersonation_level, uint32_t in_desired_access, uint32_t in_file_attributes, uint32_t in_share_access, uint32_t in_create_disposition, uint32_t in_create_options, const char *in_name, struct smb2_create_blobs in_context_blobs); static NTSTATUS smbd_smb2_create_recv(struct tevent_req *req, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint8_t *out_oplock_level, uint32_t *out_create_action, NTTIME *out_creation_time, NTTIME *out_last_access_time, NTTIME *out_last_write_time, NTTIME *out_change_time, uint64_t *out_allocation_size, uint64_t *out_end_of_file, uint32_t *out_file_attributes, uint64_t *out_file_id_volatile, struct smb2_create_blobs *out_context_blobs); static void smbd_smb2_request_create_done(struct tevent_req *subreq); NTSTATUS smbd_smb2_request_process_create(struct smbd_smb2_request *req) { const uint8_t *inbody; int i = req->current_idx; size_t expected_body_size = 0x39; size_t body_size; uint8_t in_oplock_level; uint32_t in_impersonation_level; uint32_t in_desired_access; uint32_t in_file_attributes; uint32_t in_share_access; uint32_t in_create_disposition; uint32_t in_create_options; uint16_t in_name_offset; uint16_t in_name_length; DATA_BLOB in_name_buffer; char *in_name_string; size_t in_name_string_size; uint32_t name_offset = 0; uint32_t name_available_length = 0; uint32_t in_context_offset; uint32_t in_context_length; DATA_BLOB in_context_buffer; struct smb2_create_blobs in_context_blobs; uint32_t context_offset = 0; uint32_t context_available_length = 0; uint32_t dyn_offset; NTSTATUS status; bool ok; struct tevent_req *subreq; if (req->in.vector[i+1].iov_len != (expected_body_size & 0xFFFFFFFE)) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } inbody = (const uint8_t *)req->in.vector[i+1].iov_base; body_size = SVAL(inbody, 0x00); if (body_size != expected_body_size) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } in_oplock_level = CVAL(inbody, 0x03); in_impersonation_level = IVAL(inbody, 0x04); in_desired_access = IVAL(inbody, 0x18); in_file_attributes = IVAL(inbody, 0x1C); in_share_access = IVAL(inbody, 0x20); in_create_disposition = IVAL(inbody, 0x24); in_create_options = IVAL(inbody, 0x28); in_name_offset = SVAL(inbody, 0x2C); in_name_length = SVAL(inbody, 0x2E); in_context_offset = IVAL(inbody, 0x30); in_context_length = IVAL(inbody, 0x34); /* * First check if the dynamic name and context buffers * are correctly specified. * * Note: That we don't check if the name and context buffers * overlap */ dyn_offset = SMB2_HDR_BODY + (body_size & 0xFFFFFFFE); if (in_name_offset == 0 && in_name_length == 0) { /* This is ok */ name_offset = 0; } else if (in_name_offset < dyn_offset) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { name_offset = in_name_offset - dyn_offset; } if (name_offset > req->in.vector[i+2].iov_len) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } name_available_length = req->in.vector[i+2].iov_len - name_offset; if (in_name_length > name_available_length) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } in_name_buffer.data = (uint8_t *)req->in.vector[i+2].iov_base + name_offset; in_name_buffer.length = in_name_length; if (in_context_offset == 0 && in_context_length == 0) { /* This is ok */ context_offset = 0; } else if (in_context_offset < dyn_offset) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { context_offset = in_context_offset - dyn_offset; } if (context_offset > req->in.vector[i+2].iov_len) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } context_available_length = req->in.vector[i+2].iov_len - context_offset; if (in_context_length > context_available_length) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } in_context_buffer.data = (uint8_t *)req->in.vector[i+2].iov_base + context_offset; in_context_buffer.length = in_context_length; /* * Now interpret the name and context buffers */ ok = convert_string_talloc(req, CH_UTF16, CH_UNIX, in_name_buffer.data, in_name_buffer.length, &in_name_string, &in_name_string_size, false); if (!ok) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER); } ZERO_STRUCT(in_context_blobs); status = smb2_create_blob_parse(req, in_context_buffer, &in_context_blobs); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, status); } subreq = smbd_smb2_create_send(req, req->sconn->smb2.event_ctx, req, in_oplock_level, in_impersonation_level, in_desired_access, in_file_attributes, in_share_access, in_create_disposition, in_create_options, in_name_string, in_context_blobs); if (subreq == NULL) { return smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY); } tevent_req_set_callback(subreq, smbd_smb2_request_create_done, req); return smbd_smb2_request_pending_queue(req, subreq); } static void smbd_smb2_request_create_done(struct tevent_req *subreq) { struct smbd_smb2_request *req = tevent_req_callback_data(subreq, struct smbd_smb2_request); int i = req->current_idx; uint8_t *outhdr; DATA_BLOB outbody; DATA_BLOB outdyn; uint8_t out_oplock_level = 0; uint32_t out_create_action = 0; NTTIME out_creation_time = 0; NTTIME out_last_access_time = 0; NTTIME out_last_write_time = 0; NTTIME out_change_time = 0; uint64_t out_allocation_size = 0; uint64_t out_end_of_file = 0; uint32_t out_file_attributes = 0; uint64_t out_file_id_volatile = 0; struct smb2_create_blobs out_context_blobs; DATA_BLOB out_context_buffer; uint16_t out_context_buffer_offset = 0; NTSTATUS status; NTSTATUS error; /* transport error */ status = smbd_smb2_create_recv(subreq, req, &out_oplock_level, &out_create_action, &out_creation_time, &out_last_access_time, &out_last_write_time, &out_change_time, &out_allocation_size, &out_end_of_file, &out_file_attributes, &out_file_id_volatile, &out_context_blobs); TALLOC_FREE(subreq); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { error = smbd_smb2_request_error(req, status); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(error)) { smbd_server_connection_terminate(req->sconn, nt_errstr(error)); return; } return; } status = smb2_create_blob_push(req, &out_context_buffer, out_context_blobs); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { error = smbd_smb2_request_error(req, status); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(error)) { smbd_server_connection_terminate(req->sconn, nt_errstr(error)); return; } return; } if (out_context_buffer.length > 0) { out_context_buffer_offset = SMB2_HDR_BODY + 0x58; } outhdr = (uint8_t *)req->out.vector[i].iov_base; outbody = data_blob_talloc(req->out.vector, NULL, 0x58); if (outbody.data == NULL) { error = smbd_smb2_request_error(req, NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(error)) { smbd_server_connection_terminate(req->sconn, nt_errstr(error)); return; } return; } SSVAL(outbody.data, 0x00, 0x58 + 1); /* struct size */ SCVAL(outbody.data, 0x02, out_oplock_level); /* oplock level */ SCVAL(outbody.data, 0x03, 0); /* reserved */ SIVAL(outbody.data, 0x04, out_create_action); /* create action */ SBVAL(outbody.data, 0x08, out_creation_time); /* creation time */ SBVAL(outbody.data, 0x10, out_last_access_time); /* last access time */ SBVAL(outbody.data, 0x18, out_last_write_time); /* last write time */ SBVAL(outbody.data, 0x20, out_change_time); /* change time */ SBVAL(outbody.data, 0x28, out_allocation_size); /* allocation size */ SBVAL(outbody.data, 0x30, out_end_of_file); /* end of file */ SIVAL(outbody.data, 0x38, out_file_attributes); /* file attributes */ SIVAL(outbody.data, 0x3C, 0); /* reserved */ SBVAL(outbody.data, 0x40, 0); /* file id (persistent) */ SBVAL(outbody.data, 0x48, out_file_id_volatile); /* file id (volatile) */ SIVAL(outbody.data, 0x50, out_context_buffer_offset); /* create contexts offset */ SIVAL(outbody.data, 0x54, out_context_buffer.length); /* create contexts length */ outdyn = out_context_buffer; error = smbd_smb2_request_done(req, outbody, &outdyn); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(error)) { smbd_server_connection_terminate(req->sconn, nt_errstr(error)); return; } } struct smbd_smb2_create_state { struct smbd_smb2_request *smb2req; uint8_t out_oplock_level; uint32_t out_create_action; NTTIME out_creation_time; NTTIME out_last_access_time; NTTIME out_last_write_time; NTTIME out_change_time; uint64_t out_allocation_size; uint64_t out_end_of_file; uint32_t out_file_attributes; uint64_t out_file_id_volatile; struct smb2_create_blobs out_context_blobs; }; static struct tevent_req *smbd_smb2_create_send(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct tevent_context *ev, struct smbd_smb2_request *smb2req, uint8_t in_oplock_level, uint32_t in_impersonation_level, uint32_t in_desired_access, uint32_t in_file_attributes, uint32_t in_share_access, uint32_t in_create_disposition, uint32_t in_create_options, const char *in_name, struct smb2_create_blobs in_context_blobs) { struct tevent_req *req; struct smbd_smb2_create_state *state; NTSTATUS status; struct smb_request *smbreq; files_struct *result; int info; SMB_STRUCT_STAT sbuf; struct smb2_create_blobs out_context_blobs; ZERO_STRUCT(out_context_blobs); req = tevent_req_create(mem_ctx, &state, struct smbd_smb2_create_state); if (req == NULL) { return NULL; } state->smb2req = smb2req; DEBUG(10,("smbd_smb2_create: name[%s]\n", in_name)); smbreq = smbd_smb2_fake_smb_request(smb2req); if (tevent_req_nomem(smbreq, req)) { return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } if (IS_IPC(smbreq->conn)) { const char *pipe_name = in_name; if (!lp_nt_pipe_support()) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } /* Strip \\ off the name. */ if (pipe_name[0] == '\\') { pipe_name++; } status = open_np_file(smbreq, pipe_name, &result); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } info = FILE_WAS_OPENED; ZERO_STRUCT(sbuf); } else if (CAN_PRINT(smbreq->conn)) { status = file_new(smbreq, smbreq->conn, &result); if(!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } status = print_fsp_open(smbreq, smbreq->conn, in_name, smbreq->vuid, result, &sbuf); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { file_free(smbreq, result); tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } info = FILE_WAS_CREATED; } else { char *fname; struct smb_filename *smb_fname = NULL; struct smb2_create_blob *exta = NULL; struct ea_list *ea_list = NULL; struct smb2_create_blob *mxac = NULL; NTTIME max_access_time = 0; struct smb2_create_blob *secd = NULL; struct security_descriptor *sec_desc = NULL; struct smb2_create_blob *dhnq = NULL; struct smb2_create_blob *dhnc = NULL; struct smb2_create_blob *alsi = NULL; uint64_t allocation_size = 0; struct smb2_create_blob *twrp = NULL; struct smb2_create_blob *qfid = NULL; exta = smb2_create_blob_find(&in_context_blobs, SMB2_CREATE_TAG_EXTA); mxac = smb2_create_blob_find(&in_context_blobs, SMB2_CREATE_TAG_MXAC); secd = smb2_create_blob_find(&in_context_blobs, SMB2_CREATE_TAG_SECD); dhnq = smb2_create_blob_find(&in_context_blobs, SMB2_CREATE_TAG_DHNQ); dhnc = smb2_create_blob_find(&in_context_blobs, SMB2_CREATE_TAG_DHNC); alsi = smb2_create_blob_find(&in_context_blobs, SMB2_CREATE_TAG_ALSI); twrp = smb2_create_blob_find(&in_context_blobs, SMB2_CREATE_TAG_TWRP); qfid = smb2_create_blob_find(&in_context_blobs, SMB2_CREATE_TAG_QFID); fname = talloc_strdup(state, in_name); if (tevent_req_nomem(fname, req)) { return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } if (exta) { if (dhnc) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } ea_list = read_nttrans_ea_list(mem_ctx, (const char *)exta->data.data, exta->data.length); if (!ea_list) { DEBUG(10,("smbd_smb2_create_send: read_ea_name_list failed.\n")); tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } } if (mxac) { if (dhnc) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } if (mxac->data.length == 0) { max_access_time = 0; } else if (mxac->data.length == 8) { max_access_time = BVAL(mxac->data.data, 0); } else { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } } if (secd) { enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; if (dhnc) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } sec_desc = talloc_zero(state, struct security_descriptor); if (tevent_req_nomem(sec_desc, req)) { return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } ndr_err = ndr_pull_struct_blob(&secd->data, sec_desc, NULL, sec_desc, (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t)ndr_pull_security_descriptor); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { DEBUG(2,("ndr_pull_security_descriptor failed: %s\n", ndr_errstr(ndr_err))); tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } } if (dhnq) { if (dhnc) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } if (dhnq->data.length != 16) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } /* * we don't support durable handles yet * and have to ignore this */ } if (dhnc) { if (dhnc->data.length != 16) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } /* we don't support durable handles yet */ tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } if (alsi) { if (dhnc) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } if (alsi->data.length != 8) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } allocation_size = BVAL(alsi->data.data, 0); } if (twrp) { NTTIME nttime; time_t t; struct tm *tm; if (dhnc) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } if (twrp->data.length != 8) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } nttime = BVAL(twrp->data.data, 0); t = nt_time_to_unix(nttime); tm = gmtime(&t); TALLOC_FREE(fname); fname = talloc_asprintf(state, "@GMT-%04u.%02u.%02u-%02u.%02u.%02u\\%s", tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, in_name); if (tevent_req_nomem(fname, req)) { return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } } if (qfid) { if (qfid->data.length != 0) { tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } } /* these are ignored for SMB2 */ in_create_options &= ~(0x10);/* NTCREATEX_OPTIONS_SYNC_ALERT */ in_create_options &= ~(0x20);/* NTCREATEX_OPTIONS_ASYNC_ALERT */ /* convert '\\' into '/' */ status = check_path_syntax(fname); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } status = filename_convert(req, smbreq->conn, smbreq->flags2 & FLAGS2_DFS_PATHNAMES, fname, 0, NULL, &smb_fname); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } status = SMB_VFS_CREATE_FILE(smbreq->conn, smbreq, 0, /* root_dir_fid */ smb_fname, in_desired_access, in_share_access, in_create_disposition, in_create_options, in_file_attributes, 0, /* oplock_request */ allocation_size, sec_desc, ea_list, &result, &info); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } if (mxac) { NTTIME last_write_time; unix_timespec_to_nt_time(&last_write_time, result->fsp_name->st.st_ex_mtime); if (last_write_time != max_access_time) { uint8_t p[8]; uint32_t max_access_granted; DATA_BLOB blob = data_blob_const(p, sizeof(p)); status = smbd_check_open_rights(smbreq->conn, result->fsp_name, SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &max_access_granted); SIVAL(p, 0, NT_STATUS_V(status)); SIVAL(p, 4, max_access_granted); status = smb2_create_blob_add(state, &out_context_blobs, SMB2_CREATE_TAG_MXAC, blob); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } } } if (qfid) { uint8_t p[32]; DATA_BLOB blob = data_blob_const(p, sizeof(p)); ZERO_STRUCT(p); /* TODO: maybe use result->file_id */ SIVAL(p, 0, result->fsp_name->st.st_ex_ino);/* FileIndexLow */ SIVAL(p, 4, result->fsp_name->st.st_ex_dev);/* FileIndexHigh */ status = smb2_create_blob_add(state, &out_context_blobs, SMB2_CREATE_TAG_QFID, blob); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } } sbuf = result->fsp_name->st; } smb2req->compat_chain_fsp = smbreq->chain_fsp; state->out_oplock_level = 0; if ((in_create_disposition == FILE_SUPERSEDE) && (info == FILE_WAS_OVERWRITTEN)) { state->out_create_action = FILE_WAS_SUPERSEDED; } else { state->out_create_action = info; } unix_timespec_to_nt_time(&state->out_creation_time, sbuf.st_ex_btime); unix_timespec_to_nt_time(&state->out_last_access_time, sbuf.st_ex_atime); unix_timespec_to_nt_time(&state->out_last_write_time,sbuf.st_ex_mtime); unix_timespec_to_nt_time(&state->out_change_time, sbuf.st_ex_ctime); state->out_allocation_size = sbuf.st_ex_blksize * sbuf.st_ex_blocks; state->out_end_of_file = sbuf.st_ex_size; state->out_file_attributes = dos_mode(result->conn, result->fsp_name); if (state->out_file_attributes == 0) { state->out_file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; } state->out_file_id_volatile = result->fnum; state->out_context_blobs = out_context_blobs; tevent_req_done(req); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } static NTSTATUS smbd_smb2_create_recv(struct tevent_req *req, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint8_t *out_oplock_level, uint32_t *out_create_action, NTTIME *out_creation_time, NTTIME *out_last_access_time, NTTIME *out_last_write_time, NTTIME *out_change_time, uint64_t *out_allocation_size, uint64_t *out_end_of_file, uint32_t *out_file_attributes, uint64_t *out_file_id_volatile, struct smb2_create_blobs *out_context_blobs) { NTSTATUS status; struct smbd_smb2_create_state *state = tevent_req_data(req, struct smbd_smb2_create_state); if (tevent_req_is_nterror(req, &status)) { tevent_req_received(req); return status; } *out_oplock_level = state->out_oplock_level; *out_create_action = state->out_create_action; *out_creation_time = state->out_creation_time; *out_last_access_time = state->out_last_access_time; *out_last_write_time = state->out_last_write_time; *out_change_time = state->out_change_time; *out_allocation_size = state->out_allocation_size; *out_end_of_file = state->out_end_of_file; *out_file_attributes = state->out_file_attributes; *out_file_id_volatile = state->out_file_id_volatile; *out_context_blobs = state->out_context_blobs; talloc_steal(mem_ctx, state->out_context_blobs.blobs); tevent_req_received(req); return NT_STATUS_OK; }