This is a prelodable shared library that provides SMB client services for existing executables. Using this you can simulate a smb filesystem. Currently this code has only been tested on: - Linux 2.0 with glibc2 (RH5.1) - Linux 2.1 with glibc2 - Solaris 2.5.1 with gcc - Solaris 2.6 with gcc - SunOS 4.1.3 with gcc - IRIX 6.4 with cc It probably won't run on other systems without some porting. To use it you need to do this: 1) build using the command "make smbwrapper" 3) run smbsh You will be asked for a username and password. After that you will be returned to a shell prompt. It is actually a subshell running with smbwrapper enabled. You can confirm this by checking if the SMBW_USER environment variable is defined. Now try to access /smb/SERVER for some SMB server name and see what happens. If you set SMBW_WORKGROUP to your workgroup or have workgroup set in yoru smb.conf then listing /smb/ should list all SMB servers in your workgroup. For debugging you can set SMBW_DEBUG to an integer debug level. This is code under development. Lots of things don't work yet. Things that I have tried and do seem to work include: emacs, tar, ls, cmp, cp, rsync, du, cat, rm, mv, less, more, wc, head, tail, bash, tcsh, mkdir, rmdir, vim, xedit, diff things that I know don't work: anything executing from the share anything that uses mmap redirection within shells to smbsh files If you want to help with the development of this code then join the samba-technical mailing list.