This is a simple database API. It was inspired by the realisation that in Samba we have several ad-hoc bits of code that essentially implement small databases for sharing structures between parts of Samba. As I was about to add another I realised that a generic database module was called for to replace all the ad-hoc bits. I based the interface on gdbm. I couldn't use gdbm as we need to be able to have multiple writers to the databases at one time. Compilation ----------- add HAVE_MMAP=1 to use mmap instead of read/write add TDB_DEBUG=1 for verbose debug info add NOLOCK=1 to disable locking code Testing ------- Compile tdbtest.c and link with gdbm for testing. tdbtest will perform identical operations via tdb and gdbm then make sure the result is the same Also included is tdbtool, which allows simple database manipulation on the commandline. tdbtest and tdbtool are not built as part of Samba, but are included for completeness. Interface --------- The interface is very similar to gdbm except for the following: - different open interface. The tdb_open call is more similar to a traditional open() - no tdbm_reorganise() function - no tdbm_sync() function. No operations are cached in the library anyway - added a tdb_traverse() function for traversing the whole database