#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "tdb.h" /* a tdb tool for manipulating a tdb database */ static TDB_CONTEXT *tdb; static void print_asc(unsigned char *buf,int len) { int i; for (i=0;i<len;i++) printf("%c",isprint(buf[i])?buf[i]:'.'); } static void print_data(unsigned char *buf,int len) { int i=0; if (len<=0) return; printf("[%03X] ",i); for (i=0;i<len;) { printf("%02X ",(int)buf[i]); i++; if (i%8 == 0) printf(" "); if (i%16 == 0) { print_asc(&buf[i-16],8); printf(" "); print_asc(&buf[i-8],8); printf("\n"); if (i<len) printf("[%03X] ",i); } } if (i%16) { int n; n = 16 - (i%16); printf(" "); if (n>8) printf(" "); while (n--) printf(" "); n = i%16; if (n > 8) n = 8; print_asc(&buf[i-(i%16)],n); printf(" "); n = (i%16) - n; if (n>0) print_asc(&buf[i-n],n); printf("\n"); } } static void help(void) { printf(" tdbtool: create dbname : create a database open dbname : open an existing database erase : erase the database dump : dump the database as strings insert key data : insert a record store key data : store a record (replace) show key : show a record by key delete key : delete a record by key "); } static void terror(char *why) { printf("%s\n", why); } static void create_tdb(void) { char *tok = strtok(NULL, " "); if (!tok) { help(); return; } if (tdb) tdb_close(tdb); tdb = tdb_open(tok, 0, TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600); } static void open_tdb(void) { char *tok = strtok(NULL, " "); if (!tok) { help(); return; } if (tdb) tdb_close(tdb); tdb = tdb_open(tok, 0, 0, O_RDWR, 0600); } static void insert_tdb(void) { char *k = strtok(NULL, " "); char *d = strtok(NULL, " "); TDB_DATA key, dbuf; if (!k || !d) { help(); return; } key.dptr = k; key.dsize = strlen(k); dbuf.dptr = d; dbuf.dsize = strlen(d); if (tdb_store(tdb, key, dbuf, TDB_INSERT) == -1) { terror("insert failed"); } } static void store_tdb(void) { char *k = strtok(NULL, " "); char *d = strtok(NULL, " "); TDB_DATA key, dbuf; if (!k || !d) { help(); return; } key.dptr = k; key.dsize = strlen(k); dbuf.dptr = d; dbuf.dsize = strlen(d); if (tdb_store(tdb, key, dbuf, TDB_REPLACE) == -1) { terror("store failed"); } } static void show_tdb(void) { char *k = strtok(NULL, " "); TDB_DATA key, dbuf; if (!k) { help(); return; } key.dptr = k; key.dsize = strlen(k); dbuf = tdb_fetch(tdb, key); if (!dbuf.dptr) terror("fetch failed"); printf("%s : %*.*s\n", k, (int)dbuf.dsize, (int)dbuf.dsize, dbuf.dptr); } static void delete_tdb(void) { char *k = strtok(NULL, " "); TDB_DATA key; if (!k) { help(); return; } key.dptr = k; key.dsize = strlen(k); if (tdb_delete(tdb, key) != 0) { terror("delete failed"); } } static int print_rec(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA dbuf, void *state) { printf("\nkey %d bytes\n", key.dsize); print_data(key.dptr, key.dsize); printf("data %d bytes\n", dbuf.dsize); print_data(dbuf.dptr, dbuf.dsize); return 0; } static int total_bytes; static int traverse_fn(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA dbuf, void *state) { total_bytes += dbuf.dsize; return 0; } static void info_tdb(void) { int count; total_bytes = 0; count = tdb_traverse(tdb, traverse_fn, NULL); printf("%d records totalling %d bytes\n", count, total_bytes); } static char *getline(char *prompt) { static char line[1024]; char *p; fputs(prompt, stdout); line[0] = 0; p = fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, stdin); if (p) p = strchr(p, '\n'); if (p) *p = 0; return p?line:NULL; } static int do_delete_fn(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA dbuf, void *state) { return tdb_delete(tdb, key); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *line; char *tok; while ((line = getline("tdb> "))) { /* Shell command */ if (line[0] == '!') { system(line + 1); continue; } tok = strtok(line," "); if (strcmp(tok,"create") == 0) { create_tdb(); continue; } else if (strcmp(tok,"open") == 0) { open_tdb(); continue; } /* all the rest require a open database */ if (!tdb) { terror("database not open"); help(); continue; } if (strcmp(tok,"insert") == 0) { insert_tdb(); } else if (strcmp(tok,"store") == 0) { store_tdb(); } else if (strcmp(tok,"show") == 0) { show_tdb(); } else if (strcmp(tok,"erase") == 0) { tdb_traverse(tdb, do_delete_fn, NULL); } else if (strcmp(tok,"delete") == 0) { delete_tdb(); } else if (strcmp(tok,"dump") == 0) { tdb_traverse(tdb, print_rec, NULL); } else if (strcmp(tok,"info") == 0) { info_tdb(); } else { help(); } } if (tdb) tdb_close(tdb); return 0; }