Short: Binary AVL & Splay trees non-recursive. Uploader: (Christopher R. Hertel) Author: (Christopher R. Hertel) Type: dev/c Version: 2.4. Written in C using OOP techniques, these modules provide three forms of binary tree: Simple (unbalanced) AVL (height-balanced), and Splay. AVL trees are re-balanced after every insertion or deletion. For each node in the tree, the difference in height between the left and right subtree is at most 1. Splay trees use a different approach. Each time a node is accessed (inserted, deleted, or directly found via a search), the node is bubbled to the top of the tree. This has the effect of making the tree 'bushier' and placing the most frequently accessed nodes nearer to the top. The functions are non-recursive to limit stack space usage, and can also be made into a run-time library. The type of tree used is determined by which header file is included with your program. No other code changes are necessary. Pretty darn fast, too, IMHO. Chris Hertel