/* Samba Unix/Linux SMB client library Distributed SMB/CIFS Server Management Utility Copyright (C) Jeremy Allison (jra@samba.org) 2005 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "utils/net.h" struct { const char *us_errstr; enum usershare_err us_err; } us_errs [] = { {"",USERSHARE_OK}, {N_("Malformed usershare file"), USERSHARE_MALFORMED_FILE}, {N_("Bad version number"), USERSHARE_BAD_VERSION}, {N_("Malformed path entry"), USERSHARE_MALFORMED_PATH}, {N_("Malformed comment entryfile"), USERSHARE_MALFORMED_COMMENT_DEF}, {N_("Malformed acl definition"), USERSHARE_MALFORMED_ACL_DEF}, {N_("Acl parse error"), USERSHARE_ACL_ERR}, {N_("Path not absolute"), USERSHARE_PATH_NOT_ABSOLUTE}, {N_("Path is denied"), USERSHARE_PATH_IS_DENIED}, {N_("Path not allowed"), USERSHARE_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED}, {N_("Path is not a directory"), USERSHARE_PATH_NOT_DIRECTORY}, {N_("System error"), USERSHARE_POSIX_ERR}, {N_("Malformed sharename definition"), USERSHARE_MALFORMED_SHARENAME_DEF}, {N_("Bad sharename (doesn't match filename)"), USERSHARE_BAD_SHARENAME}, {NULL,(enum usershare_err)-1} }; static const char *get_us_error_code(enum usershare_err us_err) { char *result; int idx = 0; while (us_errs[idx].us_errstr != NULL) { if (us_errs[idx].us_err == us_err) { return us_errs[idx].us_errstr; } idx++; } result = talloc_asprintf(talloc_tos(), _("Usershare error code (0x%x)"), (unsigned int)us_err); SMB_ASSERT(result != NULL); return result; } /* The help subsystem for the USERSHARE subcommand */ static int net_usershare_add_usage(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv) { char chr = *lp_winbind_separator(); d_printf(_( "net usershare add [-l|--long] <sharename> <path> [<comment>] [<acl>] [<guest_ok=[y|n]>]\n" "\tAdds the specified share name for this user.\n" "\t<sharename> is the new share name.\n" "\t<path> is the path on the filesystem to export.\n" "\t<comment> is the optional comment for the new share.\n" "\t<acl> is an optional share acl in the format \"DOMAIN%cname:X,DOMAIN%cname:X,....\"\n" "\t<guest_ok=y> if present sets \"guest ok = yes\" on this usershare.\n" "\t\t\"X\" represents a permission and can be any one of the characters f, r or d\n" "\t\twhere \"f\" means full control, \"r\" means read-only, \"d\" means deny access.\n" "\t\tname may be a domain user or group. For local users use the local server name " "instead of \"DOMAIN\"\n" "\t\tThe default acl is \"Everyone:r\" which allows everyone read-only access.\n" "\tAdd -l or --long to print the info on the newly added share.\n"), chr, chr ); return -1; } static int net_usershare_delete_usage(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv) { d_printf(_( "net usershare delete <sharename>\n" "\tdeletes the specified share name for this user.\n")); return -1; } static int net_usershare_info_usage(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv) { d_printf(_( "net usershare info [-l|--long] [wildcard sharename]\n" "\tPrints out the path, comment and acl elements of shares that match the wildcard.\n" "\tBy default only gives info on shares owned by the current user\n" "\tAdd -l or --long to apply this to all shares\n" "\tOmit the sharename or use a wildcard of '*' to see all shares\n")); return -1; } static int net_usershare_list_usage(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv) { d_printf(_( "net usershare list [-l|--long] [wildcard sharename]\n" "\tLists the names of all shares that match the wildcard.\n" "\tBy default only lists shares owned by the current user\n" "\tAdd -l or --long to apply this to all shares\n" "\tOmit the sharename or use a wildcard of '*' to see all shares\n")); return -1; } int net_usershare_usage(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv) { d_printf(_("net usershare add <sharename> <path> [<comment>] [<acl>] [<guest_ok=[y|n]>] to " "add or change a user defined share.\n" "net usershare delete <sharename> to delete a user defined share.\n" "net usershare info [-l|--long] [wildcard sharename] to print info about a user defined share.\n" "net usershare list [-l|--long] [wildcard sharename] to list user defined shares.\n" "net usershare help\n" "\nType \"net usershare help <option>\" to get more information on that option\n\n")); net_common_flags_usage(c, argc, argv); return -1; } /*************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ static char *get_basepath(TALLOC_CTX *ctx) { char *basepath = talloc_strdup(ctx, lp_usershare_path()); if (!basepath) { return NULL; } if ((basepath[0] != '\0') && (basepath[strlen(basepath)-1] == '/')) { basepath[strlen(basepath)-1] = '\0'; } return basepath; } /*************************************************************************** Delete a single userlevel share. ***************************************************************************/ static int net_usershare_delete(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv) { char *us_path; char *sharename; if (argc != 1 || c->display_usage) { return net_usershare_delete_usage(c, argc, argv); } if ((sharename = strlower_talloc(talloc_tos(), argv[0])) == NULL) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("strlower_talloc failed\n")); return -1; } if (!validate_net_name(sharename, INVALID_SHARENAME_CHARS, strlen(sharename))) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare delete: share name %s contains " "invalid characters (any of %s)\n"), sharename, INVALID_SHARENAME_CHARS); TALLOC_FREE(sharename); return -1; } us_path = talloc_asprintf(talloc_tos(), "%s/%s", lp_usershare_path(), sharename); if (!us_path) { TALLOC_FREE(sharename); return -1; } if (unlink(us_path) != 0) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare delete: unable to remove usershare %s. " "Error was %s\n"), us_path, strerror(errno)); TALLOC_FREE(sharename); return -1; } TALLOC_FREE(sharename); return 0; } /*************************************************************************** Data structures to handle a list of usershare files. ***************************************************************************/ struct file_list { struct file_list *next, *prev; const char *pathname; }; static struct file_list *flist; /*************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ static int get_share_list(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, const char *wcard, bool only_ours) { SMB_STRUCT_DIR *dp; SMB_STRUCT_DIRENT *de; uid_t myuid = geteuid(); struct file_list *fl = NULL; char *basepath = get_basepath(ctx); if (!basepath) { return -1; } dp = sys_opendir(basepath); if (!dp) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("get_share_list: cannot open usershare directory %s. " "Error %s\n"), basepath, strerror(errno) ); return -1; } while((de = sys_readdir(dp)) != 0) { SMB_STRUCT_STAT sbuf; char *path; const char *n = de->d_name; /* Ignore . and .. */ if (*n == '.') { if ((n[1] == '\0') || (n[1] == '.' && n[2] == '\0')) { continue; } } if (!validate_net_name(n, INVALID_SHARENAME_CHARS, strlen(n))) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("get_share_list: ignoring bad share " "name %s\n"), n); continue; } path = talloc_asprintf(ctx, "%s/%s", basepath, n); if (!path) { sys_closedir(dp); return -1; } if (sys_lstat(path, &sbuf, false) != 0) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("get_share_list: can't lstat file %s. Error " "was %s\n"), path, strerror(errno) ); continue; } if (!S_ISREG(sbuf.st_ex_mode)) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("get_share_list: file %s is not a regular " "file. Ignoring.\n"), path ); continue; } if (only_ours && sbuf.st_ex_uid != myuid) { continue; } if (!unix_wild_match(wcard, n)) { continue; } /* (Finally) - add to list. */ fl = TALLOC_P(ctx, struct file_list); if (!fl) { sys_closedir(dp); return -1; } fl->pathname = talloc_strdup(ctx, n); if (!fl->pathname) { sys_closedir(dp); return -1; } DLIST_ADD(flist, fl); } sys_closedir(dp); return 0; } enum us_priv_op { US_LIST_OP, US_INFO_OP}; struct us_priv_info { TALLOC_CTX *ctx; enum us_priv_op op; struct net_context *c; }; /*************************************************************************** Call a function for every share on the list. ***************************************************************************/ static int process_share_list(int (*fn)(struct file_list *, void *), void *priv) { struct file_list *fl; int ret = 0; for (fl = flist; fl; fl = fl->next) { ret = (*fn)(fl, priv); } return ret; } /*************************************************************************** Info function. ***************************************************************************/ static int info_fn(struct file_list *fl, void *priv) { SMB_STRUCT_STAT sbuf; char **lines = NULL; struct us_priv_info *pi = (struct us_priv_info *)priv; TALLOC_CTX *ctx = pi->ctx; struct net_context *c = pi->c; int fd = -1; int numlines = 0; SEC_DESC *psd = NULL; char *basepath; char *sharepath = NULL; char *comment = NULL; char *cp_sharename = NULL; char *acl_str; int num_aces; char sep_str[2]; enum usershare_err us_err; bool guest_ok = false; sep_str[0] = *lp_winbind_separator(); sep_str[1] = '\0'; basepath = get_basepath(ctx); if (!basepath) { return -1; } basepath = talloc_asprintf_append(basepath, "/%s", fl->pathname); if (!basepath) { return -1; } #ifdef O_NOFOLLOW fd = sys_open(basepath, O_RDONLY|O_NOFOLLOW, 0); #else fd = sys_open(basepath, O_RDONLY, 0); #endif if (fd == -1) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("info_fn: unable to open %s. %s\n"), basepath, strerror(errno) ); return -1; } /* Paranoia... */ if (sys_fstat(fd, &sbuf, false) != 0) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("info_fn: can't fstat file %s. Error was %s\n"), basepath, strerror(errno) ); close(fd); return -1; } if (!S_ISREG(sbuf.st_ex_mode)) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("info_fn: file %s is not a regular file. Ignoring.\n"), basepath ); close(fd); return -1; } lines = fd_lines_load(fd, &numlines, 10240, NULL); close(fd); if (lines == NULL) { return -1; } /* Ensure it's well formed. */ us_err = parse_usershare_file(ctx, &sbuf, fl->pathname, -1, lines, numlines, &sharepath, &comment, &cp_sharename, &psd, &guest_ok); TALLOC_FREE(lines); if (us_err != USERSHARE_OK) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("info_fn: file %s is not a well formed usershare " "file.\n"), basepath ); d_fprintf(stderr, _("info_fn: Error was %s.\n"), get_us_error_code(us_err) ); return -1; } acl_str = talloc_strdup(ctx, "usershare_acl="); if (!acl_str) { return -1; } for (num_aces = 0; num_aces < psd->dacl->num_aces; num_aces++) { const char *domain; const char *name; NTSTATUS ntstatus; ntstatus = net_lookup_name_from_sid(c, ctx, &psd->dacl->aces[num_aces].trustee, &domain, &name); if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ntstatus)) { if (domain && *domain) { acl_str = talloc_asprintf_append(acl_str, "%s%s", domain, sep_str); if (!acl_str) { return -1; } } acl_str = talloc_asprintf_append(acl_str, "%s", name); if (!acl_str) { return -1; } } else { fstring sidstr; sid_to_fstring(sidstr, &psd->dacl->aces[num_aces].trustee); acl_str = talloc_asprintf_append(acl_str, "%s", sidstr); if (!acl_str) { return -1; } } acl_str = talloc_asprintf_append(acl_str, ":"); if (!acl_str) { return -1; } if (psd->dacl->aces[num_aces].type == SEC_ACE_TYPE_ACCESS_DENIED) { acl_str = talloc_asprintf_append(acl_str, "D,"); if (!acl_str) { return -1; } } else { if (psd->dacl->aces[num_aces].access_mask & GENERIC_ALL_ACCESS) { acl_str = talloc_asprintf_append(acl_str, "F,"); } else { acl_str = talloc_asprintf_append(acl_str, "R,"); } if (!acl_str) { return -1; } } } /* NOTE: This is smb.conf-like output. Do not translate. */ if (pi->op == US_INFO_OP) { d_printf("[%s]\n", cp_sharename ); d_printf("path=%s\n", sharepath ); d_printf("comment=%s\n", comment); d_printf("%s\n", acl_str); d_printf("guest_ok=%c\n\n", guest_ok ? 'y' : 'n'); } else if (pi->op == US_LIST_OP) { d_printf("%s\n", cp_sharename); } return 0; } /*************************************************************************** Print out info (internal detail) on userlevel shares. ***************************************************************************/ static int net_usershare_info(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv) { fstring wcard; bool only_ours = true; int ret = -1; struct us_priv_info pi; TALLOC_CTX *ctx; fstrcpy(wcard, "*"); if (c->display_usage) return net_usershare_info_usage(c, argc, argv); if (c->opt_long_list_entries) { only_ours = false; } switch (argc) { case 0: break; case 1: fstrcpy(wcard, argv[0]); break; default: return net_usershare_info_usage(c, argc, argv); } strlower_m(wcard); ctx = talloc_init("share_info"); ret = get_share_list(ctx, wcard, only_ours); if (ret) { return ret; } pi.ctx = ctx; pi.op = US_INFO_OP; pi.c = c; ret = process_share_list(info_fn, &pi); talloc_destroy(ctx); return ret; } /*************************************************************************** Count the current total number of usershares. ***************************************************************************/ static int count_num_usershares(void) { SMB_STRUCT_DIR *dp; SMB_STRUCT_DIRENT *de; int num_usershares = 0; TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_tos(); char *basepath = get_basepath(ctx); if (!basepath) { return -1; } dp = sys_opendir(basepath); if (!dp) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("count_num_usershares: cannot open usershare " "directory %s. Error %s\n"), basepath, strerror(errno) ); return -1; } while((de = sys_readdir(dp)) != 0) { SMB_STRUCT_STAT sbuf; char *path; const char *n = de->d_name; /* Ignore . and .. */ if (*n == '.') { if ((n[1] == '\0') || (n[1] == '.' && n[2] == '\0')) { continue; } } if (!validate_net_name(n, INVALID_SHARENAME_CHARS, strlen(n))) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("count_num_usershares: ignoring bad share " "name %s\n"), n); continue; } path = talloc_asprintf(ctx, "%s/%s", basepath, n); if (!path) { sys_closedir(dp); return -1; } if (sys_lstat(path, &sbuf, false) != 0) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("count_num_usershares: can't lstat file %s. " "Error was %s\n"), path, strerror(errno) ); continue; } if (!S_ISREG(sbuf.st_ex_mode)) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("count_num_usershares: file %s is not a " "regular file. Ignoring.\n"), path ); continue; } num_usershares++; } sys_closedir(dp); return num_usershares; } /*************************************************************************** Add a single userlevel share. ***************************************************************************/ static int net_usershare_add(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv) { TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_stackframe(); SMB_STRUCT_STAT sbuf; SMB_STRUCT_STAT lsbuf; char *sharename; const char *cp_sharename; char *full_path; char *full_path_tmp; const char *us_path; const char *us_comment; const char *arg_acl; char *us_acl; char *file_img; int num_aces = 0; int i; int tmpfd; const char *pacl; size_t to_write; uid_t myeuid = geteuid(); bool guest_ok = false; int num_usershares; us_comment = ""; arg_acl = "S-1-1-0:R"; if (c->display_usage) return net_usershare_add_usage(c, argc, argv); switch (argc) { case 0: case 1: default: return net_usershare_add_usage(c, argc, argv); case 2: cp_sharename = argv[0]; sharename = strlower_talloc(ctx, argv[0]); us_path = argv[1]; break; case 3: cp_sharename = argv[0]; sharename = strlower_talloc(ctx, argv[0]); us_path = argv[1]; us_comment = argv[2]; break; case 4: cp_sharename = argv[0]; sharename = strlower_talloc(ctx, argv[0]); us_path = argv[1]; us_comment = argv[2]; arg_acl = argv[3]; break; case 5: cp_sharename = argv[0]; sharename = strlower_talloc(ctx, argv[0]); us_path = argv[1]; us_comment = argv[2]; arg_acl = argv[3]; if (strlen(arg_acl) == 0) { arg_acl = "S-1-1-0:R"; } if (!strnequal(argv[4], "guest_ok=", 9)) { TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return net_usershare_add_usage(c, argc, argv); } switch (argv[4][9]) { case 'y': case 'Y': guest_ok = true; break; case 'n': case 'N': guest_ok = false; break; default: TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return net_usershare_add_usage(c, argc, argv); } break; } /* Ensure we're under the "usershare max shares" number. Advisory only. */ num_usershares = count_num_usershares(); if (num_usershares >= lp_usershare_max_shares()) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: maximum number of allowed " "usershares (%d) reached\n"), lp_usershare_max_shares() ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } if (!validate_net_name(sharename, INVALID_SHARENAME_CHARS, strlen(sharename))) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: share name %s contains " "invalid characters (any of %s)\n"), sharename, INVALID_SHARENAME_CHARS); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* Disallow shares the same as users. */ if (getpwnam(sharename)) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: share name %s is already a valid " "system user name\n"), sharename ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* Construct the full path for the usershare file. */ full_path = get_basepath(ctx); if (!full_path) { TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } full_path_tmp = talloc_asprintf(ctx, "%s/:tmpXXXXXX", full_path); if (!full_path_tmp) { TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } full_path = talloc_asprintf_append(full_path, "/%s", sharename); if (!full_path) { TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* The path *must* be absolute. */ if (us_path[0] != '/') { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: path %s is not an absolute " "path.\n"), us_path); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* Check the directory to be shared exists. */ if (sys_stat(us_path, &sbuf, false) != 0) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: cannot stat path %s to ensure " "this is a directory. Error was %s\n"), us_path, strerror(errno) ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } if (!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_ex_mode)) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: path %s is not a directory.\n"), us_path ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* If we're not root, check if we're restricted to sharing out directories that we own only. */ if ((myeuid != 0) && lp_usershare_owner_only() && (myeuid != sbuf.st_ex_uid)) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: cannot share path %s as " "we are restricted to only sharing directories we own.\n" "\tAsk the administrator to add the line \"usershare owner only = false\" \n" "\tto the [global] section of the smb.conf to allow this.\n"), us_path ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* No validation needed on comment. Now go through and validate the acl string. Convert names to SID's as needed. Then run it through parse_usershare_acl to ensure it's valid. */ /* Start off the string we'll append to. */ us_acl = talloc_strdup(ctx, ""); if (!us_acl) { TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } pacl = arg_acl; num_aces = 1; /* Add the number of ',' characters to get the number of aces. */ num_aces += count_chars(pacl,','); for (i = 0; i < num_aces; i++) { DOM_SID sid; const char *pcolon = strchr_m(pacl, ':'); const char *name; if (pcolon == NULL) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: malformed acl %s " "(missing ':').\n"), pacl ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } switch(pcolon[1]) { case 'f': case 'F': case 'd': case 'r': case 'R': break; default: d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: malformed acl %s " "(access control must be 'r', 'f', " "or 'd')\n"), pacl ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } if (pcolon[2] != ',' && pcolon[2] != '\0') { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: malformed terminating " "character for acl %s\n"), pacl ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* Get the name */ if ((name = talloc_strndup(ctx, pacl, pcolon - pacl)) == NULL) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("talloc_strndup failed\n")); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } if (!string_to_sid(&sid, name)) { /* Convert to a SID */ NTSTATUS ntstatus = net_lookup_sid_from_name(c, ctx, name, &sid); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ntstatus)) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: cannot convert " "name \"%s\" to a SID. %s."), name, get_friendly_nt_error_msg(ntstatus) ); if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(ntstatus, NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)) { d_fprintf(stderr, _(" Maybe smbd is not running.\n")); } else { d_fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } } us_acl = talloc_asprintf_append( us_acl, "%s:%c,", sid_string_tos(&sid), pcolon[1]); /* Move to the next ACL entry. */ if (pcolon[2] == ',') { pacl = &pcolon[3]; } } /* Remove the last ',' */ us_acl[strlen(us_acl)-1] = '\0'; if (guest_ok && !lp_usershare_allow_guests()) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: guest_ok=y requested " "but the \"usershare allow guests\" parameter is not " "enabled by this server.\n")); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* Create a temporary filename for this share. */ tmpfd = mkstemp(full_path_tmp); if (tmpfd == -1) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: cannot create tmp file %s\n"), full_path_tmp ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* Ensure we opened the file we thought we did. */ if (sys_lstat(full_path_tmp, &lsbuf, false) != 0) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: cannot lstat tmp file %s\n"), full_path_tmp ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* Check this is the same as the file we opened. */ if (sys_fstat(tmpfd, &sbuf, false) != 0) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: cannot fstat tmp file %s\n"), full_path_tmp ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } if (!S_ISREG(sbuf.st_ex_mode) || sbuf.st_ex_dev != lsbuf.st_ex_dev || sbuf.st_ex_ino != lsbuf.st_ex_ino) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: tmp file %s is not a regular " "file ?\n"), full_path_tmp ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } if (fchmod(tmpfd, 0644) == -1) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: failed to fchmod tmp file %s " "to 0644n"), full_path_tmp ); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* Create the in-memory image of the file. */ file_img = talloc_strdup(ctx, "#VERSION 2\npath="); file_img = talloc_asprintf_append(file_img, "%s\ncomment=%s\nusershare_acl=%s\n" "guest_ok=%c\nsharename=%s\n", us_path, us_comment, us_acl, guest_ok ? 'y' : 'n', cp_sharename); to_write = strlen(file_img); if (write(tmpfd, file_img, to_write) != to_write) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: failed to write %u bytes to " "file %s. Error was %s\n"), (unsigned int)to_write, full_path_tmp, strerror(errno)); unlink(full_path_tmp); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return -1; } /* Attempt to replace any existing share by this name. */ if (rename(full_path_tmp, full_path) != 0) { unlink(full_path_tmp); d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare add: failed to add share %s. Error " "was %s\n"), sharename, strerror(errno)); TALLOC_FREE(ctx); close(tmpfd); return -1; } close(tmpfd); if (c->opt_long_list_entries) { const char *my_argv[2]; my_argv[0] = sharename; my_argv[1] = NULL; net_usershare_info(c, 1, my_argv); } TALLOC_FREE(ctx); return 0; } #if 0 /*************************************************************************** List function. ***************************************************************************/ static int list_fn(struct file_list *fl, void *priv) { d_printf("%s\n", fl->pathname); return 0; } #endif /*************************************************************************** List userlevel shares. ***************************************************************************/ static int net_usershare_list(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv) { fstring wcard; bool only_ours = true; int ret = -1; struct us_priv_info pi; TALLOC_CTX *ctx; fstrcpy(wcard, "*"); if (c->display_usage) return net_usershare_list_usage(c, argc, argv); if (c->opt_long_list_entries) { only_ours = false; } switch (argc) { case 0: break; case 1: fstrcpy(wcard, argv[0]); break; default: return net_usershare_list_usage(c, argc, argv); } strlower_m(wcard); ctx = talloc_init("share_list"); ret = get_share_list(ctx, wcard, only_ours); if (ret) { return ret; } pi.ctx = ctx; pi.op = US_LIST_OP; pi.c = c; ret = process_share_list(info_fn, &pi); talloc_destroy(ctx); return ret; } /*************************************************************************** Entry-point for all the USERSHARE functions. ***************************************************************************/ int net_usershare(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv) { SMB_STRUCT_DIR *dp; struct functable func[] = { { "add", net_usershare_add, NET_TRANSPORT_LOCAL, N_("Add/modify user defined share"), N_("net usershare add\n" " Add/modify user defined share") }, { "delete", net_usershare_delete, NET_TRANSPORT_LOCAL, N_("Delete user defined share"), N_("net usershare delete\n" " Delete user defined share") }, { "info", net_usershare_info, NET_TRANSPORT_LOCAL, N_("Display information about a user defined share"), N_("net usershare info\n" " Display information about a user defined share") }, { "list", net_usershare_list, NET_TRANSPORT_LOCAL, N_("List user defined shares"), N_("net usershare list\n" " List user defined shares") }, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; if (lp_usershare_max_shares() == 0) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare: usershares are currently " "disabled\n")); return -1; } dp = sys_opendir(lp_usershare_path()); if (!dp) { int err = errno; d_fprintf(stderr, _("net usershare: cannot open usershare directory %s. " "Error %s\n"), lp_usershare_path(), strerror(err) ); if (err == EACCES) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have permission to create a " "usershare. Ask your administrator to grant " "you permissions to create a share.\n")); } else if (err == ENOENT) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("Please ask your system administrator to " "enable user sharing.\n")); } return -1; } sys_closedir(dp); return net_run_function(c, argc, argv, "net usershare", func); }