/* some simple CGI helper routines Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1997-1998 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "includes.h" #include "web/swat_proto.h" #define MAX_VARIABLES 10000 /* set the expiry on fixed pages */ #define EXPIRY_TIME (60*60*24*7) #ifdef DEBUG_COMMENTS extern void print_title(char *fmt, ...); #endif struct cgi_var { char *name; char *value; }; static struct cgi_var variables[MAX_VARIABLES]; static int num_variables; static int content_length; static int request_post; static char *query_string; static const char *baseurl; static char *pathinfo; static char *C_user; static BOOL inetd_server; static BOOL got_request; static char *grab_line(FILE *f, int *cl) { char *ret = NULL; int i = 0; int len = 0; while ((*cl)) { int c; if (i == len) { char *ret2; if (len == 0) len = 1024; else len *= 2; ret2 = (char *)SMB_REALLOC(ret, len); if (!ret2) return ret; ret = ret2; } c = fgetc(f); (*cl)--; if (c == EOF) { (*cl) = 0; break; } if (c == '\r') continue; if (strchr_m("\n&", c)) break; ret[i++] = c; } ret[i] = 0; return ret; } /** URL encoded strings can have a '+', which should be replaced with a space (This was in rfc1738_unescape(), but that broke the squid helper) **/ static void plus_to_space_unescape(char *buf) { char *p=buf; while ((p=strchr_m(p,'+'))) *p = ' '; } /*************************************************************************** load all the variables passed to the CGI program. May have multiple variables with the same name and the same or different values. Takes a file parameter for simulating CGI invocation eg loading saved preferences. ***************************************************************************/ void cgi_load_variables(void) { static char *line; char *p, *s, *tok; int len, i; FILE *f = stdin; #ifdef DEBUG_COMMENTS char dummy[100]=""; print_title(dummy); d_printf("<!== Start dump in cgi_load_variables() %s ==>\n",__FILE__); #endif if (!content_length) { p = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); len = p?atoi(p):0; } else { len = content_length; } if (len > 0 && (request_post || ((s=getenv("REQUEST_METHOD")) && strequal(s,"POST")))) { while (len && (line=grab_line(f, &len))) { p = strchr_m(line,'='); if (!p) continue; *p = 0; variables[num_variables].name = SMB_STRDUP(line); variables[num_variables].value = SMB_STRDUP(p+1); SAFE_FREE(line); if (!variables[num_variables].name || !variables[num_variables].value) continue; plus_to_space_unescape(variables[num_variables].value); rfc1738_unescape(variables[num_variables].value); plus_to_space_unescape(variables[num_variables].name); rfc1738_unescape(variables[num_variables].name); #ifdef DEBUG_COMMENTS printf("<!== POST var %s has value \"%s\" ==>\n", variables[num_variables].name, variables[num_variables].value); #endif num_variables++; if (num_variables == MAX_VARIABLES) break; } } fclose(stdin); open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if ((s=query_string) || (s=getenv("QUERY_STRING"))) { for (tok=strtok(s,"&;");tok;tok=strtok(NULL,"&;")) { p = strchr_m(tok,'='); if (!p) continue; *p = 0; variables[num_variables].name = SMB_STRDUP(tok); variables[num_variables].value = SMB_STRDUP(p+1); if (!variables[num_variables].name || !variables[num_variables].value) continue; plus_to_space_unescape(variables[num_variables].value); rfc1738_unescape(variables[num_variables].value); plus_to_space_unescape(variables[num_variables].name); rfc1738_unescape(variables[num_variables].name); #ifdef DEBUG_COMMENTS printf("<!== Commandline var %s has value \"%s\" ==>\n", variables[num_variables].name, variables[num_variables].value); #endif num_variables++; if (num_variables == MAX_VARIABLES) break; } } #ifdef DEBUG_COMMENTS printf("<!== End dump in cgi_load_variables() ==>\n"); #endif /* variables from the client are in UTF-8 - convert them to our internal unix charset before use */ for (i=0;i<num_variables;i++) { pstring dest; convert_string(CH_UTF8, CH_UNIX, variables[i].name, -1, dest, sizeof(dest), True); free(variables[i].name); variables[i].name = SMB_STRDUP(dest); convert_string(CH_UTF8, CH_UNIX, variables[i].value, -1, dest, sizeof(dest), True); free(variables[i].value); variables[i].value = SMB_STRDUP(dest); } } /*************************************************************************** find a variable passed via CGI Doesn't quite do what you think in the case of POST text variables, because if they exist they might have a value of "" or even " ", depending on the browser. Also doesn't allow for variables[] containing multiple variables with the same name and the same or different values. ***************************************************************************/ const char *cgi_variable(const char *name) { int i; for (i=0;i<num_variables;i++) if (strcmp(variables[i].name, name) == 0) return variables[i].value; return NULL; } /*************************************************************************** tell a browser about a fatal error in the http processing ***************************************************************************/ static void cgi_setup_error(const char *err, const char *header, const char *info) { if (!got_request) { /* damn browsers don't like getting cut off before they give a request */ char line[1024]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, stdin)) { if (strnequal(line,"GET ", 4) || strnequal(line,"POST ", 5) || strnequal(line,"PUT ", 4)) { break; } } } d_printf("HTTP/1.0 %s\r\n%sConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>%s</H1>%s<p></BODY></HTML>\r\n\r\n", err, header, err, err, info); fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); exit(0); } /*************************************************************************** tell a browser about a fatal authentication error ***************************************************************************/ static void cgi_auth_error(void) { if (inetd_server) { cgi_setup_error("401 Authorization Required", "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"SWAT\"\r\n", "You must be authenticated to use this service"); } else { printf("Content-Type: text/html\r\n"); printf("\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>SWAT</TITLE></HEAD>\n"); printf("<BODY><H1>Installation Error</H1>\n"); printf("SWAT must be installed via inetd. It cannot be run as a CGI script<p>\n"); printf("</BODY></HTML>\r\n"); } exit(0); } /*************************************************************************** authenticate when we are running as a CGI ***************************************************************************/ static void cgi_web_auth(void) { const char *user = getenv("REMOTE_USER"); struct passwd *pwd; const char *head = "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><BODY><H1>SWAT installation Error</H1>\n"; const char *tail = "</BODY></HTML>\r\n"; if (!user) { printf("%sREMOTE_USER not set. Not authenticated by web server.<br>%s\n", head, tail); exit(0); } pwd = getpwnam_alloc(user); if (!pwd) { printf("%sCannot find user %s<br>%s\n", head, user, tail); exit(0); } setuid(0); setuid(pwd->pw_uid); if (geteuid() != pwd->pw_uid || getuid() != pwd->pw_uid) { printf("%sFailed to become user %s - uid=%d/%d<br>%s\n", head, user, (int)geteuid(), (int)getuid(), tail); exit(0); } passwd_free(&pwd); } /*************************************************************************** handle a http authentication line ***************************************************************************/ static BOOL cgi_handle_authorization(char *line) { char *p; fstring user, user_pass; struct passwd *pass = NULL; if (!strnequal(line,"Basic ", 6)) { goto err; } line += 6; while (line[0] == ' ') line++; base64_decode_inplace(line); if (!(p=strchr_m(line,':'))) { /* * Always give the same error so a cracker * cannot tell why we fail. */ goto err; } *p = 0; convert_string(CH_UTF8, CH_UNIX, line, -1, user, sizeof(user), True); convert_string(CH_UTF8, CH_UNIX, p+1, -1, user_pass, sizeof(user_pass), True); /* * Try and get the user from the UNIX password file. */ pass = getpwnam_alloc(user); /* * Validate the password they have given. */ if NT_STATUS_IS_OK(pass_check(pass, user, user_pass, strlen(user_pass), NULL, False)) { if (pass) { /* * Password was ok. */ if ( initgroups(pass->pw_name, pass->pw_gid) != 0 ) goto err; become_user_permanently(pass->pw_uid, pass->pw_gid); /* Save the users name */ C_user = SMB_STRDUP(user); passwd_free(&pass); return True; } } err: cgi_setup_error("401 Bad Authorization", "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"SWAT\"\r\n", "username or password incorrect"); passwd_free(&pass); return False; } /*************************************************************************** is this root? ***************************************************************************/ BOOL am_root(void) { if (geteuid() == 0) { return( True); } else { return( False); } } /*************************************************************************** return a ptr to the users name ***************************************************************************/ char *cgi_user_name(void) { return(C_user); } /*************************************************************************** handle a file download ***************************************************************************/ static void cgi_download(char *file) { SMB_STRUCT_STAT st; char buf[1024]; int fd, l, i; char *p; char *lang; /* sanitise the filename */ for (i=0;file[i];i++) { if (!isalnum((int)file[i]) && !strchr_m("/.-_", file[i])) { cgi_setup_error("404 File Not Found","", "Illegal character in filename"); } } if (sys_stat(file, &st) != 0) { cgi_setup_error("404 File Not Found","", "The requested file was not found"); } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/index.html", file); if (!file_exist(buf, &st) || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { cgi_setup_error("404 File Not Found","", "The requested file was not found"); } } else if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", file); } else { cgi_setup_error("404 File Not Found","", "The requested file was not found"); } fd = web_open(buf,O_RDONLY,0); if (fd == -1) { cgi_setup_error("404 File Not Found","", "The requested file was not found"); } printf("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); if ((p=strrchr_m(buf, '.'))) { if (strcmp(p,".gif")==0) { printf("Content-Type: image/gif\r\n"); } else if (strcmp(p,".jpg")==0) { printf("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n"); } else if (strcmp(p,".png")==0) { printf("Content-Type: image/png\r\n"); } else if (strcmp(p,".css")==0) { printf("Content-Type: text/css\r\n"); } else if (strcmp(p,".txt")==0) { printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"); } else { printf("Content-Type: text/html\r\n"); } } printf("Expires: %s\r\n", http_timestring(time(NULL)+EXPIRY_TIME)); lang = lang_tdb_current(); if (lang) { printf("Content-Language: %s\r\n", lang); } printf("Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", (int)st.st_size); while ((l=read(fd,buf,sizeof(buf)))>0) { fwrite(buf, 1, l, stdout); } close(fd); exit(0); } /** * @brief Setup the CGI framework. * * Setup the cgi framework, handling the possibility that this program * is either run as a true CGI program with a gateway to a web server, or * is itself a mini web server. **/ void cgi_setup(const char *rootdir, int auth_required) { BOOL authenticated = False; char line[1024]; char *url=NULL; char *p; char *lang; if (chdir(rootdir)) { cgi_setup_error("500 Server Error", "", "chdir failed - the server is not configured correctly"); } /* Handle the possibility we might be running as non-root */ sec_init(); if ((lang=getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"))) { /* if running as a cgi program */ web_set_lang(lang); } /* maybe we are running under a web server */ if (getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH") || getenv("REQUEST_METHOD")) { if (auth_required) { cgi_web_auth(); } return; } inetd_server = True; if (!check_access(1, lp_hostsallow(-1), lp_hostsdeny(-1))) { cgi_setup_error("403 Forbidden", "", "Samba is configured to deny access from this client\n<br>Check your \"hosts allow\" and \"hosts deny\" options in smb.conf "); } /* we are a mini-web server. We need to read the request from stdin and handle authentication etc */ while (fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, stdin)) { if (line[0] == '\r' || line[0] == '\n') break; if (strnequal(line,"GET ", 4)) { got_request = True; url = SMB_STRDUP(&line[4]); } else if (strnequal(line,"POST ", 5)) { got_request = True; request_post = 1; url = SMB_STRDUP(&line[5]); } else if (strnequal(line,"PUT ", 4)) { got_request = True; cgi_setup_error("400 Bad Request", "", "This server does not accept PUT requests"); } else if (strnequal(line,"Authorization: ", 15)) { authenticated = cgi_handle_authorization(&line[15]); } else if (strnequal(line,"Content-Length: ", 16)) { content_length = atoi(&line[16]); } else if (strnequal(line,"Accept-Language: ", 17)) { web_set_lang(&line[17]); } /* ignore all other requests! */ } if (auth_required && !authenticated) { cgi_auth_error(); } if (!url) { cgi_setup_error("400 Bad Request", "", "You must specify a GET or POST request"); } /* trim the URL */ if ((p = strchr_m(url,' ')) || (p=strchr_m(url,'\t'))) { *p = 0; } while (*url && strchr_m("\r\n",url[strlen(url)-1])) { url[strlen(url)-1] = 0; } /* anything following a ? in the URL is part of the query string */ if ((p=strchr_m(url,'?'))) { query_string = p+1; *p = 0; } string_sub(url, "/swat/", "", 0); if (url[0] != '/' && strstr(url,"..")==0) { cgi_download(url); } printf("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\n"); printf("Date: %s\r\n", http_timestring(time(NULL))); baseurl = ""; pathinfo = url+1; } /*************************************************************************** return the current pages URL ***************************************************************************/ const char *cgi_baseurl(void) { if (inetd_server) { return baseurl; } return getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"); } /*************************************************************************** return the current pages path info ***************************************************************************/ const char *cgi_pathinfo(void) { char *r; if (inetd_server) { return pathinfo; } r = getenv("PATH_INFO"); if (!r) return ""; if (*r == '/') r++; return r; } /*************************************************************************** return the hostname of the client ***************************************************************************/ char *cgi_remote_host(void) { if (inetd_server) { return get_peer_name(1,False); } return getenv("REMOTE_HOST"); } /*************************************************************************** return the hostname of the client ***************************************************************************/ char *cgi_remote_addr(void) { if (inetd_server) { return get_peer_addr(1); } return getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); } /*************************************************************************** return True if the request was a POST ***************************************************************************/ BOOL cgi_waspost(void) { if (inetd_server) { return request_post; } return strequal(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"), "POST"); }