AllowedWorkstationNames and Krb5 -------------------------------- Microsoft uses the clientAddresses *multiple value* feild in the krb5 protocol to communicate it's netbios name. This is (my guess) to permit the userWorkstations field to work. The KDC I imagine checks the netbios address against this value, in the same way that the Samba server does this. Is a DAL the layer we need? --------------------------- Looking at what we need to pass around, I start to seriously wonder if the DAL is even the right layer - we seem to want to create an account authorization abstracton layer - is this account permitted to login to this computer, at this time? This information in AD is much richer than the Heimdal HDB, and it seems to make sense to do AD-specific access control checks in an AD-specific layer, not in the backend agnostic server. Because the DAL only reads in the principalName as the key, it has trouble performing access control decisions on things other than the name. I'll be very intersted if the DAL really works for eDirectory too. Perhaps all we need to do is add in the same cludges as we have in Samba 3.0 for eDirectory. Hmm... GSSAPI layer requirements ------------------------- Welcome to the wonderful world of canonicalisation The Heimdal GSSAPI libs do not support kinit returning a different realm to what the client asked for, even just in case differences. No idea on MIT Principal Names, long and short names ------------------------------------- As far as servicePrincipalNames are concerned, these are not canonicalised, except as regards the realm in the reply. That is, the client gets back the principal it asked for, with the realm portion 'fixed' to uppercase, long form. The short name of the realm seems to be accepted for at least AS_REQ operations, but because the server performs canonicalisation, this causes pain for current client libraries. HOST/ Aliases ------------- There is another post somehwere (ref lost for the moment) that details where in active directory the list of stored aliases for HOST/ is. This should be read, parsed and used to allow any of these requests to use the HOST/ key. For example, this is how HTTP/, DNS/ and CIFS/ can use HOST/ without any explicit entry. Returned Salt for PreAuthentication ----------------------------------- When the server replies for pre-authentication, it returns the Salt, which may be in the form of a principalName that is in no way connected with the current names. (ie, even if the userPrincipalName and samAccountName are renamed, the old salt is returned). This is probably the kerberos standard salt, kept in the 'Key'. The standard generation rules are found in a Mail from Luke howard dated 10 Nov 2004: From: Luke Howard Message-Id: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Organization: PADL Software Pty Ltd To: Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 13:31:21 +1100 Versions: dmail (bsd44) 2.6d/makemail 2.10 Cc:, Subject: Re: Samba-3.0.7-1.3E Active Directory Issues X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.4 Precedence: list Reply-To: Did some more testing, it appears the behaviour has another explanation. It appears that the standard Kerberos password salt algorithm is applied in Windows 2003, just that the source principal name is different. Here is what I've been able to deduce from creating a bunch of different accounts: Type of account Principal for Salting ======================================================================== Computer Account host/.realm@REALM User Account Without UPN @REALM User Account With UPN @REALM Note that if the computer account's SAM account name does not include the trailing '$', then the entire SAM account name is used as input to the salting principal. Setting a UPN for a computer account has no effect. It seems to me odd that the RHS of the UPN is not used in the salting principal. For example, a user with UPN in the realm MYREALM.COM would have a salt of MYREALM.COMfoo. Perhaps this is to allow a user's UPN suffix to be changed without changing the salt. And perhaps using the UPN for salting signifies a move away SAM names and their associated constraints. For more information on how UPNs relate to the Kerberos protocol, see: -- Luke -- Heimdal oddities ---------------- Heimdal is built such that it should be able to serve muliple realms at the same time. This isn't relevent for Samba's use, but it shows up in a lot of generalisations thougout the code. GSSAPI and Kerberos extensions ------------------------------ This is a general list of the extensions we have made to / need from the kerberos libraries - DCE_STYLE - gsskrb5_get_initiator_subkey() - gsskrb5_get_authz_data() - case insensitive keytab - in-memory keytab - wildcard keytab (for in-memory operations) KDC Extensions -------------- We have modified Heimdal's 'hdb' interface to specify the 'type' of prinicpal being requested. This allows us to correctly behave with the different 'classes' of prinicpal name. We currently define 3 classes: - krbtgt - client (kinit) - server (tgt) I also now specify the kerberos principal as an explict parameter, not an in/out value on the entry itself.