# Samba4 parser generator for IDL structures
# Copyright tridge@samba.org 2000-2003
# Copyright tpot@samba.org 2001,2004
# released under the GNU GPL

package IdlEParser;

use strict;

# the list of needed functions
my %needed;
my %structs;

my $module = "samr";
my $if_uuid;
my $if_version;
my $if_endpoints;

sub pidl($)
	print OUT shift;

# parse a properties list
sub ParseProperties($)
    my($props) = shift;
    foreach my $d (@{$props}) {
	if (ref($d) ne "HASH") {
	    pidl "[$d] ";
	} else {
	    foreach my $k (keys %{$d}) {
		pidl "[$k($d->{$k})] ";

# find a sibling var in a structure
sub find_sibling($$)
	my($e) = shift;
	my($name) = shift;
	my($fn) = $e->{PARENT};

	if ($name =~ /\*(.*)/) {
		$name = $1;

	if ($fn->{TYPE} eq "FUNCTION") {
		for my $e2 (@{$fn->{DATA}}) {
			if ($e2->{NAME} eq $name) {
				return $e2;

	for my $e2 (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
		if ($e2->{NAME} eq $name) {
			return $e2;
	die "invalid sibling '$name'";

# work out the name of a size_is() variable
sub find_size_var($$$)
	my($e) = shift;
	my($size) = shift;
	my($var_prefix) = shift;

	my($fn) = $e->{PARENT};

	if (util::is_constant($size)) {
		return $size;

	if ($size =~ /ndr->|\(/) {
		return $size;

	my $prefix = "";

	if ($size =~ /\*(.*)/) {
		$size = $1;
		$prefix = "*";

	if ($fn->{TYPE} ne "FUNCTION") {
		return $prefix . "r->$size";

	my $e2 = find_sibling($e, $size);

	if (util::has_property($e2, "in") && util::has_property($e2, "out")) {
		return $prefix . "$var_prefix$size";
	if (util::has_property($e2, "in")) {
		return $prefix . "r->in.$size";
	if (util::has_property($e2, "out")) {
		return $prefix . "r->out.$size";

	die "invalid variable in $size for element $e->{NAME} in $fn->{NAME}\n";

# work out is a parse function should be declared static or not
sub fn_prefix($)
	my $fn = shift;
	if ($fn->{TYPE} eq "TYPEDEF") {
		if (util::has_property($fn->{DATA}, "public")) {
			return "";

	if ($fn->{TYPE} eq "FUNCTION") {
		if (util::has_property($fn, "public")) {
			return "";
	return "static ";

# setup any special flags for an element or structure
sub start_flags($)
	my $e = shift;
	my $flags = util::has_property($e, "flag");
	if (defined $flags) {
		pidl "\t{ guint32 _flags_save_$e->{TYPE} = ndr->flags;\n";
		pidl "\tndr->flags |= $flags;\n";

# end any special flags for an element or structure
sub end_flags($)
	my $e = shift;
	my $flags = util::has_property($e, "flag");
	if (defined $flags) {
		pidl "\tndr->flags = _flags_save_$e->{TYPE};\n\t}\n";

# work out the correct alignment for a structure
sub struct_alignment
	my $s = shift;

	my $align = 1;
	for my $e (@{$s->{ELEMENTS}}) {
		my $a = 1;

		if (!util::need_wire_pointer($e)
		    && defined $structs{$e->{TYPE}}) {
			if ($structs{$e->{TYPE}}->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "STRUCT") {
				$a = struct_alignment($structs{$e->{TYPE}}->{DATA});
			} elsif ($structs{$e->{TYPE}}->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "UNION") {
				if (defined $structs{$e->{TYPE}}->{DATA}) {
					$a = union_alignment($structs{$e->{TYPE}}->{DATA});
		} else {
			$a = util::type_align($e);

		if ($align < $a) {
			$align = $a;

	return $align;

# work out the correct alignment for a union
sub union_alignment
	my $u = shift;

	my $align = 1;

	foreach my $e (@{$u->{DATA}}) {
		my $a = 1;

		if ($e->{TYPE} eq "EMPTY") {

		if (!util::need_wire_pointer($e)
		    && defined $structs{$e->{DATA}->{TYPE}}) {
			my $s = $structs{$e->{DATA}->{TYPE}};
			if ($s->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "STRUCT") {
				$a = struct_alignment($s->{DATA});
			} elsif ($s->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "UNION") {
				$a = union_alignment($s->{DATA});
		} else {
			$a = util::type_align($e->{DATA});

		if ($align < $a) {
			$align = $a;

	return $align;

# parse an array - pull side
sub ParseArrayPull($$$)
	my $e = shift;
	my $var_prefix = shift;
	my $ndr_flags = shift;

	my $size = find_size_var($e, util::array_size($e), $var_prefix);
	my $alloc_size = $size;

	# if this is a conformant array then we use that size to allocate, and make sure
	# we allocate enough to pull the elements
	if (defined $e->{CONFORMANT_SIZE}) {
		$alloc_size = $e->{CONFORMANT_SIZE};

		pidl "\tif ($size > $alloc_size) {\n";
		pidl "\t\treturn ndr_pull_error(ndr, NDR_ERR_CONFORMANT_SIZE, \"Bad conformant size %u should be %u\", $alloc_size, $size);\n";
		pidl "\t}\n";
	} elsif (!util::is_inline_array($e)) {
		if ($var_prefix =~ /^r->out/ && $size =~ /^\*r->in/) {
			my $size2 = substr($size, 1);
#			pidl "if (ndr->flags & LIBNDR_FLAG_REF_ALLOC) {	NDR_ALLOC(ndr, $size2); }\n";

		# non fixed arrays encode the size just before the array
		pidl "\t{\n";
		pidl "\t\tguint32 _array_size;\n";
		pidl "\t\tndr_pull_uint32(ndr, &_array_size);\n";
		if ($size =~ /r->in/) {
			pidl "\t\tif (!(ndr->flags & LIBNDR_FLAG_REF_ALLOC) && _array_size != $size) {\n";
		} else {
			pidl "\t\tif ($size != _array_size) {\n";
		pidl "\t\t\treturn ndr_pull_error(ndr, NDR_ERR_ARRAY_SIZE, \"Bad array size %u should be %u\", _array_size, $size);\n";
		pidl "\t\t}\n";
		if ($size =~ /r->in/) {
			pidl "else { $size = _array_size; }\n";
		pidl "\t}\n";

	if ((util::need_alloc($e) && !util::is_fixed_array($e)) ||
	    ($var_prefix eq "r->in." && util::has_property($e, "ref"))) {
		if (!util::is_inline_array($e) || $ndr_flags eq "NDR_SCALARS") {
#			pidl "\t\tNDR_ALLOC_N(ndr, $var_prefix$e->{NAME}, MAX(1, $alloc_size));\n";

	if (($var_prefix eq "r->out." && util::has_property($e, "ref"))) {
		if (!util::is_inline_array($e) || $ndr_flags eq "NDR_SCALARS") {
#			pidl "\tif (ndr->flags & LIBNDR_FLAG_REF_ALLOC) {";
#			pidl "\t\tNDR_ALLOC_N(ndr, $var_prefix$e->{NAME}, MAX(1, $alloc_size));\n";
#			pidl "\t}\n";

	pidl "\t{\n";

	if (my $length = util::has_property($e, "length_is")) {
		$length = find_size_var($e, $length, $var_prefix);
		pidl "\t\tguint32 _offset, _length;\n";
		pidl "\t\tndr_pull_uint32(ndr, &_offset);\n";
		pidl "\t\tndr_pull_uint32(ndr, &_length);\n";
		pidl "\t\tif (_offset != 0) return ndr_pull_error(ndr, NDR_ERR_OFFSET, \"Bad array offset 0x%08x\", _offset);\n";
		pidl "\t\tif (_length > $size || _length != $length) return ndr_pull_error(ndr, NDR_ERR_LENGTH, \"Bad array length 0x%08x > size 0x%08x\", _offset, $size);\n\n";
		$size = "_length";

	if (util::is_scalar_type($e->{TYPE})) {
		pidl "\t\tndr_pull_array_$e->{TYPE}(ndr, $ndr_flags, $var_prefix$e->{NAME}, $size);\n";
	} else {
		pidl "\t\tndr_pull_array(ndr, $ndr_flags, (void **)$var_prefix$e->{NAME}, sizeof($var_prefix$e->{NAME}\[0]), $size, (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t)ndr_pull_$e->{TYPE});\n";

	pidl "\t}\n";

# parse scalars in a structure element - pull size
sub ParseElementPullSwitch($$$$)
	my($e) = shift;
	my($var_prefix) = shift;
	my($ndr_flags) = shift;
	my $switch = shift;
	my $switch_var = find_size_var($e, $switch, $var_prefix);

	my $cprefix = util::c_pull_prefix($e);

	my $utype = $structs{$e->{TYPE}};
	if (!defined $utype ||
	    !util::has_property($utype->{DATA}, "nodiscriminant")) {
		my $e2 = find_sibling($e, $switch);
		pidl "\tif (($ndr_flags) & NDR_SCALARS) {\n";
		pidl "\t\t $e2->{TYPE} _level;\n";
		pidl "\t\tndr_pull_$e2->{TYPE}(ndr, &_level);\n";
		if ($switch_var =~ /r->in/) {
			pidl "\t\tif (!(ndr->flags & LIBNDR_FLAG_REF_ALLOC) && _level != $switch_var) {\n";
		} else {
			pidl "\t\tif (_level != $switch_var) {\n";
		pidl "\t\t\treturn ndr_pull_error(ndr, NDR_ERR_BAD_SWITCH, \"Bad switch value %u in $e->{NAME}\");\t\t}\n";
		if ($switch_var =~ /r->/) {
			pidl "else { $switch_var = _level; }\n";
		pidl "\t}\n";

	my $sub_size = util::has_property($e, "subcontext");
	if (defined $sub_size) {
		pidl "\tndr_pull_subcontext_union_fn(ndr, $sub_size, $switch_var, $cprefix$var_prefix$e->{NAME}, (ndr_pull_union_fn_t) ndr_pull_$e->{TYPE});\n";
	} else {
		pidl "\tndr_pull_$e->{TYPE}(ndr, $ndr_flags, $switch_var);\n";


# parse scalars in a structure element - pull size
sub ParseElementPullScalar($$$)
	my($e) = shift;
	my($var_prefix) = shift;
	my($ndr_flags) = shift;
	my $cprefix = util::c_pull_prefix($e);
	my $sub_size = util::has_property($e, "subcontext");


	if (util::has_property($e, "relative")) {
		pidl "\tndr_pull_relative(ndr, (const void **)&$var_prefix$e->{NAME}, sizeof(*$var_prefix$e->{NAME}), (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t)ndr_pull_$e->{TYPE});\n";
	} elsif (util::is_inline_array($e)) {
		ParseArrayPull($e, "r->", "NDR_SCALARS");
	} elsif (util::need_wire_pointer($e)) {
		pidl "\tndr_pull_ptr(ndr, hf_ptr, &_ptr_$e->{NAME});\n";
#		pidl "\tif (_ptr_$e->{NAME}) {\n";
#		pidl "\t\tNDR_ALLOC(ndr, $var_prefix$e->{NAME});\n";
#		pidl "\t} else {\n";
#		pidl "\t\t$var_prefix$e->{NAME} = NULL;\n";
#		pidl "\t}\n";
	} elsif (util::need_alloc($e)) {
		# no scalar component
	} elsif (my $switch = util::has_property($e, "switch_is")) {
		ParseElementPullSwitch($e, $var_prefix, $ndr_flags, $switch);
	} elsif (defined $sub_size) {
		if (util::is_builtin_type($e->{TYPE})) {
			pidl "\tndr_pull_subcontext_fn(ndr, $sub_size, $cprefix$var_prefix$e->{NAME}, (ndr_pull_fn_t) ndr_pull_$e->{TYPE});\n";
		} else {
			pidl "\tndr_pull_subcontext_flags_fn(ndr, $sub_size, $cprefix$var_prefix$e->{NAME}, (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t) ndr_pull_$e->{TYPE});\n";
	} elsif (util::is_builtin_type($e->{TYPE})) {
		pidl "\tndr_pull_$e->{TYPE}(ndr, hf_$e->{NAME}_$e->{TYPE});\n";
	} else {
		pidl "\tndr_pull_$e->{TYPE}(ndr, $ndr_flags);\n";


# parse buffers in a structure element - pull side
sub ParseElementPullBuffer($$$)
	my($e) = shift;
	my($var_prefix) = shift;
	my($ndr_flags) = shift;
	my $cprefix = util::c_pull_prefix($e);
	my $sub_size = util::has_property($e, "subcontext");

	if (util::is_pure_scalar($e)) {

	if (util::has_property($e, "relative")) {


	if (util::need_wire_pointer($e)) {
		pidl "\tif (_ptr_$e->{NAME}) {\n";
	if (util::is_inline_array($e)) {
		ParseArrayPull($e, "r->", "NDR_BUFFERS");
	} elsif (util::array_size($e)) {
		ParseArrayPull($e, "r->", "NDR_SCALARS|NDR_BUFFERS");
	} elsif (my $switch = util::has_property($e, "switch_is")) {
		if ($e->{POINTERS}) {
			ParseElementPullSwitch($e, $var_prefix, "NDR_SCALARS|NDR_BUFFERS", $switch);
		} else {
			ParseElementPullSwitch($e, $var_prefix, "NDR_BUFFERS", $switch);
	} elsif (defined $sub_size) {
		if ($e->{POINTERS}) {
			if (util::is_builtin_type($e->{TYPE})) {
				pidl "\tndr_pull_subcontext_fn(ndr, $sub_size, $cprefix$var_prefix$e->{NAME}, (ndr_pull_fn_t) ndr_pull_$e->{TYPE});\n";
			} else {
				pidl "\tndr_pull_subcontext_flags_fn(ndr, $sub_size, $cprefix$var_prefix$e->{NAME}, (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t) ndr_pull_$e->{TYPE});\n";
	} elsif (util::is_builtin_type($e->{TYPE})) {
		pidl "\t\tndr_pull_$e->{TYPE}(ndr, hf_$e->{NAME}_$e->{TYPE});\n";
	} elsif ($e->{POINTERS}) {
		pidl "\t\tndr_pull_$e->{TYPE}(ndr, NDR_SCALARS|NDR_BUFFERS);\n";
	} else {
		pidl "\t\tndr_pull_$e->{TYPE}(ndr, $ndr_flags);\n";

	if (util::need_wire_pointer($e)) {
		pidl "\t}\n";


# parse a struct - pull side
sub ParseStructPull($)
	my($struct) = shift;
	my $conform_e;

	if (! defined $struct->{ELEMENTS}) {

	# see if the structure contains a conformant array. If it
	# does, then it must be the last element of the structure, and
	# we need to pull the conformant length early, as it fits on
	# the wire before the structure (and even before the structure
	# alignment)
	my $e = $struct->{ELEMENTS}[-1];
	if (defined $e->{ARRAY_LEN} && $e->{ARRAY_LEN} eq "*") {
		$conform_e = $e;
		pidl "\tguint32 _conformant_size;\n";
		$conform_e->{CONFORMANT_SIZE} = "_conformant_size";

	# declare any internal pointers we need
	foreach my $e (@{$struct->{ELEMENTS}}) {
		if (util::need_wire_pointer($e) &&
		    !util::has_property($e, "relative")) {
			pidl "\tguint32 _ptr_$e->{NAME};\n";


	pidl "\tif (!(ndr_flags & NDR_SCALARS)) goto buffers;\n";

	pidl "\tndr_pull_struct_start(ndr);\n";

	if (defined $conform_e) {
		pidl "\tndr_pull_uint32(ndr, &$conform_e->{CONFORMANT_SIZE});\n";

	my $align = struct_alignment($struct);
	pidl "\tndr_pull_align(ndr, $align);\n";

	foreach my $e (@{$struct->{ELEMENTS}}) {
		ParseElementPullScalar($e, "r->", "NDR_SCALARS");

	pidl "buffers:\n";
	pidl "\tif (!(ndr_flags & NDR_BUFFERS)) goto done;\n";
	foreach my $e (@{$struct->{ELEMENTS}}) {
		ParseElementPullBuffer($e, "r->", "NDR_BUFFERS");

	pidl "\tndr_pull_struct_end(ndr);\n";

	pidl "done:\n";


# parse a union - pull side
sub ParseUnionPull($)
	my $e = shift;
	my $have_default = 0;


	pidl "\tif (!(ndr_flags & NDR_SCALARS)) goto buffers;\n";

	pidl "\tndr_pull_struct_start(ndr);\n";

#	my $align = union_alignment($e);
#	pidl "\tndr_pull_align(ndr, $align);\n";

	pidl "\tswitch (level) {\n";
	foreach my $el (@{$e->{DATA}}) {
		if ($el->{CASE} eq "default") {
			pidl "\tdefault: {\n";
			$have_default = 1;
		} else {
			pidl "\tcase $el->{CASE}: {\n";
		if ($el->{TYPE} eq "UNION_ELEMENT") {
			my $e2 = $el->{DATA};
			if ($e2->{POINTERS}) {
				pidl "\t\tguint32 _ptr_$e2->{NAME};\n";
			ParseElementPullScalar($el->{DATA}, "r->", "NDR_SCALARS");
		pidl "\tbreak; }\n\n";
	if (! $have_default) {
		pidl "\tdefault:\n";
		pidl "\t\treturn ndr_pull_error(ndr, NDR_ERR_BAD_SWITCH, \"Bad switch value \%u\", level);\n";
	pidl "\t}\n";
	pidl "buffers:\n";
	pidl "\tif (!(ndr_flags & NDR_BUFFERS)) goto done;\n";
	pidl "\tswitch (level) {\n";
	foreach my $el (@{$e->{DATA}}) {
		if ($el->{CASE} eq "default") {
			pidl "\tdefault:\n";
		} else {
			pidl "\tcase $el->{CASE}:\n";
		if ($el->{TYPE} eq "UNION_ELEMENT") {
			ParseElementPullBuffer($el->{DATA}, "r->", "NDR_BUFFERS");
		pidl "\tbreak;\n\n";
	if (! $have_default) {
		pidl "\tdefault:\n";
		pidl "\t\treturn ndr_pull_error(ndr, NDR_ERR_BAD_SWITCH, \"Bad switch value \%u\", level);\n";
	pidl "\t}\n";
	pidl "\tndr_pull_struct_end(ndr);\n";
	pidl "done:\n";

# parse a type
sub ParseTypePull($)
	my($data) = shift;

	if (ref($data) eq "HASH") {
		($data->{TYPE} eq "STRUCT") &&
		($data->{TYPE} eq "UNION") &&

# parse a typedef - pull side
sub ParseTypedefPull($)
	my($e) = shift;
	my $static = fn_prefix($e);

#	if (! $needed{"pull_$e->{NAME}"}) {
#		print "pull_$e->{NAME} not needed\n";
#		return;
#	}

	pidl "/*\n\n";
	pidl IdlDump::DumpTypedef($e);
	pidl "*/\n\n";

	if ($e->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "STRUCT") {
		pidl $static . "void dissect_$e->{NAME}(struct e_ndr_pull *ndr, int ndr_flags)";
		pidl "\n{\n";
		pidl "}\n\n";

	if ($e->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "UNION") {
		pidl $static . "void dissect_$e->{NAME}(struct e_ndr_pull *ndr, int ndr_flags, guint16 level)";
		pidl "\n{\n";
		pidl "}\n\n";

	if ($e->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "ENUM") {

# parse a function element
sub ParseFunctionElementPull($$)
	my $e = shift;
	my $inout = shift;

	if (util::array_size($e)) {
		if (util::need_wire_pointer($e)) {
			pidl "\tndr_pull_ptr(ndr, &_ptr_$e->{NAME});\n";
			pidl "\tif (_ptr_$e->{NAME}) {\n";
		} elsif ($inout eq "out" && util::has_property($e, "ref")) {
			pidl "\tif (r->$inout.$e->{NAME}) {\n";
		} else {
			pidl "\t{\n";
		ParseArrayPull($e, "r->$inout.", "NDR_SCALARS|NDR_BUFFERS");
		pidl "\t}\n";
	} else {
		if ($inout eq "out" && util::has_property($e, "ref")) {
#			pidl "\tif (ndr->flags & LIBNDR_FLAG_REF_ALLOC) {\n";
#			pidl "\tNDR_ALLOC(ndr, r->out.$e->{NAME});\n";
#			pidl "\t}\n";
		if ($inout eq "in" && util::has_property($e, "ref")) {
#			pidl "\tNDR_ALLOC(ndr, r->in.$e->{NAME});\n";

		ParseElementPullScalar($e, "r->$inout.", "NDR_SCALARS|NDR_BUFFERS");
		if ($e->{POINTERS}) {
			ParseElementPullBuffer($e, "r->$inout.", "NDR_SCALARS|NDR_BUFFERS");

# parse a function
sub ParseFunctionPull($)
	my($fn) = shift;
	my $static = fn_prefix($fn);

	# Comment displaying IDL for this function
	pidl "/*\n\n";
	pidl IdlDump::DumpFunction($fn);
	pidl "*/\n\n";

	# Request

	pidl $static . "int $fn->{NAME}_rqst(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, guint8 *drep)\n";
	pidl "{\n";
	pidl "\tstruct e_ndr_pull *ndr = ndr_pull_init(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep);\n";

	# declare any internal pointers we need
	foreach my $e (@{$fn->{DATA}}) {
		if (util::need_wire_pointer($e) &&
		    util::has_property($e, "in")) {
			pidl "\tguint32 _ptr_$e->{NAME};\n";

	foreach my $e (@{$fn->{DATA}}) {
		if (util::has_property($e, "in")) {
			ParseFunctionElementPull($e, "in");

	pidl "\toffset = ndr->offset;\n";
	pidl "\tndr_pull_free(ndr);\n";
	pidl "\treturn offset;\n";
	pidl "}\n\n";

	# Response

	pidl $static . "int $fn->{NAME}_resp(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, guint8 *drep)\n";
	pidl "{\n";
	pidl "\tstruct e_ndr_pull *ndr = ndr_pull_init(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep);\n";

	# declare any internal pointers we need
	foreach my $e (@{$fn->{DATA}}) {
		if (util::need_wire_pointer($e) && 
		    util::has_property($e, "out")) {
			pidl "\tguint32 _ptr_$e->{NAME};\n";

	foreach my $e (@{$fn->{DATA}}) {
		if (util::has_property($e, "out")) {
			ParseFunctionElementPull($e, "out");

	if ($fn->{RETURN_TYPE} && $fn->{RETURN_TYPE} ne "void") {
		pidl "\tndr_pull_$fn->{RETURN_TYPE}(ndr, hf_rc);\n";

	pidl "\toffset = ndr->offset;\n";
	pidl "\tndr_pull_free(ndr);\n";
	pidl "\treturn offset;\n";
	pidl "}\n\n";

# produce a function call table
sub FunctionTable($)
	my($interface) = shift;
	my($data) = $interface->{DATA};
	my $count = 0;
	my $uname = uc $interface->{NAME};

	foreach my $d (@{$data}) {
		if ($d->{TYPE} eq "FUNCTION") { $count++; }

	if ($count == 0) {

	pidl "static dcerpc_sub_dissector dcerpc_dissectors[] = {\n";
	my $num = 0;
	foreach my $d (@{$data}) {
		if ($d->{TYPE} eq "FUNCTION") {
		    # Strip module name from function name, if present
		    my($n) = $d->{NAME};
		    $n = substr($d->{NAME}, length($module) + 1),
		        if $module eq substr($d->{NAME}, 0, length($module));
		    pidl "\t{ $num, \"$n\",\n";
		    pidl "\t\t$d->{NAME}_rqst,\n";
		    pidl "\t\t$d->{NAME}_resp },\n";
	pidl "};\n\n";

# parse the interface definitions
sub ParseInterface($)
	my($interface) = shift;
	my($data) = $interface->{DATA};

	foreach my $d (@{$data}) {
		if ($d->{TYPE} eq "TYPEDEF") {
		    $structs{$d->{NAME}} = $d;

	foreach my $d (@{$data}) {
		($d->{TYPE} eq "TYPEDEF") &&
		($d->{TYPE} eq "FUNCTION") && 


sub type2ft($)
    my($t) = shift;
    return "FT_UINT32", if ($t eq "uint32");
    return "FT_UINT16", if ($t eq "uint16");
    return "FT_BYTES";

sub type2base($)
    my($t) = shift;
    return "BASE_DEC", if ($t eq "uint32") or ($t eq "uint16");
    return "BASE_NONE";

sub NeededFunction($)
	my $fn = shift;
	$needed{"pull_$fn->{NAME}"} = 1;
	$needed{"push_$fn->{NAME}"} = 1;
	foreach my $e (@{$fn->{DATA}}) {
	        $needed{"hf_$e->{NAME}_$e->{TYPE}"} = {
		    'name' => $e->{NAME},
		    'type' => $e->{TYPE},
		    'ft'   => type2ft($e->{TYPE}),
		    'base' => type2base($e->{TYPE})
		$e->{PARENT} = $fn;
		$needed{"pull_$e->{TYPE}"} = 1;
		$needed{"push_$e->{TYPE}"} = 1;

sub NeededTypedef($)
	my $t = shift;
	if (util::has_property($t->{DATA}, "public")) {
		$needed{"pull_$t->{NAME}"} = 1;
		$needed{"push_$t->{NAME}"} = 1;		
	if ($t->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "STRUCT") {
		for my $e (@{$t->{DATA}->{ELEMENTS}}) {
			$e->{PARENT} = $t->{DATA};
			if ($needed{"pull_$t->{NAME}"}) {
				$needed{"pull_$e->{TYPE}"} = 1;
			if ($needed{"push_$t->{NAME}"}) {
				$needed{"push_$e->{TYPE}"} = 1;
	if ($t->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "UNION") {
		for my $e (@{$t->{DATA}->{DATA}}) {
			$e->{PARENT} = $t->{DATA};
			if ($e->{TYPE} eq "UNION_ELEMENT") {
				if ($needed{"pull_$t->{NAME}"}) {
					$needed{"pull_$e->{DATA}->{TYPE}"} = 1;
				if ($needed{"push_$t->{NAME}"}) {
					$needed{"push_$e->{DATA}->{TYPE}"} = 1;

# work out what parse functions are needed
sub BuildNeeded($)
	my($interface) = shift;
	my($data) = $interface->{DATA};
	foreach my $d (@{$data}) {
		($d->{TYPE} eq "FUNCTION") && 
	foreach my $d (reverse @{$data}) {
		($d->{TYPE} eq "TYPEDEF") &&

# parse the interface definitions
sub ModuleHeader($)
    my($h) = shift;

    $if_uuid = $h->{PROPERTIES}->{uuid};
    $if_version = $h->{PROPERTIES}->{version};
    $if_endpoints = $h->{PROPERTIES}->{endpoints};

# parse a parsed IDL structure back into an IDL file
sub Parse($$)
	my($idl) = shift;
	my($filename) = shift;

	open(OUT, ">$filename") || die "can't open $filename";    

	pidl "/* parser auto-generated by pidl */\n\n";
	pidl "#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n";
	pidl "#include \"config.h\"\n";
        pidl "#endif\n\n";

        pidl "#include \"packet-dcerpc.h\"\n";
        pidl "#include \"packet-dcerpc-nt.h\"\n\n";
        pidl "#include \"packet-dcerpc-eparser.h\"\n\n";

	pidl "extern const value_string NT_errors[];\n\n";

	pidl "static int proto_dcerpc_$module = -1;\n\n";

	pidl "static gint ett_dcerpc_$module = -1;\n\n";

	pidl "static int hf_opnum = -1;\n";
	pidl "static int hf_rc = -1;\n";
	pidl "static int hf_ptr = -1;\n";
	pidl "static int hf_policy_handle = -1;\n";

	foreach my $x (@{$idl}) {
		($x->{TYPE} eq "MODULEHEADER") && 

		if ($x->{TYPE} eq "INTERFACE") { 

			foreach my $y (keys(%needed)) {
			    pidl "static int $y = -1;\n", if $y =~ /^hf_/;


	pidl "static e_uuid_t uuid_dcerpc_$module = {\n";
	pidl "\t0x" . substr($if_uuid, 0, 8);
	pidl ", 0x" . substr($if_uuid, 9, 4);
	pidl ", 0x" . substr($if_uuid, 14, 4) . ",\n";
	pidl "\t{ 0x" . substr($if_uuid, 19, 2);
	pidl ", 0x" . substr($if_uuid, 21, 2);
	pidl ", 0x" . substr($if_uuid, 24, 2);
	pidl ", 0x" . substr($if_uuid, 26, 2);
	pidl ", 0x" . substr($if_uuid, 28, 2);
	pidl ", 0x" . substr($if_uuid, 30, 2);
	pidl ", 0x" . substr($if_uuid, 32, 2);
	pidl ", 0x" . substr($if_uuid, 34, 2) . " }\n";
	pidl "};\n\n";

	pidl "static guint16 ver_dcerpc_$module = " . $if_version . ";\n\n";

	pidl "void proto_register_dcerpc_samr(void)\n";
	pidl "{\n";
        pidl "\tstatic hf_register_info hf[] = {\n";

	pidl "\t{ &hf_opnum, { \"Operation\", \"$module.opnum\", FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, \"Operation\", HFILL }},\n";
	pidl "\t{ &hf_policy_handle, { \"Policy handle\", \"$module.policy\", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, \"Policy handle\", HFILL }},\n";
	pidl "\t{ &hf_rc, { \"Return code\", \"$module.rc\", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, VALS(NT_errors), 0x0, \"Return status code\", HFILL }},\n";
	pidl "\t{ &hf_ptr, { \"Pointer\", \"$module.ptr\", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, \"Pointer\", HFILL }},\n";

	foreach my $x (keys(%needed)) {
	    next, if !($x =~ /^hf_/);

	    pidl "\t{ &$x,\n";
	    pidl "\t  { \"$needed{$x}{name}\", \"$x\", $needed{$x}{ft}, $needed{$x}{base},\n";
	    pidl"\t  NULL, 0, \"$x\", HFILL }},\n";

	pidl "\t};\n\n";

        pidl "\tstatic gint *ett[] = {\n";
	pidl "\t\t&ett_dcerpc_$module,\n";
	pidl "\t};\n\n";

        pidl "\tproto_dcerpc_$module = proto_register_protocol(\"$module\", \"$module\", \"$module\");\n\n";

	pidl "\tproto_register_field_array(proto_dcerpc_$module, hf, array_length (hf));\n";
        pidl "\tproto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));\n";

        pidl "}\n\n";

	pidl "void proto_reg_handoff_dcerpc_$module(void)\n";
	pidl "{\n";
        pidl "\tdcerpc_init_uuid(proto_dcerpc_$module, ett_dcerpc_$module, \n";
	pidl "\t\t&uuid_dcerpc_$module, ver_dcerpc_$module, \n";
	pidl "\t\tdcerpc_dissectors, hf_opnum);\n";
        pidl "}\n";

