#!/usr/bin/perl -w ################################################### # package to parse IDL files and generate code for # rpc functions in Samba # Copyright tridge@samba.org 2000 # released under the GNU GPL use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use Parse::RecDescent; use dump; use header; use util; my($opt_help) = 0; my($opt_parse) = 0; my($opt_dump) = 0; my($opt_diff) = 0; my($opt_header) = 0; ##################################################################### # parse an IDL file returning a structure containing all the data sub IdlParse($) { # this autoaction allows us to handle simple nodes without an action # $::RD_TRACE = 1; $::RD_AUTOACTION = q { $#item==1 && ref($item[1]) eq "" ? $item[1] : "XX_" . $item[0] . "_XX[$#item]" }; my($filename) = shift; my($grammer) = util::FileLoad("idl.gram"); my($parser) = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammer); undef $/; my($idl) = $parser->idl(`cpp $filename`); util::CleanData($idl); return $idl; } ######################################### # display help text sub ShowHelp() { print " perl IDL parser and code generator Copyright tridge\@samba.org Usage: pidl.pl [options] Options: --help this help page --parse parse a idl file to a .pidl file --dump dump a pidl file back to idl --header dump a C header file --diff run diff on the idl and dumped output \n"; exit(0); } # main program GetOptions ( 'help|h|?' => \$opt_help, 'parse' => \$opt_parse, 'dump' => \$opt_dump, 'header' => \$opt_header, 'diff' => \$opt_diff ); if ($opt_help) { ShowHelp(); exit(0); } my($idl_file) = shift; die "ERROR: You must specify an idl file to process" unless ($idl_file); my($pidl_file) = util::ChangeExtension($idl_file, "pidl"); if ($opt_parse) { print "Parsing $idl_file\n"; my($idl) = IdlParse($idl_file); print "Saving $pidl_file\n"; util::SaveStructure($pidl_file, $idl) || die "Failed to save $pidl_file"; } if ($opt_dump) { my($idl) = util::LoadStructure($pidl_file); print IdlDump::Dump($idl); } if ($opt_header) { my($idl) = util::LoadStructure($pidl_file); my($header) = util::ChangeExtension($idl_file, "h"); util::FileSave($header, IdlHeader::Dump($idl)); } if ($opt_diff) { my($idl) = util::LoadStructure($pidl_file); my($tempfile) = util::ChangeExtension($idl_file, "tmp"); util::FileSave($tempfile, IdlDump::Dump($idl)); system("diff -wu $idl_file $tempfile"); unlink($tempfile); }