#!/usr/bin/perl -w ################################################### # package to produce a table of all idl parsers # Copyright tridge@samba.org 2003 # released under the GNU GPL use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; my($opt_output); my($opt_help) = 0; ######################################### # display help text sub ShowHelp() { print " perl IDL table generator Copyright (C) tridge\@samba.org Usage: tables.pl [options] <idlfile> Options: --output OUTNAME put output in OUTNAME.* \n"; exit(0); } # main program GetOptions ( 'help|h|?' => \$opt_help, 'output=s' => \$opt_output, ); if ($opt_help) { ShowHelp(); exit(0); } ################################### # extract table entries from 1 file sub process_file($) { my $filename = shift; open(FILE, $filename) || die "unable to open $filename\n"; print TABLEH "#include \"$filename\"\n"; while (my $line = <FILE>) { if ($line =~ /extern const struct dcerpc_interface_table (\w+);/) { print TABLEC "\t&$1,\n"; } } close(FILE); } print "Creating $opt_output.[ch]\n"; open(TABLEH, ">$opt_output.h") || die "failed to open $opt_output.h\n"; open(TABLEC, ">$opt_output.c") || die "failed to open $opt_output.c\n"; #include "includes.h" #define NDR_BASE_MARSHALL_SIZE 1024 print TABLEC " #include \"includes.h\" /* generated by pidl IDL table generator */ const struct dcerpc_interface_table * const dcerpc_pipes[] = { "; print TABLEH " /* table headers generated by pidl IDL table generator */ extern const struct dcerpc_interface_table * const dcerpc_pipes[]; "; foreach my $filename (@ARGV) { process_file($filename); } print TABLEC "\tNULL\n};\n"; close(TABLEH); close(TABLEC);