# utility functions to support pidl
# Copyright tridge@samba.org 2000
# released under the GNU GPL
package util;

# load a data structure from a file (as saved with SaveStructure)
sub LoadStructure($)
	my $f = shift;
	my $contents = FileLoad($f);
	defined $contents || return undef;
	return eval "$contents";

use strict;

# flatten an array of arrays into a single array
sub FlattenArray2($) 
    my $a = shift;
    my @b;
    for my $d (@{$a}) {
	for my $d1 (@{$d}) {
	    push(@b, $d1);
    return \@b;

# flatten an array of arrays into a single array
sub FlattenArray($) 
    my $a = shift;
    my @b;
    for my $d (@{$a}) {
	for my $d1 (@{$d}) {
	    push(@b, $d1);
    return \@b;

# flatten an array of hashes into a single hash
sub FlattenHash($) 
    my $a = shift;
    my %b;
    for my $d (@{$a}) {
	for my $k (keys %{$d}) {
	    $b{$k} = $d->{$k};
    return \%b;

# traverse a perl data structure removing any empty arrays or
# hashes and any hash elements that map to undef
sub CleanData($)
    sub CleanData($);
    my($v) = shift;
    if (ref($v) eq "ARRAY") {
	foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$v}) {
	    if (ref($v->[$i]) eq "ARRAY" && $#{$v->[$i]}==-1) { 
		    $v->[$i] = undef; 
	# this removes any undefined elements from the array
	@{$v} = grep { defined $_ } @{$v};
    } elsif (ref($v) eq "HASH") {
	foreach my $x (keys %{$v}) {
	    if (!defined $v->{$x}) { delete($v->{$x}); next; }
	    if (ref($v->{$x}) eq "ARRAY" && $#{$v->{$x}}==-1) { delete($v->{$x}); next; }

# return the modification time of a file
sub FileModtime($)
    my($filename) = shift;
    return (stat($filename))[9];

# read a file into a string
sub FileLoad($)
    my($filename) = shift;
    open(INPUTFILE, $filename) || return undef;
    my($saved_delim) = $/;
    undef $/;
    my($data) = <INPUTFILE>;
    $/ = $saved_delim;
    return $data;

# write a string into a file
sub FileSave($$)
    my($filename) = shift;
    my($v) = shift;
    open(FILE, ">$filename") || die "can't open $filename";    
    print FILE $v;

# return a filename with a changed extension
sub ChangeExtension($$)
    my($fname) = shift;
    my($ext) = shift;
    if ($fname =~ /^(.*)\.(.*?)$/) {
	return "$1$ext";
    return "$fname$ext";

# a dumper wrapper to prevent dependence on the Data::Dumper module
# unless we actually need it
sub MyDumper($)
	require Data::Dumper;
	my $s = shift;
	return Data::Dumper::Dumper($s);

# save a data structure into a file
sub SaveStructure($$)
	my($filename) = shift;
	my($v) = shift;
	FileSave($filename, MyDumper($v));

# find an interface in an array of interfaces
sub get_interface($$)
	my($if) = shift;
	my($n) = shift;

	foreach(@{$if}) {
		if($_->{NAME} eq $n) { return $_; }
	return 0;

# see if a pidl property list contains a give property
sub has_property($$)
	my($e) = shift;
	my($p) = shift;

	if (!defined $e->{PROPERTIES}) {
		return undef;

	return $e->{PROPERTIES}->{$p};

# see if a pidl property matches a value
sub property_matches($$$)
	my($e) = shift;
	my($p) = shift;
	my($v) = shift;

	if (!defined has_property($e, $p)) {
		return undef;

	if ($e->{PROPERTIES}->{$p} =~ /$v/) {
		return 1;

	return undef;

my %enum_list;

sub register_enum($$)
	my $enum = shift;
	my $name = shift;
	$enum_list{$name} = $enum;

sub is_enum($)
	my $name = shift;
	return defined $enum_list{$name}

sub get_enum($)
	my $name = shift;
	return $enum_list{$name};

sub enum_type_decl($)
	my $enum = shift;
	return "enum $enum->{TYPE}";

sub enum_type_fn($)
	my $enum = shift;
	if (util::has_property($enum->{PARENT}, "enum8bit")) {
		return "uint8";
	} elsif (util::has_property($enum->{PARENT}, "v1_enum")) {
		return "uint32";
	return "uint16";

my %bitmap_list;

sub register_bitmap($$)
	my $bitmap = shift;
	my $name = shift;
	$bitmap_list{$name} = $bitmap;

sub is_bitmap($)
	my $name = shift;
	return defined $bitmap_list{$name};

sub get_bitmap($)
	my $name = shift;
	return $bitmap_list{$name};

sub bitmap_type_fn($)
	my $bitmap = shift;

	if (util::has_property($bitmap->{PARENT}, "bitmap8bit")) {
		return "uint8";
	} elsif (util::has_property($bitmap->{PARENT}, "bitmap16bit")) {
		return "uint16";
	} elsif (util::has_property($bitmap->{PARENT}, "bitmap64bit")) {
		return "uint64";
	return "uint32";

sub bitmap_type_decl($)
	my $bitmap = shift;
	return map_type(bitmap_type_fn($bitmap));

my %type_alignments = 
     "char"           => 1,
     "int8"           => 1,
     "uint8"          => 1,
     "short"          => 2,
     "wchar_t"        => 2,
     "int16"          => 2,
     "uint16"         => 2,
     "long"           => 4,
     "int32"          => 4,
     "uint32"         => 4,
     "dlong"          => 4,
     "udlong"         => 4,
     "NTTIME"         => 4,
     "NTTIME_1sec"    => 4,
     "time_t"         => 4,
     "DATA_BLOB"      => 4,
     "error_status_t" => 4,
     "WERROR"         => 4,
     "boolean32"      => 4,
     "unsigned32"     => 4,
     "ipv4address"    => 4,
     "hyper"          => 8,
     "NTTIME_hyper"   => 8

sub is_scalar_type($)
    my $type = shift;

    if (defined $type_alignments{$type}) {
	    return 1;
    if (is_enum($type)) {
	    return 1;
    if (is_bitmap($type)) {
	    return 1;

    return 0;

# return the NDR alignment for a type
sub type_align($)
    my($e) = shift;
    my $type = $e->{TYPE};

    if (need_wire_pointer($e)) {
	    return 4;

    if (is_enum($type)) {
	    $type = enum_type_fn(get_enum($type));

    if (my $ret = $type_alignments{$type}) {
	    return $ret;

    # it must be an external type - all we can do is guess 
    return 4;

# this is used to determine if the ndr push/pull functions will need
# a ndr_flags field to split by buffers/scalars
sub is_builtin_type($)
    my($type) = shift;

    return 1, if (is_scalar_type($type));

    return 0;

# determine if an element needs a reference pointer on the wire
# in its NDR representation
sub need_wire_pointer($)
	my $e = shift;
	if ($e->{POINTERS} && 
	    !has_property($e, "ref")) {
		return $e->{POINTERS};
	return undef;

# determine if an element is a pass-by-reference structure
sub is_ref_struct($)
	my $e = shift;
	if (!is_scalar_type($e->{TYPE}) &&
	    has_property($e, "ref")) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

# determine if an element is a pure scalar. pure scalars do not
# have a "buffers" section in NDR
sub is_pure_scalar($)
	my $e = shift;
	if (has_property($e, "ref")) {
		return 1;
	if (is_scalar_type($e->{TYPE}) && 
	    !$e->{POINTERS} && 
	    !array_size($e)) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

# determine the array size (size_is() or ARRAY_LEN)
sub array_size($)
	my $e = shift;
	my $size = has_property($e, "size_is");
	if ($size) {
		return $size;
	$size = $e->{ARRAY_LEN};
	if ($size) {
		return $size;
	return undef;

# see if a variable needs to be allocated by the NDR subsystem on pull
sub need_alloc($)
	my $e = shift;

	if (has_property($e, "ref")) {
		return 0;

	if ($e->{POINTERS} || array_size($e)) {
		return 1;

	return 0;

# determine the C prefix used to refer to a variable when passing to a push
# function. This will be '*' for pointers to scalar types, '' for scalar
# types and normal pointers and '&' for pass-by-reference structures
sub c_push_prefix($)
	my $e = shift;

	if ($e->{TYPE} =~ "string") {
		return "";

	if (is_scalar_type($e->{TYPE}) &&
	    $e->{POINTERS}) {
		return "*";
	if (!is_scalar_type($e->{TYPE}) &&
	    !$e->{POINTERS} &&
	    !array_size($e)) {
		return "&";
	return "";

# determine the C prefix used to refer to a variable when passing to a pull
# return '&' or ''
sub c_pull_prefix($)
	my $e = shift;

	if (!$e->{POINTERS} && !array_size($e)) {
		return "&";

	if ($e->{TYPE} =~ "string") {
		return "&";

	return "";

# determine if an element has a direct buffers component
sub has_direct_buffers($)
	my $e = shift;
	if ($e->{POINTERS} || array_size($e)) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

# return 1 if the string is a C constant
sub is_constant($)
	my $s = shift;
	if (defined $s && $s =~ /^\d/) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

# return 1 if this is a fixed array
sub is_fixed_array($)
	my $e = shift;
	my $len = $e->{"ARRAY_LEN"};
	if (defined $len && is_constant($len)) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

# return 1 if this is a inline array
sub is_inline_array($)
	my $e = shift;
	my $len = $e->{"ARRAY_LEN"};
	if (is_fixed_array($e) ||
	    defined $len && $len ne "*") {
		return 1;
	return 0;

# return a "" quoted string, unless already quoted
sub make_str($)
	my $str = shift;
	if (substr($str, 0, 1) eq "\"") {
		return $str;
	return "\"" . $str . "\"";

# provide mappings between IDL base types and types in our headers
my %type_mappings = 
     "int8"         => "int8_t",
     "uint8"        => "uint8_t",
     "short"        => "int16_t",
     "wchar_t"      => "uint16_t",
     "int16"        => "int16_t",
     "uint16"       => "uint16_t",
     "int32"        => "int32_t",
     "uint32"       => "uint32_t",
     "int64"        => "int64_t",
     "uint64"       => "uint64_t",
     "dlong"        => "int64_t",
     "udlong"       => "uint64_t",
     "hyper"        => "uint64_t",
     "NTTIME_1sec"  => "NTTIME",
     "NTTIME_hyper" => "NTTIME",
     "ipv4address"  => "const char *"

# map from a IDL type to a C header type
sub map_type($)
	my $name = shift;
	if (my $ret = $type_mappings{$name}) {
		return $ret;
	return $name;
