/* ctdb recovery code Copyright (C) Ronnie Sahlberg 2007 Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2007 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "lib/events/events.h" #include "../tdb/include/tdb.h" #include "system/network.h" #include "system/filesys.h" #include "system/wait.h" #include "../include/ctdb_private.h" #define TAKEOVER_TIMEOUT() timeval_current_ofs(5,0) #define CTDB_ARP_INTERVAL 1 #define CTDB_ARP_REPEAT 3 struct ctdb_takeover_arp { struct ctdb_context *ctdb; uint32_t count; struct sockaddr_in sin; struct ctdb_tcp_list *tcp_list; }; /* lists of tcp endpoints */ struct ctdb_tcp_list { struct ctdb_tcp_list *prev, *next; uint32_t vnn; struct sockaddr_in saddr; struct sockaddr_in daddr; }; /* send a gratuitous arp */ static void ctdb_control_send_arp(struct event_context *ev, struct timed_event *te, struct timeval t, void *private_data) { struct ctdb_takeover_arp *arp = talloc_get_type(private_data, struct ctdb_takeover_arp); int ret; struct ctdb_tcp_list *tcp; ret = ctdb_sys_send_arp(&arp->sin, arp->ctdb->takeover.interface); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ "sending of arp failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno))); } for (tcp=arp->tcp_list;tcp;tcp=tcp->next) { DEBUG(2,("sending tcp tickle ack for %u->%s:%u\n", (unsigned)ntohs(tcp->daddr.sin_port), inet_ntoa(tcp->saddr.sin_addr), (unsigned)ntohs(tcp->saddr.sin_port))); ret = ctdb_sys_send_ack(&tcp->saddr, &tcp->daddr); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ " Failed to send tcp tickle ack for %s\n", inet_ntoa(tcp->saddr.sin_addr))); } } arp->count++; if (arp->count == CTDB_ARP_REPEAT) { talloc_free(arp); return; } event_add_timed(arp->ctdb->ev, arp->ctdb->takeover.last_ctx, timeval_current_ofs(CTDB_ARP_INTERVAL, 0), ctdb_control_send_arp, arp); } /* take over an ip address */ int32_t ctdb_control_takeover_ip(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, TDB_DATA indata) { int ret; struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)indata.dptr; struct ctdb_takeover_arp *arp; char *ip = inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr); struct ctdb_tcp_list *tcp; if (ctdb_sys_have_ip(ip)) { return 0; } DEBUG(0,("Takover of IP %s/%u on interface %s\n", ip, ctdb->nodes[ctdb->vnn]->public_netmask_bits, ctdb->takeover.interface)); ret = ctdb_event_script(ctdb, "takeip %s %s %u", ctdb->takeover.interface, ip, ctdb->nodes[ctdb->vnn]->public_netmask_bits); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ " Failed to takeover IP %s on interface %s\n", ip, ctdb->takeover.interface)); return -1; } if (!ctdb->takeover.last_ctx) { ctdb->takeover.last_ctx = talloc_new(ctdb); CTDB_NO_MEMORY(ctdb, ctdb->takeover.last_ctx); } arp = talloc_zero(ctdb->takeover.last_ctx, struct ctdb_takeover_arp); CTDB_NO_MEMORY(ctdb, arp); arp->ctdb = ctdb; arp->sin = *sin; /* add all of the known tcp connections for this IP to the list of tcp connections to send tickle acks for */ for (tcp=ctdb->tcp_list;tcp;tcp=tcp->next) { if (sin->sin_addr.s_addr == tcp->daddr.sin_addr.s_addr) { struct ctdb_tcp_list *t2 = talloc(arp, struct ctdb_tcp_list); CTDB_NO_MEMORY(ctdb, t2); *t2 = *tcp; DLIST_ADD(arp->tcp_list, t2); } } event_add_timed(arp->ctdb->ev, arp->ctdb->takeover.last_ctx, timeval_zero(), ctdb_control_send_arp, arp); return ret; } /* release an ip address */ int32_t ctdb_control_release_ip(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, TDB_DATA indata) { struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)indata.dptr; TDB_DATA data; char *ip = inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr); int ret; struct ctdb_tcp_list *tcp; if (!ctdb_sys_have_ip(ip)) { return 0; } DEBUG(0,("Release of IP %s/%u on interface %s\n", ip, ctdb->nodes[ctdb->vnn]->public_netmask_bits, ctdb->takeover.interface)); /* stop any previous arps */ talloc_free(ctdb->takeover.last_ctx); ctdb->takeover.last_ctx = NULL; ret = ctdb_event_script(ctdb, "releaseip %s %s %u", ctdb->takeover.interface, ip, ctdb->nodes[ctdb->vnn]->public_netmask_bits); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ " Failed to release IP %s on interface %s\n", ip, ctdb->takeover.interface)); return -1; } /* send a message to all clients of this node telling them that the cluster has been reconfigured and they should release any sockets on this IP */ data.dptr = (uint8_t *)ip; data.dsize = strlen(ip)+1; ctdb_daemon_send_message(ctdb, ctdb->vnn, CTDB_SRVID_RELEASE_IP, data); /* tell other nodes about any tcp connections we were holding with this IP */ for (tcp=ctdb->tcp_list;tcp;tcp=tcp->next) { if (tcp->vnn == ctdb->vnn && sin->sin_addr.s_addr == tcp->daddr.sin_addr.s_addr) { struct ctdb_control_tcp_vnn t; t.vnn = ctdb->vnn; t.src = tcp->saddr; t.dest = tcp->daddr; data.dptr = (uint8_t *)&t; data.dsize = sizeof(t); ctdb_daemon_send_control(ctdb, CTDB_BROADCAST_VNNMAP, 0, CTDB_CONTROL_TCP_ADD, 0, CTDB_CTRL_FLAG_NOREPLY, data, NULL, NULL); } } return 0; } /* setup the event script */ int ctdb_set_event_script(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, const char *script) { ctdb->takeover.event_script = talloc_strdup(ctdb, script); CTDB_NO_MEMORY(ctdb, ctdb->takeover.event_script); return 0; } /* setup the public address list from a file */ int ctdb_set_public_addresses(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, const char *alist) { char **lines; int nlines; int i; lines = file_lines_load(alist, &nlines, ctdb); if (lines == NULL) { ctdb_set_error(ctdb, "Failed to load public address list '%s'\n", alist); return -1; } while (nlines > 0 && strcmp(lines[nlines-1], "") == 0) { nlines--; } if (nlines != ctdb->num_nodes) { DEBUG(0,("Number of lines in %s does not match number of nodes!\n", alist)); talloc_free(lines); return -1; } for (i=0;i<nlines;i++) { char *p; struct in_addr in; ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address = talloc_strdup(ctdb->nodes[i], lines[i]); CTDB_NO_MEMORY(ctdb, ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address); ctdb->nodes[i]->takeover_vnn = -1; /* see if they supplied a netmask length */ p = strchr(ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address, '/'); if (!p) { DEBUG(0,("You must supply a netmask for public address %s\n", ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address)); return -1; } *p = 0; ctdb->nodes[i]->public_netmask_bits = atoi(p+1); if (ctdb->nodes[i]->public_netmask_bits > 32) { DEBUG(0, ("Illegal netmask for IP %s\n", ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address)); return -1; } if (inet_aton(ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address, &in) == 0) { DEBUG(0,("Badly formed IP '%s' in public address list\n", ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address)); return -1; } } talloc_free(lines); return 0; } /* see if two IPs are on the same subnet */ static bool ctdb_same_subnet(const char *ip1, const char *ip2, uint8_t netmask_bits) { struct in_addr in1, in2; uint32_t mask; inet_aton(ip1, &in1); inet_aton(ip2, &in2); mask = ~((1LL<<(32-netmask_bits))-1); if ((ntohl(in1.s_addr) & mask) != (ntohl(in2.s_addr) & mask)) { return false; } return true; } /* make any IP alias changes for public addresses that are necessary */ int ctdb_takeover_run(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, struct ctdb_node_map *nodemap) { int i, j; int ret; /* work out which node will look after each public IP */ for (i=0;i<nodemap->num;i++) { if (nodemap->nodes[i].flags & NODE_FLAGS_CONNECTED) { ctdb->nodes[i]->takeover_vnn = nodemap->nodes[i].vnn; } else { /* assign this dead nodes IP to the next higher node */ for (j=(i+1)%nodemap->num; j != i; j=(j+1)%nodemap->num) { if ((nodemap->nodes[j].flags & NODE_FLAGS_CONNECTED) && ctdb_same_subnet(ctdb->nodes[j]->public_address, ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address, ctdb->nodes[j]->public_netmask_bits)) { ctdb->nodes[i]->takeover_vnn = nodemap->nodes[j].vnn; break; } } if (j == i) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ " No node available on same network to take %s\n", ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address)); ctdb->nodes[i]->takeover_vnn = -1; } } } /* at this point ctdb->nodes[i]->takeover_vnn is the vnn which will own each IP */ /* now tell all nodes to delete any alias that they should not have. This will be a NOOP on nodes that don't currently hold the given alias */ for (i=0;i<nodemap->num;i++) { /* don't talk to unconnected nodes */ if (!(nodemap->nodes[i].flags & NODE_FLAGS_CONNECTED)) continue; /* tell this node to delete all of the aliases that it should not have */ for (j=0;j<nodemap->num;j++) { if (ctdb->nodes[j]->takeover_vnn != nodemap->nodes[i].vnn) { ret = ctdb_ctrl_release_ip(ctdb, TAKEOVER_TIMEOUT(), nodemap->nodes[i].vnn, ctdb->nodes[j]->public_address); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(0,("Failed to tell vnn %u to release IP %s\n", nodemap->nodes[i].vnn, ctdb->nodes[j]->public_address)); return -1; } } } } /* tell all nodes to get their own IPs */ for (i=0;i<nodemap->num;i++) { ret = ctdb_ctrl_takeover_ip(ctdb, TAKEOVER_TIMEOUT(), ctdb->nodes[i]->takeover_vnn, ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(0,("Failed asking vnn %u to take over IP %s\n", ctdb->nodes[i]->takeover_vnn, ctdb->nodes[i]->public_address)); return -1; } } return 0; } /* called by a client to inform us of a TCP connection that it is managing that should tickled with an ACK when IP takeover is done */ int32_t ctdb_control_tcp_client(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, uint32_t client_id, uint32_t vnn, TDB_DATA indata) { struct ctdb_client *client = ctdb_reqid_find(ctdb, client_id, struct ctdb_client); struct ctdb_control_tcp *p = (struct ctdb_control_tcp *)indata.dptr; struct ctdb_tcp_list *tcp; struct ctdb_control_tcp_vnn t; int ret; TDB_DATA data; tcp = talloc(client, struct ctdb_tcp_list); CTDB_NO_MEMORY(ctdb, tcp); tcp->vnn = vnn; tcp->saddr = p->src; tcp->daddr = p->dest; DLIST_ADD(client->tcp_list, tcp); t.vnn = vnn; t.src = p->src; t.dest = p->dest; data.dptr = (uint8_t *)&t; data.dsize = sizeof(t); /* tell all nodes about this tcp connection */ ret = ctdb_daemon_send_control(ctdb, CTDB_BROADCAST_VNNMAP, 0, CTDB_CONTROL_TCP_ADD, 0, CTDB_CTRL_FLAG_NOREPLY, data, NULL, NULL); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ " Failed to send CTDB_CONTROL_TCP_ADD\n")); return -1; } return 0; } /* see if two sockaddr_in are the same */ static bool same_sockaddr_in(struct sockaddr_in *in1, struct sockaddr_in *in2) { return in1->sin_family == in2->sin_family && in1->sin_port == in2->sin_port && in1->sin_addr.s_addr == in2->sin_addr.s_addr; } /* find a tcp address on a list */ static struct ctdb_tcp_list *ctdb_tcp_find(struct ctdb_tcp_list *list, struct ctdb_tcp_list *tcp) { while (list) { if (same_sockaddr_in(&list->saddr, &tcp->saddr) && same_sockaddr_in(&list->daddr, &tcp->daddr)) { return list; } list = list->next; } return NULL; } /* called by a daemon to inform us of a TCP connection that one of its clients managing that should tickled with an ACK when IP takeover is done */ int32_t ctdb_control_tcp_add(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, TDB_DATA indata) { struct ctdb_control_tcp_vnn *p = (struct ctdb_control_tcp_vnn *)indata.dptr; struct ctdb_tcp_list *tcp; tcp = talloc(ctdb, struct ctdb_tcp_list); CTDB_NO_MEMORY(ctdb, tcp); tcp->vnn = p->vnn; tcp->saddr = p->src; tcp->daddr = p->dest; if (NULL == ctdb_tcp_find(ctdb->tcp_list, tcp)) { DLIST_ADD(ctdb->tcp_list, tcp); DEBUG(2,("Added tickle info for %s:%u from vnn %u\n", inet_ntoa(tcp->daddr.sin_addr), ntohs(tcp->daddr.sin_port), tcp->vnn)); } else { DEBUG(4,("Already had tickle info for %s:%u from vnn %u\n", inet_ntoa(tcp->daddr.sin_addr), ntohs(tcp->daddr.sin_port), tcp->vnn)); } return 0; } /* called by a daemon to inform us of a TCP connection that one of its clients managing that should tickled with an ACK when IP takeover is done */ int32_t ctdb_control_tcp_remove(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, TDB_DATA indata) { struct ctdb_control_tcp_vnn *p = (struct ctdb_control_tcp_vnn *)indata.dptr; struct ctdb_tcp_list t, *tcp; t.vnn = p->vnn; t.saddr = p->src; t.daddr = p->dest; tcp = ctdb_tcp_find(ctdb->tcp_list, &t); if (tcp) { DEBUG(2,("Removed tickle info for %s:%u from vnn %u\n", inet_ntoa(tcp->daddr.sin_addr), ntohs(tcp->daddr.sin_port), tcp->vnn)); DLIST_REMOVE(ctdb->tcp_list, tcp); talloc_free(tcp); } return 0; } /* called when a daemon restarts - wipes all tcp entries from that vnn */ int32_t ctdb_control_startup(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, uint32_t vnn) { struct ctdb_tcp_list *tcp, *next; for (tcp=ctdb->tcp_list;tcp;tcp=next) { next = tcp->next; if (tcp->vnn == vnn) { DLIST_REMOVE(ctdb->tcp_list, tcp); talloc_free(tcp); } /* and tell the new guy about any that he should have from us */ if (tcp->vnn == ctdb->vnn) { struct ctdb_control_tcp_vnn t; TDB_DATA data; t.vnn = tcp->vnn; t.src = tcp->saddr; t.dest = tcp->daddr; data.dptr = (uint8_t *)&t; data.dsize = sizeof(t); ctdb_daemon_send_control(ctdb, vnn, 0, CTDB_CONTROL_TCP_ADD, 0, CTDB_CTRL_FLAG_NOREPLY, data, NULL, NULL); } } return 0; } /* called when a client structure goes away - hook to remove elements from the tcp_list in all daemons */ void ctdb_takeover_client_destructor_hook(struct ctdb_client *client) { while (client->tcp_list) { TDB_DATA data; struct ctdb_control_tcp_vnn p; struct ctdb_tcp_list *tcp = client->tcp_list; DLIST_REMOVE(client->tcp_list, tcp); p.vnn = tcp->vnn; p.src = tcp->saddr; p.dest = tcp->daddr; data.dptr = (uint8_t *)&p; data.dsize = sizeof(p); ctdb_daemon_send_control(client->ctdb, CTDB_BROADCAST_VNNMAP, 0, CTDB_CONTROL_TCP_REMOVE, 0, CTDB_CTRL_FLAG_NOREPLY, data, NULL, NULL); talloc_free(tcp); } } /* release all IPs on shutdown */ void ctdb_release_all_ips(struct ctdb_context *ctdb) { int i; if (!ctdb->takeover.enabled) { return; } for (i=0;i<ctdb->num_nodes;i++) { struct ctdb_node *node = ctdb->nodes[i]; if (ctdb_sys_have_ip(node->public_address)) { ctdb_event_script(ctdb, "releaseip %s %s %u", ctdb->takeover.interface, node->public_address, node->public_netmask_bits); } } }