/* Unix SMB/CIFS mplementation. DSDB replication service Copyright (C) Stefan Metzmacher 2007 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "dsdb/samdb/samdb.h" #include "auth/auth.h" #include "smbd/service.h" #include "lib/events/events.h" #include "dsdb/repl/drepl_service.h" #include <ldb_errors.h> #include "../lib/util/dlinklist.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_misc.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_drsuapi.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_drsblobs.h" #include "libcli/security/security.h" #include "param/param.h" #include "dsdb/common/util.h" /* load the partitions list based on replicated NC attributes in our NTDSDSA object */ WERROR dreplsrv_load_partitions(struct dreplsrv_service *s) { WERROR status; static const char *attrs[] = { "hasMasterNCs", "msDS-hasMasterNCs", "hasPartialReplicaNCs", "msDS-HasFullReplicaNCs", NULL }; unsigned int a; int ret; TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx; struct ldb_result *res; struct ldb_message_element *el; struct ldb_dn *ntds_dn; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(s); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(tmp_ctx); ntds_dn = samdb_ntds_settings_dn(s->samdb); if (!ntds_dn) { DEBUG(1,(__location__ ": Unable to find ntds_dn: %s\n", ldb_errstring(s->samdb))); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return WERR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR; } ret = dsdb_search_dn(s->samdb, tmp_ctx, &res, ntds_dn, attrs, DSDB_SEARCH_SHOW_EXTENDED_DN); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { DEBUG(1,("Searching for hasMasterNCs in NTDS DN failed: %s\n", ldb_errstring(s->samdb))); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return WERR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR; } for (a=0; attrs[a]; a++) { int i; el = ldb_msg_find_element(res->msgs[0], attrs[a]); if (el == NULL) { continue; } for (i=0; i<el->num_values; i++) { struct ldb_dn *pdn; struct dreplsrv_partition *p, *tp; bool found; pdn = ldb_dn_from_ldb_val(tmp_ctx, s->samdb, &el->values[i]); if (pdn == NULL) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return WERR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (!ldb_dn_validate(pdn)) { return WERR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR; } p = talloc_zero(s, struct dreplsrv_partition); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(p); p->dn = talloc_steal(p, pdn); p->service = s; if (strcasecmp(attrs[a], "hasPartialReplicaNCs") == 0) { p->partial_replica = true; } else if (strcasecmp(attrs[a], "msDS-HasFullReplicaNCs") == 0) { p->rodc_replica = true; } /* Do not add partitions more than once */ found = false; for (tp = s->partitions; tp; tp = tp->next) { if (ldb_dn_compare(tp->dn, p->dn) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { talloc_free(p); continue; } DLIST_ADD(s->partitions, p); DEBUG(2, ("dreplsrv_partition[%s] loaded\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(p->dn))); } } talloc_free(tmp_ctx); status = dreplsrv_refresh_partitions(s); W_ERROR_NOT_OK_RETURN(status); return WERR_OK; } /* Check if particular SPN exists for an account */ static bool dreplsrv_spn_exists(struct ldb_context *samdb, struct ldb_dn *ntds_dn, const char *principal_name) { TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx; const char *attrs[] = { "serverReference", NULL }; const char *attrs_empty[] = { NULL }; int ret; struct ldb_result *res; struct ldb_dn *account_dn; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(samdb); ret = dsdb_search_dn(samdb, tmp_ctx, &res, ntds_dn, attrs, 0); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return false; } account_dn = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_dn(samdb, tmp_ctx, res->msgs[0], "serverReference"); if (account_dn == NULL) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return false; } talloc_free(res); ret = dsdb_search(samdb, tmp_ctx, &res, account_dn, LDB_SCOPE_BASE, attrs_empty, 0, "servicePrincipalName=%s", ldb_binary_encode_string(tmp_ctx, principal_name)); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS || res->count != 1) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return false; } talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return true; } /* work out the principal to use for DRS replication connections */ NTSTATUS dreplsrv_get_target_principal(struct dreplsrv_service *s, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct repsFromTo1 *rft, const char **target_principal) { TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx; struct ldb_result *res; const char *attrs_server[] = { "dNSHostName", NULL }; const char *attrs_ntds[] = { "msDS-HasDomainNCs", "hasMasterNCs", NULL }; int ret; const char *hostname, *dnsdomain=NULL; struct ldb_dn *ntds_dn, *server_dn; struct ldb_dn *forest_dn, *nc_dn; *target_principal = NULL; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(mem_ctx); /* we need to find their hostname */ ret = dsdb_find_dn_by_guid(s->samdb, tmp_ctx, &rft->source_dsa_obj_guid, &ntds_dn); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); /* its OK for their NTDSDSA DN not to be in our database */ return NT_STATUS_OK; } server_dn = ldb_dn_copy(tmp_ctx, ntds_dn); if (server_dn == NULL) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return NT_STATUS_OK; } /* strip off the NTDS Settings */ if (!ldb_dn_remove_child_components(server_dn, 1)) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return NT_STATUS_OK; } ret = dsdb_search_dn(s->samdb, tmp_ctx, &res, server_dn, attrs_server, 0); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); /* its OK for their server DN not to be in our database */ return NT_STATUS_OK; } forest_dn = ldb_get_root_basedn(s->samdb); if (forest_dn == NULL) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return NT_STATUS_OK; } hostname = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(res->msgs[0], "dNSHostName", NULL); if (hostname != NULL) { char *local_principal; /* if we have the dNSHostName attribute then we can use the GC/hostname/realm SPN. All DCs should have this SPN Windows DC may set up it's dNSHostName before setting up GC/xx/xx SPN. So make sure it exists, before using it. */ local_principal = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "GC/%s/%s", hostname, samdb_dn_to_dns_domain(tmp_ctx, forest_dn)); if (dreplsrv_spn_exists(s->samdb, ntds_dn, local_principal)) { *target_principal = local_principal; talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return NT_STATUS_OK; } talloc_free(local_principal); } /* if we can't find the dNSHostName then we will try for the E3514235-4B06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2/${NTDSGUID}/${DNSDOMAIN} SPN. To use that we need the DNS domain name of the target DC. We find that by first looking for the msDS-HasDomainNCs in the NTDSDSA object of the DC, and if we don't find that, then we look for the hasMasterNCs attribute, and eliminate the known schema and configuruation DNs. Despite how bizarre this seems, Hongwei tells us that this is in fact what windows does to find the SPN!! */ ret = dsdb_search_dn(s->samdb, tmp_ctx, &res, ntds_dn, attrs_ntds, 0); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return NT_STATUS_OK; } nc_dn = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_dn(s->samdb, tmp_ctx, res->msgs[0], "msDS-HasDomainNCs"); if (nc_dn != NULL) { dnsdomain = samdb_dn_to_dns_domain(tmp_ctx, nc_dn); } if (dnsdomain == NULL) { struct ldb_message_element *el; int i; el = ldb_msg_find_element(res->msgs[0], "hasMasterNCs"); for (i=0; el && i<el->num_values; i++) { nc_dn = ldb_dn_from_ldb_val(tmp_ctx, s->samdb, &el->values[i]); if (nc_dn == NULL || ldb_dn_compare(ldb_get_config_basedn(s->samdb), nc_dn) == 0 || ldb_dn_compare(ldb_get_schema_basedn(s->samdb), nc_dn) == 0) { continue; } /* it must be a domain DN, get the equivalent DNS domain name */ dnsdomain = samdb_dn_to_dns_domain(tmp_ctx, nc_dn); break; } } if (dnsdomain != NULL) { *target_principal = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "E3514235-4B06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2/%s/%s", GUID_string(tmp_ctx, &rft->source_dsa_obj_guid), dnsdomain); } talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return NT_STATUS_OK; } WERROR dreplsrv_out_connection_attach(struct dreplsrv_service *s, const struct repsFromTo1 *rft, struct dreplsrv_out_connection **_conn) { struct dreplsrv_out_connection *cur, *conn = NULL; const char *hostname; if (!rft->other_info) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } if (!rft->other_info->dns_name) { return WERR_FOOBAR; } hostname = rft->other_info->dns_name; for (cur = s->connections; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (strcmp(cur->binding->host, hostname) == 0) { conn = cur; break; } } if (!conn) { NTSTATUS nt_status; char *binding_str; conn = talloc_zero(s, struct dreplsrv_out_connection); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(conn); conn->service = s; binding_str = talloc_asprintf(conn, "ncacn_ip_tcp:%s[krb5,seal]", hostname); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(binding_str); nt_status = dcerpc_parse_binding(conn, binding_str, &conn->binding); talloc_free(binding_str); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { return ntstatus_to_werror(nt_status); } /* use the GC principal for DRS replication */ nt_status = dreplsrv_get_target_principal(s, conn->binding, rft, &conn->binding->target_principal); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { return ntstatus_to_werror(nt_status); } DLIST_ADD_END(s->connections, conn, struct dreplsrv_out_connection *); DEBUG(4,("dreplsrv_out_connection_attach(%s): create\n", conn->binding->host)); } else { DEBUG(4,("dreplsrv_out_connection_attach(%s): attach\n", conn->binding->host)); } *_conn = conn; return WERR_OK; } /* find an existing source dsa in a list */ static struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa *dreplsrv_find_source_dsa(struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa *list, struct GUID *guid) { struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa *s; for (s=list; s; s=s->next) { if (GUID_compare(&s->repsFrom1->source_dsa_obj_guid, guid) == 0) { return s; } } return NULL; } static WERROR dreplsrv_partition_add_source_dsa(struct dreplsrv_service *s, struct dreplsrv_partition *p, struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa **listp, struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa *check_list, const struct ldb_val *val) { WERROR status; enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa *source, *s2; source = talloc_zero(p, struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(source); ndr_err = ndr_pull_struct_blob(val, source, &source->_repsFromBlob, (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t)ndr_pull_repsFromToBlob); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { NTSTATUS nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); talloc_free(source); return ntstatus_to_werror(nt_status); } /* NDR_PRINT_DEBUG(repsFromToBlob, &source->_repsFromBlob); */ if (source->_repsFromBlob.version != 1) { talloc_free(source); return WERR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR; } source->partition = p; source->repsFrom1 = &source->_repsFromBlob.ctr.ctr1; status = dreplsrv_out_connection_attach(s, source->repsFrom1, &source->conn); W_ERROR_NOT_OK_RETURN(status); if (check_list && dreplsrv_find_source_dsa(check_list, &source->repsFrom1->source_dsa_obj_guid)) { /* its in the check list, don't add it again */ talloc_free(source); return WERR_OK; } /* re-use an existing source if found */ for (s2=*listp; s2; s2=s2->next) { if (GUID_compare(&s2->repsFrom1->source_dsa_obj_guid, &source->repsFrom1->source_dsa_obj_guid) == 0) { talloc_free(s2->repsFrom1->other_info); *s2->repsFrom1 = *source->repsFrom1; talloc_steal(s2, s2->repsFrom1->other_info); talloc_free(source); return WERR_OK; } } DLIST_ADD_END(*listp, source, struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa *); return WERR_OK; } WERROR dreplsrv_partition_find_for_nc(struct dreplsrv_service *s, struct GUID *nc_guid, struct dom_sid *nc_sid, const char *nc_dn_str, struct dreplsrv_partition **_p) { struct dreplsrv_partition *p; bool valid_sid, valid_guid; struct dom_sid null_sid; ZERO_STRUCT(null_sid); SMB_ASSERT(_p); valid_sid = nc_sid && !dom_sid_equal(&null_sid, nc_sid); valid_guid = nc_guid && !GUID_all_zero(nc_guid); if (!valid_sid && !valid_guid && !nc_dn_str) { return WERR_DS_DRA_INVALID_PARAMETER; } for (p = s->partitions; p; p = p->next) { if ((valid_guid && GUID_equal(&p->nc.guid, nc_guid)) || strequal(p->nc.dn, nc_dn_str) || (valid_sid && dom_sid_equal(&p->nc.sid, nc_sid))) { /* fill in he right guid and sid if possible */ if (nc_guid && !valid_guid) { dsdb_get_extended_dn_guid(p->dn, nc_guid, "GUID"); } if (nc_sid && !valid_sid) { dsdb_get_extended_dn_sid(p->dn, nc_sid, "SID"); } *_p = p; return WERR_OK; } } return WERR_DS_DRA_BAD_NC; } WERROR dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa_by_guid(struct dreplsrv_partition *p, const struct GUID *dsa_guid, struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa **_dsa) { struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa *dsa; SMB_ASSERT(dsa_guid != NULL); SMB_ASSERT(!GUID_all_zero(dsa_guid)); SMB_ASSERT(_dsa); for (dsa = p->sources; dsa; dsa = dsa->next) { if (GUID_equal(dsa_guid, &dsa->repsFrom1->source_dsa_obj_guid)) { *_dsa = dsa; return WERR_OK; } } return WERR_DS_DRA_NO_REPLICA; } WERROR dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa_by_dns(const struct dreplsrv_partition *p, const char *dsa_dns, struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa **_dsa) { struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa *dsa; SMB_ASSERT(dsa_dns != NULL); SMB_ASSERT(_dsa); for (dsa = p->sources; dsa; dsa = dsa->next) { if (strequal(dsa_dns, dsa->repsFrom1->other_info->dns_name)) { *_dsa = dsa; return WERR_OK; } } return WERR_DS_DRA_NO_REPLICA; } /* create a temporary dsa structure for a replication. This is needed for the initial replication of a new partition, such as when a new domain NC is created and we are a global catalog server */ WERROR dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa_temporary(struct dreplsrv_partition *p, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct GUID *dsa_guid, struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa **_dsa) { struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa *dsa; WERROR werr; dsa = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, struct dreplsrv_partition_source_dsa); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(dsa); dsa->partition = p; dsa->repsFrom1 = &dsa->_repsFromBlob.ctr.ctr1; dsa->repsFrom1->replica_flags = 0; dsa->repsFrom1->source_dsa_obj_guid = *dsa_guid; dsa->repsFrom1->other_info = talloc_zero(dsa, struct repsFromTo1OtherInfo); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(dsa->repsFrom1->other_info); dsa->repsFrom1->other_info->dns_name = samdb_ntds_msdcs_dns_name(p->service->samdb, dsa->repsFrom1->other_info, dsa_guid); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(dsa->repsFrom1->other_info->dns_name); werr = dreplsrv_out_connection_attach(p->service, dsa->repsFrom1, &dsa->conn); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": Failed to attach connection to %s\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(p->dn))); talloc_free(dsa); return werr; } *_dsa = dsa; return WERR_OK; } static WERROR dreplsrv_refresh_partition(struct dreplsrv_service *s, struct dreplsrv_partition *p) { WERROR status; NTSTATUS ntstatus; struct ldb_message_element *orf_el = NULL; struct ldb_result *r = NULL; unsigned int i; int ret; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_new(p); static const char *attrs[] = { "repsFrom", "repsTo", NULL }; struct ldb_dn *dn; DEBUG(4, ("dreplsrv_refresh_partition(%s)\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(p->dn))); ret = dsdb_search_dn(s->samdb, mem_ctx, &r, p->dn, attrs, DSDB_SEARCH_SHOW_EXTENDED_DN); if (ret == LDB_ERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { /* we haven't replicated the partition yet, but we * can fill in the guid, sid etc from the partition DN */ dn = p->dn; } else if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { talloc_free(mem_ctx); return WERR_FOOBAR; } else { dn = r->msgs[0]->dn; } talloc_free(discard_const(p->nc.dn)); ZERO_STRUCT(p->nc); p->nc.dn = ldb_dn_alloc_linearized(p, dn); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(p->nc.dn); ntstatus = dsdb_get_extended_dn_guid(dn, &p->nc.guid, "GUID"); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ntstatus)) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": unable to get GUID for %s: %s\n", p->nc.dn, nt_errstr(ntstatus))); talloc_free(mem_ctx); return WERR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR; } dsdb_get_extended_dn_sid(dn, &p->nc.sid, "SID"); talloc_free(p->uptodatevector.cursors); talloc_free(p->uptodatevector_ex.cursors); ZERO_STRUCT(p->uptodatevector); ZERO_STRUCT(p->uptodatevector_ex); ret = dsdb_load_udv_v2(s->samdb, p->dn, p, &p->uptodatevector.cursors, &p->uptodatevector.count); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { DEBUG(4,(__location__ ": no UDV available for %s\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(p->dn))); } status = WERR_OK; if (r != NULL && (orf_el = ldb_msg_find_element(r->msgs[0], "repsFrom"))) { for (i=0; i < orf_el->num_values; i++) { status = dreplsrv_partition_add_source_dsa(s, p, &p->sources, NULL, &orf_el->values[i]); W_ERROR_NOT_OK_GOTO_DONE(status); } } if (r != NULL && (orf_el = ldb_msg_find_element(r->msgs[0], "repsTo"))) { for (i=0; i < orf_el->num_values; i++) { status = dreplsrv_partition_add_source_dsa(s, p, &p->notifies, p->sources, &orf_el->values[i]); W_ERROR_NOT_OK_GOTO_DONE(status); } } done: talloc_free(mem_ctx); return status; } WERROR dreplsrv_refresh_partitions(struct dreplsrv_service *s) { WERROR status; struct dreplsrv_partition *p; for (p = s->partitions; p; p = p->next) { status = dreplsrv_refresh_partition(s, p); W_ERROR_NOT_OK_RETURN(status); } return WERR_OK; }