/* * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2005 Kungliga Tekniska H�gskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "gen_locl.h" RCSID("$Id: gen_length.c 21503 2007-07-12 11:57:19Z lha $"); static void length_primitive (const char *typename, const char *name, const char *variable) { fprintf (codefile, "%s += der_length_%s(%s);\n", variable, typename, name); } static size_t length_tag(unsigned int tag) { size_t len = 0; if(tag <= 30) return 1; while(tag) { tag /= 128; len++; } return len + 1; } static int length_type (const char *name, const Type *t, const char *variable, const char *tmpstr) { switch (t->type) { case TType: #if 0 length_type (name, t->symbol->type); #endif fprintf (codefile, "%s += length_%s(%s);\n", variable, t->symbol->gen_name, name); break; case TInteger: if(t->members) { fprintf(codefile, "{\n" "int enumint = *%s;\n", name); length_primitive ("integer", "&enumint", variable); fprintf(codefile, "}\n"); } else if (t->range == NULL) { length_primitive ("heim_integer", name, variable); } else if (t->range->min == INT_MIN && t->range->max == INT_MAX) { length_primitive ("integer", name, variable); } else if (t->range->min == 0 && t->range->max == UINT_MAX) { length_primitive ("unsigned", name, variable); } else if (t->range->min == 0 && t->range->max == INT_MAX) { length_primitive ("unsigned", name, variable); } else errx(1, "%s: unsupported range %d -> %d", name, t->range->min, t->range->max); break; case TBoolean: fprintf (codefile, "%s += 1;\n", variable); break; case TEnumerated : length_primitive ("enumerated", name, variable); break; case TOctetString: length_primitive ("octet_string", name, variable); break; case TBitString: { if (ASN1_TAILQ_EMPTY(t->members)) length_primitive("bit_string", name, variable); else { if (!rfc1510_bitstring) { Member *m; int pos = ASN1_TAILQ_LAST(t->members, memhead)->val; fprintf(codefile, "do {\n"); ASN1_TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(m, t->members, memhead, members) { while (m->val / 8 < pos / 8) { pos -= 8; } fprintf (codefile, "if((%s)->%s) { %s += %d; break; }\n", name, m->gen_name, variable, (pos + 8) / 8); } fprintf(codefile, "} while(0);\n"); fprintf (codefile, "%s += 1;\n", variable); } else { fprintf (codefile, "%s += 5;\n", variable); } } break; } case TSet: case TSequence: case TChoice: { Member *m, *have_ellipsis = NULL; if (t->members == NULL) break; if(t->type == TChoice) fprintf (codefile, "switch((%s)->element) {\n", name); ASN1_TAILQ_FOREACH(m, t->members, members) { char *s; if (m->ellipsis) { have_ellipsis = m; continue; } if(t->type == TChoice) fprintf(codefile, "case %s:\n", m->label); asprintf (&s, "%s(%s)->%s%s", m->optional ? "" : "&", name, t->type == TChoice ? "u." : "", m->gen_name); if (s == NULL) errx(1, "malloc"); if (m->optional) fprintf (codefile, "if(%s)", s); else if(m->defval) gen_compare_defval(s + 1, m->defval); fprintf (codefile, "{\n" "size_t %s_oldret = %s;\n" "%s = 0;\n", tmpstr, variable, variable); length_type (s, m->type, "ret", m->gen_name); fprintf (codefile, "ret += %s_oldret;\n", tmpstr); fprintf (codefile, "}\n"); free (s); if(t->type == TChoice) fprintf(codefile, "break;\n"); } if(t->type == TChoice) { if (have_ellipsis) fprintf(codefile, "case %s:\n" "ret += (%s)->u.%s.length;\n" "break;\n", have_ellipsis->label, name, have_ellipsis->gen_name); fprintf (codefile, "}\n"); /* switch */ } break; } case TSetOf: case TSequenceOf: { char *n; char *sname; fprintf (codefile, "{\n" "int %s_oldret = %s;\n" "int i;\n" "%s = 0;\n", tmpstr, variable, variable); fprintf (codefile, "for(i = (%s)->len - 1; i >= 0; --i){\n", name); fprintf (codefile, "int %s_for_oldret = %s;\n" "%s = 0;\n", tmpstr, variable, variable); asprintf (&n, "&(%s)->val[i]", name); if (n == NULL) errx(1, "malloc"); asprintf (&sname, "%s_S_Of", tmpstr); if (sname == NULL) errx(1, "malloc"); length_type(n, t->subtype, variable, sname); fprintf (codefile, "%s += %s_for_oldret;\n", variable, tmpstr); fprintf (codefile, "}\n"); fprintf (codefile, "%s += %s_oldret;\n" "}\n", variable, tmpstr); free(n); free(sname); break; } case TGeneralizedTime: length_primitive ("generalized_time", name, variable); break; case TGeneralString: length_primitive ("general_string", name, variable); break; case TUTCTime: length_primitive ("utctime", name, variable); break; case TUTF8String: length_primitive ("utf8string", name, variable); break; case TPrintableString: length_primitive ("printable_string", name, variable); break; case TIA5String: length_primitive ("ia5_string", name, variable); break; case TBMPString: length_primitive ("bmp_string", name, variable); break; case TUniversalString: length_primitive ("universal_string", name, variable); break; case TVisibleString: length_primitive ("visible_string", name, variable); break; case TNull: fprintf (codefile, "/* NULL */\n"); break; case TTag:{ char *tname; asprintf(&tname, "%s_tag", tmpstr); if (tname == NULL) errx(1, "malloc"); length_type (name, t->subtype, variable, tname); fprintf (codefile, "ret += %lu + der_length_len (ret);\n", (unsigned long)length_tag(t->tag.tagvalue)); free(tname); break; } case TOID: length_primitive ("oid", name, variable); break; default : abort (); } return 0; } void generate_type_length (const Symbol *s) { fprintf (headerfile, "size_t length_%s(const %s *);\n", s->gen_name, s->gen_name); fprintf (codefile, "size_t\n" "length_%s(const %s *data)\n" "{\n" "size_t ret = 0;\n", s->gen_name, s->gen_name); length_type ("data", s->type, "ret", "Top"); fprintf (codefile, "return ret;\n}\n\n"); }