%{ /* * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2005 Kungliga Tekniska H�gskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif #undef ECHO #include "symbol.h" #include "parse.h" #include "lex.h" #include "gen_locl.h" static unsigned lineno = 1; #undef ECHO static void unterminated(const char *, unsigned); %} /* This is for broken old lexes (solaris 10 and hpux) */ %e 2000 %p 5000 %a 5000 %n 1000 %o 10000 %% ABSENT { return kw_ABSENT; } ABSTRACT-SYNTAX { return kw_ABSTRACT_SYNTAX; } ALL { return kw_ALL; } APPLICATION { return kw_APPLICATION; } AUTOMATIC { return kw_AUTOMATIC; } BEGIN { return kw_BEGIN; } BIT { return kw_BIT; } BMPString { return kw_BMPString; } BOOLEAN { return kw_BOOLEAN; } BY { return kw_BY; } CHARACTER { return kw_CHARACTER; } CHOICE { return kw_CHOICE; } CLASS { return kw_CLASS; } COMPONENT { return kw_COMPONENT; } COMPONENTS { return kw_COMPONENTS; } CONSTRAINED { return kw_CONSTRAINED; } CONTAINING { return kw_CONTAINING; } DEFAULT { return kw_DEFAULT; } DEFINITIONS { return kw_DEFINITIONS; } EMBEDDED { return kw_EMBEDDED; } ENCODED { return kw_ENCODED; } END { return kw_END; } ENUMERATED { return kw_ENUMERATED; } EXCEPT { return kw_EXCEPT; } EXPLICIT { return kw_EXPLICIT; } EXPORTS { return kw_EXPORTS; } EXTENSIBILITY { return kw_EXTENSIBILITY; } EXTERNAL { return kw_EXTERNAL; } FALSE { return kw_FALSE; } FROM { return kw_FROM; } GeneralString { return kw_GeneralString; } GeneralizedTime { return kw_GeneralizedTime; } GraphicString { return kw_GraphicString; } IA5String { return kw_IA5String; } IDENTIFIER { return kw_IDENTIFIER; } IMPLICIT { return kw_IMPLICIT; } IMPLIED { return kw_IMPLIED; } IMPORTS { return kw_IMPORTS; } INCLUDES { return kw_INCLUDES; } INSTANCE { return kw_INSTANCE; } INTEGER { return kw_INTEGER; } INTERSECTION { return kw_INTERSECTION; } ISO646String { return kw_ISO646String; } MAX { return kw_MAX; } MIN { return kw_MIN; } MINUS-INFINITY { return kw_MINUS_INFINITY; } NULL { return kw_NULL; } NumericString { return kw_NumericString; } OBJECT { return kw_OBJECT; } OCTET { return kw_OCTET; } OF { return kw_OF; } OPTIONAL { return kw_OPTIONAL; } ObjectDescriptor { return kw_ObjectDescriptor; } PATTERN { return kw_PATTERN; } PDV { return kw_PDV; } PLUS-INFINITY { return kw_PLUS_INFINITY; } PRESENT { return kw_PRESENT; } PRIVATE { return kw_PRIVATE; } PrintableString { return kw_PrintableString; } REAL { return kw_REAL; } RELATIVE_OID { return kw_RELATIVE_OID; } SEQUENCE { return kw_SEQUENCE; } SET { return kw_SET; } SIZE { return kw_SIZE; } STRING { return kw_STRING; } SYNTAX { return kw_SYNTAX; } T61String { return kw_T61String; } TAGS { return kw_TAGS; } TRUE { return kw_TRUE; } TYPE-IDENTIFIER { return kw_TYPE_IDENTIFIER; } TeletexString { return kw_TeletexString; } UNION { return kw_UNION; } UNIQUE { return kw_UNIQUE; } UNIVERSAL { return kw_UNIVERSAL; } UTCTime { return kw_UTCTime; } UTF8String { return kw_UTF8String; } UniversalString { return kw_UniversalString; } VideotexString { return kw_VideotexString; } VisibleString { return kw_VisibleString; } WITH { return kw_WITH; } [-,;{}()|] { return *yytext; } "[" { return *yytext; } "]" { return *yytext; } ::= { return EEQUAL; } -- { int c, start_lineno = lineno; int f = 0; while((c = input()) != EOF) { if(f && c == '-') break; if(c == '-') { f = 1; continue; } if(c == '\n') { lineno++; break; } f = 0; } if(c == EOF) unterminated("comment", start_lineno); } \/\* { int c, start_lineno = lineno; int level = 1; int seen_star = 0; int seen_slash = 0; while((c = input()) != EOF) { if(c == '/') { if(seen_star) { if(--level == 0) break; seen_star = 0; continue; } seen_slash = 1; continue; } if(seen_star && c == '/') { if(--level == 0) break; seen_star = 0; continue; } if(c == '*') { if(seen_slash) { level++; seen_star = seen_slash = 0; continue; } seen_star = 1; continue; } seen_star = seen_slash = 0; if(c == '\n') { lineno++; continue; } } if(c == EOF) unterminated("comment", start_lineno); } "\"" { int start_lineno = lineno; int c; char buf[1024]; char *p = buf; int f = 0; int skip_ws = 0; while((c = input()) != EOF) { if(isspace(c) && skip_ws) { if(c == '\n') lineno++; continue; } skip_ws = 0; if(c == '"') { if(f) { *p++ = '"'; f = 0; } else f = 1; continue; } if(f == 1) { unput(c); break; } if(c == '\n') { lineno++; while(p > buf && isspace((unsigned char)p[-1])) p--; skip_ws = 1; continue; } *p++ = c; } if(c == EOF) unterminated("string", start_lineno); *p++ = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "string -- %s\n", buf); yylval.name = estrdup(buf); return STRING; } -?0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+|-?[0-9]+ { char *e, *y = yytext; yylval.constant = strtol((const char *)yytext, &e, 0); if(e == y) error_message("malformed constant (%s)", yytext); else return NUMBER; } [A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9_]* { yylval.name = estrdup ((const char *)yytext); return IDENTIFIER; } [ \t] ; \n { ++lineno; } \.\.\. { return ELLIPSIS; } \.\. { return RANGE; } . { error_message("Ignoring char(%c)\n", *yytext); } %% #ifndef yywrap /* XXX */ int yywrap () { return 1; } #endif void error_message (const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start (args, format); fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: ", get_filename(), lineno); vfprintf (stderr, format, args); va_end (args); error_flag++; } static void unterminated(const char *type, unsigned start_lineno) { error_message("unterminated %s, possibly started on line %d\n", type, start_lineno); }