/* * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <config.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <krb5-types.h> #include <rfc2459_asn1.h> #include <rsa.h> #include <roken.h> /** * @page page_rsa RSA - public-key cryptography * * RSA is named by its inventors (Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard * Adleman) (published in 1977), patented expired in 21 September 2000. * * See the library functions here: @ref hcrypto_rsa */ /** * Same as RSA_new_method() using NULL as engine. * * @return a newly allocated RSA object. Free with RSA_free(). * * @ingroup hcrypto_rsa */ RSA * RSA_new(void) { return RSA_new_method(NULL); } /** * Allocate a new RSA object using the engine, if NULL is specified as * the engine, use the default RSA engine as returned by * ENGINE_get_default_RSA(). * * @param engine Specific what ENGINE RSA provider should be used. * * @return a newly allocated RSA object. Free with RSA_free(). * * @ingroup hcrypto_rsa */ RSA * RSA_new_method(ENGINE *engine) { RSA *rsa; rsa = calloc(1, sizeof(*rsa)); if (rsa == NULL) return NULL; rsa->references = 1; if (engine) { ENGINE_up_ref(engine); rsa->engine = engine; } else { rsa->engine = ENGINE_get_default_RSA(); } if (rsa->engine) { rsa->meth = ENGINE_get_RSA(rsa->engine); if (rsa->meth == NULL) { ENGINE_finish(engine); free(rsa); return 0; } } if (rsa->meth == NULL) rsa->meth = rk_UNCONST(RSA_get_default_method()); (*rsa->meth->init)(rsa); return rsa; } /** * Free an allocation RSA object. * * @param rsa the RSA object to free. * @ingroup hcrypto_rsa */ void RSA_free(RSA *rsa) { if (rsa->references <= 0) abort(); if (--rsa->references > 0) return; (*rsa->meth->finish)(rsa); if (rsa->engine) ENGINE_finish(rsa->engine); #define free_if(f) if (f) { BN_free(f); } free_if(rsa->n); free_if(rsa->e); free_if(rsa->d); free_if(rsa->p); free_if(rsa->q); free_if(rsa->dmp1); free_if(rsa->dmq1); free_if(rsa->iqmp); #undef free_if memset(rsa, 0, sizeof(*rsa)); free(rsa); } /** * Add an extra reference to the RSA object. The object should be free * with RSA_free() to drop the reference. * * @param rsa the object to add reference counting too. * * @return the current reference count, can't safely be used except * for debug printing. * * @ingroup hcrypto_rsa */ int RSA_up_ref(RSA *rsa) { return ++rsa->references; } /** * Return the RSA_METHOD used for this RSA object. * * @param rsa the object to get the method from. * * @return the method used for this RSA object. * * @ingroup hcrypto_rsa */ const RSA_METHOD * RSA_get_method(const RSA *rsa) { return rsa->meth; } /** * Set a new method for the RSA keypair. * * @param rsa rsa parameter. * @param method the new method for the RSA parameter. * * @return 1 on success. * * @ingroup hcrypto_rsa */ int RSA_set_method(RSA *rsa, const RSA_METHOD *method) { (*rsa->meth->finish)(rsa); if (rsa->engine) { ENGINE_finish(rsa->engine); rsa->engine = NULL; } rsa->meth = method; (*rsa->meth->init)(rsa); return 1; } /** * Set the application data for the RSA object. * * @param rsa the rsa object to set the parameter for * @param arg the data object to store * * @return 1 on success. * * @ingroup hcrypto_rsa */ int RSA_set_app_data(RSA *rsa, void *arg) { rsa->ex_data.sk = arg; return 1; } /** * Get the application data for the RSA object. * * @param rsa the rsa object to get the parameter for * * @return the data object * * @ingroup hcrypto_rsa */ void * RSA_get_app_data(RSA *rsa) { return rsa->ex_data.sk; } int RSA_check_key(const RSA *key) { static const unsigned char inbuf[] = "hello, world!"; RSA *rsa = rk_UNCONST(key); void *buffer; int ret; /* * XXX I have no clue how to implement this w/o a bignum library. * Well, when we have a RSA key pair, we can try to encrypt/sign * and then decrypt/verify. */ if ((rsa->d == NULL || rsa->n == NULL) && (rsa->p == NULL || rsa->q || rsa->dmp1 == NULL || rsa->dmq1 == NULL || rsa->iqmp == NULL)) return 0; buffer = malloc(RSA_size(rsa)); if (buffer == NULL) return 0; ret = RSA_private_encrypt(sizeof(inbuf), inbuf, buffer, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (ret == -1) { free(buffer); return 0; } ret = RSA_public_decrypt(ret, buffer, buffer, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (ret == -1) { free(buffer); return 0; } if (ret == sizeof(inbuf) && ct_memcmp(buffer, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf)) == 0) { free(buffer); return 1; } free(buffer); return 0; } int RSA_size(const RSA *rsa) { return BN_num_bytes(rsa->n); } #define RSAFUNC(name, body) \ int \ name(int flen,const unsigned char* f, unsigned char* t, RSA* r, int p){\ return body; \ } RSAFUNC(RSA_public_encrypt, (r)->meth->rsa_pub_enc(flen, f, t, r, p)) RSAFUNC(RSA_public_decrypt, (r)->meth->rsa_pub_dec(flen, f, t, r, p)) RSAFUNC(RSA_private_encrypt, (r)->meth->rsa_priv_enc(flen, f, t, r, p)) RSAFUNC(RSA_private_decrypt, (r)->meth->rsa_priv_dec(flen, f, t, r, p)) /* XXX */ int RSA_sign(int type, const unsigned char *from, unsigned int flen, unsigned char *to, unsigned int *tlen, RSA *rsa) { return -1; } int RSA_verify(int type, const unsigned char *from, unsigned int flen, unsigned char *to, unsigned int tlen, RSA *rsa) { return -1; } /* * A NULL RSA_METHOD that returns failure for all operations. This is * used as the default RSA method if we don't have any native * support. */ static RSAFUNC(null_rsa_public_encrypt, -1) static RSAFUNC(null_rsa_public_decrypt, -1) static RSAFUNC(null_rsa_private_encrypt, -1) static RSAFUNC(null_rsa_private_decrypt, -1) /* * */ int RSA_generate_key_ex(RSA *r, int bits, BIGNUM *e, BN_GENCB *cb) { if (r->meth->rsa_keygen) return (*r->meth->rsa_keygen)(r, bits, e, cb); return 0; } /* * */ static int null_rsa_init(RSA *rsa) { return 1; } static int null_rsa_finish(RSA *rsa) { return 1; } static const RSA_METHOD rsa_null_method = { "hcrypto null RSA", null_rsa_public_encrypt, null_rsa_public_decrypt, null_rsa_private_encrypt, null_rsa_private_decrypt, NULL, NULL, null_rsa_init, null_rsa_finish, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }; const RSA_METHOD * RSA_null_method(void) { return &rsa_null_method; } extern const RSA_METHOD hc_rsa_imath_method; #ifdef HAVE_GMP static const RSA_METHOD *default_rsa_method = &hc_rsa_gmp_method; #else static const RSA_METHOD *default_rsa_method = &hc_rsa_imath_method; #endif const RSA_METHOD * RSA_get_default_method(void) { return default_rsa_method; } void RSA_set_default_method(const RSA_METHOD *meth) { default_rsa_method = meth; } /* * */ static BIGNUM * heim_int2BN(const heim_integer *i) { BIGNUM *bn; bn = BN_bin2bn(i->data, i->length, NULL); if (bn) BN_set_negative(bn, i->negative); return bn; } static int bn2heim_int(BIGNUM *bn, heim_integer *integer) { integer->length = BN_num_bytes(bn); integer->data = malloc(integer->length); if (integer->data == NULL) { integer->length = 0; return ENOMEM; } BN_bn2bin(bn, integer->data); integer->negative = BN_is_negative(bn); return 0; } RSA * d2i_RSAPrivateKey(RSA *rsa, const unsigned char **pp, size_t len) { RSAPrivateKey data; RSA *k = rsa; size_t size; int ret; ret = decode_RSAPrivateKey(*pp, len, &data, &size); if (ret) return NULL; *pp += size; if (k == NULL) { k = RSA_new(); if (k == NULL) { free_RSAPrivateKey(&data); return NULL; } } k->n = heim_int2BN(&data.modulus); k->e = heim_int2BN(&data.publicExponent); k->d = heim_int2BN(&data.privateExponent); k->p = heim_int2BN(&data.prime1); k->q = heim_int2BN(&data.prime2); k->dmp1 = heim_int2BN(&data.exponent1); k->dmq1 = heim_int2BN(&data.exponent2); k->iqmp = heim_int2BN(&data.coefficient); free_RSAPrivateKey(&data); if (k->n == NULL || k->e == NULL || k->d == NULL || k->p == NULL || k->q == NULL || k->dmp1 == NULL || k->dmq1 == NULL || k->iqmp == NULL) { RSA_free(k); return NULL; } return k; } int i2d_RSAPrivateKey(RSA *rsa, unsigned char **pp) { RSAPrivateKey data; size_t size; int ret; if (rsa->n == NULL || rsa->e == NULL || rsa->d == NULL || rsa->p == NULL || rsa->q == NULL || rsa->dmp1 == NULL || rsa->dmq1 == NULL || rsa->iqmp == NULL) return -1; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); ret = bn2heim_int(rsa->n, &data.modulus); ret |= bn2heim_int(rsa->e, &data.publicExponent); ret |= bn2heim_int(rsa->d, &data.privateExponent); ret |= bn2heim_int(rsa->p, &data.prime1); ret |= bn2heim_int(rsa->q, &data.prime2); ret |= bn2heim_int(rsa->dmp1, &data.exponent1); ret |= bn2heim_int(rsa->dmq1, &data.exponent2); ret |= bn2heim_int(rsa->iqmp, &data.coefficient); if (ret) { free_RSAPrivateKey(&data); return -1; } if (pp == NULL) { size = length_RSAPrivateKey(&data); free_RSAPrivateKey(&data); } else { void *p; size_t len; ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(RSAPrivateKey, p, len, &data, &size, ret); free_RSAPrivateKey(&data); if (ret) return -1; if (len != size) abort(); memcpy(*pp, p, size); free(p); *pp += size; } return size; } int i2d_RSAPublicKey(RSA *rsa, unsigned char **pp) { RSAPublicKey data; size_t size; int ret; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); if (bn2heim_int(rsa->n, &data.modulus) || bn2heim_int(rsa->e, &data.publicExponent)) { free_RSAPublicKey(&data); return -1; } if (pp == NULL) { size = length_RSAPublicKey(&data); free_RSAPublicKey(&data); } else { void *p; size_t len; ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(RSAPublicKey, p, len, &data, &size, ret); free_RSAPublicKey(&data); if (ret) return -1; if (len != size) abort(); memcpy(*pp, p, size); free(p); *pp += size; } return size; } RSA * d2i_RSAPublicKey(RSA *rsa, const unsigned char **pp, size_t len) { RSAPublicKey data; RSA *k = rsa; size_t size; int ret; ret = decode_RSAPublicKey(*pp, len, &data, &size); if (ret) return NULL; *pp += size; if (k == NULL) { k = RSA_new(); if (k == NULL) { free_RSAPublicKey(&data); return NULL; } } k->n = heim_int2BN(&data.modulus); k->e = heim_int2BN(&data.publicExponent); free_RSAPublicKey(&data); if (k->n == NULL || k->e == NULL) { RSA_free(k); return NULL; } return k; }