/* * Copyright (c) 2004 - 2007 Kungliga Tekniska H�gskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "hx_locl.h" RCSID("$Id: cert.c,v 1.82 2007/01/09 10:52:03 lha Exp $"); #include "crypto-headers.h" struct hx509_verify_ctx_data { hx509_certs trust_anchors; int flags; #define HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_TIME_SET 1 #define HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_ALLOW_PROXY_CERTIFICATE 2 #define HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_REQUIRE_RFC3280 4 #define HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_CHECK_TRUST_ANCHORS 8 time_t time_now; unsigned int max_depth; #define HX509_VERIFY_MAX_DEPTH 30 hx509_revoke_ctx revoke_ctx; }; #define REQUIRE_RFC3280(ctx) ((ctx)->flags & HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_REQUIRE_RFC3280) #define CHECK_TA(ctx) ((ctx)->flags & HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_CHECK_TRUST_ANCHORS) struct _hx509_cert_attrs { size_t len; hx509_cert_attribute *val; }; struct hx509_cert_data { unsigned int ref; char *friendlyname; Certificate *data; hx509_private_key private_key; struct _hx509_cert_attrs attrs; hx509_name basename; _hx509_cert_release_func release; void *ctx; }; typedef struct hx509_name_constraints { NameConstraints *val; size_t len; } hx509_name_constraints; #define GeneralSubtrees_SET(g,var) \ (g)->len = (var)->len, (g)->val = (var)->val; /* * */ void _hx509_abort(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); abort(); } /* * */ int hx509_context_init(hx509_context *context) { *context = calloc(1, sizeof(**context)); if (*context == NULL) return ENOMEM; _hx509_ks_mem_register(*context); _hx509_ks_file_register(*context); _hx509_ks_pkcs12_register(*context); _hx509_ks_pkcs11_register(*context); _hx509_ks_dir_register(*context); ENGINE_add_conf_module(); OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); (*context)->ocsp_time_diff = HX509_DEFAULT_OCSP_TIME_DIFF; initialize_hx_error_table_r(&(*context)->et_list); initialize_asn1_error_table_r(&(*context)->et_list); return 0; } void hx509_context_set_missing_revoke(hx509_context context, int flag) { if (flag) context->flags |= HX509_CTX_VERIFY_MISSING_OK; else context->flags &= ~HX509_CTX_VERIFY_MISSING_OK; } void hx509_context_free(hx509_context *context) { hx509_clear_error_string(*context); if ((*context)->ks_ops) { free((*context)->ks_ops); (*context)->ks_ops = NULL; } (*context)->ks_num_ops = 0; free_error_table ((*context)->et_list); free(*context); *context = NULL; } /* * */ Certificate * _hx509_get_cert(hx509_cert cert) { return cert->data; } /* * */ #if 0 void _hx509_print_cert_subject(hx509_cert cert) { char *subject_name; hx509_name name; int ret; ret = hx509_cert_get_subject(cert, &name); if (ret) abort(); ret = hx509_name_to_string(name, &subject_name); hx509_name_free(&name); if (ret) abort(); printf("name: %s\n", subject_name); free(subject_name); } #endif /* * */ int _hx509_cert_get_version(const Certificate *t) { return t->tbsCertificate.version ? *t->tbsCertificate.version + 1 : 1; } int hx509_cert_init(hx509_context context, const Certificate *c, hx509_cert *cert) { int ret; *cert = malloc(sizeof(**cert)); if (*cert == NULL) return ENOMEM; (*cert)->ref = 1; (*cert)->friendlyname = NULL; (*cert)->attrs.len = 0; (*cert)->attrs.val = NULL; (*cert)->private_key = NULL; (*cert)->basename = NULL; (*cert)->release = NULL; (*cert)->ctx = NULL; (*cert)->data = calloc(1, sizeof(*(*cert)->data)); if ((*cert)->data == NULL) { free(*cert); return ENOMEM; } ret = copy_Certificate(c, (*cert)->data); if (ret) { free((*cert)->data); free(*cert); } return ret; } void _hx509_cert_set_release(hx509_cert cert, _hx509_cert_release_func release, void *ctx) { cert->release = release; cert->ctx = ctx; } /* Doesn't make a copy of `private_key'. */ int _hx509_cert_assign_key(hx509_cert cert, hx509_private_key private_key) { if (cert->private_key) _hx509_private_key_free(&cert->private_key); cert->private_key = _hx509_private_key_ref(private_key); return 0; } void hx509_cert_free(hx509_cert cert) { int i; if (cert == NULL) return; if (cert->ref <= 0) _hx509_abort("refcount <= 0"); if (--cert->ref > 0) return; if (cert->release) (cert->release)(cert, cert->ctx); if (cert->private_key) _hx509_private_key_free(&cert->private_key); free_Certificate(cert->data); free(cert->data); for (i = 0; i < cert->attrs.len; i++) { der_free_octet_string(&cert->attrs.val[i]->data); der_free_oid(&cert->attrs.val[i]->oid); free(cert->attrs.val[i]); } free(cert->attrs.val); free(cert->friendlyname); if (cert->basename) hx509_name_free(&cert->basename); memset(cert, 0, sizeof(cert)); free(cert); } hx509_cert hx509_cert_ref(hx509_cert cert) { if (cert->ref <= 0) _hx509_abort("refcount <= 0"); cert->ref++; if (cert->ref == 0) _hx509_abort("refcount == 0"); return cert; } int hx509_verify_init_ctx(hx509_context context, hx509_verify_ctx *ctx) { hx509_verify_ctx c; c = calloc(1, sizeof(*c)); if (c == NULL) return ENOMEM; c->max_depth = HX509_VERIFY_MAX_DEPTH; *ctx = c; return 0; } void hx509_verify_destroy_ctx(hx509_verify_ctx ctx) { if (ctx) memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); free(ctx); } void hx509_verify_attach_anchors(hx509_verify_ctx ctx, hx509_certs set) { ctx->trust_anchors = set; } void hx509_verify_attach_revoke(hx509_verify_ctx ctx, hx509_revoke_ctx revoke_ctx) { ctx->revoke_ctx = revoke_ctx; } void hx509_verify_set_time(hx509_verify_ctx ctx, time_t t) { ctx->flags |= HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_TIME_SET; ctx->time_now = t; } void hx509_verify_set_proxy_certificate(hx509_verify_ctx ctx, int boolean) { if (boolean) ctx->flags |= HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_ALLOW_PROXY_CERTIFICATE; else ctx->flags &= ~HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_ALLOW_PROXY_CERTIFICATE; } void hx509_verify_set_strict_rfc3280_verification(hx509_verify_ctx ctx, int boolean) { if (boolean) ctx->flags |= HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_REQUIRE_RFC3280; else ctx->flags &= ~HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_REQUIRE_RFC3280; } static const Extension * find_extension(const Certificate *cert, const heim_oid *oid, int *idx) { const TBSCertificate *c = &cert->tbsCertificate; if (c->version == NULL || *c->version < 2 || c->extensions == NULL) return NULL; for (;*idx < c->extensions->len; (*idx)++) { if (der_heim_oid_cmp(&c->extensions->val[*idx].extnID, oid) == 0) return &c->extensions->val[(*idx)++]; } return NULL; } static int find_extension_auth_key_id(const Certificate *subject, AuthorityKeyIdentifier *ai) { const Extension *e; size_t size; int i = 0; memset(ai, 0, sizeof(*ai)); e = find_extension(subject, oid_id_x509_ce_authorityKeyIdentifier(), &i); if (e == NULL) return HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND; return decode_AuthorityKeyIdentifier(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, ai, &size); } int _hx509_find_extension_subject_key_id(const Certificate *issuer, SubjectKeyIdentifier *si) { const Extension *e; size_t size; int i = 0; memset(si, 0, sizeof(*si)); e = find_extension(issuer, oid_id_x509_ce_subjectKeyIdentifier(), &i); if (e == NULL) return HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND; return decode_SubjectKeyIdentifier(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, si, &size); } static int find_extension_name_constraints(const Certificate *subject, NameConstraints *nc) { const Extension *e; size_t size; int i = 0; memset(nc, 0, sizeof(*nc)); e = find_extension(subject, oid_id_x509_ce_nameConstraints(), &i); if (e == NULL) return HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND; return decode_NameConstraints(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, nc, &size); } static int find_extension_subject_alt_name(const Certificate *cert, int *i, GeneralNames *sa) { const Extension *e; size_t size; memset(sa, 0, sizeof(*sa)); e = find_extension(cert, oid_id_x509_ce_subjectAltName(), i); if (e == NULL) return HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND; return decode_GeneralNames(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, sa, &size); } static int find_extension_eku(const Certificate *cert, ExtKeyUsage *eku) { const Extension *e; size_t size; int i = 0; memset(eku, 0, sizeof(*eku)); e = find_extension(cert, oid_id_x509_ce_extKeyUsage(), &i); if (e == NULL) return HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND; return decode_ExtKeyUsage(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, eku, &size); } static int add_to_list(hx509_octet_string_list *list, const heim_octet_string *entry) { void *p; int ret; p = realloc(list->val, (list->len + 1) * sizeof(list->val[0])); if (p == NULL) return ENOMEM; list->val = p; ret = der_copy_octet_string(entry, &list->val[list->len]); if (ret) return ret; list->len++; return 0; } void hx509_free_octet_string_list(hx509_octet_string_list *list) { int i; for (i = 0; i < list->len; i++) der_free_octet_string(&list->val[i]); free(list->val); list->val = NULL; list->len = 0; } int hx509_cert_find_subjectAltName_otherName(hx509_cert cert, const heim_oid *oid, hx509_octet_string_list *list) { GeneralNames sa; int ret, i, j; list->val = NULL; list->len = 0; i = 0; while (1) { ret = find_extension_subject_alt_name(_hx509_get_cert(cert), &i, &sa); i++; if (ret == HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND) { ret = 0; break; } else if (ret != 0) break; for (j = 0; j < sa.len; j++) { if (sa.val[j].element == choice_GeneralName_otherName && der_heim_oid_cmp(&sa.val[j].u.otherName.type_id, oid) == 0) { ret = add_to_list(list, &sa.val[j].u.otherName.value); if (ret) { free_GeneralNames(&sa); return ret; } } } free_GeneralNames(&sa); } return ret; } static int check_key_usage(hx509_context context, const Certificate *cert, unsigned flags, int req_present) { const Extension *e; KeyUsage ku; size_t size; int ret, i = 0; unsigned ku_flags; if (_hx509_cert_get_version(cert) < 3) return 0; e = find_extension(cert, oid_id_x509_ce_keyUsage(), &i); if (e == NULL) { if (req_present) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, HX509_KU_CERT_MISSING, "Required extension key " "usage missing from certifiate"); return HX509_KU_CERT_MISSING; } return 0; } ret = decode_KeyUsage(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, &ku, &size); if (ret) return ret; ku_flags = KeyUsage2int(ku); if ((ku_flags & flags) != flags) { unsigned missing = (~ku_flags) & flags; char buf[256], *name; unparse_flags(missing, asn1_KeyUsage_units(), buf, sizeof(buf)); _hx509_unparse_Name(&cert->tbsCertificate.subject, &name); hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, HX509_KU_CERT_MISSING, "Key usage %s required but missing " "from certifiate %s", buf, name); free(name); return HX509_KU_CERT_MISSING; } return 0; } int _hx509_check_key_usage(hx509_context context, hx509_cert cert, unsigned flags, int req_present) { return check_key_usage(context, _hx509_get_cert(cert), flags, req_present); } enum certtype { PROXY_CERT, EE_CERT, CA_CERT }; static int check_basic_constraints(hx509_context context, const Certificate *cert, enum certtype type, int depth) { BasicConstraints bc; const Extension *e; size_t size; int ret, i = 0; if (_hx509_cert_get_version(cert) < 3) return 0; e = find_extension(cert, oid_id_x509_ce_basicConstraints(), &i); if (e == NULL) { switch(type) { case PROXY_CERT: case EE_CERT: return 0; case CA_CERT: { char *name; ret = _hx509_unparse_Name(&cert->tbsCertificate.subject, &name); assert(ret == 0); hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "basicConstraints missing from " "CA certifiacte %s", name); free(name); return HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND; } } } ret = decode_BasicConstraints(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, &bc, &size); if (ret) return ret; switch(type) { case PROXY_CERT: if (bc.cA != NULL && *bc.cA) ret = HX509_PARENT_IS_CA; break; case EE_CERT: ret = 0; break; case CA_CERT: if (bc.cA == NULL || !*bc.cA) ret = HX509_PARENT_NOT_CA; else if (bc.pathLenConstraint) if (depth - 1 > *bc.pathLenConstraint) ret = HX509_CA_PATH_TOO_DEEP; break; } free_BasicConstraints(&bc); return ret; } int _hx509_cert_is_parent_cmp(const Certificate *subject, const Certificate *issuer, int allow_self_signed) { int diff; AuthorityKeyIdentifier ai; SubjectKeyIdentifier si; int ret_ai, ret_si; diff = _hx509_name_cmp(&issuer->tbsCertificate.subject, &subject->tbsCertificate.issuer); if (diff) return diff; memset(&ai, 0, sizeof(ai)); memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); /* * Try to find AuthorityKeyIdentifier, if its not present in the * subject certificate nor the parent. */ ret_ai = find_extension_auth_key_id(subject, &ai); if (ret_ai && ret_ai != HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND) return 1; ret_si = _hx509_find_extension_subject_key_id(issuer, &si); if (ret_si && ret_si != HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND) return -1; if (ret_si && ret_ai) goto out; if (ret_ai) goto out; if (ret_si) { if (allow_self_signed) { diff = 0; goto out; } else if (ai.keyIdentifier) { diff = -1; goto out; } } if (ai.keyIdentifier == NULL) { Name name; if (ai.authorityCertIssuer == NULL) return -1; if (ai.authorityCertSerialNumber == NULL) return -1; diff = der_heim_integer_cmp(ai.authorityCertSerialNumber, &issuer->tbsCertificate.serialNumber); if (diff) return diff; if (ai.authorityCertIssuer->len != 1) return -1; if (ai.authorityCertIssuer->val[0].element != choice_GeneralName_directoryName) return -1; name.element = ai.authorityCertIssuer->val[0].u.directoryName.element; name.u.rdnSequence = ai.authorityCertIssuer->val[0].u.directoryName.u.rdnSequence; diff = _hx509_name_cmp(&issuer->tbsCertificate.subject, &name); if (diff) return diff; diff = 0; } else diff = der_heim_octet_string_cmp(ai.keyIdentifier, &si); if (diff) goto out; out: free_AuthorityKeyIdentifier(&ai); free_SubjectKeyIdentifier(&si); return diff; } static int certificate_is_anchor(hx509_context context, hx509_certs trust_anchors, const hx509_cert cert) { hx509_query q; hx509_cert c; int ret; if (trust_anchors == NULL) return 0; _hx509_query_clear(&q); q.match = HX509_QUERY_MATCH_CERTIFICATE; q.certificate = _hx509_get_cert(cert); ret = hx509_certs_find(context, trust_anchors, &q, &c); if (ret == 0) hx509_cert_free(c); return ret == 0; } static int certificate_is_self_signed(const Certificate *cert) { return _hx509_cert_is_parent_cmp(cert, cert, 1) == 0; } /* * The subjectName is "null" when its empty set of relative DBs. */ static int subject_null_p(const Certificate *c) { return c->tbsCertificate.subject.u.rdnSequence.len == 0; } static int find_parent(hx509_context context, time_t time_now, hx509_certs trust_anchors, hx509_path *path, hx509_certs pool, hx509_cert current, hx509_cert *parent) { AuthorityKeyIdentifier ai; hx509_query q; int ret; *parent = NULL; memset(&ai, 0, sizeof(ai)); _hx509_query_clear(&q); if (!subject_null_p(current->data)) { q.match |= HX509_QUERY_FIND_ISSUER_CERT; q.subject = _hx509_get_cert(current); } else { ret = find_extension_auth_key_id(current->data, &ai); if (ret) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, HX509_CERTIFICATE_MALFORMED, "Subjectless certificate missing AuthKeyID"); return HX509_CERTIFICATE_MALFORMED; } if (ai.keyIdentifier == NULL) { free_AuthorityKeyIdentifier(&ai); hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, HX509_CERTIFICATE_MALFORMED, "Subjectless certificate missing keyIdentifier " "inside AuthKeyID"); return HX509_CERTIFICATE_MALFORMED; } q.subject_id = ai.keyIdentifier; q.match = HX509_QUERY_MATCH_SUBJECT_KEY_ID; } q.path = path; q.match |= HX509_QUERY_NO_MATCH_PATH; if (pool) { q.timenow = time_now; q.match |= HX509_QUERY_MATCH_TIME; ret = hx509_certs_find(context, pool, &q, parent); if (ret == 0) { free_AuthorityKeyIdentifier(&ai); return 0; } q.match &= ~HX509_QUERY_MATCH_TIME; } if (trust_anchors) { ret = hx509_certs_find(context, trust_anchors, &q, parent); if (ret == 0) { free_AuthorityKeyIdentifier(&ai); return ret; } } free_AuthorityKeyIdentifier(&ai); { hx509_name name; char *str; ret = hx509_cert_get_subject(current, &name); if (ret) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); return HX509_ISSUER_NOT_FOUND; } ret = hx509_name_to_string(name, &str); hx509_name_free(&name); if (ret) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); return HX509_ISSUER_NOT_FOUND; } hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, HX509_ISSUER_NOT_FOUND, "Failed to find issuer for " "certificate with subject: %s", str); free(str); } return HX509_ISSUER_NOT_FOUND; } /* * */ static int is_proxy_cert(hx509_context context, const Certificate *cert, ProxyCertInfo *rinfo) { ProxyCertInfo info; const Extension *e; size_t size; int ret, i = 0; if (rinfo) memset(rinfo, 0, sizeof(*rinfo)); e = find_extension(cert, oid_id_pe_proxyCertInfo(), &i); if (e == NULL) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); return HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND; } ret = decode_ProxyCertInfo(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, &info, &size); if (ret) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); return ret; } if (size != e->extnValue.length) { free_ProxyCertInfo(&info); hx509_clear_error_string(context); return HX509_EXTRA_DATA_AFTER_STRUCTURE; } if (rinfo) *rinfo = info; return 0; } /* * Path operations are like MEMORY based keyset, but with exposed * internal so we can do easy searches. */ int _hx509_path_append(hx509_context context, hx509_path *path, hx509_cert cert) { hx509_cert *val; val = realloc(path->val, (path->len + 1) * sizeof(path->val[0])); if (val == NULL) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ENOMEM, "out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } path->val = val; path->val[path->len] = hx509_cert_ref(cert); path->len++; return 0; } void _hx509_path_free(hx509_path *path) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < path->len; i++) hx509_cert_free(path->val[i]); free(path->val); path->val = NULL; path->len = 0; } /* * Find path by looking up issuer for the top certificate and continue * until an anchor certificate is found or max limit is found. A * certificate never included twice in the path. * * If the trust anchors are not given, calculate optimistic path, just * follow the chain upward until we no longer find a parent or we hit * the max path limit. In this case, a failure will always be returned * depending on what error condition is hit first. * * The path includes a path from the top certificate to the anchor * certificate. * * The caller needs to free `path� both on successful built path and * failure. */ int _hx509_calculate_path(hx509_context context, int flags, time_t time_now, hx509_certs anchors, unsigned int max_depth, hx509_cert cert, hx509_certs pool, hx509_path *path) { hx509_cert parent, current; int ret; if (max_depth == 0) max_depth = HX509_VERIFY_MAX_DEPTH; ret = _hx509_path_append(context, path, cert); if (ret) return ret; current = hx509_cert_ref(cert); while (!certificate_is_anchor(context, anchors, current)) { ret = find_parent(context, time_now, anchors, path, pool, current, &parent); hx509_cert_free(current); if (ret) return ret; ret = _hx509_path_append(context, path, parent); if (ret) return ret; current = parent; if (path->len > max_depth) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, HX509_PATH_TOO_LONG, "Path too long while bulding certificate chain"); return HX509_PATH_TOO_LONG; } } if ((flags & HX509_CALCULATE_PATH_NO_ANCHOR) && path->len > 0 && certificate_is_anchor(context, anchors, path->val[path->len - 1])) { hx509_cert_free(path->val[path->len - 1]); path->len--; } hx509_cert_free(current); return 0; } static int AlgorithmIdentifier_cmp(const AlgorithmIdentifier *p, const AlgorithmIdentifier *q) { int diff; diff = der_heim_oid_cmp(&p->algorithm, &q->algorithm); if (diff) return diff; if (p->parameters) { if (q->parameters) return heim_any_cmp(p->parameters, q->parameters); else return 1; } else { if (q->parameters) return -1; else return 0; } } int _hx509_Certificate_cmp(const Certificate *p, const Certificate *q) { int diff; diff = der_heim_bit_string_cmp(&p->signatureValue, &q->signatureValue); if (diff) return diff; diff = AlgorithmIdentifier_cmp(&p->signatureAlgorithm, &q->signatureAlgorithm); if (diff) return diff; diff = der_heim_octet_string_cmp(&p->tbsCertificate._save, &q->tbsCertificate._save); return diff; } int hx509_cert_cmp(hx509_cert p, hx509_cert q) { return _hx509_Certificate_cmp(p->data, q->data); } int hx509_cert_get_issuer(hx509_cert p, hx509_name *name) { return _hx509_name_from_Name(&p->data->tbsCertificate.issuer, name); } int hx509_cert_get_subject(hx509_cert p, hx509_name *name) { return _hx509_name_from_Name(&p->data->tbsCertificate.subject, name); } int hx509_cert_get_base_subject(hx509_context context, hx509_cert c, hx509_name *name) { if (c->basename) return hx509_name_copy(context, c->basename, name); if (is_proxy_cert(context, c->data, NULL) == 0) { int ret = HX509_PROXY_CERTIFICATE_NOT_CANONICALIZED; hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Proxy certificate have not been " "canonicalize yet, no base name"); return ret; } return _hx509_name_from_Name(&c->data->tbsCertificate.subject, name); } int hx509_cert_get_serialnumber(hx509_cert p, heim_integer *i) { return der_copy_heim_integer(&p->data->tbsCertificate.serialNumber, i); } hx509_private_key _hx509_cert_private_key(hx509_cert p) { return p->private_key; } int _hx509_cert_private_key_exportable(hx509_cert p) { if (p->private_key == NULL) return 0; return _hx509_private_key_exportable(p->private_key); } int _hx509_cert_private_decrypt(hx509_context context, const heim_octet_string *ciphertext, const heim_oid *encryption_oid, hx509_cert p, heim_octet_string *cleartext) { cleartext->data = NULL; cleartext->length = 0; if (p->private_key == NULL) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, HX509_PRIVATE_KEY_MISSING, "Private key missing"); return HX509_PRIVATE_KEY_MISSING; } return _hx509_private_key_private_decrypt(context, ciphertext, encryption_oid, p->private_key, cleartext); } int _hx509_cert_public_encrypt(hx509_context context, const heim_octet_string *cleartext, const hx509_cert p, heim_oid *encryption_oid, heim_octet_string *ciphertext) { return _hx509_public_encrypt(context, cleartext, p->data, encryption_oid, ciphertext); } /* * */ time_t _hx509_Time2time_t(const Time *t) { switch(t->element) { case choice_Time_utcTime: return t->u.utcTime; case choice_Time_generalTime: return t->u.generalTime; } return 0; } /* * */ static int init_name_constraints(hx509_name_constraints *nc) { memset(nc, 0, sizeof(*nc)); return 0; } static int add_name_constraints(hx509_context context, const Certificate *c, int not_ca, hx509_name_constraints *nc) { NameConstraints tnc; int ret; ret = find_extension_name_constraints(c, &tnc); if (ret == HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND) return 0; else if (ret) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Failed getting NameConstraints"); return ret; } else if (not_ca) { ret = HX509_VERIFY_CONSTRAINTS; hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Not a CA and " "have NameConstraints"); } else { NameConstraints *val; val = realloc(nc->val, sizeof(nc->val[0]) * (nc->len + 1)); if (val == NULL) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } nc->val = val; ret = copy_NameConstraints(&tnc, &nc->val[nc->len]); if (ret) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); goto out; } nc->len += 1; } out: free_NameConstraints(&tnc); return ret; } static int match_RDN(const RelativeDistinguishedName *c, const RelativeDistinguishedName *n) { int i; if (c->len != n->len) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < n->len; i++) { if (der_heim_oid_cmp(&c->val[i].type, &n->val[i].type) != 0) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; if (_hx509_name_ds_cmp(&c->val[i].value, &n->val[i].value) != 0) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; } return 0; } static int match_X501Name(const Name *c, const Name *n) { int i, ret; if (c->element != choice_Name_rdnSequence || n->element != choice_Name_rdnSequence) return 0; if (c->u.rdnSequence.len > n->u.rdnSequence.len) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < c->u.rdnSequence.len; i++) { ret = match_RDN(&c->u.rdnSequence.val[i], &n->u.rdnSequence.val[i]); if (ret) return ret; } return 0; } static int match_general_name(const GeneralName *c, const GeneralName *n, int *match) { /* * Name constraints only apply to the same name type, see RFC3280, * */ assert(c->element == n->element); switch(c->element) { case choice_GeneralName_otherName: if (der_heim_oid_cmp(&c->u.otherName.type_id, &n->u.otherName.type_id) != 0) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; if (heim_any_cmp(&c->u.otherName.value, &n->u.otherName.value) != 0) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; *match = 1; return 0; case choice_GeneralName_rfc822Name: { const char *s; size_t len1, len2; s = strchr(c->u.rfc822Name, '@'); if (s) { if (strcasecmp(c->u.rfc822Name, n->u.rfc822Name) != 0) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; } else { s = strchr(n->u.rfc822Name, '@'); if (s == NULL) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; len1 = strlen(c->u.rfc822Name); len2 = strlen(s + 1); if (len1 > len2) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; if (strcasecmp(s + 1 + len2 - len1, c->u.rfc822Name) != 0) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; if (len1 < len2 && s[len2 - len1] != '.') return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; } *match = 1; return 0; } case choice_GeneralName_dNSName: { size_t len1, len2; len1 = strlen(c->u.dNSName); len2 = strlen(n->u.dNSName); if (len1 > len2) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; if (strcasecmp(&n->u.dNSName[len2 - len1], c->u.dNSName) != 0) return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; *match = 1; return 0; } case choice_GeneralName_directoryName: { Name c_name, n_name; int ret; c_name._save.data = NULL; c_name._save.length = 0; c_name.element = c->u.directoryName.element; c_name.u.rdnSequence = c->u.directoryName.u.rdnSequence; n_name._save.data = NULL; n_name._save.length = 0; n_name.element = n->u.directoryName.element; n_name.u.rdnSequence = n->u.directoryName.u.rdnSequence; ret = match_X501Name(&c_name, &n_name); if (ret == 0) *match = 1; return ret; } case choice_GeneralName_uniformResourceIdentifier: case choice_GeneralName_iPAddress: case choice_GeneralName_registeredID: default: return HX509_NAME_CONSTRAINT_ERROR; } } static int match_alt_name(const GeneralName *n, const Certificate *c, int *same, int *match) { GeneralNames sa; int ret, i, j; i = 0; do { ret = find_extension_subject_alt_name(c, &i, &sa); if (ret == HX509_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND) { ret = 0; break; } else if (ret != 0) break; for (j = 0; j < sa.len; j++) { if (n->element == sa.val[j].element) { *same = 1; ret = match_general_name(n, &sa.val[j], match); } } free_GeneralNames(&sa); } while (1); return ret; } static int match_tree(const GeneralSubtrees *t, const Certificate *c, int *match) { int name, alt_name, same; unsigned int i; int ret = 0; name = alt_name = same = *match = 0; for (i = 0; i < t->len; i++) { if (t->val[i].minimum && t->val[i].maximum) return HX509_RANGE; /* * If the constraint apply to directoryNames, test is with * subjectName of the certificate if the certificate have a * non-null (empty) subjectName. */ if (t->val[i].base.element == choice_GeneralName_directoryName && !subject_null_p(c)) { GeneralName certname; certname.element = choice_GeneralName_directoryName; certname.u.directoryName.element = c->tbsCertificate.subject.element; certname.u.directoryName.u.rdnSequence = c->tbsCertificate.subject.u.rdnSequence; ret = match_general_name(&t->val[i].base, &certname, &name); } /* Handle subjectAltNames, this is icky since they * restrictions only apply if the subjectAltName is of the * same type. So if there have been a match of type, require * altname to be set. */ ret = match_alt_name(&t->val[i].base, c, &same, &alt_name); } if (name && (!same || alt_name)) *match = 1; return ret; } static int check_name_constraints(hx509_context context, const hx509_name_constraints *nc, const Certificate *c) { int match, ret; int i; for (i = 0 ; i < nc->len; i++) { GeneralSubtrees gs; if (nc->val[i].permittedSubtrees) { GeneralSubtrees_SET(&gs, nc->val[i].permittedSubtrees); ret = match_tree(&gs, c, &match); if (ret) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); return ret; } /* allow null subjectNames, they wont matches anything */ if (match == 0 && !subject_null_p(c)) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); return HX509_VERIFY_CONSTRAINTS; } } if (nc->val[i].excludedSubtrees) { GeneralSubtrees_SET(&gs, nc->val[i].excludedSubtrees); ret = match_tree(&gs, c, &match); if (ret) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); return ret; } if (match) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); return HX509_VERIFY_CONSTRAINTS; } } } return 0; } static void free_name_constraints(hx509_name_constraints *nc) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < nc->len; i++) free_NameConstraints(&nc->val[i]); free(nc->val); } int hx509_verify_path(hx509_context context, hx509_verify_ctx ctx, hx509_cert cert, hx509_certs pool) { hx509_name_constraints nc; hx509_path path; #if 0 const AlgorithmIdentifier *alg_id; #endif int ret, i, proxy_cert_depth; enum certtype type; Name proxy_issuer; memset(&proxy_issuer, 0, sizeof(proxy_issuer)); ret = init_name_constraints(&nc); if (ret) return ret; path.val = NULL; path.len = 0; if ((ctx->flags & HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_TIME_SET) == 0) ctx->time_now = time(NULL); /* * Calculate the path from the certificate user presented to the * to an anchor. */ ret = _hx509_calculate_path(context, 0, ctx->time_now, ctx->trust_anchors, ctx->max_depth, cert, pool, &path); if (ret) goto out; #if 0 alg_id = path.val[path->len - 1]->data->tbsCertificate.signature; #endif /* * Check CA and proxy certificate chain from the top of the * certificate chain. Also check certificate is valid with respect * to the current time. * */ proxy_cert_depth = 0; if (ctx->flags & HX509_VERIFY_CTX_F_ALLOW_PROXY_CERTIFICATE) type = PROXY_CERT; else type = EE_CERT; for (i = 0; i < path.len; i++) { Certificate *c; time_t t; c = _hx509_get_cert(path.val[i]); /* * Lets do some basic check on issuer like * keyUsage.keyCertSign and basicConstraints.cA bit depending * on what type of certificate this is. */ switch (type) { case CA_CERT: /* XXX make constants for keyusage */ ret = check_key_usage(context, c, 1 << 5, REQUIRE_RFC3280(ctx) ? TRUE : FALSE); if (ret) { hx509_set_error_string(context, HX509_ERROR_APPEND, ret, "Key usage missing from CA certificate"); goto out; } break; case PROXY_CERT: { ProxyCertInfo info; if (is_proxy_cert(context, c, &info) == 0) { int j; if (info.pCPathLenConstraint != NULL && *info.pCPathLenConstraint < i) { free_ProxyCertInfo(&info); ret = HX509_PATH_TOO_LONG; hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Proxy certificate chain " "longer then allowed"); goto out; } /* XXX MUST check info.proxyPolicy */ free_ProxyCertInfo(&info); j = 0; if (find_extension(c, oid_id_x509_ce_subjectAltName(), &j)) { ret = HX509_PROXY_CERT_INVALID; hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Proxy certificate have explicity " "forbidden subjectAltName"); goto out; } j = 0; if (find_extension(c, oid_id_x509_ce_issuerAltName(), &j)) { ret = HX509_PROXY_CERT_INVALID; hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Proxy certificate have explicity " "forbidden issuerAltName"); goto out; } /* * The subject name of the proxy certificate should be * CN=XXX,<proxy issuer>, prune of CN and check if its * the same over the whole chain of proxy certs and * then check with the EE cert when we get to it. */ if (proxy_cert_depth) { ret = _hx509_name_cmp(&proxy_issuer, &c->tbsCertificate.subject); if (ret) { ret = HX509_PROXY_CERT_NAME_WRONG; hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Base proxy name not right"); goto out; } } free_Name(&proxy_issuer); ret = copy_Name(&c->tbsCertificate.subject, &proxy_issuer); if (ret) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); goto out; } j = proxy_issuer.u.rdnSequence.len; if (proxy_issuer.u.rdnSequence.len < 2 || proxy_issuer.u.rdnSequence.val[j - 1].len > 1 || der_heim_oid_cmp(&proxy_issuer.u.rdnSequence.val[j - 1].val[0].type, oid_id_at_commonName())) { ret = HX509_PROXY_CERT_NAME_WRONG; hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Proxy name too short or " "does not have Common name " "at the top"); goto out; } free_RelativeDistinguishedName(&proxy_issuer.u.rdnSequence.val[j - 1]); proxy_issuer.u.rdnSequence.len -= 1; ret = _hx509_name_cmp(&proxy_issuer, &c->tbsCertificate.issuer); if (ret != 0) { ret = HX509_PROXY_CERT_NAME_WRONG; hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ret, "Proxy issuer name not as expected"); goto out; } break; } else { /* * Now we are done with the proxy certificates, this * cert was an EE cert and we we will fall though to * EE checking below. */ type = EE_CERT; /* FALLTHOUGH */ } } case EE_CERT: /* * If there where any proxy certificates in the chain * (proxy_cert_depth > 0), check that the proxy issuer * matched proxy certificates "base" subject. */ if (proxy_cert_depth) { ret = _hx509_name_cmp(&proxy_issuer, &c->tbsCertificate.subject); if (ret) { ret = HX509_PROXY_CERT_NAME_WRONG; hx509_clear_error_string(context); goto out; } if (cert->basename) hx509_name_free(&cert->basename); ret = _hx509_name_from_Name(&proxy_issuer, &cert->basename); if (ret) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); goto out; } } break; } ret = check_basic_constraints(context, c, type, i - proxy_cert_depth); if (ret) goto out; /* * Don't check the trust anchors expiration time since they * are transported out of band, from RFC3820. */ if (i + 1 != path.len || CHECK_TA(ctx)) { t = _hx509_Time2time_t(&c->tbsCertificate.validity.notBefore); if (t > ctx->time_now) { ret = HX509_CERT_USED_BEFORE_TIME; hx509_clear_error_string(context); goto out; } t = _hx509_Time2time_t(&c->tbsCertificate.validity.notAfter); if (t < ctx->time_now) { ret = HX509_CERT_USED_AFTER_TIME; hx509_clear_error_string(context); goto out; } } if (type == EE_CERT) type = CA_CERT; else if (type == PROXY_CERT) proxy_cert_depth++; } /* * Verify constraints, do this backward so path constraints are * checked in the right order. */ for (ret = 0, i = path.len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Certificate *c; c = _hx509_get_cert(path.val[i]); #if 0 /* check that algorithm and parameters is the same */ /* XXX this is wrong */ ret = alg_cmp(&c->tbsCertificate.signature, alg_id); if (ret) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); ret = HX509_PATH_ALGORITHM_CHANGED; goto out; } #endif /* verify name constraints, not for selfsigned and anchor */ if (!certificate_is_self_signed(c) || i == path.len - 1) { ret = check_name_constraints(context, &nc, c); if (ret) { goto out; } } ret = add_name_constraints(context, c, i == 0, &nc); if (ret) goto out; /* XXX verify all other silly constraints */ } /* * Verify that no certificates has been revoked. */ if (ctx->revoke_ctx) { hx509_certs certs; ret = hx509_certs_init(context, "MEMORY:revoke-certs", 0, NULL, &certs); if (ret) goto out; for (i = 0; i < path.len; i++) { ret = hx509_certs_add(context, certs, path.val[i]); if (ret) { hx509_certs_free(&certs); goto out; } } ret = hx509_certs_merge(context, certs, pool); if (ret) { hx509_certs_free(&certs); goto out; } for (i = 0; i < path.len - 1; i++) { int parent = (i < path.len - 1) ? i + 1 : i; ret = hx509_revoke_verify(context, ctx->revoke_ctx, certs, ctx->time_now, path.val[i], path.val[parent]); if (ret) { hx509_certs_free(&certs); goto out; } } hx509_certs_free(&certs); } #if 0 for (i = path.len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _hx509_print_cert_subject(path.val[i]); } #endif /* * Verify signatures, do this backward so public key working * parameter is passed up from the anchor up though the chain. */ for (i = path.len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Certificate *signer, *c; c = _hx509_get_cert(path.val[i]); /* is last in chain (trust anchor) */ if (i == path.len - 1) { signer = path.val[i]->data; /* if trust anchor is not self signed, don't check sig */ if (!certificate_is_self_signed(signer)) continue; } else { /* take next certificate in chain */ signer = path.val[i + 1]->data; } /* verify signatureValue */ ret = _hx509_verify_signature_bitstring(context, signer, &c->signatureAlgorithm, &c->tbsCertificate._save, &c->signatureValue); if (ret) { hx509_set_error_string(context, HX509_ERROR_APPEND, ret, "Failed to verify signature of certificate"); goto out; } } out: free_Name(&proxy_issuer); free_name_constraints(&nc); _hx509_path_free(&path); return ret; } int hx509_verify_signature(hx509_context context, const hx509_cert signer, const AlgorithmIdentifier *alg, const heim_octet_string *data, const heim_octet_string *sig) { return _hx509_verify_signature(context, signer->data, alg, data, sig); } int hx509_verify_hostname(hx509_context context, const hx509_cert cert, int require_match, const char *hostname, const struct sockaddr *sa, /* XXX krb5_socklen_t */ int sa_size) { if (sa && sa_size <= 0) return EINVAL; return 0; } int _hx509_set_cert_attribute(hx509_context context, hx509_cert cert, const heim_oid *oid, const heim_octet_string *attr) { hx509_cert_attribute a; void *d; if (hx509_cert_get_attribute(cert, oid) != NULL) return 0; d = realloc(cert->attrs.val, sizeof(cert->attrs.val[0]) * (cert->attrs.len + 1)); if (d == NULL) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); return ENOMEM; } cert->attrs.val = d; a = malloc(sizeof(*a)); if (a == NULL) return ENOMEM; der_copy_octet_string(attr, &a->data); der_copy_oid(oid, &a->oid); cert->attrs.val[cert->attrs.len] = a; cert->attrs.len++; return 0; } hx509_cert_attribute hx509_cert_get_attribute(hx509_cert cert, const heim_oid *oid) { int i; for (i = 0; i < cert->attrs.len; i++) if (der_heim_oid_cmp(oid, &cert->attrs.val[i]->oid) == 0) return cert->attrs.val[i]; return NULL; } int hx509_cert_set_friendly_name(hx509_cert cert, const char *name) { if (cert->friendlyname) free(cert->friendlyname); cert->friendlyname = strdup(name); if (cert->friendlyname == NULL) return ENOMEM; return 0; } const char * hx509_cert_get_friendly_name(hx509_cert cert) { hx509_cert_attribute a; PKCS9_friendlyName n; size_t sz; int ret, i; if (cert->friendlyname) return cert->friendlyname; a = hx509_cert_get_attribute(cert, oid_id_pkcs_9_at_friendlyName()); if (a == NULL) { /* XXX use subject name ? */ return NULL; } ret = decode_PKCS9_friendlyName(a->data.data, a->data.length, &n, &sz); if (ret) return NULL; if (n.len != 1) { free_PKCS9_friendlyName(&n); return NULL; } cert->friendlyname = malloc(n.val[0].length + 1); if (cert->friendlyname == NULL) { free_PKCS9_friendlyName(&n); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < n.val[0].length; i++) { if (n.val[0].data[i] <= 0xff) cert->friendlyname[i] = n.val[0].data[i] & 0xff; else cert->friendlyname[i] = 'X'; } cert->friendlyname[i] = '\0'; free_PKCS9_friendlyName(&n); return cert->friendlyname; } void _hx509_query_clear(hx509_query *q) { memset(q, 0, sizeof(*q)); } int hx509_query_alloc(hx509_context context, hx509_query **q) { *q = calloc(1, sizeof(**q)); if (*q == NULL) return ENOMEM; return 0; } void hx509_query_match_option(hx509_query *q, hx509_query_option option) { switch(option) { case HX509_QUERY_OPTION_PRIVATE_KEY: q->match |= HX509_QUERY_PRIVATE_KEY; break; case HX509_QUERY_OPTION_KU_ENCIPHERMENT: q->match |= HX509_QUERY_KU_ENCIPHERMENT; break; case HX509_QUERY_OPTION_KU_DIGITALSIGNATURE: q->match |= HX509_QUERY_KU_DIGITALSIGNATURE; break; case HX509_QUERY_OPTION_KU_KEYCERTSIGN: q->match |= HX509_QUERY_KU_KEYCERTSIGN; break; case HX509_QUERY_OPTION_END: default: break; } } int hx509_query_match_issuer_serial(hx509_query *q, const Name *issuer, const heim_integer *serialNumber) { int ret; if (q->serial) { der_free_heim_integer(q->serial); free(q->serial); } q->serial = malloc(sizeof(*q->serial)); if (q->serial == NULL) return ENOMEM; ret = der_copy_heim_integer(serialNumber, q->serial); if (ret) { free(q->serial); q->serial = NULL; return ret; } if (q->issuer_name) { free_Name(q->issuer_name); free(q->issuer_name); } q->issuer_name = malloc(sizeof(*q->issuer_name)); if (q->issuer_name == NULL) return ENOMEM; ret = copy_Name(issuer, q->issuer_name); if (ret) { free(q->issuer_name); q->issuer_name = NULL; return ret; } q->match |= HX509_QUERY_MATCH_SERIALNUMBER|HX509_QUERY_MATCH_ISSUER_NAME; return 0; } int hx509_query_match_friendly_name(hx509_query *q, const char *name) { if (q->friendlyname) free(q->friendlyname); q->friendlyname = strdup(name); if (q->friendlyname == NULL) return ENOMEM; q->match |= HX509_QUERY_MATCH_FRIENDLY_NAME; return 0; } int hx509_query_match_cmp_func(hx509_query *q, int (*func)(void *, hx509_cert), void *ctx) { if (func) q->match |= HX509_QUERY_MATCH_FUNCTION; else q->match &= ~HX509_QUERY_MATCH_FUNCTION; q->cmp_func = func; q->cmp_func_ctx = ctx; return 0; } void hx509_query_free(hx509_context context, hx509_query *q) { if (q->serial) { der_free_heim_integer(q->serial); free(q->serial); q->serial = NULL; } if (q->issuer_name) { free_Name(q->issuer_name); free(q->issuer_name); q->issuer_name = NULL; } if (q) { free(q->friendlyname); memset(q, 0, sizeof(*q)); } free(q); } int _hx509_query_match_cert(hx509_context context, const hx509_query *q, hx509_cert cert) { Certificate *c = _hx509_get_cert(cert); if ((q->match & HX509_QUERY_FIND_ISSUER_CERT) && _hx509_cert_is_parent_cmp(q->subject, c, 0) != 0) return 0; if ((q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_CERTIFICATE) && _hx509_Certificate_cmp(q->certificate, c) != 0) return 0; if ((q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_SERIALNUMBER) && der_heim_integer_cmp(&c->tbsCertificate.serialNumber, q->serial) != 0) return 0; if ((q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_ISSUER_NAME) && _hx509_name_cmp(&c->tbsCertificate.issuer, q->issuer_name) != 0) return 0; if ((q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_SUBJECT_NAME) && _hx509_name_cmp(&c->tbsCertificate.subject, q->subject_name) != 0) return 0; if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_SUBJECT_KEY_ID) { SubjectKeyIdentifier si; int ret; ret = _hx509_find_extension_subject_key_id(c, &si); if (ret == 0) { if (der_heim_octet_string_cmp(&si, q->subject_id) != 0) ret = 1; free_SubjectKeyIdentifier(&si); } if (ret) return 0; } if ((q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_ISSUER_ID)) return 0; if ((q->match & HX509_QUERY_PRIVATE_KEY) && _hx509_cert_private_key(cert) == NULL) return 0; { unsigned ku = 0; if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_KU_DIGITALSIGNATURE) ku |= (1 << 0); if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_KU_NONREPUDIATION) ku |= (1 << 1); if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_KU_ENCIPHERMENT) ku |= (1 << 2); if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_KU_DATAENCIPHERMENT) ku |= (1 << 3); if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_KU_KEYAGREEMENT) ku |= (1 << 4); if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_KU_KEYCERTSIGN) ku |= (1 << 5); if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_KU_CRLSIGN) ku |= (1 << 6); if (ku && check_key_usage(context, c, ku, TRUE)) return 0; } if ((q->match & HX509_QUERY_ANCHOR)) return 0; if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_LOCAL_KEY_ID) { hx509_cert_attribute a; a = hx509_cert_get_attribute(cert, oid_id_pkcs_9_at_localKeyId()); if (a == NULL) return 0; if (der_heim_octet_string_cmp(&a->data, q->local_key_id) != 0) return 0; } if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_NO_MATCH_PATH) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < q->path->len; i++) if (hx509_cert_cmp(q->path->val[i], cert) == 0) return 0; } if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_FRIENDLY_NAME) { const char *name = hx509_cert_get_friendly_name(cert); if (name == NULL) return 0; if (strcasecmp(q->friendlyname, name) != 0) return 0; } if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_FUNCTION) { int ret = (*q->cmp_func)(q->cmp_func_ctx, cert); if (ret != 0) return 0; } if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_KEY_HASH_SHA1) { heim_octet_string os; int ret; os.data = c->tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey.data; os.length = c->tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey.length / 8; ret = _hx509_verify_signature(context, NULL, hx509_signature_sha1(), &os, q->keyhash_sha1); if (ret != 0) return 0; } if (q->match & HX509_QUERY_MATCH_TIME) { time_t t; t = _hx509_Time2time_t(&c->tbsCertificate.validity.notBefore); if (t > q->timenow) return 0; t = _hx509_Time2time_t(&c->tbsCertificate.validity.notAfter); if (t < q->timenow) return 0; } if (q->match & ~HX509_QUERY_MASK) return 0; return 1; } int hx509_cert_check_eku(hx509_context context, hx509_cert cert, const heim_oid *eku, int allow_any_eku) { ExtKeyUsage e; int ret, i; ret = find_extension_eku(_hx509_get_cert(cert), &e); if (ret) { hx509_clear_error_string(context); return ret; } for (i = 0; i < e.len; i++) { if (der_heim_oid_cmp(eku, &e.val[i]) == 0) { free_ExtKeyUsage(&e); return 0; } if (allow_any_eku) { #if 0 if (der_heim_oid_cmp(id_any_eku, &e.val[i]) == 0) { free_ExtKeyUsage(&e); return 0; } #endif } } free_ExtKeyUsage(&e); hx509_clear_error_string(context); return HX509_CERTIFICATE_MISSING_EKU; } int _hx509_cert_get_keyusage(hx509_context context, hx509_cert c, KeyUsage *ku) { Certificate *cert; const Extension *e; size_t size; int ret, i = 0; memset(ku, 0, sizeof(*ku)); cert = _hx509_get_cert(c); if (_hx509_cert_get_version(cert) < 3) return 0; e = find_extension(cert, oid_id_x509_ce_keyUsage(), &i); if (e == NULL) return HX509_KU_CERT_MISSING; ret = decode_KeyUsage(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, ku, &size); if (ret) return ret; return 0; }