/* * Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 Kungliga Tekniska H�gskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "hx_locl.h" RCSID("$Id: print.c,v 1.15 2006/12/07 20:37:57 lha Exp $"); struct hx509_validate_ctx_data { int flags; hx509_vprint_func vprint_func; void *ctx; }; /* * */ static int Time2string(const Time *T, char **str) { time_t t; char *s; struct tm *tm; *str = NULL; t = _hx509_Time2time_t(T); tm = gmtime (&t); s = malloc(30); if (s == NULL) return ENOMEM; strftime(s, 30, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm); *str = s; return 0; } void hx509_print_stdout(void *ctx, const char *fmt, va_list va) { FILE *f = ctx; vfprintf(f, fmt, va); } void hx509_print_func(hx509_vprint_func func, void *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); (*func)(ctx, fmt, va); va_end(va); } int hx509_oid_sprint(const heim_oid *oid, char **str) { return der_print_heim_oid(oid, '.', str); } void hx509_oid_print(const heim_oid *oid, hx509_vprint_func func, void *ctx) { char *str; hx509_oid_sprint(oid, &str); hx509_print_func(func, ctx, "%s", str); free(str); } void hx509_bitstring_print(const heim_bit_string *b, hx509_vprint_func func, void *ctx) { int i; hx509_print_func(func, ctx, "\tlength: %d\n\t", b->length); for (i = 0; i < (b->length + 7) / 8; i++) hx509_print_func(func, ctx, "%02x%s%s", ((unsigned char *)b->data)[i], i < (b->length - 7) / 8 && (i == 0 || (i % 16) != 15) ? ":" : "", i != 0 && (i % 16) == 15 ? (i <= ((b->length + 7) / 8 - 2) ? "\n\t" : "\n"):""); } int hx509_cert_keyusage_print(hx509_context context, hx509_cert c, char **s) { KeyUsage ku; char buf[256]; int ret; *s = NULL; ret = _hx509_cert_get_keyusage(context, c, &ku); if (ret) return ret; unparse_flags(KeyUsage2int(ku), asn1_KeyUsage_units(), buf, sizeof(buf)); *s = strdup(buf); if (*s == NULL) { hx509_set_error_string(context, 0, ENOMEM, "out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } return 0; } /* * */ static void validate_vprint(void *c, const char *fmt, va_list va) { hx509_validate_ctx ctx = c; if (ctx->vprint_func == NULL) return; (ctx->vprint_func)(ctx->ctx, fmt, va); } static void validate_print(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, int flags, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; if ((ctx->flags & flags) == 0) return; va_start(va, fmt); validate_vprint(ctx, fmt, va); va_end(va); } enum critical_flag { D_C = 0, S_C, S_N_C, M_C, M_N_C }; static int check_Null(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, enum critical_flag cf, const Extension *e) { switch(cf) { case D_C: break; case S_C: if (!e->critical) validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VALIDATE, "\tCritical not set on SHOULD\n"); break; case S_N_C: if (e->critical) validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VALIDATE, "\tCritical set on SHOULD NOT\n"); break; case M_C: if (!e->critical) validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VALIDATE, "\tCritical not set on MUST\n"); break; case M_N_C: if (e->critical) validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VALIDATE, "\tCritical set on MUST NOT\n"); break; default: _hx509_abort("internal check_Null state error"); } return 0; } static int check_subjectKeyIdentifier(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, enum critical_flag cf, const Extension *e) { check_Null(ctx, cf, e); return 0; } static int check_pkinit_san(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, heim_any *a) { KRB5PrincipalName kn; unsigned i; size_t size; int ret; ret = decode_KRB5PrincipalName(a->data, a->length, &kn, &size); if (ret) { printf("Decoding kerberos name in SAN failed: %d", ret); return 1; } if (size != a->length) { printf("Decoding kerberos name have extra bits on the end"); return 1; } /* print kerberos principal, add code to quote / within components */ for (i = 0; i < kn.principalName.name_string.len; i++) { validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "%s", kn.principalName.name_string.val[i]); if (i + 1 < kn.principalName.name_string.len) validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "/"); } validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "@"); validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "%s", kn.realm); free_KRB5PrincipalName(&kn); return 0; } static int check_dnssrv_san(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, heim_any *a) { return 0; } struct { const char *name; const heim_oid *(*oid)(void); int (*func)(hx509_validate_ctx, heim_any *); } check_altname[] = { { "pk-init", oid_id_pkinit_san, check_pkinit_san }, { "dns-srv", oid_id_pkix_on_dnsSRV, check_dnssrv_san } }; static int check_altName(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, const char *name, enum critical_flag cf, const Extension *e) { GeneralNames gn; size_t size; int ret, i; check_Null(ctx, cf, e); if (e->extnValue.length == 0) { printf("%sAltName empty, not allowed", name); return 1; } ret = decode_GeneralNames(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, &gn, &size); if (ret) { printf("\tret = %d while decoding %s GeneralNames\n", ret, name); return 1; } if (gn.len == 0) { printf("%sAltName generalName empty, not allowed", name); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < gn.len; i++) { switch (gn.val[i].element) { case choice_GeneralName_otherName: { unsigned j; validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "%sAltName otherName ", name); for (j = 0; j < sizeof(check_altname)/sizeof(check_altname[0]); j++) { if (der_heim_oid_cmp((*check_altname[j].oid)(), &gn.val[i].u.otherName.type_id) != 0) continue; validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "%s: ", check_altname[j].name); (*check_altname[j].func)(ctx, &gn.val[i].u.otherName.value); break; } if (j == sizeof(check_altname)/sizeof(check_altname[0])) { hx509_oid_print(&gn.val[i].u.otherName.type_id, validate_vprint, ctx); validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, " unknown"); } validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "\n"); break; } case choice_GeneralName_rfc822Name: validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "rfc822Name: %s\n", gn.val[i].u.rfc822Name); break; case choice_GeneralName_dNSName: validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "dNSName: %s\n", gn.val[i].u.dNSName); break; case choice_GeneralName_directoryName: { Name dir; char *s; dir.element = gn.val[i].u.directoryName.element; dir.u.rdnSequence = gn.val[i].u.directoryName.u.rdnSequence; ret = _hx509_unparse_Name(&dir, &s); if (ret) { printf("unable to parse %sAltName directoryName\n", name); return 1; } validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "directoryName: %s\n", s); free(s); break; } case choice_GeneralName_uniformResourceIdentifier: validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "uri: %s\n", gn.val[i].u.uniformResourceIdentifier); break; case choice_GeneralName_iPAddress: validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "ip address\n"); break; case choice_GeneralName_registeredID: validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "registered id: "); hx509_oid_print(&gn.val[i].u.registeredID, validate_vprint, ctx); validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "\n"); break; } } free_GeneralNames(&gn); return 0; } static int check_subjectAltName(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, enum critical_flag cf, const Extension *e) { return check_altName(ctx, "subject", cf, e); } static int check_issuerAltName(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, enum critical_flag cf, const Extension *e) { return check_altName(ctx, "issuer", cf, e); } static int check_basicConstraints(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, enum critical_flag cf, const Extension *e) { BasicConstraints b; size_t size; int ret; check_Null(ctx, cf, e); ret = decode_BasicConstraints(e->extnValue.data, e->extnValue.length, &b, &size); if (ret) { printf("\tret = %d while decoding BasicConstraints\n", ret); return 0; } if (size != e->extnValue.length) printf("\tlength of der data isn't same as extension\n"); validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "\tis %sa CA\n", b.cA && *b.cA ? "" : "NOT "); if (b.pathLenConstraint) validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "\tpathLenConstraint: %d\n", *b.pathLenConstraint); return 0; } struct { const char *name; const heim_oid *(*oid)(void); int (*func)(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, enum critical_flag cf, const Extension *); enum critical_flag cf; } check_extension[] = { #define ext(name, checkname) #name, &oid_id_x509_ce_##name, check_##checkname { ext(subjectDirectoryAttributes, Null), M_N_C }, { ext(subjectKeyIdentifier, subjectKeyIdentifier), M_N_C }, { ext(keyUsage, Null), S_C }, { ext(subjectAltName, subjectAltName), M_N_C }, { ext(issuerAltName, issuerAltName), S_N_C }, { ext(basicConstraints, basicConstraints), M_C }, { ext(cRLNumber, Null), M_N_C }, { ext(cRLReason, Null), M_N_C }, { ext(holdInstructionCode, Null), M_N_C }, { ext(invalidityDate, Null), M_N_C }, { ext(deltaCRLIndicator, Null), M_C }, { ext(issuingDistributionPoint, Null), M_C }, { ext(certificateIssuer, Null), M_C }, { ext(nameConstraints, Null), M_C }, { ext(cRLDistributionPoints, Null), S_N_C }, { ext(certificatePolicies, Null) }, { ext(policyMappings, Null), M_N_C }, { ext(authorityKeyIdentifier, Null), M_N_C }, { ext(policyConstraints, Null), D_C }, { ext(extKeyUsage, Null), D_C }, { ext(freshestCRL, Null), M_N_C }, { ext(inhibitAnyPolicy, Null), M_C }, { NULL } }; int hx509_validate_ctx_init(hx509_context context, hx509_validate_ctx *ctx) { *ctx = malloc(sizeof(**ctx)); if (*ctx == NULL) return ENOMEM; memset(*ctx, 0, sizeof(**ctx)); return 0; } void hx509_validate_ctx_set_print(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, hx509_vprint_func func, void *c) { ctx->vprint_func = func; ctx->ctx = c; } void hx509_validate_ctx_add_flags(hx509_validate_ctx ctx, int flags) { ctx->flags |= flags; } void hx509_validate_ctx_free(hx509_validate_ctx ctx) { free(ctx); } int hx509_validate_cert(hx509_context context, hx509_validate_ctx ctx, hx509_cert cert) { Certificate *c = _hx509_get_cert(cert); TBSCertificate *t = &c->tbsCertificate; hx509_name name; char *str; if (_hx509_cert_get_version(c) != 3) validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "Not version 3 certificate\n"); if (t->version && *t->version < 2 && t->extensions) validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VALIDATE, "Not version 3 certificate with extensions\n"); _hx509_name_from_Name(&t->subject, &name); hx509_name_to_string(name, &str); hx509_name_free(&name); validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "subject name: %s\n", str); free(str); _hx509_name_from_Name(&t->issuer, &name); hx509_name_to_string(name, &str); hx509_name_free(&name); validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "issuer name: %s\n", str); free(str); validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "Validity:\n"); Time2string(&t->validity.notBefore, &str); validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "\tnotBefore %s\n", str); free(str); Time2string(&t->validity.notAfter, &str); validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "\tnotAfter %s\n", str); free(str); if (t->extensions) { int i, j; if (t->extensions->len == 0) { validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VALIDATE|HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "The empty extensions list is not " "allowed by PKIX\n"); } for (i = 0; i < t->extensions->len; i++) { for (j = 0; check_extension[j].name; j++) if (der_heim_oid_cmp((*check_extension[j].oid)(), &t->extensions->val[i].extnID) == 0) break; if (check_extension[j].name == NULL) { int flags = HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE; if (t->extensions->val[i].critical) flags |= HX509_VALIDATE_F_VALIDATE; validate_print(ctx, flags, "don't know what "); if (t->extensions->val[i].critical) validate_print(ctx, flags, "and is CRITICAL "); if (ctx->flags & flags) hx509_oid_print(&t->extensions->val[i].extnID, validate_vprint, ctx); validate_print(ctx, flags, " is\n"); continue; } validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VALIDATE|HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "checking extention: %s\n", check_extension[j].name); (*check_extension[j].func)(ctx, check_extension[j].cf, &t->extensions->val[i]); } } else validate_print(ctx, HX509_VALIDATE_F_VERBOSE, "no extentions\n"); return 0; }