/* * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2005 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "krb5_locl.h" RCSID("$Id: pkinit.c,v 1.77 2006/02/14 10:08:29 lha Exp $"); struct krb5_dh_moduli { char *name; unsigned long bits; heim_integer p; heim_integer g; heim_integer q; }; #ifdef PKINIT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_DIRENT_H #include #endif #include "heim_asn1.h" #include "rfc2459_asn1.h" #include "cms_asn1.h" #include "pkinit_asn1.h" enum { COMPAT_WIN2K = 1, COMPAT_IETF = 2 }; #define OPENSSL_ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(T, B, BL, S, R) \ { \ unsigned char *p; \ (BL) = i2d_##T((S), NULL); \ if ((BL) <= 0) { \ (R) = EINVAL; \ } else { \ (B) = malloc((BL)); \ if ((B) == NULL) { \ (R) = ENOMEM; \ } else { \ p = (B); \ (R) = 0; \ (BL) = i2d_##T((S), &p); \ if ((BL) <= 0) { \ free((B)); \ (R) = ASN1_OVERRUN; \ } \ } \ } \ } /* ENGING_load_private_key requires a UI_METHOD and data * if to be usable from PAM */ struct krb5_ui_data { krb5_context context; krb5_prompter_fct prompter; void * prompter_data; }; struct krb5_pk_identity { EVP_PKEY *private_key; STACK_OF(X509) *cert; STACK_OF(X509) *trusted_certs; STACK_OF(X509_CRL) *crls; ENGINE *engine; }; struct krb5_pk_cert { X509 *cert; }; struct krb5_pk_init_ctx_data { struct krb5_pk_identity *id; DH *dh; krb5_data *clientDHNonce; struct krb5_dh_moduli **m; int require_binding; }; void KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION _krb5_pk_cert_free(struct krb5_pk_cert *cert) { if (cert->cert) X509_free(cert->cert); free(cert); } static krb5_error_code BN_to_integer(krb5_context context, BIGNUM *bn, heim_integer *integer) { integer->length = BN_num_bytes(bn); integer->data = malloc(integer->length); if (integer->data == NULL) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); return ENOMEM; } BN_bn2bin(bn, integer->data); integer->negative = bn->neg; return 0; } static BIGNUM * integer_to_BN(krb5_context context, const char *field, const heim_integer *f) { BIGNUM *bn; bn = BN_bin2bn((const unsigned char *)f->data, f->length, NULL); if (bn == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: parsing BN failed %s", field); return NULL; } bn->neg = f->negative; return bn; } /* * UI ex_data has the callback_data as passed to Engine. This is far * from being complete, we will only process one prompt */ static int krb5_ui_method_read_string(UI *ui, UI_STRING *uis) { char *buffer; size_t length; krb5_error_code ret; krb5_prompt prompt; krb5_data password_data; struct krb5_ui_data *ui_data; ui_data = (struct krb5_ui_data *)UI_get_app_data(ui); switch (UI_get_string_type(uis)) { case UIT_INFO: case UIT_ERROR: /* looks like the RedHat pam_prompter might handle * INFO and ERROR, Will see what happens */ case UIT_VERIFY: case UIT_PROMPT: length = UI_get_result_maxsize(uis); buffer = malloc(length); if (buffer == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(ui_data->context, "malloc: out of memory"); return 0; } password_data.data = buffer; password_data.length = length; prompt.prompt = UI_get0_output_string(uis); prompt.hidden = !(UI_get_input_flags(uis) & UI_INPUT_FLAG_ECHO); prompt.reply = &password_data; prompt.type = KRB5_PROMPT_TYPE_PASSWORD; ret = (*ui_data->prompter)(ui_data->context, ui_data->prompter_data, NULL, NULL, 1, &prompt); if (ret == 0) { buffer[length - 1] = '\0'; UI_set_result(ui, uis, password_data.data); /* * RedHat pam_krb5 pam_prompter does a strdup but others * may copy into buffer. XXX should we just leak the * memory instead ? */ if (buffer != password_data.data) free(password_data.data); memset (buffer, 0, length); free(buffer); return 1; } memset (buffer, 0, length); free(buffer); break; case UIT_NONE: case UIT_BOOLEAN: /* XXX for now do not handle */ break; } return 0; } static krb5_error_code set_digest_alg(DigestAlgorithmIdentifier *id, const heim_oid *oid, void *param, size_t length) { krb5_error_code ret; if (param) { id->parameters = malloc(sizeof(*id->parameters)); if (id->parameters == NULL) return ENOMEM; id->parameters->data = malloc(length); if (id->parameters->data == NULL) { free(id->parameters); id->parameters = NULL; return ENOMEM; } memcpy(id->parameters->data, param, length); id->parameters->length = length; } else id->parameters = NULL; ret = copy_oid(oid, &id->algorithm); if (ret) { if (id->parameters) { free(id->parameters->data); free(id->parameters); id->parameters = NULL; } return ret; } return 0; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION _krb5_pk_create_sign(krb5_context context, const heim_oid *eContentType, krb5_data *eContent, struct krb5_pk_identity *id, krb5_data *sd_data) { SignerInfo *signer_info; X509 *user_cert; heim_integer *serial; krb5_error_code ret; krb5_data buf; SignedData sd; EVP_MD_CTX md; int i; unsigned len; size_t size; X509_NAME *issuer_name; memset(&sd, 0, sizeof(sd)); if (id == NULL) return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_CERTIFICATE; if (id->cert == NULL) return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_CERTIFICATE; if (id->private_key == NULL) return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; if (sk_X509_num(id->cert) == 0) return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_CERTIFICATE; sd.version = 3; sd.digestAlgorithms.len = 0; sd.digestAlgorithms.val = NULL; copy_oid(eContentType, &sd.encapContentInfo.eContentType); ALLOC(sd.encapContentInfo.eContent, 1); if (sd.encapContentInfo.eContent == NULL) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } ret = krb5_data_copy(&buf, eContent->data, eContent->length); if (ret) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } sd.encapContentInfo.eContent->data = buf.data; sd.encapContentInfo.eContent->length = buf.length; ALLOC_SEQ(&sd.signerInfos, 1); if (sd.signerInfos.val == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } signer_info = &sd.signerInfos.val[0]; user_cert = sk_X509_value(id->cert, 0); if (user_cert == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "pkinit: no user certificate"); ret = HEIM_PKINIT_NO_CERTIFICATE; goto out; } signer_info->version = 1; issuer_name = X509_get_issuer_name(user_cert); OPENSSL_ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(X509_NAME, buf.data, buf.length, issuer_name, ret); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "pkinit: failed encoding name"); goto out; } ret = decode_Name(buf.data, buf.length, &signer_info->sid.u.issuerAndSerialNumber.issuer, NULL); free(buf.data); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "pkinit: failed to parse Name"); goto out; } signer_info->sid.element = choice_CMSIdentifier_issuerAndSerialNumber; serial = &signer_info->sid.u.issuerAndSerialNumber.serialNumber; { ASN1_INTEGER *isn = X509_get_serialNumber(user_cert); BIGNUM *bn = ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(isn, NULL); if (bn == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; krb5_set_error_string(context, "pkinit: failed allocating " "serial number"); goto out; } ret = BN_to_integer(context, bn, serial); BN_free(bn); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "pkinit: failed encoding " "serial number"); goto out; } } ret = set_digest_alg(&signer_info->digestAlgorithm, oid_id_secsig_sha_1(), "\x05\x00", 2); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); goto out; } signer_info->signedAttrs = NULL; signer_info->unsignedAttrs = NULL; copy_oid(oid_id_pkcs1_rsaEncryption(), &signer_info->signatureAlgorithm.algorithm); signer_info->signatureAlgorithm.parameters = NULL; buf.data = malloc(EVP_PKEY_size(id->private_key)); if (buf.data == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } EVP_SignInit(&md, EVP_sha1()); EVP_SignUpdate(&md, sd.encapContentInfo.eContent->data, sd.encapContentInfo.eContent->length); ret = EVP_SignFinal(&md, buf.data, &len, id->private_key); if (ret != 1) { free(buf.data); krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: failed to sign with " "private key: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); ret = EINVAL; goto out; } signer_info->signature.data = buf.data; signer_info->signature.length = len; ALLOC_SEQ(&sd.digestAlgorithms, 1); if (sd.digestAlgorithms.val == NULL) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } ret = set_digest_alg(&sd.digestAlgorithms.val[0], oid_id_secsig_sha_1(), "\x05\x00", 2); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); goto out; } ALLOC(sd.certificates, 1); if (sd.certificates == NULL) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } i = sk_X509_num(id->cert); sd.certificates->val = malloc(sizeof(sd.certificates->val[0]) * i); if (sd.certificates->val == NULL) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } sd.certificates->len = i; for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(id->cert); i++) { OPENSSL_ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(X509, sd.certificates->val[i].data, sd.certificates->val[i].length, sk_X509_value(id->cert, i), ret); if (ret) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); goto out; } } ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(SignedData, sd_data->data, sd_data->length, &sd, &size, ret); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "SignedData failed %d", ret); goto out; } if (sd_data->length != size) krb5_abortx(context, "internal ASN1 encoder error"); out: free_SignedData(&sd); return ret; } static krb5_error_code build_auth_pack(krb5_context context, unsigned nonce, krb5_pk_init_ctx ctx, DH *dh, const KDC_REQ_BODY *body, AuthPack *a) { size_t buf_size, len; krb5_error_code ret; void *buf; krb5_timestamp sec; int32_t usec; Checksum checksum; krb5_clear_error_string(context); memset(&checksum, 0, sizeof(checksum)); krb5_us_timeofday(context, &sec, &usec); a->pkAuthenticator.ctime = sec; a->pkAuthenticator.nonce = nonce; ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(KDC_REQ_BODY, buf, buf_size, body, &len, ret); if (ret) return ret; if (buf_size != len) krb5_abortx(context, "internal error in ASN.1 encoder"); ret = krb5_create_checksum(context, NULL, 0, CKSUMTYPE_SHA1, buf, len, &checksum); free(buf); if (ret) return ret; ALLOC(a->pkAuthenticator.paChecksum, 1); if (a->pkAuthenticator.paChecksum == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } ret = krb5_data_copy(a->pkAuthenticator.paChecksum, checksum.checksum.data, checksum.checksum.length); free_Checksum(&checksum); if (ret) return ret; if (dh) { DomainParameters dp; heim_integer dh_pub_key; krb5_data dhbuf; size_t size; if (1 /* support_cached_dh */) { ALLOC(a->clientDHNonce, 1); if (a->clientDHNonce == NULL) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); return ENOMEM; } ret = krb5_data_alloc(a->clientDHNonce, 40); if (a->clientDHNonce == NULL) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); return ENOMEM; } memset(a->clientDHNonce->data, 0, a->clientDHNonce->length); ret = krb5_copy_data(context, a->clientDHNonce, &ctx->clientDHNonce); if (ret) return ret; } ALLOC(a->clientPublicValue, 1); if (a->clientPublicValue == NULL) return ENOMEM; ret = copy_oid(oid_id_dhpublicnumber(), &a->clientPublicValue->algorithm.algorithm); if (ret) return ret; memset(&dp, 0, sizeof(dp)); ret = BN_to_integer(context, dh->p, &dp.p); if (ret) { free_DomainParameters(&dp); return ret; } ret = BN_to_integer(context, dh->g, &dp.g); if (ret) { free_DomainParameters(&dp); return ret; } ret = BN_to_integer(context, dh->q, &dp.q); if (ret) { free_DomainParameters(&dp); return ret; } dp.j = NULL; dp.validationParms = NULL; a->clientPublicValue->algorithm.parameters = malloc(sizeof(*a->clientPublicValue->algorithm.parameters)); if (a->clientPublicValue->algorithm.parameters == NULL) { free_DomainParameters(&dp); return ret; } ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(DomainParameters, a->clientPublicValue->algorithm.parameters->data, a->clientPublicValue->algorithm.parameters->length, &dp, &size, ret); free_DomainParameters(&dp); if (ret) return ret; if (size != a->clientPublicValue->algorithm.parameters->length) krb5_abortx(context, "Internal ASN1 encoder error"); ret = BN_to_integer(context, dh->pub_key, &dh_pub_key); if (ret) return ret; ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(DHPublicKey, dhbuf.data, dhbuf.length, &dh_pub_key, &size, ret); free_heim_integer(&dh_pub_key); if (ret) return ret; if (size != dhbuf.length) krb5_abortx(context, "asn1 internal error"); a->clientPublicValue->subjectPublicKey.length = dhbuf.length * 8; a->clientPublicValue->subjectPublicKey.data = dhbuf.data; } return ret; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION _krb5_pk_mk_ContentInfo(krb5_context context, const krb5_data *buf, const heim_oid *oid, struct ContentInfo *content_info) { krb5_error_code ret; ret = copy_oid(oid, &content_info->contentType); if (ret) return ret; ALLOC(content_info->content, 1); if (content_info->content == NULL) return ENOMEM; content_info->content->data = malloc(buf->length); if (content_info->content->data == NULL) return ENOMEM; memcpy(content_info->content->data, buf->data, buf->length); content_info->content->length = buf->length; return 0; } static krb5_error_code pk_mk_padata(krb5_context context, int compat, krb5_pk_init_ctx ctx, const KDC_REQ_BODY *req_body, unsigned nonce, METHOD_DATA *md) { struct ContentInfo content_info; krb5_error_code ret; const heim_oid *oid; size_t size; krb5_data buf, sd_buf; int pa_type; krb5_data_zero(&buf); krb5_data_zero(&sd_buf); memset(&content_info, 0, sizeof(content_info)); if (compat == COMPAT_WIN2K) { AuthPack_Win2k ap; krb5_timestamp sec; int32_t usec; memset(&ap, 0, sizeof(ap)); /* fill in PKAuthenticator */ ret = copy_PrincipalName(req_body->sname, &ap.pkAuthenticator.kdcName); if (ret) { free_AuthPack_Win2k(&ap); krb5_clear_error_string(context); goto out; } ret = copy_Realm(&req_body->realm, &ap.pkAuthenticator.kdcRealm); if (ret) { free_AuthPack_Win2k(&ap); krb5_clear_error_string(context); goto out; } krb5_us_timeofday(context, &sec, &usec); ap.pkAuthenticator.ctime = sec; ap.pkAuthenticator.cusec = usec; ap.pkAuthenticator.nonce = nonce; ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(AuthPack_Win2k, buf.data, buf.length, &ap, &size, ret); free_AuthPack_Win2k(&ap); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "AuthPack_Win2k: %d", ret); goto out; } if (buf.length != size) krb5_abortx(context, "internal ASN1 encoder error"); oid = oid_id_pkcs7_data(); } else if (compat == COMPAT_IETF) { AuthPack ap; memset(&ap, 0, sizeof(ap)); ret = build_auth_pack(context, nonce, ctx, ctx->dh, req_body, &ap); if (ret) { free_AuthPack(&ap); goto out; } ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(AuthPack, buf.data, buf.length, &ap, &size, ret); free_AuthPack(&ap); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "AuthPack: %d", ret); goto out; } if (buf.length != size) krb5_abortx(context, "internal ASN1 encoder error"); oid = oid_id_pkauthdata(); } else krb5_abortx(context, "internal pkinit error"); ret = _krb5_pk_create_sign(context, oid, &buf, ctx->id, &sd_buf); krb5_data_free(&buf); if (ret) goto out; ret = _krb5_pk_mk_ContentInfo(context, &sd_buf, oid_id_pkcs7_signedData(), &content_info); krb5_data_free(&sd_buf); if (ret) goto out; ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(ContentInfo, buf.data, buf.length, &content_info, &size, ret); if (ret) goto out; if (buf.length != size) krb5_abortx(context, "Internal ASN1 encoder error"); if (compat == COMPAT_WIN2K) { PA_PK_AS_REQ_Win2k winreq; pa_type = KRB5_PADATA_PK_AS_REQ_WIN; memset(&winreq, 0, sizeof(winreq)); winreq.signed_auth_pack = buf; ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(PA_PK_AS_REQ_Win2k, buf.data, buf.length, &winreq, &size, ret); free_PA_PK_AS_REQ_Win2k(&winreq); } else if (compat == COMPAT_IETF) { PA_PK_AS_REQ req; pa_type = KRB5_PADATA_PK_AS_REQ; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.signedAuthPack = buf; /* XXX tell the kdc what CAs the client is willing to accept */ req.trustedCertifiers = NULL; req.kdcPkId = NULL; ASN1_MALLOC_ENCODE(PA_PK_AS_REQ, buf.data, buf.length, &req, &size, ret); free_PA_PK_AS_REQ(&req); } else krb5_abortx(context, "internal pkinit error"); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PA-PK-AS-REQ %d", ret); goto out; } if (buf.length != size) krb5_abortx(context, "Internal ASN1 encoder error"); ret = krb5_padata_add(context, md, pa_type, buf.data, buf.length); if (ret) free(buf.data); if (ret == 0 && compat == COMPAT_WIN2K) krb5_padata_add(context, md, KRB5_PADATA_PK_AS_09_BINDING, NULL, 0); out: free_ContentInfo(&content_info); return ret; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION _krb5_pk_mk_padata(krb5_context context, void *c, const KDC_REQ_BODY *req_body, unsigned nonce, METHOD_DATA *md) { krb5_pk_init_ctx ctx = c; int win2k_compat, type; win2k_compat = krb5_config_get_bool_default(context, NULL, FALSE, "realms", req_body->realm, "win2k_pkinit", NULL); if (context->pkinit_flags & KRB5_PKINIT_WIN2K) win2k_compat = 1; if (win2k_compat) { ctx->require_binding = krb5_config_get_bool_default(context, NULL, FALSE, "realms", req_body->realm, "win2k_pkinit_require_binding", NULL); type = COMPAT_WIN2K; } else type = COMPAT_IETF; return pk_mk_padata(context, type, ctx, req_body, nonce, md); } static krb5_boolean pk_peer_compare(krb5_context context, const SignerIdentifier *peer1, X509 *peer2) { switch (peer1->element) { case choice_CMSIdentifier_issuerAndSerialNumber: { ASN1_INTEGER *i; const heim_integer *serial; X509_NAME *name; unsigned char *p; size_t len; i = X509_get_serialNumber(peer2); serial = &peer1->u.issuerAndSerialNumber.serialNumber; if (i->length != serial->length || memcmp(i->data, serial->data, i->length) != 0) return FALSE; p = peer1->u.issuerAndSerialNumber.issuer._save.data; len = peer1->u.issuerAndSerialNumber.issuer._save.length; name = d2i_X509_NAME(NULL, &p, len); if (name == NULL) return FALSE; if (X509_NAME_cmp(name, X509_get_issuer_name(peer2)) != 0) { X509_NAME_free(name); return FALSE; } X509_NAME_free(name); break; } case choice_CMSIdentifier_subjectKeyIdentifier: return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static krb5_error_code pk_decrypt_key(krb5_context context, heim_octet_string *encrypted_key, EVP_PKEY *priv_key, krb5_keyblock *key) { int ret; unsigned char *buf; buf = malloc(EVP_PKEY_size(priv_key)); if (buf == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } ret = EVP_PKEY_decrypt(buf, encrypted_key->data, encrypted_key->length, priv_key); if (ret <= 0) { free(buf); krb5_set_error_string(context, "Can't decrypt key: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); return ENOMEM; } key->keytype = 0; key->keyvalue.length = ret; key->keyvalue.data = malloc(ret); if (key->keyvalue.data == NULL) { free(buf); krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } memcpy(key->keyvalue.data, buf, ret); free(buf); return 0; } static krb5_error_code pk_verify_chain_standard(krb5_context context, struct krb5_pk_identity *id, const SignerIdentifier *client, STACK_OF(X509) *chain, X509 **client_cert) { X509_STORE *cert_store = NULL; X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx = NULL; X509 *cert = NULL; int i; int ret; ret = KRB5_KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NAME_MISMATCH; for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(chain); i++) { cert = sk_X509_value(chain, i); if (pk_peer_compare(context, client, cert) == TRUE) { ret = 0; break; } } if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: verify chain failed " "to find client in chain"); return ret; } cert_store = X509_STORE_new(); if (cert_store == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: can't create X509 store: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); } store_ctx = X509_STORE_CTX_new(); if (store_ctx == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: can't create X509 store ctx: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); goto end; } X509_STORE_CTX_init(store_ctx, cert_store, cert, chain); X509_STORE_CTX_trusted_stack(store_ctx, id->trusted_certs); X509_verify_cert(store_ctx); /* the last checked certificate is in store_ctx->current_cert */ krb5_clear_error_string(context); switch(store_ctx->error) { case X509_V_OK: ret = 0; break; case X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY: ret = KRB5_KDC_ERR_CANT_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: failed to verify " "certificate: %s ", X509_verify_cert_error_string(store_ctx->error)); break; case X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY: case X509_V_ERR_CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE: case X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD: case X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID: case X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD: case X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED: ret = KRB5_KDC_ERR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: invalid certificate: %s ", X509_verify_cert_error_string(store_ctx->error)); break; case X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT: case X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN: case X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE: case X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG: case X509_V_ERR_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED: case X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA: ret = KRB5_KDC_ERR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: unknown CA or can't " "verify certificate: %s", X509_verify_cert_error_string(store_ctx->error)); break; default: ret = KRB5_KDC_ERR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE; /* XXX */ krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: failed to verify " "certificate: %s (%ld) ", X509_verify_cert_error_string(store_ctx->error), (long)store_ctx->error); break; } if (ret) goto end; /* * Since X509_verify_cert() doesn't do CRL checking at all, we have to * perform own verification against CRLs */ /* * XXX add crl checking */ if (client_cert && cert) *client_cert = X509_dup(cert); end: if (cert_store) X509_STORE_free(cert_store); if (store_ctx) X509_STORE_CTX_free(store_ctx); return ret; } static int cert_to_X509(krb5_context context, CertificateSet *set, STACK_OF(X509_CRL) **certs) { krb5_error_code ret; int i; *certs = sk_X509_new_null(); if (set == NULL) return 0; ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < set->len; i++) { unsigned char *p; X509 *cert; p = set->val[i].data; cert = d2i_X509(NULL, &p, set->val[i].length); if (cert == NULL) { ret = ASN1_BAD_FORMAT; break; } sk_X509_insert(*certs, cert, i); } if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Failed to decode certificate chain"); sk_X509_free(*certs); *certs = NULL; } return ret; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION _krb5_pk_verify_sign(krb5_context context, const void *data, size_t length, struct krb5_pk_identity *id, heim_oid *contentType, krb5_data *content, struct krb5_pk_cert **signer) { STACK_OF(X509) *certificates; SignerInfo *signer_info; const EVP_MD *evp_type; EVP_PKEY *public_key; krb5_error_code ret; EVP_MD_CTX md; X509 *cert = NULL; SignedData sd; size_t size; *signer = NULL; krb5_data_zero(content); contentType->length = 0; contentType->components = NULL; memset(&sd, 0, sizeof(sd)); ret = decode_SignedData(data, length, &sd, &size); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: decoding failed SignedData: %d", ret); goto out; } if (sd.encapContentInfo.eContent == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: signature missing encapContent"); ret = KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE; goto out; } /* XXX Check CMS version */ if (sd.signerInfos.len < 1) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: signature information missing from " "pkinit response"); ret = KRB5_KDC_ERR_INVALID_SIG; goto out; } signer_info = &sd.signerInfos.val[0]; { CertificateSet set; set.val = sd.certificates->val; set.len = sd.certificates->len; ret = cert_to_X509(context, &set, &certificates); } if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: failed to decode Certificates"); goto out; } ret = pk_verify_chain_standard(context, id, &signer_info->sid, certificates, &cert); sk_X509_free(certificates); if (ret) goto out; if (signer_info->signature.length == 0) { free_SignedData(&sd); X509_free(cert); krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: signature missing from" "pkinit response"); return KRB5_KDC_ERR_INVALID_SIG; } public_key = X509_get_pubkey(cert); /* verify signature */ if (heim_oid_cmp(&signer_info->digestAlgorithm.algorithm, oid_id_pkcs1_sha1WithRSAEncryption()) == 0) evp_type = EVP_sha1(); else if (heim_oid_cmp(&signer_info->digestAlgorithm.algorithm, oid_id_pkcs1_md5WithRSAEncryption()) == 0) evp_type = EVP_md5(); else if (heim_oid_cmp(&signer_info->digestAlgorithm.algorithm, oid_id_secsig_sha_1()) == 0) evp_type = EVP_sha1(); else { X509_free(cert); krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: The requested digest " "algorithm is not supported"); ret = KRB5_KDC_ERR_INVALID_SIG; goto out; } EVP_VerifyInit(&md, evp_type); EVP_VerifyUpdate(&md, sd.encapContentInfo.eContent->data, sd.encapContentInfo.eContent->length); ret = EVP_VerifyFinal(&md, signer_info->signature.data, signer_info->signature.length, public_key); if (ret != 1) { X509_free(cert); krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: signature didn't verify: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); ret = KRB5_KDC_ERR_INVALID_SIG; goto out; } ret = copy_oid(&sd.encapContentInfo.eContentType, contentType); if (ret) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); goto out; } content->data = malloc(sd.encapContentInfo.eContent->length); if (content->data == NULL) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } content->length = sd.encapContentInfo.eContent->length; memcpy(content->data,sd.encapContentInfo.eContent->data,content->length); *signer = malloc(sizeof(**signer)); if (*signer == NULL) { krb5_clear_error_string(context); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } (*signer)->cert = cert; out: free_SignedData(&sd); if (ret) { free_oid(contentType); krb5_data_free(content); } return ret; } static krb5_error_code get_reply_key_win(krb5_context context, const krb5_data *content, unsigned nonce, krb5_keyblock **key) { ReplyKeyPack_Win2k key_pack; krb5_error_code ret; size_t size; ret = decode_ReplyKeyPack_Win2k(content->data, content->length, &key_pack, &size); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT decoding reply key failed"); free_ReplyKeyPack_Win2k(&key_pack); return ret; } if (key_pack.nonce != nonce) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT enckey nonce is wrong"); free_ReplyKeyPack_Win2k(&key_pack); return KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED; } *key = malloc (sizeof (**key)); if (*key == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT failed allocating reply key"); free_ReplyKeyPack_Win2k(&key_pack); krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } ret = copy_EncryptionKey(&key_pack.replyKey, *key); free_ReplyKeyPack_Win2k(&key_pack); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT failed copying reply key"); free(*key); } return ret; } static krb5_error_code get_reply_key(krb5_context context, const krb5_data *content, const krb5_data *req_buffer, krb5_keyblock **key) { ReplyKeyPack key_pack; krb5_error_code ret; size_t size; ret = decode_ReplyKeyPack(content->data, content->length, &key_pack, &size); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT decoding reply key failed"); free_ReplyKeyPack(&key_pack); return ret; } { krb5_crypto crypto; /* * XXX Verify kp.replyKey is a allowed enctype in the * configuration file */ ret = krb5_crypto_init(context, &key_pack.replyKey, 0, &crypto); if (ret) { free_ReplyKeyPack(&key_pack); return ret; } ret = krb5_verify_checksum(context, crypto, 6, req_buffer->data, req_buffer->length, &key_pack.asChecksum); krb5_crypto_destroy(context, crypto); if (ret) { free_ReplyKeyPack(&key_pack); return ret; } } *key = malloc (sizeof (**key)); if (*key == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT failed allocating reply key"); free_ReplyKeyPack(&key_pack); krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } ret = copy_EncryptionKey(&key_pack.replyKey, *key); free_ReplyKeyPack(&key_pack); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT failed copying reply key"); free(*key); } return ret; } static krb5_error_code pk_verify_host(krb5_context context, struct krb5_pk_cert *host) { /* XXX */ return 0; } static krb5_error_code pk_rd_pa_reply_enckey(krb5_context context, int type, ContentInfo *rep, krb5_pk_init_ctx ctx, krb5_enctype etype, const krb5_krbhst_info *hi, unsigned nonce, const krb5_data *req_buffer, PA_DATA *pa, krb5_keyblock **key) { krb5_error_code ret; EnvelopedData ed; krb5_keyblock tmp_key; krb5_crypto crypto; krb5_data plain; KeyTransRecipientInfo *ri; int length; size_t size; X509 *user_cert; void *p; krb5_boolean bret; krb5_data content; heim_oid contentType = { 0, NULL }; struct krb5_pk_cert *host = NULL; heim_octet_string encryptedContent; heim_octet_string *any; krb5_data ivec; krb5_data params; memset(&tmp_key, 0, sizeof(tmp_key)); memset(&ed, 0, sizeof(ed)); krb5_data_zero(&plain); krb5_data_zero(&content); krb5_data_zero(&encryptedContent); krb5_data_zero(&ivec); user_cert = sk_X509_value(ctx->id->cert, 0); if (heim_oid_cmp(oid_id_pkcs7_envelopedData(), &rep->contentType)) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Invalid content type"); return EINVAL; } if (rep->content == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: No content in reply"); return EINVAL; } ret = decode_EnvelopedData(rep->content->data, rep->content->length, &ed, &size); if (ret) { free_EnvelopedData(&ed); return ret; } if (ed.recipientInfos.len != 1) { free_EnvelopedData(&ed); krb5_set_error_string(context, "pkinit: Number of recipient infos " "not one (%d)", ed.recipientInfos.len); return EINVAL; /* XXX */ } ri = &ed.recipientInfos.val[0]; /* XXX make SignerIdentifier and RecipientIdentifier the same */ bret = pk_peer_compare(context, (SignerIdentifier *)&ri->rid, user_cert); if (bret == FALSE) { ret = KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_BADMATCH; /* XXX */ goto out; } if (heim_oid_cmp(oid_id_pkcs1_rsaEncryption(), &ri->keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithm)) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: invalid content type"); return EINVAL; } ret = pk_decrypt_key(context, &ri->encryptedKey, ctx->id->private_key, &tmp_key); if (ret) goto out; /* * Try to verify content type. We can't do this for W2K case * because W2K/W2K3 sends id-pkcs7-data, but Windows Vista sends * id-pkcs7-signedData to all versions, even W2K clients. */ if (type != COMPAT_WIN2K) { if (heim_oid_cmp(&ed.encryptedContentInfo.contentType, oid_id_pkcs7_signedData())) { ret = KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE; goto out; } } if (ed.encryptedContentInfo.encryptedContent == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: OPTIONAL encryptedContent " "field not filled in in KDC reply"); ret = KRB5_BADMSGTYPE; goto out; } any = ed.encryptedContentInfo.encryptedContent; ret = der_get_octet_string(any->data, any->length, &encryptedContent, NULL); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: encryptedContent content invalid"); goto out; } if (ed.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.parameters == NULL){ krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: encryptedContent parameter missing"); ret = KRB5_BADMSGTYPE; goto out; } params.data = ed.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.parameters->data; params.length = ed.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.parameters->length; ret = _krb5_oid_to_enctype(context, &ed.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithm, &tmp_key.keytype); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_crypto_init(context, &tmp_key, 0, &crypto); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_crypto_get_params(context, crypto, ¶ms, &ivec); if (ret) goto out; ret = krb5_decrypt_ivec(context, crypto, 0, encryptedContent.data, encryptedContent.length, &plain, ivec.data); p = plain.data; length = plain.length; /* win2k uses ContentInfo */ if (type == COMPAT_WIN2K) { ContentInfo ci; ret = decode_ContentInfo(p, length, &ci, &size); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: failed decoding ContentInfo: %d", ret); goto out; } if (heim_oid_cmp(&ci.contentType, oid_id_pkcs7_signedData())) { ret = EINVAL; /* XXX */ krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Invalid content type"); goto out; } p = ci.content->data; length = ci.content->length; } ret = _krb5_pk_verify_sign(context, p, length, ctx->id, &contentType, &content, &host); if (ret) goto out; /* make sure that it is the kdc's certificate */ ret = pk_verify_host(context, host); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: failed verify host: %d", ret); goto out; } #if 0 if (type == COMPAT_WIN2K) { if (heim_oid_cmp(&contentType, oid_id_pkcs7_data()) != 0) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: reply key, wrong oid"); ret = KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE; goto out; } } else { if (heim_oid_cmp(&contentType, oid_id_pkrkeydata()) != 0) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: reply key, wrong oid"); ret = KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE; goto out; } } #endif switch(type) { case COMPAT_WIN2K: ret = get_reply_key(context, &content, req_buffer, key); if (ret != 0 && ctx->require_binding == 0) ret = get_reply_key_win(context, &content, nonce, key); break; case COMPAT_IETF: ret = get_reply_key(context, &content, req_buffer, key); break; } if (ret) goto out; /* XXX compare given etype with key->etype */ out: if (host) _krb5_pk_cert_free(host); free_oid(&contentType); free_octet_string(&encryptedContent); krb5_data_free(&content); krb5_free_keyblock_contents(context, &tmp_key); krb5_data_free(&plain); krb5_data_free(&ivec); return ret; } static krb5_error_code pk_rd_pa_reply_dh(krb5_context context, ContentInfo *rep, krb5_pk_init_ctx ctx, krb5_enctype etype, const krb5_krbhst_info *hi, const DHNonce *c_n, const DHNonce *k_n, unsigned nonce, PA_DATA *pa, krb5_keyblock **key) { unsigned char *p, *dh_gen_key = NULL; ASN1_INTEGER *dh_pub_key = NULL; struct krb5_pk_cert *host = NULL; BIGNUM *kdc_dh_pubkey = NULL; KDCDHKeyInfo kdc_dh_info; heim_oid contentType = { 0, NULL }; krb5_data content; krb5_error_code ret; int dh_gen_keylen; size_t size; krb5_data_zero(&content); memset(&kdc_dh_info, 0, sizeof(kdc_dh_info)); if (heim_oid_cmp(oid_id_pkcs7_signedData(), &rep->contentType)) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Invalid content type"); return EINVAL; } if (rep->content == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: No content in reply"); return EINVAL; } ret = _krb5_pk_verify_sign(context, rep->content->data, rep->content->length, ctx->id, &contentType, &content, &host); if (ret) goto out; /* make sure that it is the kdc's certificate */ ret = pk_verify_host(context, host); if (ret) goto out; if (heim_oid_cmp(&contentType, oid_id_pkdhkeydata())) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "pkinit - dh reply contains wrong oid"); ret = KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE; goto out; } ret = decode_KDCDHKeyInfo(content.data, content.length, &kdc_dh_info, &size); if (ret) goto out; if (kdc_dh_info.nonce != nonce) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: DH nonce is wrong"); ret = KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED; goto out; } if (kdc_dh_info.dhKeyExpiration) { if (k_n == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "pkinit; got key expiration " "without server nonce"); ret = KRB5KRB_ERR_GENERIC; goto out; } if (c_n == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "pkinit; got DH reuse but no " "client nonce"); ret = KRB5KRB_ERR_GENERIC; goto out; } } else { if (k_n) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "pkinit; got server nonce " "without key expiration"); ret = KRB5KRB_ERR_GENERIC; goto out; } c_n = NULL; } p = kdc_dh_info.subjectPublicKey.data; size = (kdc_dh_info.subjectPublicKey.length + 7) / 8; dh_pub_key = d2i_ASN1_INTEGER(NULL, &p, size); if (dh_pub_key == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Can't parse KDC's DH public key"); ret = KRB5KRB_ERR_GENERIC; goto out; } kdc_dh_pubkey = ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(dh_pub_key, NULL); if (kdc_dh_pubkey == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Can't convert KDC's DH public key"); ret = KRB5KRB_ERR_GENERIC; goto out; } dh_gen_keylen = DH_size(ctx->dh); size = BN_num_bytes(ctx->dh->p); if (size < dh_gen_keylen) size = dh_gen_keylen; dh_gen_key = malloc(size); if (dh_gen_key == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } memset(dh_gen_key, 0, size - dh_gen_keylen); dh_gen_keylen = DH_compute_key(dh_gen_key + (size - dh_gen_keylen), kdc_dh_pubkey, ctx->dh); if (dh_gen_keylen == -1) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Can't compute Diffie-Hellman key (%s)", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); ret = KRB5KRB_ERR_GENERIC; goto out; } *key = malloc (sizeof (**key)); if (*key == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } ret = _krb5_pk_octetstring2key(context, etype, dh_gen_key, dh_gen_keylen, c_n, k_n, *key); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: can't create key from DH key"); free(*key); *key = NULL; goto out; } out: if (kdc_dh_pubkey) BN_free(kdc_dh_pubkey); if (dh_gen_key) { memset(dh_gen_key, 0, DH_size(ctx->dh)); free(dh_gen_key); } if (dh_pub_key) ASN1_INTEGER_free(dh_pub_key); if (host) _krb5_pk_cert_free(host); if (content.data) krb5_data_free(&content); free_KDCDHKeyInfo(&kdc_dh_info); return ret; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION _krb5_pk_rd_pa_reply(krb5_context context, void *c, krb5_enctype etype, const krb5_krbhst_info *hi, unsigned nonce, const krb5_data *req_buffer, PA_DATA *pa, krb5_keyblock **key) { krb5_pk_init_ctx ctx = c; krb5_error_code ret; ContentInfo ci; size_t size; /* Check for PK-INIT -27 */ if (pa->padata_type == KRB5_PADATA_PK_AS_REP) { PA_PK_AS_REP rep; memset(&rep, 0, sizeof(rep)); ret = decode_PA_PK_AS_REP(pa->padata_value.data, pa->padata_value.length, &rep, &size); if (ret) return ret; switch (rep.element) { case choice_PA_PK_AS_REP_dhInfo: ret = decode_ContentInfo(rep.u.dhInfo.dhSignedData.data, rep.u.dhInfo.dhSignedData.length, &ci, &size); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: -25 decoding failed DH " "ContentInfo: %d", ret); free_PA_PK_AS_REP(&rep); break; } ret = pk_rd_pa_reply_dh(context, &ci, ctx, etype, hi, ctx->clientDHNonce, rep.u.dhInfo.serverDHNonce, nonce, pa, key); free_ContentInfo(&ci); free_PA_PK_AS_REP(&rep); break; case choice_PA_PK_AS_REP_encKeyPack: ret = decode_ContentInfo(rep.u.encKeyPack.data, rep.u.encKeyPack.length, &ci, &size); free_PA_PK_AS_REP(&rep); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: -25 decoding failed " "ContentInfo: %d", ret); break; } ret = pk_rd_pa_reply_enckey(context, COMPAT_IETF, &ci, ctx, etype, hi, nonce, req_buffer, pa, key); free_ContentInfo(&ci); return ret; default: free_PA_PK_AS_REP(&rep); krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: -27 reply " "invalid content type"); ret = EINVAL; break; } if (ret == 0) return ret; } /* Check for Windows encoding of the AS-REP pa data */ { PA_PK_AS_REP_Win2k w2krep; memset(&w2krep, 0, sizeof(w2krep)); ret = decode_PA_PK_AS_REP_Win2k(pa->padata_value.data, pa->padata_value.length, &w2krep, &size); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Failed decoding windows " "pkinit reply %d", ret); return ret; } krb5_clear_error_string(context); switch (w2krep.element) { case choice_PA_PK_AS_REP_Win2k_encKeyPack: ret = decode_ContentInfo(w2krep.u.encKeyPack.data, w2krep.u.encKeyPack.length, &ci, &size); free_PA_PK_AS_REP_Win2k(&w2krep); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: decoding failed " "ContentInfo: %d", ret); return ret; } ret = pk_rd_pa_reply_enckey(context, COMPAT_WIN2K, &ci, ctx, etype, hi, nonce, NULL, pa, key); free_ContentInfo(&ci); break; default: free_PA_PK_AS_REP_Win2k(&w2krep); krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: win2k reply invalid " "content type"); ret = EINVAL; break; } } return ret; } static int ssl_pass_cb(char *buf, int size, int rwflag, void *u) { krb5_error_code ret; krb5_prompt prompt; krb5_data password_data; krb5_prompter_fct prompter = u; password_data.data = buf; password_data.length = size; prompt.prompt = "Enter your private key passphrase: "; prompt.hidden = 1; prompt.reply = &password_data; prompt.type = KRB5_PROMPT_TYPE_PASSWORD; ret = (*prompter)(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, &prompt); if (ret) { memset (buf, 0, size); return 0; } return strlen(buf); } static krb5_error_code load_openssl_cert(krb5_context context, const char *file, STACK_OF(X509) **c) { STACK_OF(X509) *certificate; krb5_error_code ret; FILE *f; f = fopen(file, "r"); if (f == NULL) { ret = errno; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: open failed %s: %s", file, strerror(ret)); return ret; } certificate = sk_X509_new_null(); while (1) { /* see http://www.openssl.org/docs/crypto/pem.html section BUGS */ X509 *cert; cert = PEM_read_X509(f, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (cert == NULL) { if (ERR_GET_REASON(ERR_peek_error()) == PEM_R_NO_START_LINE) { /* End of file reached. no error */ ERR_clear_error(); break; } krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Can't read certificate"); fclose(f); return HEIM_PKINIT_CERTIFICATE_INVALID; } sk_X509_insert(certificate, cert, sk_X509_num(certificate)); } fclose(f); if (sk_X509_num(certificate) == 0) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: No certificate found"); return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_CERTIFICATE; } *c = certificate; return 0; } static krb5_error_code load_openssl_file(krb5_context context, char *password, krb5_prompter_fct prompter, void *prompter_data, const char *user_id, struct krb5_pk_identity *id) { krb5_error_code ret; STACK_OF(X509) *certificate = NULL; char *cert_file = NULL, *key_file; EVP_PKEY *private_key = NULL; FILE *f; cert_file = strdup(user_id); if (cert_file == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } key_file = strchr(cert_file, ','); if (key_file == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: key file missing"); ret = HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; goto out; } *key_file++ = '\0'; ret = load_openssl_cert(context, cert_file, &certificate); if (ret) goto out; /* load private key */ f = fopen(key_file, "r"); if (f == NULL) { ret = errno; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: open %s: %s", key_file, strerror(ret)); goto out; } if (password == NULL || password[0] == '\0') { if (prompter == NULL) prompter = krb5_prompter_posix; private_key = PEM_read_PrivateKey(f, NULL, ssl_pass_cb, prompter); } else private_key = PEM_read_PrivateKey(f, NULL, NULL, password); fclose(f); if (private_key == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Can't read private key"); ret = HEIM_PKINIT_PRIVATE_KEY_INVALID; goto out; } ret = X509_check_private_key(sk_X509_value(certificate, 0), private_key); if (ret != 1) { ret = HEIM_PKINIT_PRIVATE_KEY_INVALID; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: The private key doesn't match " "the public key certificate"); goto out; } id->private_key = private_key; id->cert = certificate; return 0; out: if (cert_file) free(cert_file); if (certificate) sk_X509_pop_free(certificate, X509_free); if (private_key) EVP_PKEY_free(private_key); return ret; } static int add_pair(krb5_context context, char *str, char ***cmds, int *num) { char **c; char *p; int i; p = strchr(str, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; p++; } /* filter out dup keys */ for (i = 0; i < *num; i++) if (strcmp((*cmds)[i * 2], str) == 0) return 0; c = realloc(*cmds, sizeof(*c) * ((*num + 1) * 2)); if (c == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } c[(*num * 2)] = str; c[(*num * 2) + 1] = p; *num += 1; *cmds = c; return 0; } static krb5_error_code eval_pairs(krb5_context context, ENGINE *e, const char *name, const char *type, char **cmds, int num) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { char *a1 = cmds[i * 2], *a2 = cmds[(i * 2) + 1]; if(!ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, a1, a2, 0)) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: Failed %scommand (%s - %s:%s): %s", type, name, a1, a2 ? a2 : "(NULL)", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; } } return 0; } struct engine_context { char **pre_cmds; char **post_cmds; int num_pre; int num_post; char *engine_name; char *cert_file; char *key_id; }; static krb5_error_code parse_openssl_engine_conf(krb5_context context, struct engine_context *ctx, char *line) { krb5_error_code ret; char *last, *p, *q; for (p = strtok_r(line, ",", &last); p != NULL; p = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &last)) { q = strchr(p, '='); if (q == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: openssl engine configuration " "key %s missing = and thus value", p); return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; } *q = '\0'; q++; if (strcasecmp("PRE", p) == 0) { ret = add_pair(context, q, &ctx->pre_cmds, &ctx->num_pre); if (ret) return ret; } else if (strcasecmp("POST", p) == 0) { ret = add_pair(context, q, &ctx->post_cmds, &ctx->num_post); if (ret) return ret; } else if (strcasecmp("KEY", p) == 0) { ctx->key_id = q; } else if (strcasecmp("CERT", p) == 0) { ctx->cert_file = q; } else if (strcasecmp("ENGINE", p) == 0) { ctx->engine_name = q; } else { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: openssl engine configuration " "key %s is unknown", p); return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; } } return 0; } static krb5_error_code load_openssl_engine(krb5_context context, char *password, krb5_prompter_fct prompter, void *prompter_data, const char *string, struct krb5_pk_identity *id) { struct engine_context ctx; krb5_error_code ret; const char *f; char *file_conf = NULL, *user_conf = NULL; ENGINE *e = NULL; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(); user_conf = strdup(string); if (user_conf == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } ret = parse_openssl_engine_conf(context, &ctx, user_conf); if (ret) goto out; f = krb5_config_get_string_default(context, NULL, NULL, "libdefaults", "pkinit-openssl-engine", NULL); if (f) { file_conf = strdup(f); if (file_conf) { ret = parse_openssl_engine_conf(context, &ctx, file_conf); if (ret) goto out; } } if (ctx.cert_file == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: openssl engine missing certificate"); ret = HEIM_PKINIT_NO_CERTIFICATE; goto out; } if (ctx.key_id == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: openssl engine missing key id"); ret = HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; goto out; } if (ctx.engine_name == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: openssl engine missing engine name"); ret = HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; goto out; } e = ENGINE_by_id(ctx.engine_name); if (e == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: failed getting openssl engine %s: %s", ctx.engine_name, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); ret = HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; goto out; } ret = eval_pairs(context, e, ctx.engine_name, "pre", ctx.pre_cmds, ctx.num_pre); if (ret) goto out; if(!ENGINE_init(e)) { ret = HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: openssl engine init %s failed: %s", ctx.engine_name, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); ENGINE_free(e); goto out; } ret = eval_pairs(context, e, ctx.engine_name, "post", ctx.post_cmds, ctx.num_post); if (ret) goto out; /* * If the engine supports a LOAD_CERT_CTRL function, lets try * it. OpenSC support this function. Eventially this should be * a ENGINE_load_cert function if it failes, treat it like a * non fatal error. */ { struct { const char * cert_id; X509 * cert; } parms; parms.cert_id = ctx.cert_file; parms.cert = NULL; ENGINE_ctrl_cmd(e, "LOAD_CERT_CTRL", 0, &parms, NULL, 1); if (parms.cert) { id->cert = sk_X509_new_null(); sk_X509_insert(id->cert, parms.cert, 0); } } if (id->cert == NULL) { ret = load_openssl_cert(context, ctx.cert_file, &id->cert); if (ret) goto out; } { UI_METHOD * krb5_ui_method = NULL; struct krb5_ui_data ui_data; krb5_ui_method = UI_create_method("Krb5 ui method"); if (krb5_ui_method == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: failed to setup prompter " "function: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); ret = HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; goto out; } UI_method_set_reader(krb5_ui_method, krb5_ui_method_read_string); ui_data.context = context; ui_data.prompter = prompter; if (prompter == NULL) ui_data.prompter = krb5_prompter_posix; ui_data.prompter_data = prompter_data; id->private_key = ENGINE_load_private_key(e, ctx.key_id, krb5_ui_method, (void*) &ui_data); UI_destroy_method(krb5_ui_method); } if (id->private_key == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: failed to load private key: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); ret = HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; goto out; } ret = X509_check_private_key(sk_X509_value(id->cert, 0), id->private_key); if (ret != 1) { ret = HEIM_PKINIT_PRIVATE_KEY_INVALID; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: The private key doesn't match " "the public key certificate"); goto out; } if (user_conf) free(user_conf); if (file_conf) free(file_conf); id->engine = e; return 0; out: if (user_conf) free(user_conf); if (file_conf) free(file_conf); if (e) { ENGINE_finish(e); /* make sure all shared libs are unloaded */ ENGINE_free(e); } return ret; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION _krb5_pk_load_openssl_id(krb5_context context, struct krb5_pk_identity **ret_id, const char *user_id, const char *x509_anchors, krb5_prompter_fct prompter, void *prompter_data, char *password) { STACK_OF(X509) *trusted_certs = NULL; struct krb5_pk_identity *id = NULL; krb5_error_code ret; struct dirent *file; char *dirname = NULL; DIR *dir; FILE *f; krb5_error_code (*load_pair)(krb5_context, char *, krb5_prompter_fct, void *, const char *, struct krb5_pk_identity *) = NULL; *ret_id = NULL; if (x509_anchors == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: No root ca directory given"); return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_VALID_CA; } if (user_id == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: No user X509 source given given"); return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY; } /* * */ if (strncasecmp(user_id, "FILE:", 5) == 0) { load_pair = load_openssl_file; user_id += 5; } else if (strncasecmp(user_id, "ENGINE:", 7) == 0) { load_pair = load_openssl_engine; user_id += 7; } else { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: user identity not FILE"); return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_CERTIFICATE; } if (strncasecmp(x509_anchors, "OPENSSL-ANCHOR-DIR:", 19) != 0) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: anchor OPENSSL-ANCHOR-DIR"); return HEIM_PKINIT_NO_VALID_CA; } x509_anchors += 19; id = malloc(sizeof(*id)); if (id == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } memset(id, 0, sizeof(*id)); OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); ERR_load_crypto_strings(); ret = (*load_pair)(context, password, prompter, prompter_data, user_id, id); if (ret) goto out; /* load anchors */ dirname = strdup(x509_anchors); if (dirname == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } { size_t len; len = strlen(dirname); if (dirname[len - 1] == '/') dirname[len - 1] = '\0'; } /* read ca certificates */ dir = opendir(dirname); if (dir == NULL) { ret = errno; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: open directory %s: %s", dirname, strerror(ret)); goto out; } trusted_certs = sk_X509_new_null(); while ((file = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { X509 *cert; char *filename; /* * Assume the certificate filenames constist of hashed subject * name followed by suffix ".0" */ if (strlen(file->d_name) == 10 && strcmp(&file->d_name[8],".0") == 0) { asprintf(&filename, "%s/%s", dirname, file->d_name); if (filename == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out or memory"); goto out; } f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) { ret = errno; krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: open %s: %s", filename, strerror(ret)); free(filename); closedir(dir); goto out; } cert = PEM_read_X509(f, NULL, NULL, NULL); fclose(f); if (cert != NULL) { /* order of the certs is not important */ sk_X509_push(trusted_certs, cert); } free(filename); } } closedir(dir); if (sk_X509_num(trusted_certs) == 0) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: No CA certificate(s) found in %s", dirname); ret = HEIM_PKINIT_NO_VALID_CA; goto out; } id->trusted_certs = trusted_certs; *ret_id = id; return 0; out: if (dirname) free(dirname); if (trusted_certs) sk_X509_pop_free(trusted_certs, X509_free); if (id) { if (id->cert) sk_X509_pop_free(id->cert, X509_free); if (id->private_key) EVP_PKEY_free(id->private_key); free(id); } return ret; } static krb5_error_code select_dh_group(krb5_context context, DH *dh, unsigned long bits, struct krb5_dh_moduli **moduli) { const struct krb5_dh_moduli *m; m = moduli[1]; /* XXX */ if (m == NULL) m = moduli[0]; /* XXX */ dh->p = integer_to_BN(context, "p", &m->p); if (dh->p == NULL) return ENOMEM; dh->g = integer_to_BN(context, "g", &m->g); if (dh->g == NULL) return ENOMEM; dh->q = integer_to_BN(context, "q", &m->q); if (dh->q == NULL) return ENOMEM; return 0; } #endif /* PKINIT */ static int parse_integer(krb5_context context, char **p, const char *file, int lineno, const char *name, heim_integer *integer) { int ret; char *p1; p1 = strsep(p, " \t"); if (p1 == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "moduli file %s missing %s on line %d", file, name, lineno); return EINVAL; } ret = der_parse_hex_heim_integer(p1, integer); if (ret) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "moduli file %s failed parsing %s " "on line %d", file, name, lineno); return ret; } return 0; } krb5_error_code _krb5_parse_moduli_line(krb5_context context, const char *file, int lineno, char *p, struct krb5_dh_moduli **m) { struct krb5_dh_moduli *m1; char *p1; int ret; *m = NULL; m1 = calloc(1, sizeof(*m1)); if (m1 == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc - out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; if (*p == '#') return 0; ret = EINVAL; p1 = strsep(&p, " \t"); if (p1 == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "moduli file %s missing name " "on line %d", file, lineno); goto out; } m1->name = strdup(p1); if (p1 == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc - out of memeory"); ret = ENOMEM; goto out; } p1 = strsep(&p, " \t"); if (p1 == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "moduli file %s missing bits on line %d", file, lineno); goto out; } m1->bits = atoi(p1); if (m1->bits == 0) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "moduli file %s have un-parsable " "bits on line %d", file, lineno); goto out; } ret = parse_integer(context, &p, file, lineno, "p", &m1->p); if (ret) goto out; ret = parse_integer(context, &p, file, lineno, "g", &m1->g); if (ret) goto out; ret = parse_integer(context, &p, file, lineno, "q", &m1->q); if (ret) goto out; *m = m1; return 0; out: free(m1->name); free_heim_integer(&m1->p); free_heim_integer(&m1->g); free_heim_integer(&m1->q); free(m1); return ret; } void _krb5_free_moduli(struct krb5_dh_moduli **moduli) { int i; for (i = 0; moduli[i] != NULL; i++) { free(moduli[i]->name); free_heim_integer(&moduli[i]->p); free_heim_integer(&moduli[i]->g); free_heim_integer(&moduli[i]->q); free(moduli[i]); } free(moduli); } static const char *default_moduli = /* name */ "RFC2412-MODP-group2 " /* bits */ "1024 " /* p */ "FFFFFFFF" "FFFFFFFF" "C90FDAA2" "2168C234" "C4C6628B" "80DC1CD1" "29024E08" "8A67CC74" "020BBEA6" "3B139B22" "514A0879" "8E3404DD" "EF9519B3" "CD3A431B" "302B0A6D" "F25F1437" "4FE1356D" "6D51C245" "E485B576" "625E7EC6" "F44C42E9" "A637ED6B" "0BFF5CB6" "F406B7ED" "EE386BFB" "5A899FA5" "AE9F2411" "7C4B1FE6" "49286651" "ECE65381" "FFFFFFFF" "FFFFFFFF " /* g */ "02 " /* q */ "7FFFFFFF" "FFFFFFFF" "E487ED51" "10B4611A" "62633145" "C06E0E68" "94812704" "4533E63A" "0105DF53" "1D89CD91" "28A5043C" "C71A026E" "F7CA8CD9" "E69D218D" "98158536" "F92F8A1B" "A7F09AB6" "B6A8E122" "F242DABB" "312F3F63" "7A262174" "D31BF6B5" "85FFAE5B" "7A035BF6" "F71C35FD" "AD44CFD2" "D74F9208" "BE258FF3" "24943328" "F67329C0" "FFFFFFFF" "FFFFFFFF"; krb5_error_code _krb5_parse_moduli(krb5_context context, const char *file, struct krb5_dh_moduli ***moduli) { /* name bits P G Q */ krb5_error_code ret; struct krb5_dh_moduli **m = NULL, **m2; char buf[4096]; FILE *f; int lineno = 0, n = 0; *moduli = NULL; m = calloc(1, sizeof(m[0]) * 2); if (m == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } strlcpy(buf, default_moduli, sizeof(buf)); ret = _krb5_parse_moduli_line(context, "builtin", 1, buf, &m[0]); if (ret) { _krb5_free_moduli(m); return ret; } n = 1; if (file == NULL) file = MODULI_FILE; f = fopen(file, "r"); if (f == NULL) { *moduli = m; return 0; } while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f) != NULL) { struct krb5_dh_moduli *element; buf[strcspn(buf, "\n")] = '\0'; lineno++; m2 = realloc(m, (n + 2) * sizeof(m[0])); if (m2 == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); _krb5_free_moduli(m); return ENOMEM; } m = m2; m[n] = NULL; ret = _krb5_parse_moduli_line(context, file, lineno, buf, &element); if (ret) { _krb5_free_moduli(m); return ret; } if (element == NULL) continue; m[n] = element; m[n + 1] = NULL; n++; } *moduli = m; return 0; } krb5_error_code _krb5_dh_group_ok(krb5_context context, unsigned long bits, heim_integer *p, heim_integer *g, heim_integer *q, struct krb5_dh_moduli **moduli, char **name) { int i; if (name) *name = NULL; for (i = 0; moduli[i] != NULL; i++) { if (heim_integer_cmp(&moduli[i]->g, g) == 0 && heim_integer_cmp(&moduli[i]->p, p) == 0 && (q == NULL || heim_integer_cmp(&moduli[i]->q, q) == 0)) { if (bits && bits > moduli[i]->bits) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: DH group parameter %s " "no accepted, not enough bits generated", moduli[i]->name); return KRB5_KDC_ERR_DH_KEY_PARAMETERS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } if (name) *name = strdup(moduli[i]->name); return 0; } } krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: DH group parameter no ok"); return KRB5_KDC_ERR_DH_KEY_PARAMETERS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } void KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION _krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free_pkinit(krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt) { #ifdef PKINIT krb5_pk_init_ctx ctx; if (opt->opt_private == NULL || opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx == NULL) return; ctx = opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx; if (ctx->dh) DH_free(ctx->dh); ctx->dh = NULL; if (ctx->id) { if (ctx->id->cert) sk_X509_pop_free(ctx->id->cert, X509_free); if (ctx->id->trusted_certs) sk_X509_pop_free(ctx->id->trusted_certs, X509_free); if (ctx->id->private_key) EVP_PKEY_free(ctx->id->private_key); if (ctx->id->engine) { ENGINE_finish(ctx->id->engine); /* unload shared libs etc */ ENGINE_free(ctx->id->engine); ctx->id->engine = NULL; } if (ctx->clientDHNonce) { krb5_free_data(NULL, ctx->clientDHNonce); ctx->clientDHNonce = NULL; } if (ctx->m) _krb5_free_moduli(ctx->m); free(ctx->id); ctx->id = NULL; } opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx = NULL; #endif } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_pkinit(krb5_context context, krb5_get_init_creds_opt *opt, krb5_principal principal, const char *user_id, const char *x509_anchors, int flags, krb5_prompter_fct prompter, void *prompter_data, char *password) { #ifdef PKINIT krb5_error_code ret; if (opt->opt_private == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "PKINIT: on non extendable opt"); return EINVAL; } opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx)); if (opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); return ENOMEM; } opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->dh = NULL; opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->id = NULL; opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->clientDHNonce = NULL; opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->require_binding = 0; ret = _krb5_pk_load_openssl_id(context, &opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->id, user_id, x509_anchors, prompter, prompter_data, password); if (ret) { free(opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx); opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx = NULL; return ret; } if ((flags & 2) == 0) { const char *moduli_file; moduli_file = krb5_config_get_string(context, NULL, "libdefaults", "moduli", NULL); ret = _krb5_parse_moduli(context, moduli_file, &opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->m); if (ret) { _krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free_pkinit(opt); return ret; } opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->dh = DH_new(); if (opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->dh == NULL) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); _krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free_pkinit(opt); return ENOMEM; } ret = select_dh_group(context, opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->dh, 0, opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->m); if (ret) { _krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free_pkinit(opt); return ret; } if (DH_generate_key(opt->opt_private->pk_init_ctx->dh) != 1) { krb5_set_error_string(context, "malloc: out of memory"); _krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free_pkinit(opt); return ENOMEM; } } return 0; #else krb5_set_error_string(context, "no support for PKINIT compiled in"); return EINVAL; #endif }